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Comments on "On the Street.....The Dream Team, NYC"
These are the editors of Teen Vogue
Except for the bowling shoes, I think all the footwear is extremely unflattering- clunky and just downright ugly...
Love the dresses though...
Wow, various different trends, but I think one constant in this pic is that they all look YOUNG, not just trying, but the real thing. It seems like 2 of them are carrying the same black leather bag, but it is a great bag, and it is interesting how even its matronly shape and material does not clash with their outfits- maybe it is the "borrowed from Mama" thing. Love the flat shoes 2nd from left. Great pic overall, thanks Sart!
Jorge from W Palm Beach
beautiful women.
the must work in fashion- its too perfect for them all to look so funky with out them being in fashion!
They remember me when my friends and me go shopping. Nice photo!
Jordana Turé.
I absolutely adore the fact that their shoes and age are very different yet they have stunning smiles! And the tie-dye dress on the far left is gorgeous.
Beautiful weather.
I wish so much that I could look as cool as any one of these women.
This super cool bunch obviously works in fashion...Love the shoes and the way they some how make mismatchin patterns and colors look so comfortable with one another in an unusual and unique façon. Now, this is what I call style.
dress & the city...!
amazing picture. does anyone know where the boots from the girl on the left are from? I so WANT them!!
The Teen Vogue editors? Joanna Goddard from A Cup of Joe also has a photo of them up on her blog posted a couple days ago--in the same outfits and relative positions to each other. I think there's supposed to be five of them, and one editor got cut out. Must be a whole bunch of people photographing them...
And is the blonde the same girl with the same silk flower necklace?
Cool shoes and accessories, ladies.
They kind of look like those photo studies of people in similar walks of life whose clothes are identical. These ladies look chic. They also look like they're in uniform. The clunky shoes, the mid-thigh skirts, the handbags.
Can I just say , I love this Blog and how it represents real people and their love of personal style/fashion....BUT (Oh No !!!!) These ladies are so lovely - so why are they dressing like teenagers????
interesting. i can't take this. it's too much.
"The Dream Team"? could you explain a little more, please? is it because they're editors of Teen Vogue? i like the 2nd from the right's outfit.
I will never like any of those shoes. Just too clunky--and not young looking.
I love the spirit in this photo. Four beautiful girls looking confident and happy. Lovely picture.
The real SATC girls!Great outfits, awesome shoes..
Makes me want to join Teen Vouge even more!
oh my gosh.
these lil chicas in a few years 'n a few careers later
fortuitous moment captured.
So young and fun! I love it!
Third girl from left, I love her platform heels. They look awesome! Her style totally stands out from the other three.
Wow. I love the sequin dress and her hair with the bangs.
I love this! They each pump each others ensembles up and almost make it "site specific." And I am also crazy about how the lady on the right actually makes a sequined dress work and not be costume-y.
Looks like the future of fashion is in good hands! Love how there is a clear message of "the look" but they each have a unique interpretation.
Young women of the world take notice!
NO TATTOOS!!! Let that be the next big thing.
what happened to the fifth one? regardless, i love the outfit that is third from the left...i would SO wear that. and i love the boots on the far left.
on a side note: mr. sartorialist, i have to say...your blog (and of course, all these people featured on your blog) give me as much inspiration for my daily wardrobe as good, classic movies do!!!
They look so fresh and fabulous! This is why I still love Teen Vogue!
The one of the far left, who is her dress by?
Very nice shot. They all look good. I'm not a trad/preppy fan but that yellow skirt, short trench and striped shirt is fantastic. The necklace and bracelets give it some funk. I love her shoes too. This chil' is very chic and effortless - she does J Crew right.
The tie-died dress is adorable and I dig the boots. It's funny because looking at the girl from the neck up, I would never imagine her to dress like this.
I also like the skirt and shirt on the lady 2nd from left but I don't dig the shoes. Boy are they flat and they don't flatter anyone's legs. Maybe they're just her "walking" shoes and she's got her styling shoes in her bag. Her smile is just radiant. I love her without having heard a word come out of her mouth.
I can't say I'm a fan of the sequined dress but I do like the shoes but I prefer them w/out white gym socks. If you're gonna wear socks, hot pink or red might have worked better IMO). I do think that the woman is cute and has nice legs and the cut of the dress works well on her slim frame.
Love this picture since it's a departure from your usual style. Feels very lighthearted. Love the ladies' style.
