Pajamas - The Real Eveningwear

So, I just turned 41, and recently bought my first pair of real pajamas.
I guess I was always wearing sweats, or lounge pants, or knit shorts and a simple tee to bed. I had never put much thought into my sleepwear. However, I began to reconsider my nocturnal strategy once I began staying in nicer hotels in Milan and Paris. I often work on my laptop in bed while traveling, and I had begun to feel that the hotel bed was dressed better than me!
It didn't take me long to find the pair above at Brooks Brothers for around $80 (on sale now for about $60). I love them, and I finally feel as chic as my bed in Milan. However, I worry that I might be sliding down that slippery slope to fuddy-duddyism. So I have a question to the ladies in the audience (I think the men in the audience will carefully consider your answers).
What do you want to see your man wearing to bed at night? (don't say a naughty grin, that wouldn't be fair)
The other downside of this pj purchase is the fact that my sartorialism might be getting out of hand.
I recently found myself checking old movies to see what length the shirt on a pair of pj's should be. There is a great scene in The Philadelphia Story (scene 18 on my DVD) when Cary Grant answers the door, to a drunk Jimmy Stewart, while wearing a great pair of pj's. I mean if you are going to look for inspiration on how something should fit then why not go to the master. I am now struggling with the choice of either marking the alterations on the pj shirt myself at home, or do I take them to the tailor and have them marked there. I am not looking forward to walking out of the dressing room in my pj's.
In related news...

I don't know why I think it is so funny, but whenever I wear a terrycloth robe in a hotel I have to put a wash cloth in the chestpocket - like a little matching terrycloth pocket square. I know it's just plain silly, but I can't help it. At least the waiters who deliver room service in Milan always seem to get a chuckle out of it.
Comments on "Pajamas - The Real Eveningwear"
Is this really such a big deal, the pj's?? Well, I'd rather take my man to bed in t-shirt & boxers.
My favorite pair of pajamas for men is one that has a top that looks adorable on me, while the bottom looks good on him. (My film reference would be June Allyson and Dick Powell, but I forget the film).
honestly, i would much rather a guy be concerned with what's underneath his pjs, and take good care of himself so that all he needs to sleep in are a nice pair of boxer briefs.. and me!
I personally don't mind what a guy wears—as long as it's not the same as me. ie: like a night slip, or flower pjs.
I am currently on the quest for a nice set of jammies for my dearest to wear to bed, it was actually his request. No fuddy business here- I would love to see some smart looking PJ's crawling into my bed!
Keep on taking it to the next level!
I hope you're kidding about having your pajamas tailored. I love your blog, but I'm a little scared for you right now!
I love a man in lounge pants and a fitted V-neck tee, but I'm not 40 yet and my taste for masculine sleepwear might change later.
I love my man in a tight fitting short sleeve tee shirt and pajama bottoms. I love seeing his biceps peeking from beneath the sleeve and the tighter fitting tee shows off his pecs - sexy!!
Sweats, lounge pants and simple Ts
are BIG NO-NOs .
Unless you are in the wilderness sleeping under a tree.
Pajamas look great out of bed,sitting in bed and lying on the bed.
But are they really comfortable in bed ?
If you turn around under the cover
you actually turn around in the pj´s and end up wearing a straight jacket.Sort of. Am I wrong about this ?
Wearing PJs in bed never appealed to me. I can't imagine how anything with buttons, a collar and pants could be comfortable to sleep in. Around the house is fine, but I'm far away from the 40 mark so I'll stick with the fleece pants/tee combo, and in bed, it's only underwear.
Well, honestly, I hadn't really given it a thought until you posted this question; however, I would have to say that seeing a man in pj's is actually very nice. First,when I see my man in his pj's it gives me this feeling that he still has this "boy" inside him. The boy that wore his pj's around the house and was sweet to his mother and brushed his teeth before bed. In other words, it gives me a feeling that deep down, he is a good person. Second, it makes me feel that he cares about himself enough to wear something that he has given thought to, which is also a really good feeling. Having said that, I think you should be happy with your choice. Enjoy your pj's!
I personally love guys in pajamas! I think they are really cute and have bought my brother some Brooks Brothers ones in the past. It's also cute for a girl to wear men's pajamas or at least men's pajama pants with a fitted top. If you're sleeping in nice sheets you should have the pajamas to match. Bedhead also makes good ones.
It's a good way to show subtle that you really do know how to dress and pay attention to details as a man.
Okay...I love you. You are just adorable. (Petting on the head) Seriously, you are obsessed, I will say, but there are far worse things to obsess over than the correct length of the PJ top. And that pocket square is...oh my god.
May the fashion god have mercy on your soul. Frankly I think the PJ is a bit too 'trying too hard' to be truly chic. There is something to be said about effortless fashion, whether in or out of bed. But for you...I think it's just right, Mr. Sartorialist. Just because you are you, you get a pass.
I'm not very particular, and of course body type does matter. Some men should wear briefs to bed and some shouldn't, bottom line. But I think a man in a smart pair of pajamas would be very sensually pleasing no matter what his body type. He prepares for his nighttime ablutions and and is probably rather sophisticated and I always think a guy in pajamas probably smells good. Something about "getting dressed for bed", he pampers himself and really puts some thought into himself.
My partner sleeps only in his boxers, and I like it that way. At the end of the day, no garment could be as comforting to snuggle up to as his bare skin.
I love a man in pajamas but a light weight cashmere sweater and boxers can be stylish and cozy too. I'm not into the t-shirt/pants lounge wear thing that is everywhere...that feels very fuddy-duddy and screams "mall of america" to me. The washcloth in the pocket is funny and you know what being playful can lead to....
A lady in the audience answering Sart's question posed: a man is most becoming in pajama pants sans any shirt or tee - if he's torso svelte; if he's not modelesque then pj pants and shirt top 2 buttons undone (or tee). Nothing sexier than a man with nice cut pj pants easily hugging those man hips -- Heeavennnn! :-)
Tight boxers - no shirt. Sometimes a well-fitting wife-beater can be sexy. PJs not so much. Sorry.
OMG that terrycloth pocket square, Sart. You're hilarious.
Proper pajamas (for men and women)are a must if you travel frequently. There have been many occasions when I have either been locked out of my room or answered the door for room service and being attired appropriately has saved me embarrassment. As for being at home... anything goes, but I love my husband in his pajamas- he looks smashing.
You are too much! I got a great chuckle over your washcloth pocket square.
I think your pajamas look dapper. I guess I don't have a real preference for what my man wears to bed, it should just be something that suits him and that smells good and feels good.
