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Comments on "On the Street.... Left Bank ,Paris"
Cool Casio watch! I miss my calculator watch, I think I will look for a replacement...
Soulful eyes and the clothes fit.
His pocket square and the peek of a white shirt becomes all the more bright.
The red shirt and the brown hat are so cool, and they make the outfit just a little more casual, sweet! His beard is really nice. The sunglasses hanging on his chest are quite cool, but funny, I have a pair that's almost similar.
Wow! This is the perfect blend of gauche and dandy! The well-cut suit, paired with the disheveled flannel and the wifebeater (yes, that's what people call them, get over it). There are enough elements to let you know he is not a bum: pocket square, the cut of the suit, and the wooden (?) sunglasses. I would love to see the shoes he wore. I am not with the golden electronic watch, but I know is a trend. As they say: if you were around for the first fashion round, by the time it comes back you are too old for it! Jorge from W Palm Beach
I like him sporting the beard and the overall style suits him well!
It's an interesting, individualistic combination of dressy and super casual, I suppose it's a follow-up to yesterday's casual DB jacket in that sense. I like the richness of the colors and the unexpected combination of the shirt and suit. The fit is good- I think it's a good look. I'd like to see it full-length. Those are great looking glasses.
Hey! I have that watch. Well at least I think it's the same as mine. '80's style Casio digital watch?
He is cute under that beard.
the style is flirty and elegant. J'adore the hat and the face! vive Paris et ses messieurs :)
HAT! I like the hat!
Copenhagens undoubtfully and most polite stylist, this gentleman
Great look - great face
J'adore! Those sunglasses are fantastic!
if this man asked me to marry him, i would say yes. smart style, groomed facial hair, and plaid - you really can't go wrong.
Everyone seems to be about showing chest hair these days... anyone else notice?
very sexy!. I love this entire look.. I'll have to try to pull this off this week. He is so masculine looking. I like the vintage watch a lot, and the plaid shirt. Ooooo...and that peek-a-boo chest hair!
He looks wonderful. An very savvy balance of classic and irreverent. Beautiful face.
Beautiful all around. It seems the parisians are all about the plaids, and they seem to know just what they're doing.
Love the colours! Especially the navy blue jacket. /michaela
the blue blazer is perfectly accented with his crisp white hankie.
great expression.
Pretty cool and casual look for him. Love the blazer hugging his shoulders, the watch is a throwback and the hat is placed nicely. I would have liked to see the rest of his look, most notably his kicks
gorgeous man, gorgeous color combinations with the dark navy and red buffalo plaid. i love how he inverts the color function of the pocket square and uses 'a pop of white' to finish off his outfit. and the casio wristwatch is brilliantly witty.
Love this! the ruby red plaid with brown and blue really work. His hat is super cool and i like the retro digital watch. The whole look is enhanced by his strikingly handsome features.
Great Picture. Love the sunglasses. love the flannel under the blazer. not crazy about the hat, but that's a personal thing...
Those eyes....really like this look ...I'm a great admirer of guys that dress like this and pull it off too ...
I bet he'd be so much more attractive "sans barbe", but I love his vintage Casio.
Amish meets French hipster?
I love the blue of his suit, but I really wish his hat was black.
I want to fall in love again...
he's rocking two things I can't
The hat and the beard.
Oh, Hello...
This is not only a well dressed man, but he is dressed age appropriately. He looks dressed up but not fussy and old, he's got style.
Theres so many right things going on in this photo!
How he makes the blazer look relaxed with a plaid shirt underneath, hardly buttoned with the pocket square.
Plus that beard, hat and glasses gives a nice personal touch to it all. Perfect casual.
ahhhh love this.. the hat the glasses the watch...damn
cool watch
love this look!
Great hat and suit, not too sure on the plaid.
qué guapérrimo,afirmo
wow great look. Scott are you going to Miami?
return of the hot man to the sartorialist - hooray!
He is divine. If I saw him on the street, I'm sure I would stare for a little too long...
Sensible shot !
Marry me?
Idiosyncratic, to say the least. If I wore this I'd get head shaking, and rightly so, but it works for this fellow. Well done, sir.
Wow, I love his outfit! So chic and very unique. Touche!
nice, but not outstanding. The rive gauche offers many interesting looking people
Awesome.. I like this a lot.. plus he's real easy on the eyes ;o)
Would love to see him wearing the horn rimmed sunglasses...
La Rive Gauche...what can I say, J'adore Paris~! The entire look is very put-together, love the plaid shirt, the round frame shades with leather strap, the pocket square. The only thing that I don't quite agree is the watch -- somehow I feel the gold watch does not go well with other elements in this look.
dreamy and cool. . . what a fantastic look!
Waaaaaay cool! I'd do a different watch, but everything else is on point. He looks like he's ready to step on stage with Elvis Costello!
I really love this. deep navy + red plaid.
so handsome..
