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Comments on "On the Street.....Hudson St., NYC"
jumpsuit as it should be done - lovely
although I'd give it a bolder shoe to offset the utilitarian feel of it and jazz it up a bit..
I LOVE the boots... can anyone id them?
All I can say is: she is totally FIERCE !!
Holy Toledo, this beautiful young woman really knocks my Pantherellas off. Amazing photo, Scott.
Perhaps it's just me, but her clothing evokes the feeling of Spain during the civil war in the 1930s. She looks as if she could be a high priestess of the Falange. I can picture myself running away with her to hunt Republicans in the mountains of Andalusia...
i love navy and grey! at first i thought this was a jumper. but it's much better than that. She should have been the muse to most of the designers we saw at fashion week.
hey sart,
just a thought or idea. i was in a small boutique the other day and they had these adhesive wallpaper borders that exhibited photographs of the urban landscape of major international cities. You could buy paris, ny, germany.. not many others. and i thought, hey, wouldn't it be great if they had the sartorialist photos- scenes of ny, bicycles, women paris.. ; )
Conservative, but the boots add a nice touch. I do like the colors.
I'm pretty sure the shoes are Alaia. Wow - I know it's overused and cliche but this is chic. Subtle yet powerful.
I love the pairing of the jumpsuit with those high-heeled booties (she even looks comfortable in them). And the clutch!
She looks like she was born in that style.
She looks like Charlotte Gainsbourg. A nice portrait.
Lovely to see a jumpsuit here, when done well they can look brilliant. She looks fabulous, the gray and navy look great.
Utilitarian chic at its best! Subtle and stylish.
I love that she's buttoned all the way to the collar, but is showing a hint of skin at the ankle. The subdued palette is wonderful, too.
Is it just me or is the waist approximately at Mom Pants height? And for some reason I've never been a fan of high-heeled lace-up ankle height shoes. They're very popular right now, but they're just not my thing.
I imagine that she just finished paying for her cab ride b/c those shoes aren't made for walking. However that navy jumper looks street savy.
Her style reminds me of Tilda Swinton.
I think she looks nice. She looks very pulled together. Although I don't like jumpers, she looks good in this one.
She doesn't look like a sloppy and disheveled. I think that's key.
Lace-up ankle booties for some reason remind me of ahem, women of ill repute, but these aren't half bad on her :)
This fine lady has a confident pose, especially in how she puts one leg out. That inevitably draws attention to how long her legs are (or how long her heels make them look), and that's a good thing.
Nice match of the purse and the outfit, too!
Hell Yeah!
I love the appropriated grease monkey jump suit. She makes this suit edgy and pretty at the same time. I think the "un-matching" of the shoes and jump suit add to the entire package! This is for sure an outfit I covet!!
This is a lovely silhouette on a tall, slim woman. Whilst she probably could wear anything, I think this suits her extremely well. It is elegant and unfussy, utilitarian is definitely the right word. The shoes and clutch have given the outfit a modern edge and are complementary not competing with the lines of the jumpsuit. I love the folded cuff on the pants to show off those grey suede booties.
I'm not a jumpsuit fan but she rocks it full-force.
And boy does she know how to strike a pose. Must be a model.
I love the boots but am not in agreement with the rolled up hems. These hems in particular look messy.
Beautiful, I love the heels
I have to give her kudos for bravery and uniqueness and sense of color but otherwise I really find this look unflattering.
It does not matter the current context. It looks appropriate and absolutely like the what will be needed in March '09.
She is a striking woman, and I would not usually comment negatively, but this is the first time I have been utterly bewildered by a look on this blog. Extra volume below the waist is unflattering. The cuffs have an uneasy relationship with the shoe at the ankle. The fabric seems too light for the shoulder pads (ie the shape is too obvious for my taste). The shoes are heavy and distracting rather than complementary. And, dare I say it, the pockets look like chest pelmets that push down the silhouette of the bust to matronly effect. Broken into separates, the top and bottom are quite mumsy, and remind me of a bank or pharmacist's uniform in the early 90's. It would be very hard to look good in this so kudos to her for still looking gorgeous. But this is, for me, one of those instances where fashion is too much about being fashionable and not enough about looking good.
Lovely woman, with a good sense of proportion. Nice line, pity she felt it necessary to join the rolled cuff trend, because, besides falling down, it doesn't work with the line.
Unfortunately, the three pieces do not belong with each other.