Sue R.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a nice pair of PJs, especially in nice soft fabrics. If we like to feel it against our own skin, why wouldn't we love it against yours? Especially in winter, I doubt there's anything comfier.
That is so cute!
I love the pajamas. I get that for the actual sleeping part of the night you might get tangled, but there's no reason you can't slip out of the top and under the covers when that portion of the night happens.
I think that as long as they're not ratty and they're well fitting, then whatever you're comfortable in is best.
Currently, I like my husband in soft pajamas that are cozy to snuggle against. After all, it's Winter.
As for the washcloth-cum-pocket square = excellent. Whimsical and marvelous. Love it.
I'm happy with my adidas jogging pants and an old shirt from Spain saying: "Push the pedal to the metal".
But it's great to know about these pj's. I think i'm gonna ask one for x-mas.
Nice words, Scott.
I'm a woman and I like classic pajamas! I wear them myself. At first I bought men's pajamas, but lately I buy women's. Several drawers full, in fact. (My man does not own any, but would like some in organic cotton.)
On the subject of men in pajamas, I understand your concerns...but, I remember a scene in Mad Men where Don Draper is about to go to bed, and of course he has on pajamas. He only buttoned one button of the top. Sexy.
I think the pajama pants can look good with a plain t-shirt, too.
PS Love the terry pocket square!
if you are willing to let your sleepwear get sloppy and unappealing you will be willing to let your day and night wear get sloppy and unappealing.
caring about your PJs is not taking it too far by any means, it just shows that you are ALWAYS fashion conscious. who knows when you will be forced outside into the street for some reason in the middle of the night. do you not want to be the best dressed in any occasion?
cheers Sartorialist, carry on.
okay, i never comments, but since you asked... if you're going to be walking around/seen, then i like just pajama pants with a plain white T. when it's time to go to sleep, i prefer just boxers - no shirt.
Lot of girls on here talking about body type....and we thought you liked us for our personality and wit!
I've been following and enjoying your blog for a while now.
I, personally, think that people should wear pajamas. That being said, I am a seamstress that makes custom pajamas.
I would be glad to do the alterations for you. I think that you are in NYC. The link goes to my website, where there is contact information for me.
--Melissa JOy
guy sweatpants are never ok!
The washcloth pocket square is whimsical, right down my alley. Practical, too, in case you spill your water or something.
Bedwear - I do like nice cotton pajamas like the ones you pictured from Brooks Brothers. They are modest, comfy, and if they are well-made, trim and tidy looking. Silk is nice, too.
I just bought my husband an expensive cashmere robe for Christmas. It's lined in silk, has three pockets on the outside and one on the inside, like a jacket. Not sure what that is for. I hope he likes it because it is really an investment piece.
I have bought my guy some nice Dior pj's (he's 42) but he says he feels dorky wearing both the top and bottoms together as a suit. He wears the bottoms - I don't know what happened to the top - with a t-shirt.
The same kind of thing happened with the wonderful vintage silk robe/smoking jacket. I thought we would lounge around weekend mornings in our fine vintage-wear (I have a closet full of vintage gowns and robes) sipping coffee and reading the paper. The reality is that my guy says he's worried about spilling coffee or breakfast on the vintage robe and he points out it doesn't really lend itself to roughhousing with our 3-year old.
So I sit lounging in lovely silk gowns and robes and my guys roughhouse in pj/sweats combos. *Sigh*
Whatever a gentleman chooses for sleepwear, the fabric should be lovely to snuggle up against.
I like the idea of PJ's in a hotel or bed & breakfast especially. Maybe not something I would actually sleep in though in a personal living space.
I do have a pair of seersucker pajama bottoms that I wear in the summer. Looks great with a white tee. Would be perfect for a beach house.
a fitted cotton v neck and a pair of lounge pants is ideal. Just don't wear the same thing you have been wearing throughout the day.
Ahhhh, yeeees.... finally.
The only thing better than a man wearing the classic PJ's to bed would be to have a contrasting shawl collared robe to swish around in while mixing up a little Bourbon over ice before retiring for the evening. Being a woman, I've often looked for such an ensemble for myself having often seen it in old black and white movies. Trips to Bergdorf Goodman's men's department, you won't find them. You'll find the PJ's but not the robe. Or you'll find the robe but not the PJ's... No designer/buyer seems to look at them as a set purchase anymore. sigh...tsk! And the women's version of it will NEVER do. But hmmm.. I bet Charvet in London could whip up a fantastic pair!
I feel that it is completely subjective. I can see the comment about the little boy aspect. I think it shows a certain sophistication, a maturity if you will. A young man will most likely sport just the bottoms, a man includes an open top, a gentleman all buttoned up and ready for the fire alarm to sound. Each appropriate and each attractive.
Being alive means that you are the star in your own movie, so why not pay attention to the set and wardrobe? Brooks Brothers is an excellent choice, but tailor them with caution or suffer the tell-tale mismatching of stripes. Also I recommend a prewash before you do the markup.
As to the terry pocket square...that is truly star treatment. You never cease to amaze me.
pjs are cute...but i want to sleep with my bf in boxer-briefs (those american apparel ones are so sleek...) if anything at all...
proper pajamas for traveling, always. a robe and slippers, too, if possible.
I don't have a problem with formal matching pj sets, except that seem a little overdone for someone like me. I'm a big fan of my husband's fitted plain white t-shirts and assortment of jammy pants. He always looks adorable, and he feels comfortable. And since comfort is the most important part...
The thing about pajamas--they can be spectacular, or a total mess. It all depends upon the fabric content. One hundred percent cotton or silk look great in the evening, and are very comfortable for sleeping. Here comes the "but". But in the morning, they're--and consequently you--are a wrinkled mess. Knowing that you're a certified sartorialist, you might want to take that into consideration and look for something like a blend of bamboo and cotton, or a micromodal fabric with a little elastine in it. And by all means, the shirt should be no longer than the top of your hips, lest you look stumpy legged.
Oh, and my personal preference is for a mandarin-type collar on the shirt, with at least two buttons undone. A regular shirt collar looks somehow childish, in my estimation.
I prefer my man in boxer briefs but pajamas are also adorable.
Especially really luxe ones...then I feel great wearing them too!
I think that what a man wears for bed should change according to their age. When your younger, go for shorts or something like that because... let's face it... your body will never be as good as it is now (was back then). As you grow older, maybe 'older' sleepwear. A good pair of stripped pj's looks god on pretty much every single man. Or married man.
