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Comments on "On the Street..... Via Bagutta, Milano"
Mama Mia... she has amazing legs. I want to look like her when I grow up. Simply beautiful.
Sacre bleu, this lady looks fantastic! Love the very put-together look, and that bag is gorgeous! Elegant, polished yet relaxed, belissima!
semplice e bellissima
che bella donna! proof positive that true sexiness has no age limit.
I hope my legs look that good when I'm her age.
it doesn't get any better than this. love that she chose a heel over a boot and they are not black. gorgeous bag and scarf to go. doesn't hurt that she's gorgeous and has great legs. love it!
Those legs have it. Perfectly set off by a simple dress and elongated by those fabulous heels. Doesn't get much better.
The perfect balance of elegant and sexy. I wish she was wearing the glasses, though.
Wow, she knows how to dress her legs!
so chic and elegant! love her bag :)
Proof that it is possible to age gracefully. She's gorgeous! And I love the prada bag tucked in there...
I adore that bag! Does anyone know what it is?
This seems a perfect blending of traditional chic with a hip and somehow approachable edge- I guess the smile is the approachable part. Really nice!
Love the sleeves on the sweater/top. And great bag! She's beautiful.
Who designed that BAG?????
I've been reading your blog for ages and love it (who needs glossies - your take is infinitely more pleasing!), and this is the first time I've commented - because your shot of this lady stopped me in my tracks. She looks really incredible - truly beautiful and stylish. Great shot.
Sophisticated lady! Great legs and nice pumps.
so pulled together. so timeless. so simple, yet so breathtaking
ma è la contessa?
I am so jealous of her legs...they seem to go on and on...This is really the most beautiful dress EVER !
Found a similar looking 'tunique' at COS a few weeks ago...
Great to see how I could wear it in a different way !!
I'll start looking for killer heels like hers !!
Love the rest- esp. the pashima and bag but the shoes are too loud- I would prefer something more subtle
thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea how encouraging this is. I have her hair and now I can fantasize that I have the rest.
She has beautiful legs and beautiful hair and the simple black does justice to her in so many ways. Plus she has a happy face. Bella!
I like the beige accessories to keep her from being all in black, and which go with her hair. She also looks very comfortable, not fussy at all. That is true chic.
She makes me want to go work out--those great legs!
Love the bag!
That bag is gorgeous! Sigh, I covet it... and those shoes are beautiful too! I also love how the stones in the road dissipate into the light... beautiful!
I'm with annamarie... I hope I can look this amazing in 30 years!
Wow. How chic is she?
So elegant!
true inspiration - so elegant and sexy without trying too hard. her bag is divine. legs: superb.
She looks so elegant. I like the bag(Ralph Lauren)? and her shoes too.
nice outfit...and the lady got legs!!! ...great style
Very milanese!
Simply gorg! Love her Ralph Lauren bag
I also want to look like her when I grow up. I love her classic look.
oh my, she is FABULOUS.
Where can I get that bag? And that dress? And those legs??
Ohh, I want those shoes so badly! Please God, hear my prayer;)
The epitome of Milanese chic... but I am proud that her bag is from an American designer :-).
She knows that less is more... and having perfect legs certainly doesn't hurt.
Bellissima, très chic ¡ She likes Sharon Stone mum¡
Love her dress and her bag!
Wonder if i can still be elegant like her when i'm by her age, she's everything about amazing!
She is a Lady! Everything is gorgeous!
She looks GORGEOUS! I love her smile and hair (and bag, of course).
Molto fashion..
Wow wow wow! J'adore! This is beauty and discernig elegance. She's like the very best wine.
what a beauty!
must be american, holding a ralph lauren bag. i can't imagine chic europeans spending time in a ralph lauren store.
The three C's- Classic, crisp and cool. This woman proves that you can look good at any age without overdoing it. Bravo honey, bravo!
Proof positive why every man should try to find an Italian wife.....
