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Comments on "On the Street.....Pleated Pants, Milano"
looks fab!
I just loved the photo, the pose, the hand, and the hair!
hahah thrilled by the hour of the post!
I love the jacket.
The cut at the end of it is gorgeous!
Great,..she looks beautiful! love the pants and the whole look itself...
je l'adore
Kate Lanphear always looks flawless & stunning, yet effortless, love the whole look!
epppppppp only if you're a lean, long size 2-4....
What a great look! She's wearing the perfect jacket for those pants and even her hairstyle echoes the curves. The rolled up sleeves and bracelets give it edge. Cool.
Really looks great on her. However, she does happen to be tall and skinny, so it kinda works where it wouldn`t on most.
Dear Sartorialist, I would absolutely love to see more pictures of this amazingly elegant and beautiful woman. She is always immaculately turned out and stands out from the typical fashion crowd.
Her face and hair go together so well. She has a fragile yet tough look around her. The jacket could from the eighties - I had one very similar by Laura Ashley then.
LOVE the combination of the Hermes cuff with the S&M cuff. Brilliant way to pair global luxury brand with something from your neighborhood's sleaze shop! I honestly love it, have to visit my local leather store soon. Jorge from W Palm Beach
Lovely Woman...
I know : I am french...
It's funny that you say "elegant" regarding a look with a lot of edgy bracelets and a skull ring, but you're absolutely right! She is SO elegant! It must be her posture and the combination of pants and jacket, which is divine... thumbs up!
I never missed pleated pants so I'm not sure if I'm glad they're back or not. They do contribute to a beautiful silhouette here. I love the jacket and her hair. Personally I think this elegant woman could really do without the schoolgirl accessories (spiked dog collar cuff, skull ring)but I like the overall effect of the accessorizing. Even her notebook looks chic.
now this is a "look" i can relate to...
What an interesting combination of soft and feminine with studs, leather and skulls. Even spiked cuffs and a punk cut can't drown out her intense femininity.
kate never fails, does she?
that looks like the famous Gwyneth Paltrow haircut from a few years ago! She actually quite looks like the actress, doesnt she? A tad bit maybe?
Aimee Mann's long lost twin sister. :-)
She has a face like an angel, and she knows it. Her confidence shines.
She's the kind of woman who leaves a trail of broken hearts behind her.
kate could wear a brown paper bag elegantly..
she's fabulous..
she looks like a tired angel, un peu jaded from having spent some time in the worldy world and now finds herself attracted to the devil's tuxedo
Yes! Gwyneth Paltrow circa Sliding Doors! She's beautiful and I want those pants.
milano is fab, it's full of stylish people.
proud of living there!
Love the pants and the jacket, kate's fantastic.
love this kind of pants!!!her haircut looks great also:)the rockish bracelets definetely give a plus for the whole outfit!
She looks like a bell hop.
VErY Nice!! She pulls it off in a rock chic sort of way, and it doesn't look granny at all! She reminds me a little of Michelle Pfeiffer, with a funkier hairdo :-D
Right. That's it. My sleeves are going up tomorrow!
I'm not a big fan of this king of trousers but, in her, and along with the stylish haircut, looks simply fabulous! joana
I like the the classic lines of her clothing & clutch combined with the edgy/punkiness style of her hair and accessories. Her total look appeals to the punky gal inside of me. Fabu!
I don't think I'd like this on anyone else. Pleated pants? They really don't flatter anyone's figure. Rolled-up sleeves. Usually sloppy. But Kate is a special lady. Not only does she pull it off, it actually looks great.
She is a thunderball of style.
i like this. i love all the wrist action. great expression.
She looks great, but this is not a very portable look. That hair, that figure, those bracelets...all of these elements work on her. On someone less willowy...disaster.
This isn't a bad thing. She knows what works for her, as an individual. And that lesson IS portable!
Agree with Dan in Richmond that the theme of the accessories is off-putting. She is a little mature for a skull ring. If it weren't for that and the S & M bracelets I would love it.
Wow. The entire package is just fantastic, even the spiral notepad fits!
Nice. And the Danish silver bracelet on her left arm is fabulous.
so brilliant. I am constantly in awe of you Sart. Lovelovelove
Looks terrific. I can never resist rolled-up sleeves. I used to wear a very similar jacket/pants combo back in 1989.
Luv the hair cut. Luv the bracelets!
nice pants, beautiful jacket!!!!
loving it. she looks lush!
I LOVE this. The perfect combination of sophistication and rock.
Oh I LOVE this androgynous look! She is a stunner....
OoooooOoooooh. Will definitely try to copy that outfit. Love it!
Pleats are not for me. If I wore a two like this editor then and only then would I dare to wear them.
I love this look and I did not know that S&M had an age cut-off. I find it more intriguing (in this package) to see both the spiked cuff and skull ring than I would on someone half her age.
My first thought was that I love the way in which she combines more elegant items (the pants, the jacket, her manner of being, etc.) with casual ones (the bracelets, skull ring, etc.). It makes her look artsy - but not the kind of artist that I'd be scared to let into my home. A very professional look, while still expressing a considerable portion of her personality with subtlety.
so astoundingly beautiful.
She wears it well, but pleated pants? No wire hangers, no pleated pants.
