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Comments on "On the Street.....West 37th St., Midtown"
If I had her legs, I´d do it the same way.
I wonder what kind of shorts/ pants she´s wearing underneath...
The shoes are perfect and she looks delicious!
This reminds me of one of the outfits that Carrie wore in Sex in the City. If I remember correctly it became big for a while after that. I always thought that it looked like your wearing your boyfriends shirt home after spending the night...However, in this picture, she`s certainly rocking it out with the pick and black accents!
Somebody spent the night with a new guy. And then she stole his shirt. And tie.
Oh, to be young again!
Yes BMommy!!! It is very "Carrie leaving Big's apartment on the Walk of Shame wearing only his pressed shirt" minus the Hermes H Belt, of course. I like the little red heart on her purse. Jorge from W Palm Beach
kitchenlogic2point0 - if that's the case i ope she's on her way home to find some capri's or a cute skirt... While i love the pink and black (the pink is just deep enough) i feel this is not a look for the City. She needs to be in Malibu or East Hampton (or may be someone will tell me i need to be in the 19th century?)
She's got the legs of a baby giraffe (and knows how to work them). Love the sandals. Wish she'd put more effort into her hair.
too short, but I like the movement of the tie and the purse. and the fact that it's a tie and a men shirt. funny girl!!
Obviously wasn't about to wear the evening dress she had originally gone out in. In answer to Catarina "y-fronts".
No thanks very much.
She looks fabulous! And I am so proud to say I have those Sergio Rossi sandals!
damn, if i had her legs i'd wear this in a heartbeat. sartorialist, how can girls with short legs look this sexy?
The colour of the shirt is lovely and she certainly looks happy... but I really don't get this "pantless look."
I don't know...to me, there are "shirt-dresses" and "shirts worn as dresses"...this falls into the latter category...and just looks like she forgot to put on pants. She does have great legs...I think she'd look fabulous in an actual dress.
Gorgeous. And her legs look THAT good in flats!! Perfect sandals, from the front you think they're going to be heels, and I think thats a very elegant look and doesn't do one thing to dress the look down, but rather up.
Isn't the shirt silk? I think its definitely a woman's shirt/shirt dress/tunic?
I think she's done very well--its perfect. I especially love the light material, short length, and light color, with dark accents--hello fall transition.
Does she walk all over the city on her tip toes?
If I'm wrong I'll be embarrassed, but I am convinced that her name is Kate. She has been hosting at the American Express Sky Box Lounge in Bryant Park! She's lovely, too.
She is no wearing a men's shirt at all!!! Look at the openings on the sides...it is definitely a woman's dress.
She looks amazing, very young and fresh
Sexy, adorable,effortlessly elegant, and those legs, oh my God...!
Her name is Kate S. Won't say more as I don't know if people want their names out there although in her business I imagine she would- branding, styling, events, etc. I do think she looks very cute- lovely legs- although I hope she has some good coverage underneath.
it´s an interesting look to manhattan streets
a great look for manhattan streets
great shoes...
I'd be scared of a breeze!!
I went to HS with that Kate! It's so lovely to see old classmates & coworker on this site...
She looks great, obviously...
She looks great, but it makes me think of thoses dreams you have where you find yourself somewhere without your pants on.
I think her confidence and her fabulous legs and toes pull the look off... except for her hair. I think pulling it back in a chignon would have made it look less morning after-ish. Maybe some red on the lips??
Inappropriate for city streets, perfect for the beach. She sure is pretty, though.
I LOVE this outfit! she look great! nice shoes also!
very brave look!
hmmm, a little too much leg for the city me thinks - fine for the beach but.......
If you're 20 and gorgeous like sh is, I guess it works.
Be completely old and judgemental- I have to agree with others that it looks like she just left some guys house.
Or, forgot her pants.
The dress/shirt should have a different color. like a light blue or something like that. What's with her hair?
This is a lovely carefree look. She looks like Mariel Hemingway. And the flat sandals are really wonderful too. Heels would have pushed the look over the edge. The look fits Manhattan and would transfer perfectly to Santa Monica.
Too much nail polish, not enough clothes.
no ... not to be a hater but i dont think this shirt+belt is really appropriate (read: "classy") ... maybe on beach, but she needs some short shorts or some pants. yes, great legs but dont give away the farm, girl!
I love it!
