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Comments on "On the Street.....Wet & Styled, NYC"
wonderful! All of them are stylish without dressing for attention. Great fit, wonderful colours and each a little quirky. this is what good personal style is all about.
Yasmin is incredible. The jacket, the shoes and bag combo, the fabric of the dress.
Great composition. The way her extended hand in the rain grabs all the light of the shot - that alone makes it beautiful. Her wrist and elegant fingers - classic femininity.
the first photo is the best in this sites history
Does anyone know where I can get the elephant shirt that she's wearing?
I love the first outfit. It's casual yet sophisticated and the color of that coat is gorgeous. I love that she looks like a little girl enjoying the rain...!!!
Delicate and vulnerable. Love the belt.
i adore the top look, i'll keep that photo around for future reference. she's so cute! all three are actually.
I love the style of the third one-- especially her Chanel bag.
I always love poses with umbrellas for some reason, maybe that is what I love about the first and last outfits.
you can stand under my umbrella..ela
Great outfits. Sart, I think you use your camera as a very successful way to talk to great looking women.
All three of these are great photos. Each of these women appear completely natural and comfortable with their clothing. I especially like the print t-shirt in the middle photo.
yasmin! i LOVE her style. she is a wonderful example of someone who knows what they like and sticks to it and always looks fresh/natural.
wouldn't it be nice to see a photo of a woman who isn't rail thin? great fashion on all these skinny women, but it would be nice to see a more diverse bodies. i KNOW that curvy women can dress well too!
You have absolutely nailed it with number 1!
It was so fun to shoot people when they went out of the tents at Bryant Park!
I adore Yasmin - her personal sense of style is incredible!
who is this yasmin and how does her belt stay up?
The lady in the first photo is a stunner. Donald Fagan's "walk between the raindrops" should be playing
hi sart. do you have a full shot of the middle photo? i wanted to get a look at the cut of her pants.
the elephant t-shirt is from Givenchy resort a couple of seasons ago
Where can I find a coat like the one in the top photo...at a reasonable price? I have seen many sweaters like that but this one seems to have more structured shoulders.
love the outfit in the 3rd photo. i've been noticing a lot of rich blues pop up here and there lately.
loveee the third one. elegant yet punk..ah...
Love the 1st girl's long jacket!
the first picture is stunning<3
Does anyone know where the bag in the first picture comes from?
Amazingly stylish in the rain. Prepared for the camera and occasional downpours...
muy cool
The first one- great photo of a gorgeous woman.
The top two outfits look great. They look polished without looking like they planned out every single detail - like it's a natural condition for them to be that pulled together.
The bottom outfit in the series just isn't working out. She looks lost - lost in the sweater dress and even lost in her own skin. The gauge looks all wrong. Like maybe the sweater got caught between two bargain shoppers in a fight?
I love the first woman's hair, and she's convincing me that white leggings can look good.
The third one looks cold. And that's a very short dress.
I love the first shot, most of all. This girl is a work of art. I must say......this blog is a virtual 'Natural Geographic' glimpse of what's going on in fashion.
Kudos to the blog owner.....it's really a great spotlight on what's going on, without the studied presentations of 'Hollywood' etc.
Love it
Which one is Yasmin?
Yasmin is always so beautiful~ GOD i want that blue blazer and awesome bag she's got.
Anyone know what bag she is carrying in the first picture?
god, yeah, yasmin kills me every time. she looks fantastic!
Thankyou sartorialist... the first photos is incredible! My favourite outfit you've published so far. There's not a piece of clothing i don't love there. Well done, keep up the inspirational work!
yasmin is my absolute style icon. She dresses with the right balance of masculine edge and enviable femininity. Definately inspiring.
Wow. They all look fantastic. I defy anyone to find knits to pick on these babes.
I especially love Yasmin because she's so full of joy in this shot. What a beauty.
And that blue blazer is fantastic.
i love you for going out into the rain to catch these girls.
not the first time, but, the first time i mention it.
beautiful flicks.
and they all look so good.
Can someone tells me where I find the elephant's shirt please?
Great collection. What to say?
preciosas fotos. preciosas mujeres. la sonrisa de la morena con el pelo recogido da ganas de vivir. divina.
the best color for umbrella - is black!
the first lady has great jacket. lovely mix with her dress
Yasmin looks amazing (jacket and dress are too good to be true) so all the other girls do! Amazing shots. Fresh, stylish, sexy...OMG, those ladies are fabulous!!!! Great choice!!1
I normally don't like dressing up on rainy days, but these photos are an inspiration! :D
I shall now endeavour to style myself up on these once unfavourable days.
The third picture: No no no. Come on...The belt is SO has-been! Terrrrrible! Would have been a lot nicer without any belt!
The best part is that these 3 women can stand in the rain and don't seem to mind. Attitude is 99% and the outfit the remaining? Jorge from W Palm Beach
i LOVE the last pic the most!! I love how the belt, cuff and chanel chain straps all cohesively look well-matched with the metal details!!
for anon 6:48pm
there are at least two curvy women on the front page right now, you just have to look a little more closely
For those that asked (above) Yasmin is Yasmin Sewell, director of women's buying for Browns Fashion, I love her effortless style, she always looks so amazing! I would LOVE to get my hands on that blazer!
