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Comments on "On the Street.....Molto Bello, Milano"
Relaxed, unpretentious confidence. Thank you.
Now, could we please spin the redhead around?
One of the most chic men you've featured IMO.
Effortless and comfortable.
Oh, that red hair.
That Jacket and those shoes ohhh!
Very distinguished with great style! It's time to update my wardrobe. By the way he looks familiar...
The most elegant man ever featured on this site..
I want to marry him.
The epitome of refinement.
There are a lot of clever things going on here. Chiefly this gentleman knows how to dress for his body size. His trousers are perfect and show that a cuff can work well. The blue-black rule-breaker doesn't apply in this case because he tops and tails it with the brown suede shoes and the light tortoise/yellow Gregory Pecs. The hair is perfect - just worked correctly even though it's receding. He's a thinner fellow than most, but the coat on the shoulders adds dash, gravitas and retired Muskateer presence. Finally, Esquire writer Tom Junod's legendary 'Top Fashion Tips from my Father' article which contains the rule about 'a black turtle neck is the single most flattering thing a man can wear because it places your head figuratively and literally on a pedestal' applies here: he's got a great profile and carries himself with panache. If you were going to meet your banker, surgeon or confessor, who would you rather meet, this blade, or Mr Fitzwell from a few days ago? No contest.
Do 20 or 20 year old men also dress and present this way in Milan? There's something about the shoes and the trench slung over the shoulders that seems to anchor this as a style for older men. Very, very stylish older men. It would look so hot on a younger man: just imagine Mr Fitzwell the secret agent in this outfit. Then take your temperature.
It's this thing again: you either have it, or you don't . I love seeing than natural elite of people people who do have it.
I am in love with those shoes - Church's Consuls in brown suede, no?
Not quite so fond of the trenchcoat-as-cape look.
mmmmmm.mmmm....mmmm. he's the man in the cafe you'd enjoy having a cappucino next to rather than with because it would be tooo nervey to be with rather than flirting from across the room - he is captivating - all that navy and great hands/hair/shoes. like this!
Hi Sart,
Is this also taboo in the States?
In Italy we do it all the time, as with jackets, but only more so.
I find it very elegant, and practical too. Especially when the weather is as crazy as it is these days in Northern Italy. We basically get up in winter, lunch in Spring, wear ourselves off in Summer, and Dine al fresco in early Fall!
nice yellow glasses!
Sticking to the basics- wonderful outfit! I have always liked suede shoes that show a bit of wear. Jorge from W Palm Beach
I love the nonchalance with what he wears the coat over his shoulders.
Wonderful. We can all only hope to dress this well throughout our lives, and to enjoy it as much as this man apparently does. The coat-on-the-shoulders look does not only work in Italy, I still say it has to do with the particular garment and this one works practically and aesthetically when worn this way. Inspirational shot?
I love the fact that this man is smart dressed and still have the guts to compliment the outfit with yellow glasses! Really nice. The discussion about men wearing their coats/jackets/blasers over their sholders seems to be endless, but I think this works... He looks comfortable.
love the skinny pant and the jacket thrown over. the glasses and the shoes lightening everything up. ahhh. he's gorgeous.
Nice photo. We've seen this young gentleman before. He has a penchant, I think, for polo neck sweaters. Beautiful suede oxfords. Well done.
The yellow glasses not only light up his face, but they add another level of visual interest to his ensemble. Fantastic!
Oh, he is so cool. I love his hands holding that paper.
dignified elegance.
he looks lovely.
What Conor said, at 4:54, most particularly as regards proportion. My design instincts (buildings, not clothing) lead me to look for line and proportion. Line and proportion. Line and proportion.
And NOW can we spin that redhead around?
I will now scour my closet for black and navy to pair together. And I don't mean jeans.
Wow, is he handsome! The outfit is hard to see (on my screen), since the darkness makes the pieces melt into each other. Still, his head and hands and feet are wonderful.
You see, people criticize Italians for having garish style, but then someone like this comes along and shuts everyone up. Fantastic. Here in the states, I think we have the impression that a look like this is a total novelty, whereas it is not, at all...just great style.
His glasses are excellent. The look is elegant and confident.
What is he holding, I wonder? A program? An instruction manual?
Those glasses are such a bright idea.
Robin Williams?
what he is holding? the cross seems to reveil that he just attended a mass or funeral.. is it a coincidence that the cross is blue as well?
Nicely done.
If I will be in this age, I hope I look like that. It's always the best, to wear contemporary classic. The yellow glasses make the difference.
If I will be in this age, I hope I look like that. It's always the best, to wear contemporary classic. The yellow glasses make the difference.
A gentleman......period.
ahh the glasses..and nice shoes.
Some delightful color contrasts happening from head to toe.
Incredibly self-conscious and knowledgeable but carried off in a fully non-transparent way. This is what great style is all about.
Hm, the looks ok but the yellow spec-frames don't go with his face and hair (does yellow frames look good on any kind of face? not sure).
Reminds me of Helmut Newton, which is a huge compliment.
Great glasses!
And love the trench.
Similar glasses are made by EyeBobs, you can put your own lenses in these frames. Perfect example of new frames lightening a face.
And what a great face.
A real man!
Very cool, very chic.
Lovin the yellow frames and the way his trench is draped over his shoulders.
Sart, while writing my previous message I was trying to remember something and it has now come to me..... this shot reminds me of another memorable one on a street with the central figure of a man and the smoke of a cigarette and a blonde... this is equal to that one.
His glasses are lovely!
I know this gentlemen. He is one of the most important italian fashion's buyer. Everytime i see him he looks like a perfect gentlemen.
Yellow frames would be a definite no on someone pale with blonde or grey hair. Even if you have some melanin in your skin and dark hair, you might still be upstaged by the frames.
He looks like Hugh Hefner!
he looks like a french philosopher of 60's