I compliment her for having the sense to pull her hair back, to bring out the strength and shape of her face. With the right shoes, she could be an action figure.
wow, that jumpsuit really gives her a gorgeous shape!
i think this is the first jumpsuit i've ever seen that truly deserves an applause!
So it's not a jumper? That would a shame because a jumper is the next best thing to being naked, and this is one FIERCE jumper/not jumper.
this is very very strong.
I think it may be separates in the same fabric made in a "utilitarian jumpsuit" style.
It would be a very cool alternative to "woman professional business suit". Really shake up the boardroom!
I wish I had this lady's lithe figure to pull off such an amazing, simple yet classy outfit. Arguably, I would've chosen different shoes (nothing terrible about them, just not my type), but the outfit's just hot!
she wears the outfit and matches the accessories and poses to perfection. the same pieces on someone else could have looked disastrous. a very inspiring fashion image.
not sure, this jumpsiute looks good with that boots...
Whoahhhhh, I'm having an 80's flashback, somehow...
I really want this to be a dress, the way it blouses out from her waist would make such a pretty skirt, but I've never been a big fan of jumpsuits.
She wears the j-suit well. Great look!
So austere. Did this come with a belt? This outfit seems to represent the new need for high water pants, roll em up, the stuff is getting deep.
she looks great! Where did she get those fabulous grey boots?
eh, the ankle boots don't really go with the outfit. but then i'm not a big fan of ankle boots in general. i think she should have gone with a good pair of Timberlands, what pastoralists like to refer to as "shitkickers" even regular high heeled women's shoes would've been better.
pretty ankle boots! nice blog!
so many interesting silhouettes but may we see some color, please?
I just cannot ever get behind the idea of a jumpsuit. Have you all ever tried wearing one?
I think she looks like a flight attendant. that's all I'm saying.
ahh, she's wearin' that well.
Jumpsuits. Noooo!!!! I really haven't seen them flatter anyone. She's a pretty girl with a good figure but it just makes her look a bit funny around the stomach area. Great shoes though!
It makes her look tall and slim. It makes her shoulder:waist:hip ratio appear ideal. What in the world is unflattering about that?
Admittedly, were it not for the stilt-like heels and rolled-up cuffs, it might be a different story. But, seriously, she's the only person I've ever seen--including uber-skinny models--wearing pants/jumpsuit with gathers in the front who didn't end up looking paunchy. I want to know how the heck she managed it. :)
Her style reminds me of a mid-late Eighties Annie Lennox. Very cool.
Hum, there is something here that I don't like. Maybe too much 80's.
But I like the boots.
Waw que estiloso! pero poco femenino a pesar del taconazo.
Hey, Werking Girl can you to extinguish my cigarettes with those shoes while repairing the transmission of my classic car.
really nice outfit. but what is with the shoes? pain to bring one closer to the Lord?
fantastic navy blue jumpsuit and grey shoes
She is making me LIVE!!! So so so good!!! I almost wish she had her hair down to soften up the whole look- but I give her props for being amazing.
Another non-fan of jumpsuits here. Too 'fashion victim' for me. She does wear it well, though. The same look could have been achieved with a shirt and pants, but would you have posted that picture?
this outfit makes me realize that if i really could just lose ten pounds, i could totally rock this look. love it.
The ankle boots throw me off a little bit. The jumpsuit works for her - and good for her, because it's a tough look to pull off - pumps, a rounded-off point toe especially, would have worked better with this look. The boots cut her length and seem overly bulky compared to the rest of the look.
kind of a boring jumpsuit, but i'm not a fan of tailored styles, so . . . it DOES look good on her. Hate the rolled hem of the pants. it creates a funny choppy line across her ankles that spoils the sleekness of her entire look.
i love that clutch!
Ummm NO to the shoes with that outfit.
THIS is so cool and brave! Remember, circa 1979 the David Bowie/Klaus Nomi 'spacey communist air hostess dresses' worn on Saturday Night Live when they performed??
I can picture this girl singing 'TVC15'....love it!
ugh, love love love those trousers.
I love her shoes!
Her face seems too intellectual for those very high heels-and ,she is already so tall to begin with,it seems redundant.
Legs for days so well framed in her blue jumper. The jumpsuit could be slimmer to fit the scale of her slim body. She could use more interesting shoes. She is a look in this suit, though!!
It just goes to show that jumpsuits look hot with long legs; if I were wearing this, the hems would hit my toes!
I love the Jumpsuit when done right!
Its a style that never seems to take hold in NZ, but Moochi have produced one that I think I just might have to buy.
The boots are Christian Louboutin, I am almost sure of it.