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Comments on "On the Street..... Workwear Chic, Milano"
Is wearing scarves the big thing now? I mean, should I be hipping myself to this trend or is it just a European thing. I live in Germany and a lot of guys wear them but is it like a global trend now?
Looks like one of those work shirts one picks up from the thrift stores or the Army/Navy surplus place... EXCEPT. The shoulders are perfectly turned, the sleeves fit just so, and the placket is sewn diagonally to the edge of the shirt. It is perhaps by one of those Japanese designers that are inspired by early 20th Century work clothes? I love this, the closest think I own is a vintage LLBean overshirt, which I cherish! Jorge from W Palm Beach
he's back and he's STILL gorgeous with great style. love the flat front, the monochromatic color scheme with a brighter green to pop it around his neck. and even though i sound like i love all the effort, he makes it look effortless which is what we all want right?
Very cute. That scarf is perfect.
I love the glasses, scruffy beard, and hair. It reminds me what I have to look forward to when I'm older.
Ascots for the people! The last time we saw Robert here he wore an ascot as part of a more traditional ensemble but it's certainly not traditoinal with this one. I love it-I like surprizes! It's interesting how seeing this second look really makes me love the concept whereas upon seeing the first I just accepted it as nothing out of the ordinary. Of course now I'll picture him in an ascot every day- and who knows?
again, the scarf is just wonderful !! It's makes the outfit complete. Would like to find out what shoes he's wearing ...
Isn't this Robert that we saw earlier in NY? Seems to have a knack for sophisticated color choices in the ascotesque scarf.
Nice colors in the photo. The blue sleeve, red tail light and yellow on the pavement set up a nice primary triangle as a middleground.
Who is this man? He's on here pretty often.
A growing trend.
good scarf. green color makes his outfit more positive)
Like the scarf. Like the glasses. The rest of the outfit, however, makes me think less of "workwear chic" and more "Maoist famine" and "Steel mills in every backyard to crush the Running Dogs of Western imperialism!"
What a great simplistic look. Nothing flashy, but everything comes together very nicely. I can only hope to dress this well in years to come.
I wear one nearly everyday and I'm in America. But, then again, I work on a ranch and it's a functional item and not a frilly decoration.
Those glasses are beautiful.
I think he looks so french. Wonderful!
I love your pics.
/Katarina, from Sweden
Hey pop!
2nd instalment for slow learners...
If you still don't get this give up.
beatnik chic
He is an ascott workin' maniac. I like his style a lot.
I have a collection of vintage scarves. This guy is gonna make me start wearing them. I also have a pair of glasses like that.
It's funny how something you already own can look so cool on another person, yet you hesitate to wear it yourself.
He reminds me of my attempts to be "bohemian" while in college.
flawless. a master.
Love the scarf and the glasses. The wore one (scarf that is) the other day after seeing it so much in this blog. Everybody liked it.
Papa Di Caprio?
reminds me of a dapper salt and peppered college professor that you could teach you a lot. a lot. ;)
Hands down, my favourite guy look ever to appear on Sartorialist! Every detail is perfect! Love the cravat!
Castro would be proud of that jacket.
He's gotta be a professor someplace
I don't know about this one. Sure, I like the scarf, but doesn't this jacket make his head look too big for his body?
Or is his head just too big for his body?
Robert Rabensteiner, he's a stylist
Several comments about "years to come" , "when I'm older", etc. I know when I first commented on him I said he looked older until I enlarged the photo, but he looks fairly young to me-clear skin, unlined face, etc. Age perceptions based on these photos are intersting and not, I think, always accurate. Anyway, Robert is rocking in my opinion.
I like it. simple and fitted. The bottons are pecfectly placed.A barret would make it nicer, i think.
A.I. Lastar
Will the image of Thurston Howell ever be forgotten enough for a man to wear a scarf without being viewed in caricature mode? The media persists in using a man in an ascot as a milquetoast. Sigh.
I love it!
From the glasses to his hairstyle and beard, to all the shades of green. Great photo.
It saddens me that nobody commented on his eyes. He has pretty eyes (I wear glasses, too, and they don't block your eyes, they can accentuate them).
Pretty eyes.
Love his natty scarf - where can I get something like this?