Absolutely fantastic! He looks effordless sophisticated with the hat and the jacket. lovely shirt and his attitude is quite revealing, he looks so confident...very attractive!
looks alright but its a bit mix and match, id change the shirt and the watch for something smarter, wear the same hat in black, and then shave!
Is it possible to look more perfect? He does it with such a nonchalance. Makes it look easy - which, to me, is the cornerstone of good style.
His pretty face don't hurt either. Yum EE!
This, along with the red whiskered Brit in the pub last year (the Van Gough-esque guy) are my two favorite gents on your blog.
i love his style and attitude.
very sexy.
Su reloj: magnifico vintage!
Mmm-mmm-mmm. Such a vibe of FUN.
Yes. Oh, yes.
Handsome face, tiny hat.
HOT DAMN! His eyes... his facial structure. And the way he dresses. What an exquisite creature.
Is that you, Mr. Sart, reflected in his glasses?
Men with beards should be required to wear plaid. It just fits, as does this whole outfit. Minus that is the watch. I like it but not with the outfit. Makes him go from grungy chic to fashion nerd.
smart and cool
I like the watch
it all works without looking costume like.
Nothing like a good fitting suit.
he could wear whatever...
my first thought: I want to let my hand slip underneath his shirt...
I believe he knows exactly what he does, and his watch shows a lot of humour.
Oh my god, yes. Gorgeous.
Photos like this are you at your best, Sart -- I don't so much love anything in particular that he's wearing but for the personalized combination he's chosen and the way you've captured his beauty. The very essence of style.
he doesnt look real... wow
where can i find sunglasses like those. they are amazing. anyone know?
what a looker.love the photo.pure class.
he is quite handsome. i do like his style.
This is the bomb dot com.
Quite dapper.
I would date this man.
He looks so good.
I love imagining him without facial hair, and how you wouldnt expect him to have a beard. It's so well-groomed and beautiful.
Is that a leather strap for his sunglasses? Glasses chains are so unfashionable -- I love this smart interpretation.
luv the color combination..checked red and deep blue jkt...but minus tht watch..too tiny for a guy..
nice caption again Sart..
keep it up..
Cute guy, love the entire look! The accents: watch, shoes, glasses - red shirt - A ++ Great find!
I saw this dude all over the place during fashion week. Who is he? He is molto sexy!!! It's crazy
His style is killer. I love those glasses. Not to mention the fact that he's stunningly handsome... Don't tell my boyfriend.
"Amish meets French hipster?"...lol...i somewhat agree. But nonetheless...great look - those eyes...just pierce right through you, no?
The hat is perfect. I don't like seeing so much chest hair. Otherwise, he looks very stylish, even the Casio watch.
OMG - Stop IT!! This is SO cool - I love it!
I totally agree with Jorge from PB re: the watch, but this guy totally pulls it off!
I am very intrigued by the leather strap around the neck??? What's it holding? Is it a strap for his glasses? Or a separate accessory altogether??
The glasses are super too, BTW.
Love the hat also - SO fabulous!!! The mixture of colour is so rich and lovely, especially broken up with the chino. I am so interested in what shoe he might have gone for? Low cut Chucks for casual or maybe a beaten, chunky brogue in tan leather for punch??
So adore it.
i've always said parisians have class..
marry me?
This guy s amazing..he manages to do what I aspire to..combine the uber-cool and the classy. Great style and and great looking guy.
gotta say that i was a lil bored with your recent posts.
this particular post, changed it. am a fan again.
The man of my dreams!
The flannel under the jacket is unexpected and works so well. This is so great. Love those glasses, too.
gorgeous, great style.
The beard is so lovely, and if I were his lady i'd be borrowing that hat.
So scholarly (rabbinic even) self-assured and delightfully sexy. What an earthy, lovely man. I'd have tea with him.
Oh, this is a blog about clothing and fashion? Then... I love the melange of pacific northwest plaid over the white wifebeater shirt - all this peering nonchalantly under a beautiful formal wool blazer. What shouldn't work together mixes wonderfully here.
What appeals is how carefully he is put together. Notice the little details - the bowler, the vintage watch, the 80s glasses - yet all looks comfortable, with a sense of everyday chic, no affectation, only comfort.
He is truly, intrinsically, an elegant man.
perfect boyfriend material ;)
With his occupation he should dress well and he has definitely succeeded:
He is a famous danish stylist and quite talented:-)
Have a look at his good work!
pretty hip.
i love both looks...the clothes and the one the subject is giving us. but after looking through all these beautiful shots (and beautiful styles) and can't help but wonder, 'aren't these people cold?' it is december...and at least in where i'm living (germany) it's cold enough for tights/socks...no sandels, and beautiful overcoats. or just winter coats. where are the gorgeous coats? are these people impervious to cold? i was just in fontainebleau last weekend and it snowed. is it that much warmer in paris? i'm not griping about seasonality in clothing because i'm a fan of mixing it all up....white pants in winter, etc. but i can't help but think they look awfully warm in their bare legs and bare arms...for December.
