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Comments on "On the Street..... In the Air, NYC & Paris"
Grace Jones? Is that you? :)
Personally, I always wanted and want to look like a guy. However, in some people such as this young man, it can really go both ways, and I have always admired people whose unusual sense of style sets them apart in a trendsetting way. Not crazy about the jumper, but it is what is out there, so go for it! My only wonder is if the shoes on the bottom pic he bought new or just found around there... Jorge from W Palm Beach
wOOW the whole person/character is a masterpiece!!
oh yes...!
Oh my.
Fashion forward but........out there......
The heals, one word no no no
fierce love the style
the first outfit is a little too 80's but looking great nonetheless (i'd kill for those glasses).
in the second one he's wearing woman clothes and shoes! i mean, to everyone his sexual tastes, but i don't think a man in high heels would qualify as "well dressed".
the upper part is actually working with the guy character, but as a jumpsuit... well... naaaah ;)
very bright! interesting to know this girl more in details...
I'm so confused about this
on both accounts
Loving the artistic pallete of the first picture. It's so like futuristic cool w/those solar shades and the bold graphics of his t-shirt and scarf and he carries it off well with the glossy patent leather satch-bag and glossy black oxfords. I want to meet this guy! :) He's got impeccable taste!
In the second picture, that guy looks FAB-U-LOUS! He's being coherent with the fall trends out there this season, one of them being about architectural shapes and bold statements. Like who would have ever thunk of executing a look like this that comes straight from the runway??? I love the choices of color there refined without being somber. Did i mention the shades?! The shades are totally futuristic. those platform heels really make a bold statement. this guy is not afraid to try anything!
wow, this takes androgyny to a whole different level. probably fashion forward, but somehow it looks more like a character get-up, than real life... great print and colours on the shirt though.
It seriously takes a brave soul to dress so differently. The first image has so much color and texture with that visor. If he didn't look so good in it, I would say it looked ridiculous. And the second; a man wearing heels and a modern mechanic's onesie doesn't go unnoticed. His style is unique and impeccable, but few people could get away with it. I think the hair and solid face have everything to do with it.
Yeah the heels = ten points for trying...
were these taken right before deckard from blade runner came running through chasing robots?
Quite marvelous. Not sure about the heels - he'd look so hot in a pair of Freelance brogues..........
S/he said, "Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side."
Especially the lower picture. So gracefully executed!
This man is a true fashion master.
I'm not seeing the "forward" part of this. I'm seeing Bobby Brown, Eddie Murphy, Mid 80-s....it's a little overwhelming before coffee.
My husband is impressed, though. As he says "you have to own that look to make it work. And he does."
So kudos to him. I have a lot of respect for people who work their own looks - be it forward or retro.
Geordi La Forge and Grace Jones. Too crazy...
This guy epitomizes the phrase 'a picture tells a thousand words'. He could be a Margaret Atwood novel in himself...A piece of art...Though the intensity of his look seems to mask his personality.
He looks great, but why ruin an otherwise beautiful moment with a pigeon-toed stance?
WOWWOWWOW - in both cases! The visual definition of FIERCE!
And I particularly love the composition of the New York shot - the clash / mix of patterns is sparkling.
just a little too tranny-ish for my taste
Now this is what your blog is good for! This person has it. All the others pale in comparison. I was begining to think your blog was getting boring.
Definitely not my taste, but I have to give props to the(se) guy(s) for putting it out there like that, and "damn the torpedoes".
Reminiscent of Grace Jones, and could probably be featured in a remake or sequeal to "Paris is Burning" (Shon-tay! Sashay!).
(Anybody ever been to the Paradise Garage, "back in the day"?)
Hopefully not sounding patronizing or condescending, but this guy is very entertaining. Now, when the summer rolls around, maybe I won't be so shy about wearing my pink seersucker pants.
On a photographic level, in the top picture, I like the juxtapositon of the WILD outfit against the orderly grid of the building in the background. In the second picture, it's like you're walking down an idyllic country path, and then BLAMM-O!, you have this being from the planet Vogue.
Beam me up, Scotty!
Love the wraparounds; usually they create anonymity, here they express personality.
nuff said.
both looks are fashion fantasy.
Paris is Burning! So androgynous. Takes me back to the my days in fashion school in the eighties. You go Miss Thing! (as we used to say).