But ultimatly, and as you are now in your 40's, pj should look respectable. I don't know why, but I think that men look good in blue pj's.
Philadelphia Story has some great sartorial moments, no?
For bed - no track pants. No no no. Lounge pants? Meh. I like the simple pajama pant and, if the man is in good shape, an American Apparel tee works very well indeed. If not in tippy-top condition, the pajama top will suffice but lacks a certain je ne sais quoi? I prefer them to be dark in colour myself with a fairly-closely matched robe. Leather slippers.
Love the eyeglasses tucked into the pocket.
No, hem the shirt etc. yourself. You can do this quite simply and easily and need not bother a tailor with it. Besides, it shows a dashing level of self-sufficiency. I'm quite sure Cary Grant was handy with a needle and thread.
Love your work - particularly the well-tailored men. I love menswear for women - it's such a wonderful look. So much inspiration available.
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
Certainly PJs are so nice to undress. I like to open the string belt and the buttons. The color should be matching the mans eyes and the material as silky as possible. Classic models are always in style. I am a lady of 59 years.
You didn't ask, but that terry pocket square idea is a total panic. You just brightened up my day.
I really love PJ's just like you pictured. But they have to be pima or Egyptian cotton (no flannel please) and the bottoms must be a little bit long so that they crumple with slippers.
The shirt is not as important. Sometimes the pj shirt works, but other nights a plain white or black t (not to big) is just as nice :)
And no work out shorts please.
There's just something about the phrase "proper pajamas" (which a previous poster used) that just . . . doesn't . . . connect. This sort of reminds me of your sweatpant question, which I refrained from answering because I couldn't think of enough ways to say "pretentious" and "levels of absurdity that discourage many from entering the fashion world." There's really a point where fashion (and ostentation) has to end and practicality has to kick in. PJs should be comfortable. They should be appropriate to whatever temperature your locale reaches at night.
My personal favorite for men is pajama bottoms or boxer shorts (depending on the weather) with a soft T-shirt. I know guys would never think of this, but girls have long hair, and I HAVE gotten it tangled in the buttons closing my duvet cover, so I'd probably be afraid of getting my hair caught in a guy's buttons if he wore a button-down shirt to bed. I kid you not. Plus, I know as someone who always sleeps on her stomach, it seems uncomfortable to sleep in a shirt with buttons.
Why are only girls answering this question. Naughty answers aside, don't we get to know what men would like us sleeping in?
ha that pocket square... you're too cute.
i imagine you are extremely handsome in those pjs and that they do not rob you of any necessary assertiveness.
just boxers please
I think it's important to look good when you go to bed with your signifigant other. When your in your 20's and 30's that may mean just underwear. But as you get a little older you might want to make a little more effort - and pajamas are a nice, elegant way to look good and let your partner know you still care to make some effort.
to me it all depends if you are sleeping alone or with someone else. if alone, PJs are good and cozy and look cute, but if there's someone else there, don't they get a bit hot? in that case, good boxers all the way!
also, the terry cloth pocket square is truly hilarious. i can just image the waiter's look :)
PJ's are just another thing for me to wash. I sleep in short boxer briefs and no shirt. I've never had any complaints with anyone who happens to be next to me. That pocket square is pretty funny. I predict that your next entry will be that you steam the wrinkles out of your boxers.
You are a funny guy Sartorialist. How would i make it throught my working hours if you did not exist?
i love men in classical pj's and i don't think it's that strange or trying too hard. I also love checked or silk dressing gowns.
and i'm 30.
I think us guys in tailored PJs is def. a good look! If I could afford them, I so would buy some from Brooks Brothers, even if I'm not 40. Fresh is Fresh!
As I don't have classes on Thursdays, I'm still in my PJs which consist of Aeropostale fleece pants (black with little stitched skulls on them) and a white t-shirt.
Keep is simple, keep it gangsta
I'm a woman and wear men's-style pajamas to bed, and my husband doesn't object. And, doesn't Julian Schnabel wear them most of the time? :) (Tho he is not my idea of sexy...)
I think with Cary Grant as your guide, you can't go wrong. Now, if Fred Astaire was your pj guide, perhaps. I love him, but that does smack of fuddy-duddy, at least with sleepwear (see Easter Parade...)
I love seeing my boy in just PJ bottoms or boxers, but our flat is really cold so he normally needs to wear a top - he usually goes for a random T-shirt he doesn't like enough to wear in public, but I would really rather he matched it to his bottoms. I think PJs look better on a slightly older man personally (we are 25).
I'm being totally hypocritical though really as I wear brushed cotton PJs to bed myself in the winter (sometimes with socks, I confess), purely for warmth. The best I can manage in those is 'cute' I think, definitely not sexy!
Mr. S~
This is taking it to the next level! I always adore seeing my love climb in next to me in nothing more than his sweet striped boxer briefs. However, when we are lounging about, there is nothing better than soft flannel to lay my head against. Dark grey striped flannel fitted jams are as good as it gets!The cozier you are, the more we want to spoon you!
I wasn't going to share this, but then the wash cloth pocket square? Wow.
I’m not sure I’d love this look on any man, but on my husband this is my absolute favorite: long johns. Hear me out. It’s specifically a black thermal shirt paired with this certain pair of chocolate brown thermal pants (with black cuffs, black piping, and a black elastic waist band). I love it. It showcases his personality (as well as his great body), and the whole look is somehow manly and utilitarian, fun and flirty, warm and cuddly – all at the same time. Just like him.
Unfortunately, the temperature averages around 75 degrees year round here, thus, I don’t get to see this look very often. (Tear.)
However, the summer time boxer-briefs ("Mangerie" as I call them) are always good!
I think the bottoms from brook brothers are great. When you're at a hotel I would add the top, but at home a wife beater, or just topless seems more comfortable. I find linen is the actually the best thing to sleep in. I have an oversized linen tunic from Banana Republic that I use and it's great.
I think it's a fantastic idea to get some, Sart! They're old world elegant. I would guess a man was intelligent and sophisticated if he were wearing them. Like glasses- in a way. And, also occasionally wear NICE boxers, or those boxer-briefs with a tight white T. Mix it up! After all- it's only CLOTHING! (Akin to saying "it's only AIR!")
I own two pair of Brooks Brothers pj's (one flannel, one cotton) and I think they're one of the better purchases I've made.
As a man, I'll take The Bride's advice:
"My favorite pair of pajamas for men is one that has a top that looks adorable on me, while the bottom looks good on him."
Because it turns me on seeing a woman wearing nothing but my t-shirt on. (like some song I heard somewhere)
I guess that comment said a lot to me. But I don't know if that'll work for a hotel hallway.
