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Comments on "On the Street..... Via Turati, Milano"
looks a happy woman
Love the confidence with which she strides forward, and so she should, as she is working it! Love the outfit!
Won-der-ful. What I always say, stick to basics!!! This is nothing more than a light blue shirt, a cropped navy blazer, denim skirt and a killer bag. OK, the legs help. I think the main idea in this image is the fit, everything fits just so, yet is an outfit that could be put together from cheap finds, as long as they fit well. Am I thinking right that the YSL Muse bag is becoming iconic and classic? And yes love the shoes and LOVE the legs. Jorge from W Palm Beach
She looks so powerful, beautiful legs, lovely smile.
american style in
What makes this photo great is the helplessness of the (probably British) tourist watching her strut by.
She's got a great bag and a distinct and powerful personality, but I would be lying if I said I loved her style. I feel like it's Flight Attendant up top and Indian Princess from the hips down. Clearly I just don't understand.
The only thing I would change is a black belt with a gold buckle, but honestly, she's too beautiful for me to notice that if she were to walk by me on the street. The cuff length is great and I like the coat open.
The boots seemed out of place on her at first, but I like they match her hair color and the frills on the boots mimic her hair as she struts down the street. Well done.
the beautiful leg and skin color, she looks very much confident about herself and happy!
I just want marry her!
I just want marry her!
Her legs go all the way to the ground! Really nice.
wow. so many people wear the jean mini and so few can pull it off. this woman DEFINITELY pulls it off. and the boots are great too!
Exceptt for the stogie, everything about this woman is cute- especially in that 1970's, Ali McGraw kind of way. She reminds me of this girl I had a crush on in the fourth grade around that time, named Amy Fritz (Amy! Are you still around? I lost the baby fat!)
I like the pairing of the menswear-tailored blazer and oxford button down, with the sinfully (scandalous!)
short denim mini.
The boots are delectable -like they're made out of cocoa, and have chocolate "shavings" as the trim. I like the bag, too, which is 25% as big as she is. Is it navy?
wow, what amazing legs!! stunning look too
Classic look. Love it!
Maybe sexy, but elegance is something else, certainly not smoking in the street and wearing Pocahontas boots.
jorge said it... love the legs
She's super hot!!
Denim mini-skirt? Really?
I'm reverting back to my suburban high school days and even I wouldn't wear those.
with legs and a sunkissed look like that, she could wear a bucket on her head and still look good! I love the outfit
DO WANT that jacket *or at least the buttons*
hey - if you can pull it off! She looks great!
those legs are sexxx
The top is classic and her short denim is sexy good match.
And nice legs
I want those boots!! imho, they make this outfit. where are they from?
i'm green with envy!
Wow, Look a nice women
So many thoughtful comments, and observations! This may be irrelevant, but I'm sure that one of you must know where to find the best button-down shirt for a woman. Any ideas? Anyway, I agree with Mona about the jean mini, and I love Jason's boots-hair observation!
love mixing classic with funky, but this one doesn't jive with me. of course her smile and confidence are fantastic as are the legs. love the boots just not sure it all "works for me". maybe a black mini. the denim with the boot doesn't work. only one outdoorsy item. what do i know?
LOVE this cheeky take on oxford style. Plus, I would kill for her legs.
Yes, beautiful and sexy!
she drives me crazy...look at that legs
fantastic look. adore the shoes, bag and BLAZER!
I have some doubts: is that a man's shirt and belt?
Yes,like so many,I too think that the denim skirt with those legs is a 10+.
If I had the legs....LEGS!
She looks like a sorority girl. Nothing special here.
this is IT !! Would wear this myself = copy/paste, with leggings (for the cold down here) and without the fag ... :-/
A beautiful woman - utterly spoiled by the horrible cigarette...
Such a shame.
Nothing really edgy, but I do love the gold buttons on that blazer.
jean mini skirt...heh
I think she got to you, Sart, you lost the focus slightly ...
Wow. She is rocking. I love the simple pieces and how on her they are far from simple, they are HOT!
Gorgeous girl.
I don't give a shit about the cigarette (although I do hate them), they work in pictures unless someone is blowing smoke out or sucking it in. In the hand they're great props. And, if you don't care about getting cancer or shriveling your face up, or having bad breath and stinky hair, they're a great diet aid!
Only an Italian woman could get away with this outfit.
A bit dull and preppy
This beauty won't last: she smokes!
I love this Look...Classic with a modern edge!
She is rocking the menswear enviably. I like the short sleeve length on the jacket, especially, which allows her cuff to come through freely.
