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Comments on "On the Street....Black + White = Grey"
Full length please!
He looks great with his hair naturally grey- I wish I would be so bold! Are those Ray Bans that he is wearing?
how handsome..love this shot, very personal.
nice wayfarer!more ideas for awesome glasses?¡
Wow. He looks exactly what I would want my husband to look like when we're both older.
I'd like to see the essence of this look on a woman. On the right woman it could work so well, even though it is so quintessentially masculine.
I just got some new glasses like these. They seem to be the same style as the girl in green a few days ago. I felt I was going out on a limb with them, but these posts make me feel better about my (gasp) bifocals.
where was this picture taken?
one good reason to be grey - makes you ageless - any ideas on how the hair is kept back?
I'm in love!
I want to have a coffee and ciggies with him!!!
Thank you for the beautiful and inspiring pictures on your blog.
love the ray rays as eyeglasses
This picture is great. I love the glasses with the hair.
I hope to look that good when I go grey.
pretty guy!
Very beautiful, the coat is woooooo
Nice coat and specs, inviting beard and lovely warm coat. I like winter.
Love that watch. It tops it off perfectly.
yeah. beautiful.
gray hair is fabulous if you wear it right ;)
Um, Yes.
talent for the guys who are white.
As one of the yellows, difficult for me to find such balance between the clothing, skin, and hair.
I like his glasses. Very handsome. Love the coat too!
Not exactly an exciting response to mid-winter is it?
But it says "adult" and "responsible" very clearly.
This guy looks like a distinguished uncle. I love his coat too, and I agree with Anonymous that a full-length photo would be great.
This picture has very good looking jacket he is wearing. It looks like a cold morning and he is warm while hiding his stylish wardrobe he plans to expose when he reaches his destination.
I love this look, and I feel this encapsulates what it means to be style conscious.
Love the hair! (and the glasses and coat and...)
So cool.
I've always disliked guys who try to dress too 'young' and guys who dye their hair - they always look like they're wearing a wig to me.
Erm....my inner nerd revealed but, hey Sawyer!
(I know it's not him, but come on)
His peppery tweed coat enhanses his grey hair.
there is something very intriguing & sexy about long grey hair (on a man or a woman), especially when its worn with style like this.
Im feeling this
I've been searching for this coat! Where can I find one for my husband?
Very interesting looking man!
very tasty glasses!
Love the glasses too!
love the look so far?
Lovely details—watch, wisps of gray hair around his face, scarf. Glasses, but also think they're maybe slightly too large. Just a quibble. This is a lovely man.
Nice, I just ordered these glasses the other day!
where does one pick up a pair of glasses like his. i live in london, uk but cannot find them anywhere! i can see they are ray-band wayfers but r there any other brands which are better/comparable?
I love the lighting in your pictures, how do you get it so beautiful?
Take one gray-haired man, dress him in black, clothe him in confidence to create majesty.
This man reminds me of my grandfather, who had the same sort of presence. When I was very young, I thought he was God. Of course, he scared the hell out of me.
An American in Paris?
Very very Cool.. Love the watch:-)
love the all black, especially the wayfarers. the silver hair and watch bezel give the perfect pop. you can tell this man has very good quality hair. --CAL
yea i concur...i need the full length...
Veddy, veddy nice.
Not trying too hard. Just right.
I'm all for monochromatic, it is timeless, but this is just awesome:
(PS - is that the Pantone color of the year "Mimosa?")
I love this whole series of Grey you have been showing us.
I love this look, and I like the Wayfarer frames used for spectacles.
He has a special allure...
I wear those same glasses. Now if only I could get this look!
what a gorgeous man
great face, nice hair and beard spiced up by the specs. this works for me. a small request would be to give me more ethnic in euro style.
He is sooooo attractive! I am in love.
And where is this?
Beautiful coat. Silver fox.
Well, this guy is officially the coolest-looking person I've ever seen.
Amazing...he's not smoking.
I don't seem to me that he is actually that old - apart from the grey hair, nothing about him suggests it. Some people's hair just turns grey fairly early.
nice picture. I really mean it!