I wear men's Brooks Brothers flannel pjs that I've had since college. They never wear out, and are perennial favorites.
Oh Sart, You leave me speechless..
just boxer shorts will always be my fave (and an old t-shirt on top if cold)
I think the pj pants are a must have in any man's wardrobe, because of the effect they carry in the bed and out. The have a social history from the movie to the dorms of universities everywhere. The shirts however are more carry a more straitlaced, stricter feel and can make the man feel a little to old school, to forced. I say a pair of pj bottom and a nice soft white t-shirt. Or of you've got the form and figure no shirt at all.
Boxerbriefs :o)
Aside from that, you can pretty much wear anything as long as you keep this hierarchy in mind:
If getting dressed, put things on from the top of the list down. If getting undressed, start from the bottom. That way you'll never look ridicullously half-dressed, only sexily so :o)
I'd like it best if mine man wore just boxers when in bed, but since this is a cold country, pyjama pants and t-shirt or a wifebeater would do nicely.
I like Prana yoga pants - drawstring waist, comfortable but not baggy - on the bottom, and a white v-neck t-shirt on top, though I only sleep in the yoga pants.
These Brooks Brothers men's pajamas are my favorites, even though I'm a woman! I have two pairs that are super huge on me and they are great for traveling or just lounging around at home before bed. They last forever too.
I don't mind a man wearing pajamas to bed. It's very Nick and Nora.
I think if you have impeccable taste/style, you should care about your pajamas as well. Just as undergarments truly complete an outfit or feeling, lovely pajamas can complete your wardrobe. It is very attractive to see a completely put together man 24 hours of the day. None of it is over the top. If your job is to care how things are made, how they look, and how they fit, it is only natural to take notice of every little detail in your personal life.
I also love the terry cloth ensemble. Great sense of humor.
Looking dapper in pajamas is the ultimate statement! :)
...but maybe do the tailoring at home;)!
I love this post! I am English, female and have been wearing men's pyjamas like this since my teens. I also had a nice wool plaid dressing gown at one stage. I would love to see a man in a crisp pair of traditional pyjamas. It is not fuddy duddy but actually v. sexy. A fine light blue pinstripe on white is my personal favourite. I salute your choice!
Sart, you have me lol on this one.
For bed, definitely boxers- no shirt.
naked has my vote!
Ditch these "chic" pajamas! They definitely look like they are for an old man. They also look like they are trying too hard. Sweats or boxers and a nicely fitted tee are sexy to me...
sorry, sart, but pajamas remind me of...MY DAD! Im pretty sure all women here (please raise your hands) will agree with me when I say the effortless the better when it comes to men´s sleeping wear... Sexy boxers, neat underwear, with tshirts or not are the best..! Women, on the other hand, should be more worried about how they´re dressed when they go to sleep..! No men´s pajamas for women or huge tshirts or, the worse, women should never sleep wearing those mickey mouse long tshirts...
haha the robe bit is priceless.
ive had the same dilemma before when i would just wear athletic shorts around the house but my girlfriend recently go me a nice pair of cashmere lounge pants and a nce tight yet slouchy tee shirt. so im happy with that
Nice PJ's are a must for around the house at night or sitting down to breakfast in the morning, but I demand my BF to take them off before getting into bed. I need to be able to feel his soft skin to go to sleep, it's like a security blanket.
Its AG my man! I just saw a japanese magazine do a spread on Brooks PJs.
So that is what you were purchasing at yesterday. Hmmm!! Nice.
Hmmm, I'd have to say I prefer just underwear, plus a t-shirt or a jumper if its colder. Your PJ's look so smart though! and I love the terry cloth pocket square too, just whimsical enough.
All of the well dressed men I've known in my life, (i.e. my father, grandfather), have worn pyjamas. I'm 35 and I have been wearing pyjamas since I was a child and will continue to do so. Sexiness has nothing to do with my choice. If I want to be sexy in bed, I simply remove the pj's. Personally, pyjamas make me feel more like an adult. It's like wearing a suit. I have small children, and I think wearing pyjamas around the house rather than a t-shirt and boxer shorts or whatever, shows I care about my appearance at all times - not just when I am out in public.
I am pro P.J. I always try to have some satin or cotton "virgin vintage" 2 piece P.J.'s in my store for Valentine's Day and Christmas. It's men's lingerie in my opinion. So way to go. Chic to bed and Chic to rise!
My father in law (who is usually a t shirt and khakis guy) not only has his pjs tailored but also his camo hunting clothes. I found this out when I ask my wife if I was going to far having a pair of lounge pants tailored was overdoing it. So I say go for the right fit, you will sleep better or at least better dressed for it.
Personally, some of my favorite items are pyjamas and and a silk dressing gown purchased from Sulka they day they regrettably closed their Chicago store. Nothing more classic or elegant. Add a fire, a glass of scotch and my wife and life couldnt be better.
Boxers to bed. Pajamas for coffee and reading in the morning.
Pj's are essential for an aceptable sleepwear.
Maybe in the US you find all the pj's discussion a little bit too much but here in Spain (at least in the North, at least in San Sebastian) is just so natural, you grow up wearing pajamas to sleep (even girls) and you keep on wearing them all life long (well, maybe on your honeymoon you change your pj's for delicate nightgowns, but just for 15 days, once you realise that pj's are, not only comfortable, but also much more sexy).
Cary Grant's is always a good way.
I love that you even put effort into your pajamas! I would say that a man who wears a really nice pair of pajamas to bed is very smart looking. I think that a white tee and pajama pants are okay, too, but not lounge pants or just boxers; that reminds me of dirty college boys.
And the washcloth pocket square! I love it!
white v-neck tee and boxer briefs! that pocket square thing is really precious, as has been mentioned...
I adore the pjs, and frankly want my boyfriend and I to have matching ones, although as I am a small woman I might have to buy from childrenswear. I also love the pocket square, because I think fashion has to always be fun. It is not a bit out of hand.
For me the problem with most PJs is around the waistline - that elastic, cinched business does not flatter most and certainly is not the most comfortable. Maybe something with a clearner finish or drawstring would work better...
Can I just say - I LOVE IT. It's so comforting to know that not everyone is completely eaten up with worry about the world turning into a shit tip; people still care about the little things in life.
