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Comments on "On the Street..... Deep Left Bank, Paris"
I like the look but......
The shirt collar?
The shoes are just right!
Excellent! I love the piping on his lapels and the match of shirt and socks. Grey never looked so good!
why do people on the streets just dress up so nicely? are they all models or designers or fashion editors? wearing clothes like that down the street of a normal town is bound to receive some awkward glances.
nice mix - suite with those scolar-bag.
in fact, i think that after the latest Hermes 'scolar' bag, we will see a lot of this kind bags! and, i think they are very comfortable in everyday life.
very nice look! i gotta say the socks go with the shirt
I love this. This is me. I wear some shirts with the wide collars. I love the brown shoes with the black pants. I love the... everything. The only thing about this that isn't me has got to be the piping on his jacket. I don't know that I could pull it off. But, I love this look.
I'm loving on cuffed pants over rich cranberry shoes.
for B fly
What if he is nervous?
he is not a model and having your picture taken by a stranger is not a natural thing.
I don't think someone should be knocked for that
For the record, he wasn't nervous but actually very patient and charming - this was not the easiest lighting situation
It wouldn't have occurred to me to roll my pants with this particular outfit but it does work well with the silhouette. The pulling at his shirt buttons bothers me a little- as if the shirt is too tight. Every other item looks great. There's a (nice) suggestion of the Dandy without taking anything over the top, which shows great consideration and style.
I love his shirt and its relationship with his grey vest and cardigan.
But most of all, I love how large his collar is.
LOVES it! The jacket steals the show and the sock detail ties in the shirt perfectly without clashing with his pants or being too matchy. A perfect example of the new casual
i don't love the shoes.
that said, everything else works...brilliantly. i love love love the shirt. the jacket and cardigan is genius. that grey is gorgeous!
Big collars are swish!
I like the wet road in this picture, but i can't tell if he's wearing cords for pants because of it!
I want some funky socks now!
Fantastic! Love the colours and how they compliment his skin colour. His socks and shirt combination is noteworthy.
I find his stance provocatively humorous for some reason :) Loving the shoes
A great look for going to class at the Sorbonne or somewhere, not too studied, for me, it's very French looking. confident.
I like him. I mean I like his style. Not sure about the bag, but other than that, he's nice.
Hilarious! (So not Paris.) Thanks for sharing.
Great shoes!
i love him. i love the plaid shirt and really really love the jacket.
I love the shirt and trim on the jacket lapels. Love the shoes. Not sure how I feel about the pants being cuffed up - seems too precious.
Nice urban-hip-chic look, though. Polished enough to be presentable but edgy enough to be fun.
Good balance.
strtaight from the runway
miaow! they sure do grow 'em cute on the left bank...i think the piping works- its draws together the jacket and the cardigan ust enough without being too matchy matchy. and "nervous"? where are you getting nervous from? his steely gaze? his chiselled cheekbones? this boy is working it!
Cordovan goes with everything :)
As mentioned above, the piping on the lapels is exquisite, and the shoe color works so well with the grays involved. I'd love to see the shirt pattern up close, it brings a lot of energy.
He looks very comfortable in his clothing. I like the fact that he turned up the sleeve on his suit coat.
I find the "little things" about this outfit vaguely irritating. This guy seems to have tried just a little to hard. For instance, the color and cut of the jacket are impeccable and the functional buttonholes are a nice touch as a result why even bother with the piping? the piping causes it to become more dated with every passing moment. Secondly the shirt attracts an enormous amount of attention due to how tight it is the collar size and the pattern. The size is simply unfortunate and the and either the collar or the pattern would have sufficiently jazzed up his outfit, the combination seems overblown. While I think he should have worn different shoes with this outfit they do look a nice pair to own. At the end of the day this could have been made more striking by subduing it just a little. This guy already looks pretty distinctive and the basics of the outfit are already very good but the details make it look as if hes dying for attention. A little more subtlety could have helped an already excellent outfit.
awesome jacket!
paired nicely with the shoes!
Please dont tell me he actually stands like that
would have been even more perfect without the piping ... but I can understand why he has done this ... it's seen on boys and girls trousers in today's fashion ...Looks good on very tall people ; for some it makes the legs look shorter ...
no hint of nervousness.i think he has this strong, confident gaze.
love everything about him including the plaid shirt with the nice big collar and chequered socks. the details on his jacket's lapel and front pockets lends a nice touch to the overall look. brilliant look!
Looks like a Fred Perry/Ben Sherman print ad!
for a moment i thought he'd been found on the deft bank, which made perfect sense
nouveau ted.
i like him and his look
Brilliant! I always have the soft spot for piped lapel~
oh boy~ do I want to have coffee with him
I love how those shoes look almost burgundy against the grey asphalt. And rolling up the cuffs of the pants to reveal the coordinating socks...awesome.
who makes the jacket!? help!
blue steel.
the clothes are awesome though.
He's awesome :)
hot damn.
not the guy, but his attitude that he creates wirh his style, I'd always look after someone like him.
and his socks! the socks!
This is possibly one of my favorite shots ever. really. It's a totally wearable outfit. He looks so elegant, whimsical and hip at the same time. I EVEN like the bag. I'm in love with this man and his fabulous style!
yeah. i'd do him...
oh and he has nice sense of ownership of his attire as well
i love all of it..........except the messenger bag. Sorry.
