On the Street...So Simple, Milan

I would love to tell you "well he looks great specifically because of...blah, blah" but there really isn't one thing that stands out - it all is just so well played - the "unstyled" stylish haircut, the slightly rumpled wool suit, the casual dark navy knit tie, the sporty watch, and I would be willing to bet that he is wearing a Brooks Brothers buttondown (unbuttoned-down notice!) shirt.
As I keep looking at this image the only thing that I can keep coming back to is the fact that his clothes just fit him so perfectly. He could wear exactly all the same items but if they didn't fit on him as well as they do then this would not be such an inspiring photo.
You can do it guys, you can get this look with a $500 suit -just make sure to spend the extra on having it altered.
Comments on "On the Street...So Simple, Milan"
I totally agree with you but I must add, the man is very attractive. Like the French women, the Frenchman can buy an inexpensive suit, but have it altered to their bodies. That is one of the secrets of their look.
I sold men's suits in Brooks Bros and was amazed how many of my customers boiught off the rack and no alterations which gave them all that baggy look.
Well, when I click on the picture and view it in full-size it's somewhat obvious that this is a bit more than $500 suit. (btw, it's also obvious that the gent "dresses to the left"!)Not necessarily bespoke or mtm but certainly not the cheapest. No cheap suit looks this soft and has this well behaved lapels.
I think the key items are the knit tie, Italian tone-on-tone look and the fact that he is not shy to use the side pockets. Cool.
The vintage Rolex 1675 GMT on his wrist sets the look off perfectly!
I'm not feeling the inspiration this time. I bet you've already looked cooler than this in a suit.
Funny that you think he looks so awesomely cool and everything couldn't fit him better. He's definitely a very well-dressed, good-looking man - but hell, stroll over Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse for an afternoon and you'll see tons of men like that looking at least as good! (And don't get me wrong - I don't think all men in any kind of a suit are good looking - of course the fit&feel is crucial!)
paulnewman-esque comfort.
Hard to tell about the fit from this image, but i'm sure we'll take your word for it.
I don't see anything of interest here, though, aside from his face. He sorta kinda maybe reminds me a little bit of Steve McQueen. Sorta.
Quite a handsome fellow. I agree, a suit does NOT have to be expensive, of the bespoke genre ONLY!!
I also cannot take my eyes...off that exquisite ring on the hand that appears on the left.
I didnt say that he is wearing a $500 suit but could you really tell the difference if the suit was $500 or $1500 without inspecting it very closely? I don't think most people could
You are so right!
From the AMEN CORNER of the South!
A real gentleman
Well, the man is husband of Marni designer Consuelo Castiglioni.
no wonder!
He does have a perfect balance of discipline and ease.
He's VERY attractive.
And I'm 24-year-old.
I completely agree with you sir: I think the gentleman looks absolutely spectacular-- and I think "classic" is more appropriate to describe his style.
He's so naturally and effortlessly put together, it's a relaxed elegance, never a caricature of an identity in that when I look at the image, I see a refined and elegant gentleman instead of thinking "Great suit" or "Great jacket", just a naturally stylish presence that could be from 1967s, 1978, or 2008... Timeless elegance.
BTW, I think he's wearing Armani :-)
He reminds of Bill Blass.
What a handsome man! Sigh. The overall effect is very striking and as you say, not particularly about the brand or cut of the clothes. This is a case where the sum is indeed more than the whole of its parts.
I have to disagree Sart with you on this one. I don´t think he looks cool. The blue suit isn´t interesting,it´s crumpled and another color might suit him better. I think his hair is too long and thick in the back. Well,that´s my opinion.
Sorry Scott, I did not intend to put words in your mouth. The reason I brought up the dollar amount is that I think that the quality of the suit contributes to the look, in a subtle way.
@ Anonymous
The vintage Rolex 1675 GMT on his wrist sets the look off perfectly
How can you tell that's a 1675?
Might as well be a regular 16750 GMTII pepsi..
yes the quality of his suit is noticeable.
thanks for your input!
To me, that suit looks plenty 'bespoke-ish'. Particularly the sleevehead. It does look rumpled and beat up, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a quite expensive suit.
you're so right. perfect.
he's great-looking too.