In my opinion, I loooove a man in a white v-neck tee and cotton pj pants (especially with a sort of shirt pinstripe pattern, or plaid). There's something about very clean, almost clinical, white and blue nightwear that really does it for me. Hmm... upon considering this carefully, I shall be keeping an eye on this particular burgeoning fetish. Wouldn't want things to get out of hand. As regards the tailoring, I really wouldn't bother. It's adorably anal, but surely completely unnecessary; aren't there other things that money would be better spent on?
Very sexy to have as a couple...the guy wears the pants and the girl/woman wears the slightly oversized shirt...
PS My son has PJ's like this in stylish lightblue and checkered brown...
(he's 4)
My bf wears pj pants or boxers; sometimes he pairs them with a white t-shirt. And that's exactly what I want to see him wearing to bed. The "real pajamas" you're talking about look very grandpa-ish to me. I wouldn't want my bf to wear it before he turns 60:-)
I have to go with a t-shirt & pj bottoms
I personally love the idea of a man coming to bed in nice pjs. I don't think it's fuddy-duddy at all, and I'm 23. Also, adding a towel as a pocket square is genius. I love it.
I LOVE men's pajama's -- I used to take my dad's (way too big) Derek Rose pj's which are really lovely, and have now gotten in the habit of purchasing them in the right size myself whenever I'm in a high-end men's shop. Interestingly, here in Canada, the quality men's pajama is becoming a bit of a white elephant... seems that most stores, such as Harry Rosen and Holt Renfrew carry more jersey sweats, and such.
I recently purchased a gorgeous pair of Derek Rose pj's for my 42 year-old husband, as he's inclined to wear nothing, (or on rare occassions boxers & a t) and we both had a good laugh - they looked silly on him somehow.
So, as a woman of 30, I must say I appreciate a beautiful pj on a man -- I'm thinking of some of my favourite movies such as Paul Newman in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (the most gorgeous man to ever appear in a pj, in my mind) or Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window, but it's more about the man, than the pj -- if it doesn't suit him, then it just doesn't work.
PS I love the terrycloth pocketsquare idea!
Boxer Briefs. Hands down the sexiest.
Oh and the washcloth hankerchief is phenomenal. Love it.
PJ's for lounging and cuddling and sipping beverages by the fire.
Hopefully not much more than maybe a loose pair of boxers by bedtime.
Oh I love these! Very hot, very sexy, and oh so classic - very Cary Grant, and what woman would object to Mr. Grant crawling into bed next to her?
My husband is 32 years old and I've been searching everywhere for pyjamas for him. I was even looking over my lunch hour today. From Old Navy to Frette, and everywhere in between, I haven't found what I want.
1) matching set (top, bottoms, robe)
2) color of his eyes (clear blue)
3) possessing an element of stretch (to avoid that binding feeling)
4) natural fabric (cotton, hemp, bamboo, silk)
I imagine that 99% of the time he will not wear the top. Maybe I will, and he'll have it for traveling. Day to day he will wear the bottoms with a t-shirt or nothing on top, then when he gets up from bed in the morning he'll put on the robe to stay snuggly and go make me coffee (this last part he already does in his REI jacket instead of a robe). I would pay anything (Frette prices even!) for his blue eyes in a blue robe bringing my coffee... Yum.
So far I think I'm going to have to make these myself.
Thanks for asking a very pertinent question Sart - I see I'm not alone in the futile quest for useful and attractive men's pyjamas.
I don't think what we think really matters, as long as it makes you happy. But I do think nice pjs are a classy sexy look for the cheers!
I grinned ear to ear upon seeing the pocket square.
Now that winter is upon us my man and I have taken to wearing our flannel pj's together while we reading/playing on the computer before bed. I think we look adorable. In the morning, we usually each have on half of the ensemble (me top, him bottom) though not always from the same set we were wearing the previous night. Bad pj's getting all mixed up like that!
I like the appearance of woven pajamas, but wearing them to sleep is not a comfortable experience for me and knits are much better. It seems to me that it is due the confines of woven fabric - wovens are for boundaries - when you want to clearly mark the edge of a silhouette. When you are sleeping don't you want to release those boundaries and give yourself over to the escape of dreams? Or perhaps some men prefer to have a comforting sense of boundaries.
Brooks Brothers pajamas are the right choice. Very simple, chic, clean. Personally I hate guys at nighttime in tshirts, sweatpants - fleece pants are a particular pet peeve. It just seems sloppy and wrong. My husband wears Brooks Brothers broadcloth nightshirts, but I am not a fan of those either. It looks too old-man to me and is a bit of a turn-off (even though I do love him!).
If you've gone crazy then I want to come along! I am actually making my husband pj's for Christmas. I don't find anything fuddy-duddy about them. And I love your pocket square wash cloth; if there is anything we could always use more of, it is silly. As for taking your pj's to the tailor I say do it. If you appreciate the chuckle the pocket square provides for the room service waiter, then you could at least do the same for your tailor.
Your new PJs are very classic & sexy. Having PJs altered, however, would be way too obsessive. Unlike the terrycloth pocket square, which is cute & funny.
I love you, Sart. I couldn't help smiling through the whole post.
Well, since I have long since been deprived of such think, I'll just say that I would take a man in my bed and not care what he was wearing. :) But the PJ's are nice.
I am 18 (which is far from 40 mark) and I have recently ordered a pair of bespoke pyjamas at Turnbull&Asser. I find it very comfortable and the ladies claim that I look very debonair. Enough for me.
For a man with a nice body - pajama bottoms - super yummy!
PJ's for sure. Personally I think they should be monogrammed. That said pyjama tops do seem uncomfortable to sleep in so I guess a t-shirt (or nothing on top) would be a good combination with pyjama-pants.
For practical purposes in the winter, pajama bottoms are a must because without them, my sweetie will have no defenses against my ice-cold feet. As many others have said, I like pajama bottoms with either no shirt or a fitted white t-shirt.
Well, I'd love my husband in pajamas (I like the old satiny vintage ones), but my lover... nude. Should he need to rise from the bed, he could wrap himself in a sheet or blanket from the waist down. (This is not intended to dismiss the lovely domesticity of the right pajamas--they are both important, but, different, for me).
I think having your pj top tailored is absolutely in keeping with you (and it's not all that ridiculous, you'll spend alot of time in those pj's)--what I like is that style is personal to you, Sart., not for show (for sharing, yes)--but for you, how you feel, how clothing makes you feel. And to me, that's the best kind of style there is. It's why I've loved clothing since I was a little girl, and it's one of the reasons I enjoy your work so very much.
i think a nice set of comforable but clean cut jammies are always nice. the robe with the pocket square is hilarious.
i laughed also at the washcloth in the chest pocket. that is funny. and more sartorialist than PJs.
by all means, get the PJs tailored. think about how often you wear them! i get my house/lounge attire altered. its better than constantly being bugged by the flaw.
i prefer my husband to wear as little to bed as possible, however, i have to constantly ask him to wear his lounge pants to get the paper. underwear is not acceptable paper fetching attire.