Lovely casual look. Great legs to pull it off. You have got to have a high level of confidence though.
But is it still that warm in NYC right now?
wow. love it. not sure i'd wear the slit that high, even if i had her legs. that's just me probably. she looks fantastic. love how she hardened the pink with the black tougher pieces.
Beautiful concept that in my opinion gets lost in the details. Carrie's outfit worked because of her gorgeous full hair and a structured belt.
If she'd put her hair in a loose chignon and made the tie into a bow I think this look would work so much better.
great legs. im very jealous. not really a fan of the look but i think the centre part ogf her hair is cute and refreshing. especially as its not done in a typical boho sienna miller (ugh) way.
She looks stunning. Fantastic legs. And sandals. Yet - call me old-fashioned - there is still a part of me thinking, where are your pants?
I don't think it looks like she forgot the pants at all. If you look at the length, its a mini in the front, but almost mid thigh, and easily mid thigh in the back. It had to have been cut with more coverage in back.
The slit doesn't go up that high. The billowy shape offsets the length, as do the long sleeves.
Sure, it would look fine with pants, but not in warm weather.
I think its clearly a dress, its just an edgy take on the length.
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Cute shirt, cute sash-as-belt, the pink does wonders for her flaxen hair but...
...did someone forget to put on pants this morning?
Now add black pencil skirt just skimming the knees and change the sandals to black. That would look more together.
The shoes!!
I hope she's wearing shorts or something underneath, that slit is so high!
Perfect time in her life to wear that look, but not the perfect place.
bold move.
she's got legs and knows how to use them.
A great look for Manhattan sheets?
She'd look lovely... on the beach.
I admire her confidence, but something about the proportion looks wrong to me. There's too much fabric gathered around the waist for it to be a proper dress, and the length looks off for it to be a shirt.
I was sold until I saw that big slit up the side - it really is just too much and inappropriate for the middle of the day.
Standing on your tippy toes and adding a tie doesn't turn a shirt into a dress. (She's lovely, though.)
that shade of pink is so refreshing.
The look is so poignant. I love the oversized boyfriend t-shirt as I read some would refer it as. The choice of color is perfect, I couldn't see it any other color. I love how she uses something like a scarf, to construct a fashionable look not making it at all appear risque. I like the studded sandals she's wearing and the leather bag she's carrying, it just compliments her style even more. Glam on, girl! ^^
One of the few times the women who have replied are slighty negative about a look. Ladies, I think you are jealous. As I guy I love the look.
i think i just... yes! yes, i did. i just fall in love.
She looks pretty and somewhat detached from real life (due to her semi-costumey look). But also quite fun!
Waaaaaayyy to short on the sides. It's a good beach cover up, but not for walking around in a city.
Love the color, love the shoes...amazing legs. Where are your pants? Or skirt? Or anything to suggest that you didn't forget to pack them on your weekend in the city?
shes so confident in her skin she wears it so effortlessly..
i would probably be so bothered about it was flying every where i wouldn't exude the confidence she is!!!
effortlessly chic~~
most of all i love the accessories wrists/bag/shoes~
I WANT HER LEGS-I know, it might sound a bit morbid...
If I had legs like that, I wouldn't wear pants either... :(
Simply chic. She looks lovely.
I love everything about this. Especially the way she is standing on her tippy toes.
great look!!!
I love the humor and concept of the outfit, but not so much the execution. The shirt is a bit too bunchy in the waist and belly perhaps if the tie/belt were higher(?)Regardless, fun, innocent, and sexy.
you look gorgeous and fabulous! =)
She looks beautiful. I could never get away with this here in Chicago, because I'd be too worried about the wind!
LOVE your blog!
this outfit is incredible!!
lovely legs lady
Look Ma, no pants.
This is why New York is now silly, no longer cool. I blame the church of Carrie Bradshaw.
She looks like she woke up late & didn't have time to change out of her sleepshirt, just added shoes & a sash and went out the door... meh, at best.
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if i had those gams, that would be my uniform.
she looks awesome! not for anyone to walk around Manhattan like that
great pic
LOVE the pink and black combo. and her legs are amazing. she looks so refreshing.
This is a great BEACH look, but a bit too spare for in-town, it looks like she forgot to get finished dressing. Her finger- and toenails are two different colors--don't most women have them in one color? Do tell...