The top photo is pure costume- individual?- somewhat. Useful to discuss?- I don't think so. The bottom photo is much more interesting and provocative.I give him full points for pushing the look so far and looking so confident and comfortable doing it. Beyond that my responses to the details become purely subjective. I DON'T like the shoes not because I can't accept heels on a man but because men's shoes are one of the items I love most so I can think of many styles I'd rather see here (Antonio Picardi's are starting to look like they'd go with anything). He likes the heels so fine. I actually dislike the elasticized bits more than the heels and like everything from the waist up, including the fabric and construction of the jumpsuit and his layering but overall I like his entire approach.
wow. im inspired. and also a little awed. i love the bottom look, the heels are a little crazy, but everything else is perfect, including the photo itself :)
Shocker! In a good way, of course...
Each look is very much in context with his environment - NY look is typical of the urban metropolis (the 80's are totally coming back on the streets); Paris too, with it's couture & flamboyant grace (as adventurous as he is in his choice of wearing heels, I am not sure it works...yet. Perhaps too much tapering of the pants on the ankles. If it was loose, straight leg cut, it would work. And a chunkier heel would do better.)
I love his shades! Who is this phenom?
Those shoes are something!!
reminds me of a certain james bond character from the roger moore era
He's got so much going on. It's a 5 course meal for the eyes and I'm going back for seconds!
I adore him! I wish I looked that good in heels...
(the first picture does make me think of Commander LaForge from Star Trek... VISOR, anyone?)
This only happens in a city like NY
I loved it
I just wonder what kind of sleepwear he has
And now, my comment in spanish:
Queridisimo sartorialist, qué placer encender verte todas las mañanas y poder decir HAY GENTE QUE REALMENTE ES COMO SE LE CANTA!
Kisses from Buenos Aires
I commend anyone with enough guts to try new things.
I have to admit, I'm even sort of liking the top look. Very fun take on 80s. HOWEVER, as much as I try to open my mind, my first reaction to the bottom look was a gasp, a glare and muttering "no, no, no."
So, while I love the spirit and confidence it takes to dress outside of the box, I have to say that the jumper and heels combo is a miss in my book.
all kinds of no for me. fun to look at b/c it's wacky, but don't like it one little bit.
I want his black Margiela sunglasses! If only they wern't so expensive...
10 bucks says he works on wall street
Sort of thrilling, really, don't you think? And all done on probably a dime, I hope. Gave me a rush of inspiration and feel-good hope. Thank you for this, Young One!
Oh and the word is: F I E R C E
The love child of Data and Geordi LaForge...
I think my wife put it best, "he looks like he is lost from the future. and confused about his sexuality"
I'm sure many people are thinking it, so I'll be the first to say it...Geordi LaForge, anyone?
props to the second guy for wearing heels. I didn't think anyone could rock heels besides Prince.
Hmmm... androgynous. Still looks like a thoughtful composition and not just a crazy person.
well i already lived through the 80s once so i can't see myself repeating that decade...but they sure are visually interesting. i keep thinking of lavar burton as data looking st the first photo; and kool moe dee looking at the second (just the glasses obviously) they're both beautifully staged photos whatever i may think of the clothing styles. these are looks i'd only recommend for someone younger than myself.
That is quite funny.
Both pics - many things, but hardly to be considered sartorial splendor.
These are two different guys.
kudos to him for bodly wearing what he wants, this is the fun side of fashion
So cool!
Jung's collective unconscious is stirred; the visor reminds us of Star Trek's Commander Geordi LaForge.
Talk about daring to be unique and make it work... for yourself :)
Say what you want, but I wish I had their confidence!
Ok, If I get it right... both have Cyclops-style sunglasses and are wearing woman clothes as showpieces?
I think what makes The Sartorialist so great is it exemplifies that anyone at any age can be well turned out. The people in the images are not too "done", they appear to mix the high with the low and they all exude a personality. Pretty much every image presents a person that I would love to meet, because you would know there wouldn't be a dull moment to be had. As everyone already well knows, The Sartorialist has a great eye and the images are always a pleasure.
I think it's about time men can wear heels again (and not have a hate crime committed over them). Louis XIV started the look... I don't understand how it became unacceptable for men to keep doing it. Anyway, I hope it will soon (someday) become the new trend for men.
what a colorful character!
great shades.
Utterly stunning! I would wear either of these outfits in a heartbeat, and I am experiencing mad lust for the mirrorshades in the top photo.