The dresses are ok, nice way to close out summer with a final splash of colour.
The shoes - ugly all around. Another reason to not re-visit the '80s.
First appearence the look like a younger version of "sex and the city". But in fact they seem to be much cooler and more sophisticated. Great shot by the way!
ok, i'm gonna be the sour one here.
i love the energy, the smiles, the attitude.
but you can tell they work for a teen magazine. their looks would all work about 20% better on someone slightly younger.
not that you can't dress youthfully, or that any of them are grievously "mutton as lamb".
they could just each use ONE less trend, or ONE more mature piece, and still keep their spirit intact.
sorry, they're lovely, just leapt out to my eye.
Wonderful! They all look so fresh and modern. They are trendy but they each seem to have their own individual style - which after all is the important thing... An inspirational shot for me.
sex and the city style !!!
from Flavor style ;-)
seems like the boots are too havy
fresh upbeat moment! does anyone know the specifics - style name, etc., for the black miu miu bag carried by the blonde in the lime green skirt?
love the yellow skirt with the black heels and bag.
GORGEOUS. This photo makes me want to be a member of their group in a serious way.
The lime green skirt girl is particularly divine.
i agree with olviya. esp concerning the young lady on the far left. Those boots just don't match the outfit. Neither does the bag. It's like she accessorized for the wrong dress. the dress is light and airy. How do you put heavy black ankle boots with it? if the boots are white... i'm with you, but like this... no.
WOW can these girls get any more lucky!? Gorgeous and hunted by the Sart....:)
The one on the left is definitely the Carrie of the group. Which one do you think is Miranda? And how am I the first to notice this?
I am not sure about the choice of footwear. To me, all but the third girl from the left look odd, especially the girls with the boots. But what they have on top is fantastic! I especially love that tie-dye dress.
This is a great group shot. I really like how you're playing with subjects in these photos--there's a couple earlier, and a man shot from the back.
I'm available for the Holiday party, ladies.
hail, hail, the gangs all here! yep, it's all about the shoes/boots...
wonderful photograph, happy and fresh. self-confidence and personal style abounds. well done!
Cute in a Charlie's Angels kind of way. But I can't but notice that behind all the sass, they are really wearing a uniform here....
God, I will be so glad when the chunky shoe/boot thing is over! It always looks so strange to me, especially with bare legs...
They are so cute.I am a fashion editor of a magazine and and I love the girl with blue dress.She is so pretty and the dress is amazing.
If anyone wants to see the details of their outfits, these lovely ladies were also featured here http://blogs.lexpress.fr/cafe-mode/2008/09/forte-impression.php. I personally love the boots and shoes!
OMG They look HOT <3
They look young and fresh I love it.
Wow! what a great shot.I love how all but one girl is looking away.
love them all from about mid-calf up. hate all the shoes, at least with their choice of clothing. when i put my hand over the picture and can't see the shoes, i think they look wonderful. and the shoes on their own are cute shoes - it's just that, to me, the shoes don't go with the clothes.
The blonde is wearing the same Loeffler Randall black platforms that I'm wearing today!
I think if I tried to wear any of these outfits (exception: third from left) I would look like an idiot. You really have to have a certain air/confidence to pull it off.
Luv them. Look so eclectic and have wonderful legs!
grown-up version of Gossip Girl
the shoes, the shoes, the shoes....so well done!
this is the walking proof what an awesome impact SATC had on women's culture and style of life. beautiful and full of life.
The best part of this photo is that they all seem to be enjoying each other's company (although they're all focused on something else, they're doing it together). Great shot of sisterhood!
It's sort of embarrassing to be a 26 year old woman who is riffling through all the other magazines to get my hands on a copy of Teen Vogue. But they're just so damn good!! It's worth it.
Sex and the city...Which one is Sarah jessica? I love it!
omg is that mary-kate AGAIN?!?
you go, girl
Every pair of shoes is wrong which is why it is so BRILLIANT!!! So fashion forward. These women know exactly what they are doing. They just made Sex and The City look tired. Sart, I think this is one of your best most inspring pictures os all time.
Excuse me while I pick up my jaw from the floor.
Great shot, beautiful ladies, chic fashion (particularly the dress on the left)...we're not worthy.
The blue dress is by Karen Walker... i want one...
hmmm from left: carrie, charlotte, miranda, samantha?
nice photo, fresh, full of life and color etc. but agree with the uniform comments. the satc girls were often a lot more adventurous with what they wore (and got it wrong a lot, 2).
anthony, yes i love that there arent any VISIBLE tacky tattoos..but they MIGHT have some somewhere!