Good grief! Poor love forgot to dress before leaving the house! (ok this is just leg envy - you got me!) t.x
I love the look but I'd also love a pair of short shorts underneath the shirt. I don't think it would kill the look, but it would make the shirt / tie belt combo very obviously a conscious decision, and not so 'walk of shame'ish. Would also kill for her legs!
Yeah, this definitely isn't a look for everyone, but my goodness she looks fabulous! Love it!
Undeniably lovely figure. I like to see a woman who can move without showing us more than I want to see on a stranger, but I'm an old bat! This works in St-Tropez but not in a city.
I was just looking through your fashion week photos on style.com. I love the tennis dress and biker jacket combo worn by the young blonde lady in Bryant Park (Sunday photo #3). She looks fantastic. Great shot.
so cheeky! looks like she is having fun with that outfit!! love the black/pink comibination!
Gorgeous legs and color, but I think the high slit is better for the beach.
im taking a wild stab in the dark that her name is kate sweb as if u attempt to save the image that is the name sart has given the image... i think she looks nice but nothing to write home (london) about
Gutsy move for New York streets, I agree. Though I guess anything goes during Fashion Week. I love the sandals - and the tippy toes to elongate her legs in the photo!
Simply beautiful!
I think this woman looks amazing. From the outfit to her smile, this is a girl I would want to know. The look says "I'm confident", yet I don't get any sort of snobby attitude from her at all. Creative and chic - I love this.
I love this. I think she looks great.
yes, its me Kate... and the comments are very sweet. i too had some hesitations when i first wore this dress in the city, but they are long gone. and fyi, scott is adorable!
I doubt Kate Schelter cares as to whether someone says her name on a blog, given her high visibility in NY social diary, patrick mcmullan photos, etc. her bag is Tod's in case anyone is wondering...overall a cute look.
kate shelter rocks in this outfit. love that she is standing on tiptoes, makes the outfit look even more airy and weightless. she is clearly comfortable in her own skin and that is when a woman is always sexy and beautiful.
Her legs are divine! I would show them off, too, if I were her! It's not my favorite look, but she worked it well...the long sleeves make the leggage not look so drastic.
I see what Sart means about "inspiration shots" here because I don't like the execution of this look at all (the lack of pants is mystifying), but I like the loose and baggy shirt, the way the sleeves puff, the wrinkles in the fabric, the sandals, and the colors.
nice one! pictures like this are why i read this blog. yesterday i would have told you i hated pink but today i changed my mind. the colour adds a feminine touch to a masculine themed look
I see this a lot and love it, but I can't figure out how to pull it off when I have to run up and down stairs for the train all day long. The seedy stares just get to me.
i love when shirts are belted like that
nice shirt too. but it looks kinda weird. the shirt, not the lady.
this photo makes me want to be in new york so bad
This is one of my favourite looks on the blog for the longest time!
Her legs looks insanely long, beautiful sandals and for those saying that she needs to be wearing something underneath, whatever the hell for?! In case the wiond blows? C'mon. She looks classy and at complete ease with herself. Beautiful Kate, take it from a not-so-easily impressed eye, you look freaking fantastic!
wow, she's brave! though i would wear it to the beach more than on the street! she looks effortless!
The shirt and tie are back. Thank god!
Cute girl. Nice smile and pretty legs.
The shirt is not very flattering. It just looks inappropriate for just about everything except hanging out at the beach with a bikini on underneath, or when you wake up at your man's house and grab something from his closet to walk around in.
I guess she had to stand on her tip toes 'cause shoes this flat are not flattering to most legs unless they are a mile long.
Effortlessly Chic, the pink and black looks great together and I love the way she looks like she's wearing heels but shes not.
I used to wear them like this in my teens but I had forgotten how!
thanks for the reminder :~))
Generally I think she looks great, showing off her legs in a very sexy way. But I'd say this is not a look for the city streets, maybe for a beach.
i just love the outfit!
i wore it once...
its so chic!
i'm absolutely obsessed with the sandals, but--as others have mentioned--i don't really dig the shirtdress given the context. sure, come here to napa in the ninety-degree heat and let's lounge at the meadowwood pool. but here i think she looks uncomfortably, almost awkwardly, underdressed. props on being a babe though.
what gams!
I have a ton of shirts that are hers for the taking. Bold, simple, and the improvised belt pulls it all together.
If I had legs like those I would be rocking out that dress. FABULOUS!!