I second the appeal for good women's shirts. I like Thomas Pink but the patterns are not always good and I don't know if they do button-down. I go to Lupo's to look at the display and beg for a women's line. Until I can go to Milan, and those low-key shirt shops where you can casually order one, custom-made.
A little tarty, but hey, when you've got gams like that, why hide 'em? Love the boots!
Who is this lady?
I am in love.
Wow, she is "on-the-go" chic.
At first I thought she was holding the street sign in her hand.
She is very beautiful, has wonderful legs and a lovely smile... but the skirt is too short and her boots conflict with the entire outfit! Denim-mini are best for the 18 and under age-range!!!
a little boring for me -- walk the streets of nyc and see many women dressed like this. she does have beautiful legs though.
Her legs and skin are undoubtedly fabulous, but I cannot get on board with the american obsession with gold-buttoned navy blazers. And the denim mini for the city street - not for me.
I don't like the shirt and jacket, not feminine at all, though maybe that is what she wants as a contrast to her super good looks and long legs.
Not for me.
that's a Rive Gauche, right?
just perfect.
I WANT those boots....????
You need to take these shots from behind more often.
Lovely legs. I'm not keen on the denim skirt. Think it's a bit low, cheap, for the rest of the outfit calibre. Adore the boots.
Confident and sexy, but nothing special going on here that I can see.
Denim skirt? For real?
che gnocca!!!!
Wow! When I first saw this I thought everything is great! Then I saw the cigarette which ruined it...
yes, east-coast all-american prep looks effortless on her, but it's nothing new, and i'm sure she could wear a flour sack and still look good.
i'm probably just biased because i see girls wearing this same exact thing everyday at school, courtesy of abercrombie and fitch.
i really love the bag. and her style is quite okayy ;)
"work, turn to the left
work, now turn to the right
work, sashay shante"
is what comes to mind when i see this picture she looks awesome
the outfit is not special, but she makes it special, because she is good-looking and she has confidence, a nice smile and great legs.
she makes the clothes look good not the other way around
so Milanish/MiMaish...her legs are HOT!!!
i want to be this woman.
What a knockout! Everything is going swell until we get below the calves there and then feh. If i had legs like that, god knows i wouldn't blaspheme what the good lord gave me to walk with by wearing such Fragglerock little monsters like those! But she clearly knows how good she looks and is just daring you to say something nasty about those cheeky little foot demons, just _daring_ you.
thats it.
simple but sexy ,because of her beautiful legs.
Honey, no.
Yes,the bag's a YSL Muse.
I agree with Monique, i don't give a shit about the cigarette either. Who cares if she smokes, it's her choice, i'm sure she knows the effects they have to ones health.
I think the look is fabulous. Usually i'm not a fan of denim minis, especially on women over 21, but, by teaming it with a conservative top half and with her confient smile she totally pulls off the look. Although, i wouldn't put those boots with that outfit, would have kept them to black to team with the belt and the bag. She's a beautiful woman.
Oh, and last week i bought this white button down shirt from Dolce and Gabbana and it was so fabulous i went back and bought 3 more. It's such a great fit!
I don't think there's anything wrong with a denim skirt as long as it's not worn with anything too showy (cuz i'm not really sure if i'm allowed to use the word i wanna use) or anything abercrombie or hollister.
Ah, Italia!
The only way I like my denim skirts-extra short with boots.
Very nice contrast. The top half is preppy and bottom half is very western cowgirl! And esp love the YSL Muse! Gorgeous legs too!
About the shirt.... Club Monaco and Theory both make excellent well-cut (cut close to the body) shirts like this. Good for your wardrobe, good for your bank account.
She is my girl!!! Lol
boots are from ZARA
why are italian women so...perfect..
Cute as a button!
I just loved this outfit...
Those legs...
As everyone has said, it's all about those legs. She kept it so neat and basic (which I'm not a huge fan of) but worked her great assets for a fabulously confident look.
I love the jacket!
Not too crazy about the boots, but it works for her!
Is it Annie Hort?? Very cool and elegant!
what fantastic proportions
.....and the next number is, legs 11.
does this mean the denim mini is back??? oh i so hope so!!!
i think her outfit is too American Teen, but i love the sunglasses, bag, and legs
as for the cig--not everyone wants to live forever, some people eat burgers everyday and some smoke... get over it, it's called free will
i love the confidence, it seeps thru, as for mini's being for the under 18... not in my head, but i was raised a little more conservative... i feel like they are for the over 18 and she dons it like a champ!
What lovely legs!
I love the blazer and the open cuff but her shoe's kill me lol