I think the sunglasses are (or are clearly inspired by) Ray-Ban Clubmasters.
What a hunk!!! Despite the beard! :-) Those eyes.... those lips.... And I think he knows it too.
I agree with the comment above that he seems to know exactly what he's doing as far as his style is concerned. He seems so comfortable in it all. And that's a beautiful jacket.... I'd like a female version for myself.
Just beautiful.
che bello.
I swoon.
cool. smart. sexy!!
Love the digi watch, the specs, the blue suit fits well and the plaid shirt grounds his beard and his eyes. He looks really human and approachable, comfortable with his own look. He is cool. Great perspective, BTW, Sart. Perfect portrait. Love ur blog!
i dig his hat!
well, hello.....
Wonderful image! This is so close to being perfect. I just wish he had done one more shirt button up. However, the combinations of colour really and the overal relaxed feel, really make this look stand out.
holy hotness!
Perfect blend of casual style & elegance. The blue & red combo work so effortlessly.
Love the beard, suit, hat. All wonderful!
God, he's sexy.
Perfection: the modern-day incarnate of Toulouse-Lautrec.
Is it vintage? High Fashion? Most likely both...
This gentleman epitomizes that masculine, quirky, and achingly relaxed elegance that only the French can do so well and leaves the rest of us in the dust.
This is exactly how a man should rock a beard. God, I'd love to wake up to him every day!
Amazingly sexy and stylish
It seems this guy is wearing either things from my christmas list or things i own. Which makes me wonder if im fashionable or a cliche?
what a hot man!
I have that watch!!!!
i like how he takes hipster staples like red/black plaid, gold casios, and vintage wayfarerish sunglasses and makes them not look totally crappy.
He is yum. He's wearing everything flawlessly. The hat adds that 50s-ish Rat Pack look. Love that you can see just a touch of his chest hair. Very sexy indeed. :]
This dude is seriously rockin' it.
Looks like the bass-player of a super cool indie-rock band that never existed...
Wonderful picture. It reminds me of a photograph of my grandfather when he was younger.
oh, those eyes...
I would like him to invite me for a cup of coffee!
I'm in love.
Tres cool! I would marrie that any day..
Can't get enough of this guy :-)
I know this guy - he's actually a very famous stylist from Copenhagen/Denmark. He works locally and internationally with some of the greats!
Last year he won the title of being Denmark's best dressed man in the renowned magazine Cover!
And ladies on top of that he's a great guy! ; )
I like this. I should grow a beard
I'd like to know how a watch is "brilliantly witty."
...what a face!...sigh
What's anyone's best guess on where to find a blazer like this one
I just caught this man sneaking a photo in my shop in NYC. He was hoping to capture an image of a vintage Dolce and Gabbana bomber jacket.
excellent sunglasses and watch.
I have to agree with Rena's comment. If this man asked me to marry him, I would not hesitate to say yes. He embodies sensitivity, style, and masculinity with ease and grace. Truly beautiful!
staring confidence
I think he would've looked cuter without the chest hair.
He also looks like he smells good and I don't care to look at anyone else now. I just want to look at him.
WHAT an absolutely gorgeous specimen of true masculinity!
my god what a handsome man.
The outfit would be much better in terms of the overall look if the handkerchief in the pocket had been in another colour-blue for instance- coz white looks disturbingly "blank" there.i love the watch! _Beck_
Vincent Van Gogh reincarnated.
This man is extremely good looking.
wow. this is a very sexy look. tailored, but also casual and arty. like a hipster who finally got it right.
This is the sexiest man I have ever seen.
perfection. i think i have just fallen in love...with the watch, with the outfit, and with the man.
this is so NY... a lot of style l'air de rien... style and effortless... that's the best
i want him ♥♥♥
Can I have his number pls??
i love the look on him...great for a fashion story but a little trying to hard for every day life
can i get his number.....brilliant pic
I looooove this look.
he's a dane.sorry! pas francais...
Hello, most beautiful man I have ever seen! I love you!
Oh My God! Perfect!
The touch of the white handkerchief is amazingly charming!
Perfectly well-trimmed beard and his eyes are to die for!
the perfect style!
Well first, those beautiful eyes! You feel like they are staring right into your soul. I love the bold colors, red and blue, right next to each other. The hint of white peaking adds freshness. What a wonderful hat. Perfect shape and colour. But it makes me wonder what would he look like without the hat? My first watch was Casio so I am a fan of his! His pose- slouched back- is so natural yet graceful.
obviously a model.. hotness!
what a man! beautiful eyes
Really closed to the Skandinaven (swedish/danish) styl!! snygg! clubbmaster glasses in wood? nice!!
I know him hi is Simon Rasmussen fashion photographer and bloger :)