I think that what the sartorialist is pointing out here is very important. You don't have to spend a lot of money to look great, you can look great with clothes that are less expensive, just make sure that they fit and combine. Anyone can go to a stylist, give him/her $5000 dollar and say 'make me look stylish, give me an image', but people that can get that look on sale in department stores or second-hand shops are far more inspiring. For example; the last picture in the September 2008 blog, the asian gentleman with the pink toe-caps. By enlarging the picture I got a strong feeling that he had painted his old shoes himself. Maybe not, but those are the kind of things that inspire me and admire.
Sorry Sart, what am I missing here?! Why would you want 'to look cool in this suit one day'??? Depends on your defination of cool I guess. Yes he is well dressed, but nothing inspirational, defining or extra-ordinary about it. I saw a photo of you recently wearing a great suit, and you had more 'cool' in your pocket hankerchief than this guy.. very Thom Browne meets Fred Astaire I thought..
Scott, can you recommend couple of clothing alteration shops in NYC? -thanks
As another poster stated, difficult to judge the fit of the suit with his arms crossed.
Given the shoulder, lapel, and the gorge height, that suit is not Armani.
I like the overall softness of the clothes, soft suit, soft shirt collar , knit tie. Not sure how I feel with the contrasting brown buttons with a suit, definitely pushes the suit to the more casual end of the spectrum, so it is in keeping with the softness, at least.
It doesn't hurt that he's stunningly handsome.
Handsome man, I think he was a also a beautiful guy in his younger days ... but I prefer him like he is now, just like a good glass of wine...
the only secret..he knows himself
Apart from the suit fitting him well he obviously spends some time at the gym. Fashion can help you only as much. So to every guy out there, consider investing into personal trainer, then worry about suits and their alterations.
That's the key (alterations)- I do it to all my suits, pants, etc. And I seldom spend extravagantly for the clothing itself.
The gent is rocking what I have come to term the "Italian Mens uniform" i.e. tone-on-tone of blue. He has an easy elegance about him...the clothes are not 'wearing' him!
Suit looks well made, with nice details such as pick stiching on the lapels, probable function buttons on sleeves (surgeons cuffs), and it also looks like he has roped shoulders (see how the jacket sleeves rise slightly above the shoulder).
Still, I think fit plays more of a role than the cost of the suit.
I love the brown buttons on the suit, and the navy knitted tie is fantastic.
Very nice, very Italian.
There's something very George Plimpton about him, isn't there? Maybe it's the slept in the suit thing? I don't know. He looks like he spends time thinking about something other than perfection in a suit. It's the age, I think, men seem to develop circulation above the waist at a certain age, and *that's* when they really get interesting.
his face is (slightly!) reminiscent of klaus kinski.
handsome man. he looks excellent.
How do you get those heavy creases on the pants? very thick...I like
The visceral reaction is, I think, that he is wearing the suit, not the other way around. It's a damned good suit, though- it has to be for him to be able to cross his arms like that and not have the suit look like it's attempting to strangle him. It's rather endearing that he clearly has a bunch of stuff in that one pocket.
The hair style, my young chicks, would have been considered a bit fast when he burst upon the world as a responsible adult. I think it has held up well as part of his look.
He's greating looking and stylish too. Very casual Italian look.
the only thing that I would add is that his pants are a bit too high waisted. but then again, I'm very picky!!! LOL!!!
Meh, I just don't go for the whole rumpled, baggy pocket thing. I'm not sure why, as that's basically what my husband looks like in.
I like the fabric though.
Rolex and Mario Caraceni suits that mold to his body bespoke to look off the peg
i agree with eugenio--the brown buttons are great... just enough contrast without being garish
You hit the nail on the head. There is not ONE THING that stands out, no intricately looped and knotted scarf, no lavender shoes or man skirt. Just a grown man dressing well. We could use a lot more.
Very nice and very good looking. Tipical Milanese. His family are important fur traders (may be for Fendi).
I don't know about the suit or tie, and I don't care for watches but he is certainely a very handsome man with beautiful eyes.
I always think Consuelo has the best taste - and this is her husband, which just confirms my view!!
People...allow me to point out that this gentlmen OWNS Marni (Gianni Castiglioni ..). His family has been in the fashion industry for generations (they are also manufacturers of fur, not only for Marni but many other famous brands).
So yes, he looks fab as Italians have a way of doing.. but he's not just your average Milanese. I know, I lived in Italy 20 years...
I think there is good match between his hair cut, face, suit, tie and shirt. because all of them have good background but they didn't take of completely in this photo. I bet when he has fresh hair cut and new suit it's not going to be good as it is right now. This is beauty of style that sometimes surprise you
Hmmm well he do wearing a nice suit but tie?? I think his tie is too dull and very true in his whole attire nothing stands out.
oh God he is dreamy!!!