This is how I always thought people would dress in 2008.
very cool!
Had I seen this photo here, I would have thought, "wow, great personal style, great photography" and I would probably have been inspired by this young man and his sense of style and vision.
BUT, I was there, at the jardin de Tuilleries when he arrived at the Dior show and I couldn't help but think that he was trying too hard to attract all the attention. It was such a turn off for me. It wasn't just him. It was the same way for some people that had amazing clothes on. They struggled to walk on their higher than high heels and ended up looking... silly. For the first time I saw fashion in that exaggerated (Zoolander comes to mind) way that it is sometimes portrayed.
I was even more shocked when I saw that Scott had chosen to photograph this young man and wondered if it would ever make it into the blog. Did he not see what I saw? I wondered...
I struggle with that myself. Sometimes I want to wear a leopard print coat for myself and I don't want people to think that I want the attention that comes with it.
I love fashion more than anything and I never want to give this passion away, but for two days after that day at Jardin de Tuilleries, I could not think of fashion the same way. Maybe we are all very narcissistic after all!
Fortunately, the trauma has passed!
Hell yeah. I want to see him in motion.
Everyone who is wrestling with gender stereotypes about males in heels: THROW THEM OUT THE WINDOW!!! What do they matter? not a damn.
on a side note - when you visit the optometrist they give you a disposable pair of sunglasses that clamp onto your face- creating a margiela-like effect- try them out!
I've seen this guy around and I think he is a pure genuis. This is exactly what fashion needs right now to go to the next level.
Thank you!
80s halloween costume?
Grace Jones meets MC Hammer ...
as for the first pic :
love the complete look but without the shirt...but I do agree - in print, it just looks fab with al these bright colours...
The bag looks absolutely beautiful, love the lackered black leather but the glasses make me think of the Terminator - Robocop movies...so 50% hell yeah ! for this outfit
I am utterly in awe.
The high heels look amazing on him.
xoxo from Sao Paulo, Brazil!
This is awesome! For sure! For the record, the second look is just as much 80s as the first, IMO.
Oh, this is brilliance.
Finally! Pictures that make the blog exciting again! I really got an impression that it was getting neglected.
If I'm correct, the second guy is from Amsterdam, he always dresses that way, also shows how people there like to experiment. Love the fact that he has the guts to step out of the box and combine women's garments with men's.
star trek...
ja ja, es total!!! realmente hay gente que se pasea así por la calle?? me encanta!
No... Just no...
In the first photo, this gentleman looks as though he could be an extra from some bad 1980's sci-fi movie. Whatever designer is responisble for those glasses ought to issue a "Total Recall" on that product. I mean, if I saw this look catching on in NY, I'd have no choice but to "Escape From New York."
The second one is a bit more bearable, but I question his choice of footwear...
They are SO 80'S! I went to fashion school in NY in 1984-88 with guys who dressed like this!
I can't help but admire him for his love of fashion. And the "A Different World" hairdo with the heels in a Jaleesa Jumpsuit! WHO IS HE AND WHY DON"T I KNOW HIM!?!
One of your best ever Sart!
hmm...now, where would one wear this?
oh yeah, the halloween parade in nyc!
I love the first outfit. I would never wear it, but I love it.
The second outfit...I would love to be able to say 10 points for trying. I would love to. But GUH. It's not the gender issue whatsoever, nor the heels. That jumpsuit, though...that jumpsuit. Horrific on a man or a woman.
To quote Wendy Williams:
"How you doin'?"
Costumes do not equal fashion. Especially when the costume isn't original.
I used to think I new what 'eccentric' meant
I bet there's going to be lots of hating on these two pictures, but I always salute people who dress like this for making the world a more interesting place. It's also good to see the Margiela L'incognito runway sunglasses in a 'real' setting..
Brian - you killed me with that comment. Data and Jordi's love child. So astute of you. I'm cracking up.
Hmmm, he would have fit right in at the Catch One back in the day. It was THE black gay club (gay men and lesbians- something you hardly see anywhere although Oakland had a good one for a minute) in L.A. to hang at. The best club of all time IMO until Madonna discovered it and it all went down hill from there....aaah. But I bore you with reminiscing and give away my age to boot. Anyway, a lot of boys rocked this look back then, back there (without the purse or heels, however). Now it's retro and I slap him five for his boldness. I must say at top I thought it was a girl until I saw the shadow of a beard.