I think everybody looks beautifull in your photos no matter what. It`s actually amazing!
who is this man? I want his phone number hahaahah
I'm not feeling it. Hair messily pulled into a pony tail, Buddy Holly specs, and a gray coat buttoned all the way up? He doesn't look bad, but he's not particularly noteworthy here. But I like the building in the background and the composition of the photo.
Casual chic, love the watch he's wearing, too.
I agree... apart for the awsome grey hair, he doesn´t look old at all!!!
he's gorgeous.
maybe he's got a son? ;)
So very charming. He is elegant and understated.
He's very hansome but the wayfarers are so played out.
Wow! I love the glasses. :)
Hey, Scott, how about a shout-out to Updike (R.I.P.)? Dude had style back in the day.
he looks great
charcoal is so underrated
There is something so attractive about this men, that age quickly fades in the distance.
simple beauty
The wayfarers are a great way to keep the grey hair and coat from being to sober while retaining maturity and the whole classic look.
He looks powerful and enlightened.
Doug, if you looking for a style like this of glasses in london, there is a great shop in covent garden area, on the long acre street.
talk about sliver fox!
its great to see that older men dont give up on their looks and apperance. i only wish i could look this handsome when im older.
i would love to meet a man like that. he looks very interesting.
also, i have those glasses.
Very handsome...
Never thougt of rayban that way before
Oh my.. How natural and wild he is..
wow...a beautiful man!
He looks like an old boyfriend of mine! Rawr.
that coat is fantastic and the glasses..wow
Brilliant glasses.
my art teacher keeps his hair grey, and it looks great. he can wear all kinds of colors(pink and orange constantly) and darker shades of grey always look cool with it.
I absolutely agree- he is a handsome man. Hmmm..
The charcoal gray suits him well.
Please marry me sir.
I like his look very much.
I want him as my lovely husband!)
He looks so god with the gray hair, wow! Those glasses are just amazing!
Masculine, chic, and and untamed. This is what a man his age should look like like- at least in my dreams they do!-. Love the hair, love the coat and the retro watch. Pure personality.
He is absolutely stunning. A beautiful photograph.
This Time Now
Well, he's just way hot. He's got that effortless quality that people spend hours trying to replicate.
Mine are Jean LaFont, a French brand, and the model is called Tibere in their retro line.
These glasses (Ray Ban's Wayfarer) organise entire look which is just perfect;-)
Hi look like an polish actor Michal Zebrowski
Hi look like an polish actor Michal Zebrowski
A grayer "Sawyer", definitely! And how charming is he?
he looks like an older josh holloway from lost
He looks amasing....put together....yet was not his major focus
awesome vintage and "new" vintage glasses - great service and awesome prices: optometristattic.com - check it out. the guy running it is super cool and great to deal with. he's got lots of dead stock and new stock. Try the Criss Yank or Apollos if you want really tough glasses - I drop my Apollos daily and they've barely got a scratch. Enjoy.
perfection.. gorgeous man, i'm swooning :)
love those wayfarers and his grey hair! i would love my husband to look like him!
Handsome man. With a different haircut, no facial hair and no glasses he would probably look 10 years younger.
He looks so sexy
grey long hair is so sexy!!!!! ^^
and his glasses!
He the sexiest guy i have ever seen in that blog!!!!!!!!
striking!!! grey/gray is my current favourite shade!!
he is just so perfect.
Sooo captivating!!!
I can't believe it!
Why havn't we met?...yet.
Are you married or unavailable?
Anne from Sweden.
Classic look of the old rebel!Wayfarer Sun Glasses,coat and his thinking eyes!Men from the dream!
He looks very much like Sawyer from ABC's "Lost" its crazy! Very handsome :)
He is absolutely beautiful..
salt and pepper hair never looked this good. the face is a plus too. my kind of guy. :-)
do you know where i can contact him?
Simple yet so smart..
i love it!! the grey and black contrast..
a little bit Ringo. i am in love with this photo and this man!
He looks so handsomeee!! His hair are wonderful...and his glasses too!! He's very very hot...I love him!!!!
Mo domè...ma p piacer!!!!
Some men just know they created the world. I could ease up and ask about his mind, just to see.
those glasses...inextricable from Johnny Depp's image in Secret window. nice salt n' peppa.