Bella. This Woman is elegant and gorgeous.I love how she makes a classic and simple dress look modern and stylish.
Sublime! This is how I imagine Carlyne Bissett Kennedy would have aged!
Uma Thurman in her 60s.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Ah! The Ralph Lauren Ricky! One of my weaknesses.
If I were to age in any way, I'd want to age like this wonderfully chic lady right here.
Everything works so simplistically well, from the shoes to the hairstyle.
Jealousy and awe don't even begin to describe.
I'm smitten!
omg omg, loove the bag <3<3
yeah that bag is to die for!
Hmm... i'm torn. Obviously, as previously stated dozens of times, incredible legs- and what a fantastic, expensive looking tan!
I also like the bag, and love the way she has tied her scarf around it.
And her white hair is stunning- it is just as attractive and fifty times as elegant as the pale blonde numbers commonly sported on women her age.
But, a) Am I the only person who thinks that such heels are simply too blingy for daytime? They strike me as evening heels, and not ones which can bring one from daytime to nighttime either. But, I do understand how the coloring of them ties in nicely with the beige of her bag and contrasts with the black of her dress. Still, I think it lacks elegance to wear such shoes in daytime.
b) undeniably, it's a stunning dress, but I think the cut is unflattering on her. She is obviously a svelte woman and has an incredible figure, but it is hidden and enlarged by the draping around her hips. I'm undecided as to weather showing off a wonderful figure is a worthy sacrifice of a fashionable cut.
Overall, though, I do think it's wonderful shot- lovely setting, Sart, the angle at which you've taken the shot at makes the perspective on the cobbles look super cool, and the building behind her is lovely.
Ps. I noticed some pictures of you in Paris on The Cobrasnake and adored your jacket, Sart. I know you don't do it very often, but you should post a few pictures of your own outfits!
love the older women!! she's proof that they are as beautiful, classic & sexy as the 20 & 30 somethings that the fashion world usually caters to. she's a knockout! & her legs, WOW!
It's all black with pop this season don't you think?
Sexy. There may be some snow on the roof, but I'll bet there's a fire in the furnace.
She's "all that an a bag of chips".
Love the bag, love the shoes. This woman reminds me of the Vivian Leigh character in the "Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone",
in terms of pure polish and sophistication and the fact that she's in Rome).
Not sure I love this one, but I do like it. Shape of the dress is a little awkward but with her figure she can pull it of. Nice combination of accessories, definate co-ordination but not too matchy matchy.
However in all honesty I think its her expression that makes the picture (:
Holy smokes.. She's beautiful!
Vaya zapatos y vaya bolso! espectacular a su edad! un 10 :)
This does it! I am going to break my promise never to wear heels any more and go and get myself a pair before Christmas. Maybe in beige or silver or... maybe two pairs...
i would date her, i'm 23.
i think i'm in love...
I will never understand how women can wear stilettos to walk on cobbles. For all you who think this is cool I say it is a sick idea, kind of like foot binding. Maybe she has shoes that are actually wearable in that big bag! She is blessed with good genes which give her the legs, etc. That is not something you can put together. But I do like her choices for pashmina, shoe, and bag colors. Her panache makes the bag look sexy instead of stodgy.
amazing lady, amazin legs
to be honest, she gives me a cindy mccain vibe.
WOW! this woman is beautiful...I'd like to see her with the glasses on though...I bet she looks smart!
oh goodness, she knows how to take care of herself!!!!
Love the outfit...and the bag and shoes are beautiful!!!!
Che bella. She looks so relaxed and happy.
If only this kind of simple chic looked good on short people like me! Sart, apart from the gorgeous Delhi girl in the black ruffled dress, how many of your subjects are under 5' 8", do you think? I'd love a round-up of petite women to see the possibilities.
She looks gorgeous! Also love the road and setting.
Stunning - the epitome of class and elegance.