Vive la Différence!
Wesley Snipes meets Blade Runner. I'm mean that in a good way though.
Wesley Snipes in heels?
I agree about the pigeon toes. Straighten up, you Beautiful People!
That is a serious look. My cap is doffed!
I don't mind the heels. Love the L'incognito's though.
I love the New York picture, BUT I can't stand the second one. I can't tell if he likes fashion or costumes. It doesn't work at all, not for him or anybody else. It's just wrong, and at last we can forget that he's a guy trying to pull it off.
The 8o's with a millennium fair! I love the 80's... There was so much more creativity in terms of music and style. It is interesting now to see individuals repeating the era of my youth.
i love this guy
hes great
Its the real 80s!!
I'm diggin' the hair styles...late 80's early 90's hip-hop. Very Kwame and Doug E. Fresh like.
love the bottom jumpsuit, very Claude Montana and she looks like Grace Jones!
He reminds me of Hollywood from the movie Mannequin.
What's the word I'm looking for....androgynous? Both of these guys don't know how to rock a cameo right, trust me I'm from the 80s.
Amazing !
the colors fit perfecty on the look...
it reminds me a lot of Grace Jones
back to the Louis XVI time when guys are wearing heels... cute!
that is all
Trying waaaay to hard to be "different" and have an "impact."
Jumpsuits are back...we've seen them in many men's collections. Very Claude Montana vibe, but i'm lost with with shoes
Oh. My. Gawd.
Love his bag in the first picture. He seems like a guy people love or hate. His look evokes extremes, no grays.
I always feel the pigeon-toed stance is apologetic. It's like saying "Yeah, I'm fierce, but also sort of a puppy." Female models do it when they're trying to look coy, or non-threatening, or child-like.
That's the only part he doesn't own.
Feet forward, dude!
oh my... love the margielas and the futuristic look. wonderful!
Well, everyone is entitled to their very own interpretation of fashion and how they want to express themselves, but for me the high heel was made for women, but not all women. But for the woman who can where them well, walk in them well, stand in the well and above all the high heel defines the line of the female leg. So, this look does not work for me.
Hahaha...these pix crack me up. I admire those who get dressed in the morning with a sense of humour. Personally if I have a whimsical day I can't bear the criticism.
Want to cast these fashion amazons (famazon?) in a music video...oh yes. Extras in that one with the Japanese girls and the cats. Am I ramblings?
The top photo is nothing short of amazing. It's a sci-fi masterpiece.
At first look...
At second look...
A little too 80s for me
...and about the heels
But still, people like this make the world a better (more interesting) place... so I guess...
The top photo is incredible. I love everything about it. The city doesn't seem real at all.
This reminds of the Marc Jacobs AD featuring Model Cole. Very forward, but the pieces are awesome especially the eye wear.
Insane and 80's fabulous! I love it! But the jumpsuit in the second pic could use a belt.
Kudos for both courage and flair!
I swear I've seen this guy before. And I love his outfit, heels and all.
The heels: 10p for trying, 10p for succeeding!!
I think both guys look awsome! FULL of character! :)
Awsome blog! Awsome pictures!
/Mika from Sweden
darlings, fierce is not a costume.
let's be real. if there had been no elements of genderfuck in these looks, you all would have been swooning. perhaps you just hate to see a male body rocking heels harder than you can?
I don't know if I love or not .. I 'm a bit confused !!
It's always great to see Margiela worn in real (well...I use the term loosely in this case!) life.
I love those jeans. They're not too skinny and they're simmer than say Levi's 511. They could be cropped a tad though...Anyone have a guess as to what jeans those might be?
I think he's Dutch.
Folks, it's just a costume.
stunning performance throughout the entire week in paris. he looked great at chanel also, too bad mr. schumann didn't snap the outfit. i admire his unapologetic, care-free and self-absorbed attitude, he simply oozes confidence and owns his looks. everyone should take a book from this mans page, he represents fashion and what it means in the best way possible.
absolutely amazing.
Absolutly she´s Grace Jones¡
refreshing! love it
Hi you!
Your blog interesting!
I definitely fail to see any style or beauty in either of the photos.
gawd, folks can be unimaginative and judgemental. those heels are so perfectly natural on the person with the rest of the outfit. its the silhouette that matters. get over yourselves. not everything needs to be straitjacketed and pigeonholed. it does not have to be gay or 80s or young or male. learn to admit that some things are beyond your imagination and you can't just conveniently try to fit everything into your worldview.