It's a little casual for the look. That aside, it is awesome. Initially I was a tad sceptical regarding the width of the collar but the more I look at it, the more I am liking it.
The outfit has a great sense of balance and the penny loafers are just gorgeous.
I LOVE his hair - nice and thick.
piping works for me too on the lines of creating a nice perimeter for the jacket to stand out against the vest. really love the whole outfit and the bag isn't bothersome as much as functional. i believe those are cords which make for an interesting fabric texture mix. my favorite part is the slim roll up of the pant legs and the peaking socks/shoe combination.
i really love this picture, such amazing focus.
and the style of this young man, is everything i strive to achieve.
i heart very much!
He looks COOL!
What I really love about this is the slightly rumpled material matched with the (seemingly) carelessly cuffing of the trousers. Classical tailoring with a more modern twist + a couple of more fun pieces (shirt, shoes, socks) = brilliant style.
he's gorgeous.
A very powerful shot, love it!
Love the shirt and the greys.
Hello Mr Schuman, I strongly recommend you to visit La Coruña,the epicenter of Zara, here you can find very elegant people even within the lower class
Ewww! Don't like the summery plaid with autumnal grey. And while I like cuffs in general, I don't like them when the pants look too short. (I don't care if the whole fashionista community feels it necessary to admire them.) I am amazed at what sheep most of the commenters are. Only Daniel seems to have noticed that the shirt is too small and tight. Oh yes, someone else noticed that the shirt collar is hideous. Duh.
He looks a bit Tod...ted + mod. It's an interesting combo and I think it works for him. He's having fun w/ it.
hes cute
so joseph cavalier (from the adventures of kavalier and clay)!
very quirky and cool... I like it.
Swap the bag for a helmet and the shirt/cardigan for a tshirt and this outfit is very similar to the one worn by the guy in your Via Turati, Milano shot last month. It's a good look..
I like: haircut, Freitag bag, pants, gilet, jacket.
I don't like: posture, crooked legs, pants "lapel", wrinkled socks, flashy shirt.
I thought that the shirt was very Ben Sherman, especially buttoned to the neck. I love the effort, and the shoulders of the jacket fit impeccibly. I just don't like the messenger. It looks like a forgotten detail, like he's off to uni (maybe he is?).
I want to have coffee with him, :))
He has such a great sense of self to him. Great work as always!!
his large collars!and the clolor of the shirt is really great!
just french'!
looks good....
i'm alright for the collar... it have to be smaller!!
Elegant outfit :)
I think big, pointy collars are totally rad. Like sideburns. They are superfly.
I always wanted a jacket with piping--makes me think of Patrick McGoohan in "The Prisoner," who had a great look, I always thought. I know that the costumes in "The Prisoner" probably referenced something else, but I have no other associations....
I'd like this whole outfit a lot more if it fit better: the shirt strains at the buttons, the vest is too big and bunches up, the jacket fits through the shoulders but is too small around the middle.
What's going on with the right cuff? There's something extra there - it looks turned up and not like the left one.
I love how he mixes the shirt and the socks. I'd love to change his hair a bit though..
The pose and composition make me think of a YSL print campaign from a couple (2?) years ago. Were you thinking that at all Sart, or am I pulling that out of nowhere? Maybe the title just got me thinking Rive Gauche.
Either way, love the style and the shot.
this guy looks cool, wham bang!
I absolutely hate the rolled up trousers. It looks to me as though his trousers have had a fight with his lovely shoes. Apart from that, the shirt's great but I also hat the jacket!
LOVE the shirt!! The colar is a little crazy, but that's part of the charm. Nice work all around, even the over-the-shoulder bag... great look - I want it.
Great look. I like his stance, because it show off his skinny trou.
Yes, well done. Teaming the sweater with the jacket, the socks, the very nicely polished shoes, and the bag.
Love this! Piping not too over the top. Shirt not radical, merely youthful. The cuff attention is great, the shoe/sock action's fabulous, the bag is fine and acutally practical (unlike the insane turkish blue bag devoid of any handles featured a while back, making it little more than an attractive piece of leather being carried around). As for you collar fascists, you're declaring your taste, not rules. This guy is really stylish regardless of details we don't personally like.
haha tom. you look great as always. i wouldn t do you though. j
Well said, anonymous 10:06.
i think i've borrowed that shirt before... You look simply wonderful!! However, your middle button is not to my liking...
Distinct, edgy and very fab without being over the top.
loving it. the shirt buttoned up tight to the neck-- perfect
Absolutely LOVE this! The shirt buttoned all the way up sans a tie is awesome and that jacket/vest combo is amazing. Love the cuffed pants too! Other than the outfit, this guy looks like the *perfect size* I wonder how tall he is...
There must have a serious and thorough thought trying to get so many things wrong. Brown shoes with black(!!?) pants and that shirt and that bag. Desole Monsieur mais vous ne rentrerez pas!
hilarious, Tom! Looking great, would've totally worked at Caius me thinks. I wonder if he thought you were actually French? Might be a good idea to include this on your publishing profile.