I love the pink shirt and the flat sandals. However, I would be very uncomfortable walking around the city streets in this outfit. One gust of wind and you've got serious worries. Perfect for the beach, or a coverup for a poolside restaurant.
All these comments about whether or not this is appropriate are kind of ridiculous. I thought we left the term "fashion police" back in high school. Remember the Prada collection a few seasons back? Bottoms don't always fit what you had in mind.
Bravo to Kate for taking advantage of her good looks. She looks like she's having a great time too.
well she has confidence! i'll give her that. and really, that is what makes her able to pull this off
she is like a pretty pink flower growing in manhattan...gorgeous stems...blush pink color for the eyes to admire...and such a fresh face....ripe for plucking.
What beauty.
very beautiful...her look and style:)fresh and very natural attitude...her sandals are great and they complete the outfit just fine!
gran gnocca!!!
The different nail polish is interesting
niiice legs, that's how she can pull off that shirt dress.
Anyone from who are those sandals? They are lovely
This is just a beautiful outfit.
This would be wonderful with tights or leggings. As it is, I think it would be more flattering to her legs without the slit.
I am enraptured by her legs!It seems like she was coming back from the gym.
That pose...those legs...I do adore! Those sandals are to die for! MUST.HAVE.NOW.
I love the shirt, her infectious smile and, gawd, those legs to die for.
inspiration for the sartorialist to go shoot in oslo or stockholm
Love the dress, I must say it's rair when a woman's legs look just as great in flat sandles as they do in heels!!! she really makes this outfit work. FuZz!
WoW! who cares what she is actually wearing or where it came from. She looks amazing! this is what fashion, clothes, fun, city, should all be about. She owns the city if she wants. Unreal.
FABULOUS outfit perfectly simple and such a great color. Nice gams...
It looks as if the shirt's fabric feels as soft as rose petals. I agree about the hair - could have made more effort, especially - rid that middle parting - yik! And.. can anyone say - sex on legs? =) x x x
ugh. when are people going to start wearing pants again? I blame Lindsay Lohan.
the shirt is too baggy around the waist - looks as if she had a flabby stomach - , also her shoulders disappear in the material. Could be corrected by arranging the fabric in another way and/or tying the belt/tie a bit higher.
great idea though, and this is what fashion is about partly:
it's fun.
Ugh, typical man thing to say. "You don't agree with something, you must be jealous." Um, no. Perhaps you would like it if she were walking around naked, but I don't think it looks finished. She is lovely and has awesome gams, and I WANT the sandals and the bag, but I think this would look better with shorts, with a skirt, or with anything.
I blame Manolo Blahnik for NY women with vertical feet even in flats, as though they are on points. Their feet are permanently cramped into the vertical.
Oh what a dream come true to be captured by the Sartorialist! Go Kate! Greetings from LA.
She reminds me of this girl named Kate that I went to RISD with. If so, go go get 'em,
Are you all really serious with this "The slit is too high" criticism? Don't act like you don't see women showing MUCH more skin that that on the streets of New York, whether it's day or night. She has great gams and she's showing it. Does she look trashy? No, she pulls it off with class, so stop sounding so jealous and petty.
Love it. The colour of the shirt with her hair in contrast to the dark accessories is great. If I passed her in the street I would be in full admiration.
Odd how many of the commenters don't seem to know that mens shirts are cut long at the back with slit sides. Whereas dresses aren't, usually.
I notice a lot of Carrie Bradshaw-comparisons on your blog including several for this picture. I think that Carrie's wardrobe continues to be appealing to so many women b/c of her character's witty repartee.
For this woman, if smart things come out of her mouth, I see this outfit working. If "like" comes rolling out every third word, the look diminishes to the Paris-Hilton level.
It really looks like she forgot to put on a pair of pants .. .i would not dare to wear this
She looks sweet ... though I cant imagine the dynamics of this shirt-dress when she sits down!
this is a dries van noten shirt from aw08!!!!!!!
what would one wear under something like this? the shorts would have to be very form-fitting so as to not create bulk, no?
perhaps its just her non-bulky gazelle legs. that must help alot. i fear i would look nothing like this... :)
looks like my spring-summer uniform, but i live at seaside... wonderful sandals. the look should be worth a purse with more personnality. nice pic thought
Kate Moss did this exact same look about five years ago at Glastonbury festival.