I love the washcloth! Cute and humorous.
And add me to the list of people who like men in just boxers, at any age. (My own preferred bedwear is a soft fitted tee and short sleep-shorts -- pajama pants when it gets chilly.)
I love those pjs! But I can't imagine anyone actually sleeping in them -- I agree, its like wearing a straight jacket to bed.
I like it best when my man is wearing something that feels good to the touch -- something cotton, something soft. Generally I like thin knits for him.
And, for lounging in the morning or evening, I love his long, soft robe (again, its all about the tactile sensation) or his red union suit and socks, which is really just irresistably adorable!!!
I'd stick to boxers and a t-shirt and invest in a really smashing robe.
I'm cool with the PJs. They look like something Stephen Colbert would wear to bed. Mmmmm.
I would feel strange if my guy came out in full-fledged pjs. I think it's much sexier when guys come in casual stuff rather than a pair of matched pjs.
You should stick to what you had.
Ahahaha, now you've taken it to a whole new level. I really appreciate that you can laugh at yourself, this blog is very human and lacking in pretension because of that quality.
And in tribute to sartorialism everywhere, I too shall place a terrycloth pocketsquare in my bathrobe.
Nothing. Simply, joyfully, always wear nothing to bed.
That's why the robe was invented. So you have something to put on when the room service waiter arrives!
i'd have to say i like my man sleeping in white boxers. clean and simple.
Cute post! The only thing I want to see my man wearing in bed is boxer shorts. (Hopefully, not for long though..!) Seriously, getting dressed to go to bed seems pointless?
This may be my favorite post! I just love pj's!
Thank you!
You don't need to ask women what to wear. Disagreement with your choice is natural sorting.
That aside you seem to have listed a pair of pyjama's without a top button.
Some error surely?
See Derek Rose (new boy on the block) or any of the established shirt makers on Jermyn Street.
With regard to your robe comment, if you're stuffing your wash cloth in your pocket where do you put your handkerchief?
Finally, if you're heading down the pyjamas route (what have you been playing about at before now?) don't forget tropical shorts and winter flannel - both a joy.
Frankly, I don't wear itsy bitsys to bed every night any more - my fellow likes to see me dress to my mood, and flimsy = taken off soon. If I change into an elegant nightgown, I get a glass of wine and excellent conversation. For him, if he comes out in his skivvies, he's my boy toy - if he comes out in his striped pajamas, he gets Scotch and a good movie. I think it's a tacit nod to a great, flexible relationship: to get dressed up or down for sleep as you would for different restaurants.
Really, some cheap, plaid pj pants and a white tee are fine.
(besides, all guys look good in white =P)
You all will laugh but I've taken to mixing and matching my pyjamas. I feel safer in mixing and matching odder colours and patterns than in my regular dressing. You can learn a lot from doing that and applying that to what works during the day. Besides which it makes going to bed a little more fun. Waking up and either laughing at yourself and seeing how awful or wonderful your combination is a great way to start the day.
Haha, I would just like to see boxers. Plain and simple. And it's so funny how now-a-days people like you and I look to the past for inspiration to the wardrobe (...although I am a female). I look to the past because I'm a men's wardrobe stylist, I look to see how a suit should fit perfectly (i.e. Cary Grant - my hero) or just the little things. Pajamas remind be of older men, your still young Scott. Less is more. And the robe with the pocket square is rather funny, but it's still very cool. Oh Scott, you and your little details. That's what I admire the most, you pay attention to the smallest details which often tend to pull a whole outfit together. Keep it up!
I like the pj shorts, teamed with just a plain wifebeater/white t-shirt.
The men's pj button up shirts creep me out a little.
And I don't really think you should be getting alterations on pj's...
I adore pajamas for men. post university it's a must.
Style is best with an individual sense of humour, even at its own expense. I like Tom Wolfe's comment that, in real life, Cary Grant does a great Cary Grant. I can't prescribe what a man should wear to bed except to say: relax and be yourself.
I think you're doing fine, Sart. The PJs are relaxed and stylish for working in bed. The washcloth and spectacles in the pocket show you are careless and comfortable, and not self-conscious, in your robe. If you placed a folded hankerchief to peep out of your top PJ pocket, however, then you would have entered the fuddy-duddy world.
I like plain old boxers. If it is chilly, then add a t-shirt.
The pajamas kind of freak me out. It would be like going to bed with Grandpa and that just isn't right.
If you feel the bed is dressed better than you, buy some really nice undergarments for special occasions.
I'm 21 at the moment and I'd love to see a guy in his thermal long johns and perhaps a cardigan. I think for an older gentleman however, it might be nice to see a pj suit with legs that are ever so slightly cropped.
Love the terry cloth facecloth! I had an ex-boyfriend who couldn't leave the house without putting a pen in his front pocket.
I love your washcloth in the robe pocket! Sure it's silly, but it's also fun and cute and I think I'll do the same myself from now on. My favorite pyjamas were CK, I think, and were a lightweight jersey knit. The bottoms were cut like typical pj bottoms, the top was a pullover with a very low mockturtle neck. Wonderfully comfortable and they looked good, too. I haven't found anything like them lately. I haven't yet read the 136 comments above, maybe someone suggests something similar. Your comment about walking out of the dressing room in your pj's reminded me of a scene in the film "Gods and Monsters" in which Ian McKellan says "All my pyjamas are tailored". Thanks for another great post. And what a response, to pj's!
P.S., to answer more completely, pyjamas are what I put on when I get up in the morning- I find any clothing uncomfortable to sleep in- starkers all the way (for us both).
Men's pjs immediately bring to mind my father and his old cotton pair. He had worn them for so many years that they were so soft and perfect. I can still picture him in pjs reading the newspaper at the kitchen table on the weekends. However, I'm in my mid-twenties so I really don't want to see my boyfriend in a pair of pjs like my dad used to wear, but I wouldn't mind slipping into bed with him if he had on some pj pants and a white cotton shirt. As we get older, though, I would love to see him in a decent set of pjs. I think they add a bit of sophisticated manliness to sleeping.
i wear a light cashmere pajama pants i dont like having the sheets up too high and i like to be warm so the sweater does it for me. It looks good when i am preparing to retire for the evening and there is NOTHING like sleeping in cashmere!
my father was a pilot and always wore a nice set of pajamas to bed when i was younger. i think the quality of the cotton is vital to them looking crisp and tailored and by all means have them taken in if the fit isn't correct!
besides pjs i think a cashmere thermal and nice lounge bottoms is also a comfortable and put-together look.