Let this be a shining example of walking satire.
The second photo is classic even though I'm not a big fan of the bottom of his pants being tucked into the heels. But the juxtoposition of the moustache with the heels is fantastic. The moustache removes the androgyny and says "I am a MAN. In heels." Love it!!
booyyyyy, that playsuit is bananas!
So cool! Different set, different look, but both cities are wonderful!
Okay, someone has already said it, but this guy is channeling Grace Jones so strongly in the second shot. Even his face expression.
The first look is very "Stronger" era Kanye West meets late 80s British pop. I think, of anyone posted lately, this guy understands the connection between music and clothing.
Not sure if I can dig either scene. Photography, of course, is the MOST considering the source (Super, Sart!), but the style is questionable. Brave--definitely! Innovative--maybe! I woulde love to know what either of these gents do for a living, if they went to work dressed like this. Creative minds nonetheless. I applaud their aplomb--I think alot of us wished we were this courageous.
I don't know what the sunglasses in the top picture are, but the bottom pair is by Maison Martin Margiela.
rupaul at the bottom wins
Thank god some people in the world don't let gender stop them from wearing fabulous things.
This dude knows how to work it. I love him already. I love the Margiela glasses.
Oh my god, this is sooo cool. Especially the sunglasses!!!
Embarrassing and you know why.
So freaking fabulous.
to me it's werid... sorry
This is so beautiful. I often troll this blog for images of gender-bending style, and this is a perfect manifestation. I wish we lived in a world where we didn't always know immediately who are men and who are women based on style. Here's to the androgynous future!
Heels on a guy. Kewl. Can he walk in'em, though?
I like the way the digital(?) watch, the shirt sleeve and the jumpsuit sleeve look.
There is a fine line between androgyny and cross-dressing. I like the first one, but the second one? There are plenty of nice shoes out there for men. A statement shouldn't be made for the sole purpose of making a statement. The second outfit doesn't tell me anything.
Made me smile! Very few people truly exercise freedom of expression.
Anonymous at 5:16PM: "Wesley Snipes in heels?" Oh yes, "To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar" was a faaaabulous movie ;D
I love seeing men in heels; why should we have a monopoly on gorgeous yet masochistic footwear? The second guy also totally rocks that jumpsuit. The above-the-waist details and folds are great.
I can't get on board with these sunglasses at all, but then, I can't stand Wayfarers either.
I have little to say about the top picture as I think he kind of resembles a whole load of other 80's inspired kids.
However the bottom one... Slightly lost for words again but for different reasons. I love the photograph but boots are just a step too far. The jumpsuit I actually love, it would look fantastic on a woman and good in a weird kind of way on a man but only in an edgy ad campaign (think marc jacobs irony). But even on the runway or a far fetched ad the shoes just wouldn't do it for me in any way, shape or form.
his man is BURNING UP!
Whoever said that high heels were made for women is WRONG.
High heels originated as shoes for riding, to keep the foot from sliding in the stirrup. On the beginning, aristocratic MEN were the ones who wore heels. Of course, women quickly followed suit.
And Louis XIV, who prided himself on his masculinity and virility, was extremely proud of his shapely, ballet-trained legs and regularly wore shoes with high red heels to show them off.
the whole look is just breathtaking... I seem unable to say if I like it or not... But it is something new and gives the impression of change
His style is really different in the 2 cities, I guess I like his NY outfit best, I think it's more for him. Not a big fan of womens heels for men... But he still looks great, in his own way!
The Norma Kamali throwback jumpsuit is fierce...he looks like he did the superman thing in a gas station and bathroom and someone walked in on him when he was halfway between clark kent and superman...
wow surprisingly, I think the boots look really good on him! love those sun glasses too!
Good for you for wanting to take a leap of faith (or something) but...
Are you kidding me!?
I have found a bit of an inspiration drought lately...lovely photos but nothing truly inspiring....but this, this is something else.
both pictures are intriguing. I personally like the reflections in the building on the top picture.
I think the second outfit is a little too over the top for my own aesthetic taste, but i do like how it challenges the status quo of fashion.
The first outfit is fresh, I saw glasses like those at Blackbird in Seattle a while ago and could not imagine them looking anything less than ridiculous in real life. This kid pulls it off in my books.
im not sure if i like the heels , but cool guy ..
interesting... but I'm definitely not in love with it.