The pleats are good in themselves, but what an absolutely spiffing jacket to go with them! There's always a bit more "sidways" to pleated pants than one wants, and the points on this waiscoat-styled jacket put the vertical just where it's needed. DO WANT!
Look at her bracelets! So sick.
sart,i love it - i'm left wanting more info on how she finished it all off - how were the pants cuffed and did her shoes follow in the S&M bondage theme of the bracelets?
sets my imagination running wild!
T xx
>> wow she's just sporting all the trends of the fall..and she pulls it together quite nicely.
menswear, pleats, and tough/gothic inspired accessories.
I love Kate!
Not only does the woman look fabulous, but the composition of this photograph is perfect. The people standing in the background add a sense of dimension, emphasizing the subject as well as the lines of the pleats. The soft lighting helps guide the eyes directly to her, and the color scheme is simple and classy. Truly an inspiring photograph.
i like her jewelry, adds some rock moments to her fine classical look!
I love love it all. And i love the tough accessories. :D
great look! she is effortlessly chic :) there is so much emotion in her eyes - they tell a lot
lovely combo - pleated trews and a spencer jacket to show them off - really nice silhouette
She's beautiful.
And her outfit says she is completely her own person.
Love the entire look. Question: are you ever too old to wear your hair like this? I am in my 50's?
She is beautiful and charming, but the complete outfit is too much 80´s. No, no more 80´s fashion again, please!
Elegant indeed.
Diane: "Question: are you ever too old to wear your hair like this? I am in my 50's?"
You can totally do it in your 50s! The only risk I see is that edgy layers like that work best on dry, voluminous, or thick hair unless you're up for meticulously maintaining the style, and you do run the risk of greasing up your bangs/forehead by wearing them in such a manner (that's not an age thing, though; fine, limp hair won't play nicely with the cut, no matter how old).
Love the shapes - I tried to make a jacket like that in college but inevtibly it didn't drape nearly so well.
Ditto: "No wire hangers and no pleated pants!"
I know the 80s are coming back, but I really hate these pants on most people. She pulls the look of great, and her sense of proportion is spot on. But IMHO, the pleated hammer pants gotta go.
kate l. can do no wrong!
best to avoid this look if you are hippy like me:)
she looks chic.
my eyes go from her face to her arm- her eyes to the studded bracelets...
This woman in this clothes is the most beautiful that i saw here, since I started look the sartorialist...
she looks like Gwyneth Paltro to me... great purse!
Kate Lanphear has the best style -- typically grays & black with studs or some edgy accessory. I've never seen a photo where she didn't look amazing.
her hair is fabulous.
Perfect. A new silhouette. The sharp edges of the jacket and her hair, combined with the soft drape of the trousers is perfection.
she looks like Gweneth Paltrow. I think she needs a more feminine purse to soften it up tough.... something like this http://www.jennywashere.com/Collection/2008/fall-winter/gia-black-patent.aspx
Such a great look! Mixing the 2 extremes of a soft look with something masculine usually works wonders.
oh kate.... j'adore!
how i love kate lanphear.
as for the hair/age q, i am 65 and have been wearing my hair like this since about 1990 (except it is white with a few black stripes) and i get a couple compliments on it per week so it must look ok. the first time i saw a pic of kate i was so happy to see that my hairdo wasn't just idiosyncratic. now, she is my style ideal, although i could never carry off pleated pants or big shoulders.
love little jackets like that... so pretty.
i love the vest, but bleuclothing.com still has the hottest vests i've ever seen
Umm, if she wants to wear pleated pants fashionably, fine. But it need not be paired with the huge shoulders...it's too much. And if she is tall, I think the look is that much more awkward. I think the only reason this works is because her face and hair are so interesting...Parisian Michelle Pfeiffer.
love the jacket and its cut at the back, sleeves rolled up is beautiful too. very roisin murphy.
i agree with a few others who have commented about her similarity to gwyneth paltrow. the resemblance is actualy pretty striking to me, must be the hair and angles of her face. i don't really like it, although i am not against pleated pants per se and would love to see more interpretations of the look. Here, i feel it is a bit costume-y because the whole ensemble is so 80s. what i would really like to see is someone able to make pleated pants NOT look 80s.
I adore this photo. She wears the suite amazing and the pleaded pants are very aesthetically pleasing. Her hair and face combined with her choice of bracelets and ring are very well done. We appreciate this qualities here at Futureclaw magazine. http://www.futureclaw.com
Her accessories definately make the outfit.
Plus all the shapes are great in this outfit--the jacket, her hair, etc.
And I completely agree about the pleated pants...
nice style, nice outfits, nice bracelets :D
Nope. No pleats. Even for the tall thin ladies of the world. They're just awful.
who makes those pants!?!??!
She has found a way to make volume look elegant and controlled- we don't see that very often. I'm not totally sure that she's wearing Armani, but the sharp shape of the jacket and the full pleated trousers bring to mind the work of the iconic Italian designer. In short, platinum standard.
Studio 54 rises again
MI LANPHEAR !! ti amo
I can officially attribute my new obsession with Kate Lanphear to this picture.
"The image that launched a thousand google image searches."
She looks like Gwyneth Paltrow