Scott- I live in Westport, CT and was wondering if you know of anywhere around where I could get my suits altered to fit like this. Recent grad... not too expensive please!!
Very interesting indeed... I love the Rolex.
Simple but nice. Less is more.
alterations must have contributed to this look. Depends how 'cool' is defined..I think you mean 'with ease', and that is something this gentleman has acheived.
I must agree the man looks very stylish, yet in a sober way. The picture is inspiring by the fact that the suit fits him so surprisingly well when it comes to physical proportions - which is vital for being good-looking in any outfit. The way this man looks is music for the eyes.
He is Gianni Castiglioni - husband of Marni designer Consuelo. Very cool, definitely expensive, probably got a bit rumpled in the chaos before the Marni show though...
I think Constance needs a couple of more years in Milan. This gentelman looks very "milanese", his hair cut, his watch, the blue suit and tie, and light blue shirt.
Wearing simple, well-fitted suit is somthing that men in my country don't understand. Every day I see dozens of men wearing really disgusting, polyester, unfitted suits. I don't understand why. Buying good suit is, I think, the easiest thing in the world!
He looks like he stepped out of a La Nouvelle Vague film from the 1960's. Or perhaps, specifically Un homme et une femme (Claude Lelouch). The hair, the suit, the attitude. The picture looks like a movie still.
Great shot, Sart.
I dig it.
I agree. He is wearing the suit not the other way around.
Of course it does help that he is molto bello.
This is exactly why I am in love with the way (most, or some) Italian men dress. They just exude an incredible sense of style, and like you say it's not bc of a specific item or detail of their outfit- it's just a whole, and Italians are the best at creating the sense of elegant "wholeness". Plus, most of the time those who dress well have a certain way of speaking and behaving which makes it that their body language and voice is even classy. Sometimes I feel they are born with a style gene or sthing.
Inspirational. I look like that every day. Fitness is the key. Wear the suit. Move like if you're not wearing one. Follow Cary Grant advice: "Relax. Relax all the time."
it's confidence. I suspect this fellow could wear a simple white T-shirt and blue jeans and still manage to look like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine.
He looks like David from Six Feet Under in 30 years, no?
basically, gianni is the sexiest man alive. i will stand by that until the day i die. this family has the best genes ever.
Overall great, love the suit, the hair that's probably not changed in 20 years and still works fine, and his ease. Please forgive my criticism but I lost interest when I saw the watch. A rolex? Yawn. Not distinctive.
Ryan, go to Fairfield Clothiers on the Post Road in Fairfield CT. Definitely worth a visit for anyone else passing through the neighborhood, too
Ciao,do you know who this man is? The owner of Marni (Mr Castiglioni). Very 'milanese', very elegant and simple. If you walk downtown in Milan you will meet other men looking exactly the same.
Just to enjoy... After walking through a little german town this man gives to me the hope that somewhere outhere in a place far far away there are elegant people.
No way is anything about this man inexpensive but it's all unselfconsciously stylish and elegant. Like breathing.
I couldn't agree more with you! this man has such natural elegance
Wonderful look, it's a real art to make a suit look so easy. He reminds me of Jeremy Irons, who has also become more attractive with the patina of age ...
I know what he is wearing is very simple, not remotely directional or even bespoke-ish.
But this is what it's all about, isnit? Simplicity! The blue button down shirt, the dark tie, and by the way I tend to think the suit IS bespoke. The only thing that doesn't work for me here is the sporty watch(!?). Good for diving maybe but not with a suit.
Very 'milanese'
Quintessentially so. Anyone who knows anything about Milan, the world's CAPITAL city of men's elegance and style, should know the fundamentals at work here. Light blue button down shirt. Preferably Brooks Bros. A tailored suit, milenase style, too long to describe the nuances here, and a dark tie. As for the shoes, dark brown suede, often. It's a uniform.
The suit is bespoke. It has working buttonholes on the sleeves, handf picking on the lapels and distinctive roping on the shouldersd.
It is a bit rumpled because he is crossing his arms and leaning against something.
The buttons are fabulous. No $500 OTR suit has those kinds of beautiful horn buttons.
Having said that, the man needs a much better barber.
I think the key ingredient is the man's cofidence-he knows that the suit fits him. It is not anyone that can pull this look.