There is something to be said for owning a nice pair of PJs, but I like to see a man in a plain tee and shorts or pajama pants. I wouldn't be attracted if they were too fussy about what they wore to bed.
I'm surprised at the number of people who "don't care" about what is worn. Fashion does have a place - even in the bedroom. Isn't that why we're all here in this forum - because of a shared interest in/appreciation for fashion?
I actually prefer men wear nothing to bed, or else simple pyjama pants, no shirt. But around the house, a full set of pyjamas and bathrobe are a nice touch. A T-shirt & pyjama pants are an OK option as long as they are properly fitted, but anything baggy - and especially boxer shorts - are a huge no-no.
I loved your comment about the terry cloth pocket square. I think it's incredibly charming and clever, and if my man did that around the house I'd totally adore it!!
I love the PJs -- very Mad Men although Don Draper does wear a singlet a lot of the time.
I work at home a lot and wear nice loungewear around the home and change when I go to bed. When I travel I pack sleepwear that matches my locale (and the room hopefully). I think that dressing nicely at home or in the hotel room makes everything much more civilised.
I think the washcloth in the robe is great; besides it gives your glasses a spot to nestle in.
- Great piece by you, a lot of fun to read.
I have to say 'these pajamas look great' - I could see my husband wear them, but I prefer warm skin under the covers so nude is my choice.
that pocket square had me laughing out loud too... also your "tailored PJs" might be getting obsessive Sart!
I agree with Anonymous at 11.33, pyjamas are impossible to sleep in and the straight jacket analogy is perfect. Only nudity is comfortable. Though the Brooks Brothers jarmies would be perfect to have brekkie with the kids in.
These are nice, but I prefer pajama pants with a plain T shirt (long or short sleeved). There is just something unreal about pajama tops in general. Like, who really sleeps in a collar?
Boxers, as many people are saying, are nice, but not always seasonally appropriate. And not so much good when you are walking around.
Sart, this is a funny news article that is in line with what you are talking about:
It is about Shanghainese people wearing pyjamas and nightgowns on the street. Enjoy!
for me, i'd break it down to a simple theory of relativity...the hotter the man's body underneath, the less necessary it is to wear a set of beautifully made 'paired pajamas' - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. conversely, the less, um, ideal the man's body is (par exemple, if he has a Santa Claus belly) there is a lot of added value to him wearing a beautiful set of nice fitting (read forgiving) set of PJ's. treat PJs as you would your day clothes...everybody at least tries to make whatever they got to work with, look better with the clothes they wear, right?
i also like this post - there's charm in a bit of self deprecation. good stuff.
i honestly think there isn't anything as comfortable as sleeping nude, but if you like the feeling of pajamas- more power to you.
and thanks for posting the last picture; it made me chuckle!
the pj shirt is a lady i love nothing more than pj bottoms and a wife beater or plain cotton t-shirt or no top at all on a man. the pj shirt is mine! i know its such an after sex look...but its so nice when you can share : P
Scott, you'd look good in anything and you can come to bed dressed however you like. I'll just take it off anyway. Sexy has nothing to do with fabric. It's who's wearing it that matters. Those pj's would look fuddy duddy on someone who is a fuddy duddy. You would make them look smokin' HOT.
White tee shirt that's been washed many, many times and boxers.
The most attractice bedwear I've ever seen on a man, is a vintage silk Chinese robe that is not long enough to fully cover the man's privates. Of course not every man could carry something like that. Bare chest and silk pyjama bottoms are nice. The most important thing is of course that the man is comfortable. Naked is good, but not gym track suits and sloppy t-shirts.
LOL! Really? Hmmmm...nada! LOL! But since their "Brooks'" I guess their okaaaay...but your only "41" so just wear the pants and a fitted white tee and your good to go! =D
way too funny!
this may be the most adorable post I've read in years . . . lol.
firstly, I'm a huge pj fan. I've been collecting classic stripes and fun holiday ones for years and tend to wear them to bed every night, with the exception of those gruesome warm evening we get here in SF in the Fall.
secondly, I hope you're not putting a firm connection between pj's and the aforementioned 'fuddy-duddy-ness' as I hope I haven't crossed that bridge either. I think of my evening's attire as being more 'gentlemenly' than 'elderly.'
and finally, the whole wash cloth as pocket square . . well, I think I might have fainted in gleeful delight upon reading that. I planning to add that to my own sartorial regime.
always a faithful viewer,
I wear the tops and you wear the bottoms. At least that's how I like it.
Man, what's going on girls? Your standards aren't high enough. Men -- real men, not boys or adolescents -- should wear pajamas to bed, preferably ones like this Brooks Brothers example. It shows respect for one's self and one's partner. I'm only 29 and I'm already over the whole boxers-tshirt-singlet (I refuse to use the word "wife beater") look when it's bedtime. Grow up, folks!
Just PJ bottoms - No Shirt. :)
Boxer Briefs. I like a man to be shirtless in a pair of boxer briefs.
I agree with some of the other commenters - I like lounge pants and a fitted tee or boxer briefs alone for men. As a woman I too go through times when I think "can't I do better when I am going to bed?" so I totally hear you. I usually wear pj bottoms and an oversized tee but I really do prefer simple cotton nighties.
smelling nice and looking clean is always a must.
I like when my man wears his simple, soft cotton v-neck tees and sweats to bed. They are casual and comfy to snuggle up to!
that PJ set reminded me Frasier Crane...and his brother Niles Crane... all tidy up. and honestly i don't think it's comfortable wearing a shirt with collar to sleep. you can always wear a nice silk/satin rope (dark color) while working in expensive bed of hotel or to answer the room service.
pj's are great.... classy men should wear them; some nice fitting pjs with gorgeous yet simple fabrics are a must for a man's closet.
Just try to stay away from the hugh hefner look and you'll look great; otherwise it looks as if you are trying too far
Hey Anonymous two comments up, my dad is 75 years old and still wears his boxers to bed! I think it's GREAT! But, I do like men in "real" pajamas in a nice cotton and no stripes, just plain!
I have to side with the much sexier t-shirt and pajama pants, and I'm 41. Full button-shirt and matching pants pj set is just too geriatric for me. They also seem uncomfortable when they twist during the night. My husband wears them on occasion and they just don't do it for me.