Lovely hair and a very nice bag. A great loking women.
thank you! truly amazing. too sexy for any age.
Love her classic look. Perfect balance.
This is simple elegance at its best. But quite how she manages to walk on those cobbled streets without getting her heels stuck in the grooves is beyond me!
WoW! I'm 1/2 her age & wished I looked that good! As mentioned before those legs...I can't even walk on those streets properly in flats never mind in heels. I wish...lovely:)
this is really just a prada ad...can't wait for it on the sidebar! sartorialist, why so few creative and so many wealthy?
Perfect. Perfect!
she is beautiful - more so than many young models - absolutley stunning!! re the outfit - love the shoes especially.
Whooah......is that a Smart Car, or a 2-tone bag?
Seriously, the woman looks gorgeous, as does the shot.
Hey Emma,
I think this woman looks WONDERFUL but also thought about some of the issues you brought up.
The luxury she has with her figure is to conceal it if she wishes. Not everyone could look the way she does in that dress obviously. But the great part about it is having the confidence that you know you have the body, and don't have to play it up all the time.
As someone who's also skinny (but curvy) it's often very tough to find affordable clothing that's comfortable or draped, but not overtly sexy or skintight. It's a revelation when you find something that makes you feel attractive yet not too revealing. I think her choice is great.
I think there's enough structure to the bottom of the dress that it highlights her form, coupled with her great legs.
Omg, I need that bag in my life. RIGHT NOW.
Interesting comments. Love the grace of this. Love the colour palette. I don't know how she is walking on those cobbles though without ruining the heels. I scuffed a few pairs of heels when in Florence recently, simply by catching them in cracks between stones! Very inconvenient! :) Am loving the silver hair, especially. Classy.
I hope that when I'm old and grey I can have someone standing beside me that looks so timeless. Its an inspiration to the younger crowd to age gracefully rather than fight it!!! Love it
i adore seeing older women who still take care of the way they look and look amazing and fashionable rather than grandma-ish.
it's unfortunately so rare.
She is my hero! She obviously is in great shape but she has class and just gives a peek of her body; she truly looks fantastic. Apparently I should add Italians to my list of cultures whose women know that beauty doesn't have to fade with age.
It's the smile that makes her look so radiant
i wish i age as gracefully as her! she looks fab! beautiful bag and shoes too!
She certainly knows what is appropriate for her comfort level.
What an elegent lady she is! She is my idol.
Speechless! Oh those legs.
Among all the accolades there have been several notes of dissent or doubt. I will add two: the combination of those shoes and that bag is incredibly unharmonious (country race circuit meets evening wear); and the boat neckline is the most unflattering ever invented. Even on a figure as glorious as this, it doesn't work; the neck looks thick because the straight line of the dress beneath it cuts it off quite unnaturally.
whoo-hooooo! i'm actually whistling, as a woman! mamma mia, che bella donna!
what a fab handbag! gorgeous!
Di gran classe!
Perfect, bella. My ideal look, if only I had her legs!
It is always such a pleasure to view this website.
timeless chic
Chalk another point for showing off one's legs after 35...these gams shouldn't be hidden under any bushels.
Gorgeous shot.
Très chic.
great legs
i love her bag, and her dress is simple and nice, that's why i think it looks so good.
and i hope i can look that good at her age, haha
I am sorry, but I desagree : Too much tan, too much blonde, too much, the way she WANTS too make people notice that legs.
Thats not elegance for me, I prefer De la Fressange style..much moore aristocratico !
& Much moore graceful ( to my opinion).
Pachmina is nice and also the bag !
And always nice to see "mature women" in that blog !
beautiful in every aspect. and very inspiring.
Beautiful! And I totally want that bag...
I covet that bag, but I think I'd need to sell my car to afford it. I understand why people spend a lot of money on quality, but I do wonder what the point is when there's such a fuss about seasons and what's in fashion. How long until that bag is no longer trendy?
fabulous bag and shoes. she looks stunning.