I love these girls. Each shows their personalities by their choice of footwear.
They all look fabulous!
The clothes arent bad, but no way do these girls come close to being the Sex and the City girls...its funny how when 4 girls are together we automatically think of SATC. Their clothes arent as imprssive as Carrie's and the gang
such smart looking ladies, but such boring hair!
I adore this picture. It is so fun and fabulous!
They all look very similar...
Can I please be their best friends?
I love the SATC vibe of this photo!
They all look really comfortable in their own sense of style...
The tie-dye dress on the far left is by Karen Walker :)
They make Sex and the City look like the Golden Girls!
The SHOES are what are the coolest part, y'all!
This comment has been removed by the author.
very sex and the city! love it!
The girl in blonde and blue tie dye dress really looks like SJP when she was having straight hair...great picture!
Good looking shot.
For Juliana @10:19, I'm not certain about the "common people doesn't understand" comment. Not to be a blog prude, but when you make a statement such as this, you diminish it when your grammar is incorrect.
where's jane?
G-L-O-R-I-A !!
Its right by my school, Baruch College
The picture is great it looks like they are having so much fun, but i must say all of them are wearing hideous shoes.
For Juliana @10.19 #2 - "especially not in New York????" - you got to get out more darl!
When are pretty shoes coming back?
These are not worth the lovely ladies.
SATC girls!
/ Selma @ Livingguide
They represent 24/7 the magazine style and they can pull it off amazingly on the streets. I love Teen Vogue style and I absolutely love these girls.
i think the dress on far left is by Karen Walker! beautiful!
note to self: never leave the house in ratty jeans and a beat-up tank top again. :-/ these ladies look fab, effortless, and fresh.
anyone know anything about the black dress on the far right?
I wish I could've seen them in person! They're standing right by my college too (Baruch College). I'm absolutely in love with all the shoes!!
anyone know who makes the boots with buckle on the far right side???? would really like to get a pair...
they remind me of the SATC girls, really! and their shoes are just soooo great!!
i love it when a group of people wear combinations of colours like this for a change, they seem so care-free and free spirited. they represented the magazine so well. nice work!
I knew at least one person commenting on this picture would make an allusion to satc. I see it too. I just adore how they're all just 'doing' themselves, very trendy ladies. Happy too :)
I love all the outfits but the lady on the far right and the one on the far left ---sure the boots are the latest trend but it doesn't flatter their legs what so ever.
why is a SATC moment bearing down on me. Trends love foursomes.
you can tell they hang out (either at work or at play), they are dressing in similar fashions (light short dresses or skirts paired with heavy leather shoes)!
its the gossip girls all grown up!
I love this picture!! Some are saying they are not young enough for these clothes, c'mon guys they are perfect for what they are wearing.
Also about the shoes being clunky, I think this trend is to coolen up a sweet dress, to make it rougher so you don't look like your going to someone's birthday, when your on your way to a cool fashion show. It's just a new trend, embrace it.
i think they all look amazing
not too young at all
p.s. the boots on the far right with buckle are from urban outfitters (saw them there last year)
The Karen Walker dress is amazing.
the shoes look terrible... who let this fashion back?
this picture immediately makes me think about the ladies in Sex and the city! Gorgeous :)
I sort of love/hate this shot.. I like how they all look so beautiful & peachy nd very fashionista-like, but it kinda looks like there's only this one type of outfit for all the 4 different models. ehh I don't know.. I'm still deciding..
First time ive seen the Karen Walker dress on anyone! (as she released it first in the Northern Hemisphere and hadnt offical been released in New Zealand yet)
I have to admit when I first saw it on the runway i was a little skeptcal, however this makes it look fully functional, and i can almost see myself wearing it!
it looks like they are trying very hard.
Love the shoes!I think they make the outfit!!
The dress on the far left is by Karen Walker, shes a New Zealand designer, and the dress is denim with a acid wash, so they are all different.
I have one but is a different style, I love it.
They all seems to feel good in their style. And that's one of the best part of this shot
the dress on the far left is by Karen Walker, one of New Zealand's finest
love all their shoes :) soooo beautiful.
j'adore the girl on the right. perfect outifit
they make me think of the girls in sex and the city . Cool but a bit too over the top