I can't wear pajamas while sleeping. They bunch up and end up making me crazy. When it's cool I wear a tee shirt and briefs, in summertime nada.
How adorable. That pocket square made me laugh out loud as did some of your readers' posts.
How about an old fashioned union suit? OK no. I do appreciate a nice pajama but the t-shirt & boxer/long thermals are so cute.
I think those old-school striped pajamas are sexy and stylish. I love it!
I'm 20, so I still prefer only boxers for a man in bed, or a fitted tee and sleep pants.
But just so you know, Sart, my 54-year-old father has been wearing this same style of Brooks Brothers pajamas ever since I can remember. I think of it as something a classic man should wear (my dad has never worn a t-shirt in public)--I have never really considered it to be a question of style, it is just the way things are for professionals of the traditional mindset.
Dear Sart,
I know exactly what you mean.
If you want to indulge your pyjama passion and find yourself in Cairo, check out Swellam tailors on Adli Street, near the old synagogue. You can also pick up a robe de chambre there, to wear before entering the full pyjama zone.
Incidentally, I think Cairo would make an interesting photo project.
Crispy white boxers and a nice body. Sorry, but those pajamas remind me of my little brother (very little, he is twelve).. Invest in the perfect robe (dark colors, soft and loose), as to be presentable when seen in public (or in case of chilly hotel room).
I'm a little disappointed as I had assumed that the Sartorialist was already the type of guy to wear BB pajamas. You can't go wrong by using old movies as your guide to sleepwear.
Scott, this is the most endearing Sartorialist post ever.
i cant help loving something with a little bit of character.
long johns maybe?
& complimented with printed topman socks. definitely a winner for me.
that made me chuckle!
Allow me to share something which has made my life at home super comfy. The single best outfit a man can wear at home consists of 1. tailor-made pajama pants made of soft cotton shirting fabric (baggy fit, elastic waistband, why fuss?) - I have a collection of these; and 2. a very specific super soft t-shirt - heather grey made my GAP.
Seriously, it will change your life.
A nice pair of pajama pants with a plain t-shirt. Classy yet functional.
I say skip the pajamas (or any other clothing option) altogether.
With this option a nice soft robe to throw on is a necessity!
If you must wear pajamas then the ones you have chosen look pretty smart. make me wanna buy my ouw silk PJ!!
Cute touch on the chest pocket!!
This post has me a bit smitten; because not every night can be a clothesless night, those are the perfect pajamas. I'd probably near die to see someone I was with drink his coffee in the morning while wearing those. Good choice.
i prefer men to be in just sweats or boxers and a white, plain tee, or whatever. i love the whole "just got out of bed" look for guys. pajamas are too matchy matchy and look like one spends too much time thinking about what they wear TO BED! if anything, THAT is a turn off. when it comes to clothes, i really think people need to remember that a lot of people in the world cannot afford "special" clothes for just sleep. keep it human!
At 61, I may be thought to represent the fuddy-duddy vote, but I think real pajamas are great. Seems to me if they fit right, they won't be binding. Thus a visit to the tailor seems apropo.
One can always remove them, should the occasion, er, arise.
I'm all for fabulous clothing on men, but for bed, I'd rather my boyfriend either go entirely naked or just a pair of boxers and an undershirt. You don't have to be all done up for dreamland!
My boyfriend is 17 years older than me (I'm 22). And I wouldn't like to see him in pijamas. It's like sleeping with your granfather :-)(please mind that I only mean that pijamas add age) But if a man wears only pijamas bottoms and a simple t-shirt or even nothing on top, that works for me...
Reluctant to leave my comments as after 164 other comments (a record?!)you're not short of advice.. however i empathise with your dilemma as a woman who dislikes nightgowns and feels the cold. I love Brooks Bros pyjamas and have often considered for mself but they are too big. i love the choice you made- very stylish, at home or in Milan. The other look i think is cool is that of Anon 12.32pm's husband: wearing the bottoms with a crisp white T. The bottom line with nightwear is it needs to be pristine, even vaguely ratty is distinctly off-putting. As for getting them tailored - Sart you're the best - do whatever you need to do to feel comfortable and relaxd in your new pyjamas. Just like the pocket square - make them your own.
just boxers is the sexiest, they should be silk for preference, a young fit bod looks good in a fitted T-shirt and cotton bottoms - or cashmere in winter. PJs are great, but they must have a drawstring, sexy to undo, if there are buttons they mustn't be the sort that dig into you, they should really be silk, and they should always be blue. Not sure why.
Tricky question. from a fashion point of view: thumbs up for PJs - the more consistent the better, don't be sloppy, make an effort (don't try too hard though - pocket square - you lose the air of effortlessness).
From a ladies point of view though....Pjs are just not the sexiest choice. I bought my man a pair (old school german 'seidensticker') and I sort of regrettet it. He loooves them and they look goood on him but it gives him that certain grandpa touch - a bit too asexual. He is unaware of it and I cannot tell him (as I gave them to him). I am waiting til they fall apart now - no replacement.
pjs do look prim and proper, but not exactly sexy, sorry. i like my lover in his underwear and a classic dark blue satin silk gown thrown over. it's very comfortable, very sensual, and very appropriate when a waiter delivers room service.. especially if you can afford the tom ford versions..
but honestly, what's best is that my lover doesn't care too much about it, and sometimes when he's sleeping over at my place he will just wear my la perla silk gown or even a pair of my leggings. don't laugh now, i'm not suggestion you should wear women's clothing on a regular basis. but i tell you: playfulness and not worrying about conventions too much - that is very sexy.
It is boring to wear every night the same thing.
I like surprise and change of outfit during the day and during the night!
what would cary grant wear if it was acceptable to wear something else than pajamas while been seen in a film?
What could be better than the pajama scene in Roman Holiday when Audrey Hepburn says, "I like pajamas; just the top half!" Go for it Sart. BTW, there should always be at least one item that is blue and white striped in a wardrobe, especially for men- the BB pjs rock on this note and yes, the pocket square is hilarious, but truly you. Love it!!
Seriously? ...
My Hot French girlfriend thinks I look hot in my PJ set. I'm 33. She's 23. I can do no wrong and neither can you by wearing PJ's. I think the ladies feel comfortable around some one confident enough to don a pair. Also they love a mature gent, as long as he isn't afraid to act a little ungentlemanly from time to time... am I right or am I RIGHT?
Yes, you are getting a touch obsessed! However, from a girls point of view... (other than naked...) I love a guy in PJ pants and a tight T or tank. A bit of toned arms is always lovely.