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Comments on "On the Street.....High Impact Accessory, Paris"
Is this your french counterpart?
Love the top look - the duster, red beanie and those boots. It shows he has a sensitivity for texture and form.
Which High Impact Accessory are we talking about? The camera? The beanie? His legs?
he looks like a smurf. sorry.
Nice hat and clothes. Except for the pants. They just don't do it for me.
Nice style for the boy. But I'm not a fan of his shoes. I know they're sort of fashionable, and I love some of the pairs you find in shops. But this ones are to Doc Martinsesque! :)
And the red hat? Too much Cousteau-ish. It's a no for me.
you mean the canon camera or the colorful accessories???
He is simply extremely gorgeous. Perfect look and perfect face. Love him.
I wonder where he finds all these items to wear, although I suspect that he is (at least partly) a thrift shopper like me. Boots like those are definitely the item of the season, still searching for mine... Jorge from W Palm Beach
So sexy - I haven´t seen such a sexy young man since ages! The boots are perfect, the caps divine.
Both fotos are so great. Lovely to be alive.
Sorry, is it his hat or his camera?
Cap, coat/jacket, camera, slim trousers and laced boots. The upper is the "bougeois" version, the lower shows the "classic" version.
But the essence, the idea is -- as far as I can tell-- the same. A personal style, working with different clothes. wowz!
wow! this guy really knows what he's doing style-wise. great look.
I went to uni with this lovely Kiwi boy in Paris - he always looked wonderful and interesting even at 8am in the morning.
Where can I get that bathrobe?
The first picture has so nice colours of the autumn. I really like it. People look better with camera in their hand. :)
Such a cute boy! I wanna spread him on a cracker he's so yummy!
totally swoon. He is so well dressed, in a way that suits his age without looking juvenile. Fantastique!
Yes! I love both his looks! Especially the jacket in the top photo-is it linen? Very nice!
cute hat!
I like his watch.
You and Yvan Rodic both think so! Si, so cute!
fabulous - he's all man n' bones! I like this look for anyone - longer something on top, skinny pants and bigger shoes to balance it out.
just very cute.. what can i say..
Hip, mod and cute. Total creative type. I'm diggin the whole look but would prefer a little more bulk in the physical sense.
Where's Waldo? Definately in Paris!!!!
ahh...we are so excited to see you here Jasper! Scott, as always, two beautiful shots of our Paris based contributor. See Jasper's great shots at www.turnedout.tv
Beautiful boy. Love his boots in the second photo.
Who's that guy? Is he another 'thesartorialist'?
I think it's the camera.
i love the detail in the top one of the cigarette he had just stamped out. beautiful
wow the same guy is on facehunter, isn't he lucky
Skinny legs?
He's cute. the hat makes him look so young
I really love the linen jacket.
this boys name is jasper, and he comes from a little place called new zealand...
who would have thought i would find a friend on here??
he is fantastic
Hi Ho Hi Ho!
It's off to work we go!
Not feeling this look, but, party on guys!
"High impact" makes me think of brickbats, which is kind of the way these looks strike me. Oh, well, to each his own.
inspired by: STEVE ZISSOU!!!!!!!!!!
Is he a member of Team Zissou?
it's the hat
xpost with facehunter?
I'm still waiting for the story from Sept 25.....
nice to see another stylish kiwi...he's on almost every street style blog at the moment! hats off indeed to him
Does anyone know what kind of camera he is using? This look is refreshing and fantastic. I love the cardigan/blazer mix in the first photo.
oh Jasper....no wonder you want to stay in Paris...no doubt that the style you evoke is genetic - how can you help but look so good! wwanddi (work that one out)
i falling in love
I love the look he is going for. I think the boots he is wearing could be a little more beat up, and i think he needs to pull his touque/beanie over his ears. it's a bit distracting. I think the jeans are fabulous in the first one. the cardigan is great.. there's something however about the way he is wearing it that i don't like. i think he needs to get a little dirtier to complete the look. he looks too pretty.
overall, i'm appreciative of his look.
I really, really don't like the elf beanie. Everything else is great.
I have visions of a bunch of people with cameras, roaming public squares, scoping each other out.
Who shot first, and on which blog do we find the snap of Sart?
Love the top image. I'm even considering finding a coat like that. Don't know about the beanie though....
Apart from that, very wearable, well done!
Jasper you look amazing love the hat and boots
he looks great. so great. if only all guys could dress this well. Come to think of it, a lot of guys in Australia dress like this, but very few pull it off like him.
Que interesante, el primer ensemble me recuerda a Mon Oncle de Jacques Tati, y el segundo a los "beatnicks" en Hairspray de John Waters. Me gustan los dos, pero esta SUPER Flaco el güey!!
That he's a NZer makes a lot of sense. You can't walk down the street without bumping into boys like him in Wellington and Dunedin.
I love it.
he's so cute!
He really needs to put the camera strap around his neck!!!
gotta love the skinny punk silhouettes! <3
Does anybody know what boot or the style of boots he is wearing? email me please!
Waldo in the hands of hyper-stylish French editors. love everything from the waist up.
He looks so swedish!
He could be from Gothenburg.
Bit it's nice!
Tintin moderne.
There is something about the first photo with the little red hat that reminded me of the Greek palace guards in Athens. The duster length recalls the white skirt; the curl on the shoes, the big poms on their feet, and they also wear little red hats, don't they? Strange....
The red hat combined with everything else reminds me of Noble Savage
anyone have a maker on either tops?
i love how the 2nd guy looks, but i shoulbe be a little more skinny to wear that kind of clothes snif
I think I would find carrying a camera around in hand as well as what looks to be a briefcase would be too cumbersome. That being said Im still trying to figure out a good way to carry my camera around with a bag so kudos to him! I like that he appears to be wearing the same boots in both shots (or very similar ones, which would be overkill), if they are the same boots that speaks very highly to his ability to mix up his style nicely.
oh my friend Jaspy !
to me, he's perfect!
The camera is the photographer's eye, the pen is the writer's eye...
A sharp dressed man.
Like Andrea.at.the.blue.door said...I wonder who shot who first??? It's like a Sartorialist Western which blog would we find your pic(Scott)??? He doesn't look too friendly he seems aware of you, but he seems to have ego. Who ever he is I must say he has effortless style.
Not anyone can pull this look off. I think it is wonderful, he does it with such ease and looks great.
This boy proves that the black suit works very well wit brown accesories, Shoes included.
I particularly love the second look...the shoes with the pants? love it =)
His style is so incredibly distinct, i really don't think his clothes would look right on anyone else...
you ask of the jackets - they are both vintage, the black one specifically is comme i think.
jasper is a foxy production who is great to go op shopping with, and melbourne misses him all the time!
I like like
very clean look, i like