I like the 2nd guy, but the 1st one is so much fun, especially wearing that scarf with the shirt. The 2nd outfit - I would love to see on a really hunky guy.
1 is deliciously androgynous, and those jeans and shoes take the 80's futura elements of it into the present.
2 is a nice concept, but just really unflattering; it elongates his torso and shortens his legs.
i always thought it was impossible to wear margiela without looking costumey. there, his black sunglasses look almost reasonable.
Anonymous at 11:37: "Well, everyone is entitled to their very own interpretation of fashion and how they want to express themselves, but for me the high heel was made for women, but not all women. But for the woman who can where them well, walk in them well, stand in the well and above all the high heel defines the line of the female leg. So, this look does not work for me."
No woman is born with a heel that magically arches into the air like a Barbie doll. We only say the effect of the heel accentuates femininity because we have defined femininity to encompass those features that the heel accentuates. It's pure tautology. Bring on the masochistic footwear for men, I say. Bring it on.
Looks like a guy in L.A. I used to shoot tests with. His hair-style was a cresting surf-wave shape (instead of that notch). The jump-suit would go well with some edgy Italian boots designed for alpinists. I'd like to see slightly more "vintagy"volume in the legs, too. He's done a pretty good job— bravo.
The first look is utterly fantastic, but I wonder if the sunglasses and bag make it so. Wouldn't this just be another Urban Outfitters/vintage blend without them? I was stunned at first, but I have to admit, it's waning.
As far as the second look goes, it seems hard to believe that the ostentatious 80's man from above is the same person. I still don't know what to think of it.
You've done your job again Sart- the breadth and range of comments shows that. One day it's something gorgeous and chic that everyone can agree upon and the next it's disorienting controversy- brilliant! That's why this site is so fascinating. Love it as always!
Heels for guys...it's a complete no no
Points for the attitude/confidence but it's too edgy for me. Here he is again at Gareth Pugh last month still rocking the heels in the 2nd last photo: http://altamiranyc.blogspot.com/2008/09/paris-fashion-week-day-1-at-gareth-pugh.html
A film based on a future decade with people who looked like this, you know, a collab between the fashion minded and a film maker..would be just great. The storyline would be something entirely different, but the visuals would make the film stand out.
/ end banter.
an anonymous poster already said this, but the first one does have a Hollywood Montrose from Mannequin thing going on, with a little dose of LeVar Burton's startrek character (the glasses...). Awesome!
VERY impressive
Valley Girl meets Carlton Banks. Interesting.
I love when you spice up your blog with this sort of juxtaposition.
larry blackmon eat your heart out ... you're cyborg version is walking the streets ... in only the way a stylish cyborg can
awesome kid.
It may be just me, but those broad, manly shoulders + high heels = ridiculous.
i love it. the first outfit is wonderful, bright and colourful; the second one is sculptural (?) and clean and very chic.
it looks like a professional shoot or something; if more people wore like this in real life i think it'd be more interesting and less trend-controlled-looking.
this man is everywhere! Hipster Runoff, Facehunter (i think), Easy Fashion Paris..... You name it. For another cool picture of his, check this out (no, this is not my blog, I'm just sharing) http://easyfashion.blogspot.com/2008/10/fashion-week-paris-chanel_432.html
its just wrong....the heels..NO NO NO !!!!
These men are amazing! I love the sunglasses--very Blade Runner--I particularly LOVE the man in the second photo--he is fierce and the shoes... oh my... so lovely, so right! This is what fashion is all about.
very nice
Amazing, wonderful, don't stop.
Utterly new and genius.
He must be from the future..
the dudes in the pics are not the same, the second one is Jean Paul from Holland... the first I don't know.
I could be wrong, but I'm not so sure that this is the same person...
187 comments and counting!!
if Liquid Sky was re-shot and re-cast
entirely of black actors it could look something like this.
FIERCE indeed.
more please..
Not only do i love how inspirational this whole ensemble is, but sweet god, what a stunning photograph! These are the kind of heels i can see working for men -- those enlightened enough to brave them of course. And the swathes of collar with the stark cyborg eyewear provide a feast of contrasts. The waist is tricky, but all jumpers tend to suffer from this affliction. Nice touch with the watch too.
Wow! I love the second one! LOVE him!
That waist problem can be addressed with inner suspenders attached via plackets w/catenary cuts.