That's an outfit I would do even as a young person. Are her shoes snakeskin? Love it all.
This poor woman. She looks 35 to me with killer legs a twenty year old would die for! Is 35 old these days?
those shoes are killin me!!!
This woman is incredible!
Gorgeous photo. Gorgeous woman. Beauty clearly has no age.
I just love it when you show us women of a certain age, who are fabulous. It gives me hope!
thank you, thank you, thank you! i am sending you many kisses. i was about to give up. i am a woman of a certain age, and thought, what difference does it make how i look? this world is youth obsessed and older women are invisible. several weeks back, you posted a picture of a wild-haired young body beautiful in a startlingly formfitting red dress. i was in despair. now you've done this - bless you! i can breathe again. i have printed out this picture to inspire me to be the best i can be. vivre la femme d'un certain age!
To Anonymous 7:49, I think this woman has long seen 35 and it doesn't matter- she's gorgeous.To anonymous 7:40 she isn't blonde but grey and is dressed very naturally- her legs can't help but call attention to themselves. As for the comments about her body, you can't really tell exactly what her body is like from this photo, can you? Relatively thin is about all you can say- simply accept that she looks fabulous and leave it at that.
Thanks Scott - she looks wonderful, the epitome of style and chic, irrespective of age. Very inspirational. The fact that she is drop dead gorgeous helps a little too.
Forget about looking like her in 20 years. She looks better than most 30 year olds I see around. (And realistically: if you don't look like her when she was 30, you won't look like her when you're her age.)
The bag is the Ralph Lauren "Ricky"
amazing. so graceful. a blonde sophia loren.
Bella donna indeed! I disagree with unfavourable comments. Shoes lend pizazz and probably she was on her way to somewhere where the shoes will look just right. There is no way this lady doesn't know what to wear when. Was this shot taken early evening Sart?
this is how I'm going to dress when I grow up!
its a ralph lauren ricky bag.
So good to see a shot of a mature lady, and lady she looks in that outfit with such stunning legs. Can't see why people rave about bags so much though.
This is really classy, simple, gorgeous. More women need to take a cue from this lady!
Stunning. I must have a dress like that.
I really like this shot. I can't believe how sexy chic this lady is. I wanna keep this photo in my mind against future "growing old realted sadness".
I say it's a Balenciaga bag.
my goodness, i hope i look like that when i will be of her age! is it just me, or do italians generally dress better as they get older? in the same way wines tastes better with the years... i only seem to see this with Italians & Mediterreanan ppl in general... and sometimes the French too. And also before I forget, I love the glasses hanging on her neck- something also about Italians and glasses... they always look good in glasses, whether they are wearing them or hanging them off a shirt pocket or around their neck or whatever!
i bought that bag for my fiance o our anniversary. Got the photos on m y blog. How nice to see something from our closet be on "thesartorialist".
that bag was designed by the ralph lauren camp. It's about $10,000.
Gorgealicious! I'm freakin' out over here!
Simply amazing!!
The bag is not from Balenciaga.
It is the "Ricky bag" from Ralph Lauren.
Do believe me, I work for the company.
svaka cast...10
One thing to say - the elder the better. I wouldn´t even try to walk on this stones with high-heels - but in a while...
When ever I look at this picture, I think of just two thing,timeless beauty and class. This is a prototype. Beauty has no age. This is the example to follow. Somebody give this women a modeling deal!
Oh la la ! Ces jambes! Dieu! que c'est beau!
This lady manages to stay so beautifully put together despite the black dress!
Lovely, but does she seem just a bit too much like you can still smell the smoldering credit card receipts? If only everything didn't look like it had just been purchased five minutes ago ...
This lady is the dictionary definition of elegance.
She is style personified in a wonderful photograph!
I think she's simply fantastic!
I adore when you post older women! To me, they make this blog :)