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Comments on "On the Street.....The Master, Milano"
This elegantly turned out chap is showing the scruffy be-jeaned whippersnappers behind him how it should be done - only in Italy!
Excellent style, palette, proper turn-up depth... I could on*.
Probable retirement justifies brown shoes too.
Mr Fitzwell take note.
(* so much so I'm happy to overlook the lack of shirt cuff)
I have a weakness for striped suits ; he looks elegant and his shoes are in a fab brown !
Who is he?
I feel like I better obeying him no mather what he says...
I do love him
Cool nonnino!!!
He is dressed very elegantly. Nice to see some older folk too.
Beppe Modenese
That is a sharp look. I love the bold oxford, underneath.
I like the suit and the shoes but the tie clip has been the focus of my attention. First I thought it should go, then that it was somewhat endearing in an old-fashioned way and now I'm starting to like it, at least on him. I doubt that he'd consider going without it anyway- he looks quite used to it.
Well......that's the Boss!!!!!!
Like a true italian...
Love it!
Perfect french blue shirt!
where's the cuff??
i love monk strap.
Very chic, yet understated. I love his shoes - unconventional with this sort of suit, yet it's a perfect combination. I would love to know what watch he would be wearing with this ...
Gorgeus! He resembles Carl Reiner from Ocean's 11/12/13, doesn't he?
Love the double breasted suit. The brown shoes give the statement that he is a step beyond.
Alfred resurrected.
What a great style! Awesome! That's italy. I love that country.
Beppe Mondanese or is it Mondenese ?
He has always looked great-he always will.
Love the contrast concept that he played. This is a good demonstration of how to age / dress gracefully.
- related to dan in richmond? Just kidding, just curious. I´ll invite him for a proper cup of coffee and enjoy a chat about the suit as a metaphor for life itself.
I would hate to meet him at the negotiating table!
interesting to note that this look will be 'historical' in 25 - 50 years: the way kids dress today, its doubtful that they could get away with this look as they approach middle age without looking forced
Yes sir I'll get out of your way right now SIR!
See, that's dressing for power.
Those are some serious lapels!
Nice. The lapels are a bit too wide for my taste, but the fabric and the fit are lovely.
I like the idea of using the pocket square to introduce some additional color. I'd have gone with something brighter, just because he's got the dark tie and the blue shirt.
But, overall he's looking good.
Another stunner!
A friend just clued me in as to who this is (Beppe Modenese, founder of Milan fashion week) AND to the fact that his "tie clip" is a safety pin. So much to learn here! To My Greatest Intervention 2:24 I don't know if I have a long-lost family line in Milano or not. It would be nice though.
I love every photo you've taken of this guy. He is so stylish!
This is a real question, not a passive-aggressive blast on the fine looking man. Shouldn't his lapel stripes match his collar stripes?
The last comment was spot on, those sadly clad youngsters behind him only drive home further how much of a class act this man is. Just look at that shade of blue popping out from behind the snazzy pinstripes. Not to mention an expert selection of shoes. Good form, good form old chap.
thats my grandpa hahhaha
Compared to most meffs you see in Italy these days, this chap proves that when an Italian bloke gets a suit right everyone else should just leave. His younger compatriots should take note and ditch the pre-distressed denim, Buffalo shoes and Tony & Guy mullets.
Stripe always meant style for bankers and bad guys! (Never wear it before you're 60)
Used to work with Fashion Arbiter, Beppe Modenese, in the 1980's. Believe it or not, this guy never wears a watch! He's always asking others for the time. He looks really fantastic.
It's the shoes...I'm drawn to the shoes. After staring at this picture for a solid 10 minutes, if I have the sartorial "balls" to pull it off at his age, I'll be absolutely impressed with myself. I love this look.
Yep! Here it is fellows. Elegance 101 Milanese style. And the shoes! NOT black as would have done 99% of gents everywhere else in the world. Burgundy!