All three are amazing. I love how the clothes look so comfortable , nothing is too overkill, and everyone's natural-looking. And I agree, the first is just perfect/great/stunning...
The bottom photo reminds me of a lost kitten. Your "rain" photos from fashion week range in mood from melancholy to smiling, "I'll get through this" looks like the top one. All interesting and well-done.
That woman... in the botton picture... such lovely face, such strong features... I Lover her...
the bag is Anya Hindmarch!
The first photo is stunning. I so want to hang out with her!
The third photo is HOT.
I'm not sure about the Meg Ryan look-alike in between.
I do love these photos but the last picture seems to distort her proportions...as in it makes her hips look really low without anything really to counteract that on the bottom.
But the blue is pretty. That helps right?
WOHOO!!! I opened your blog this morning & thought, YAY! YASMIN!
A pic of her on your blog inspired me to cut my long curly hair off in a manner similar to hers. I love that she always looks like she's just having fun and doesn't take this fashion biz too seriously!
(BTW - she's the woman in the top photo... when you click the photo to enlarge Sart usu. enters the person's name in the filename.)
Thank you for showing how Yasmin's style continues to evolve. I hope she gets a kick out of seeing herself on your blog.
i would also like to see a full length shot of the middle woman, the Meg Ryan lookalike. please.
Love the elephant shirt. I am so ready for these waistless dresses to go bye-bye, however. For many of us the waist is our best asset, so these flapper dresses don't do many favors.
for woman on top with the big umbrella:
will you marry me?
this dude can take pictures, made me fall in love with this one.
The black suit, B&W tee, thin belt, handbag and her stance add up to a fantastic look!
Thanks, Sart, for the pic of Yasmin's hair from the side.
Gorgeous gorgeous and gorgeous!!!
j'adore beaucoup! rain never looked so sexy!
3 amazing looks! My favourite is the second one!
is blazers still a do? i'd like to get one but i'm afraid to regret it! what do u think guys?
I love the first photo (and the woman in it) the most. I particularly like her hair cut, as well as her entire ensemble. Simple and beautiful! I also like the second look. A great way to make an otherwise boring two-piece a lot more interesting. The third look is also very cute. It is very young, and fresh.
I want to marry the last girl.
Simply gorgeous.
the top shot background colors remind me of Waterlilies, Green Reflection by monet...an exquisite shot...unreal combo of rain, color and beauty of the feminine..
i like the tee in shot two she is very NY
the bottom shot could be in france..gamine punk
great series sart you rock.
I love Yasmin! She looks so casual and chic at the same time!! She looks beautiful!
Yasmin embodies great feminine style. I want everything she wears in every picture in every blog where she's featured! OMG, I want to be her!!!
That first one is one of my favorite looks I've ever seen on Sartorialist.
Just saying, if anyone's interested, the 1st picture wedges are from the French store Comptoir des cotonniers, spring-summer '08.
It's nice to see something in a Sartorialist photo that I actually could afford & have even tried on :)
2nd Photo: Her top compliments the upper part perfect. However the thin belt with her trousers made her lower body slightly disproportional than the ideal.
would anyone happen to know what brand the bag is that yasmin's carrying? seems so practical yet stylish enough also. Heba
the second woman is Virginie Mouza from the Figaro
she is absolutely stunning. i love this nonchalant look
Nice work, Sart. My personal fave is the one in the center. As someone else said, well-dressed without dressing for attention. I love this style of quiet dressing.
Great Sex Appeal!!
Yasmin has redefined my definition of so many words -- chic, feminine, classy, ladylike. She's flawless!
obviously, she has great legs that why she is wearing that kind of outfit in the rain. i love everything about this outfit except for the belt. i don't like the trend of wearing the belt on your hips, it just looks ugly.
If you like style you should check this out.
The Black & white diary of Germinal Roaux.
I just love the dress and the way she is standing there. I think this is a great shot.
Love everything about outfit # 2
My favorite part of the last photo is the bottle in her hand...it looks like a ghost image. Seems strange to have to drink out of a bottle when there's water all around her.
lovely you are
i adore the first photo. the mannish jacket and the dress go together so well, it's perfect. props for such artistic photography! this shot is epic :)
i adore the first girl's look.
put together, stylish - but not forced.
The top photo just makes me so happy when I look at it, she looks gorgeous!
Does anyone know who makes the purse in the first picture?
i heart these shots!
especially the first one, love the blue man's jacket with the shirt dress and t-straps, a combination of my favorite pieces..simply effortless.
the top is gorgeous, but those shoes are a bit much I think.
i absolutely love the first shot
she's so carefree and happy =)
Yasmin Is inspirational
I'm getting the bag in the first pic yay!!!
for some reason, your shots with umbrellas are always inexplicably my favorites...I love the woman at the top; her shirt/dress is 8 sizes too big but she is still gorgeous and elegant.