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Comments on "On the Street.....Bryant Park, NYC"
once more a pic of the series
" two-in-one" . :)
1. Hello cutie! You are a beautiful man. No worries. Great hair!
2. I love the super-descreet way you wear your scarf under your collar.
3. Rolled up trousers + shoes + bracelets + two different bags... the lower part of you looks like a bagpacker coming home from a beach-trip.
4. But it looks like you´re comfortable with it and that´s the most important thing.
Greetings from far away!
süß = cute
Why did you choose this chap?
Love those blues - i feel relaxed and happy just looking at them. I like the way he plays off the vibrant turquoise with a conservative top half, and the dotted neckerchief just visible.
love, love, love that backpack!
For me, the key things when picking a cardigan, are a tigh fit (high armholes and slim body) and buttons that match the color of the sweater and don't stand out. I think the buttons on his cardi are a bit grandfatherly. I pretty much like everything else since it seems to fit, and it sticks to the oh-so-classic khaki and blue palette. I would lose the backpack and trade it for another tote, if he must. How many articles are out there on how backpacks are not hot??? Jorge from W Palm Beach
Nice layering with the shirt sleeves turned over the cardi-cuffs. Cute.
Damn i wanted those acne pants. Hard to find them anywhere.
I like the touch of a scarf and the way he's wearing it. The top half is very classically inspired, and all looks good to me. The pants and shoes being more casual and the pants brightly colored may prevent a totally unified look but they don't detract from his overall style. Nice bags, too.
Jorge, I usually agree with your comments, but not the buttons... on a summer cardigan a contrasting (more usually white/light/mop) button gives it a fresher look.
Like the bashed up look of the driving shoes, but they look too wide; don't have that slim feel of Italy's finest...
bright blue pants are amazing
Am I the only one who thinks this looks like pajamas?
not many could wear those pants well, but it's done oh so effortlessly here.
So what?
Turquoise has always been a color that I hate. This is not going to make me change my mind...
The tonal quality of all of the blues really add something whimsical to the look, like he may have rolled out of bed and right into new york fashion week. somehow with all the bags, the droopy shoes seem to work. fabulous.
the shoes make him look very stumpy.
it doesnt help that the pants cuts his legs off at such an awkward way.
honestly, i never got the entire rolled-up cuff thing.
does anyone have an idea who makes that backpack? i love it so much.
Can someone explain the pants rolling thing to me? Especially rolling jeans over oxfords.
I want to like it, and do on some guys, but can't get comfortable with it.
The part is the polka dot scarf !
Shoes, hmm, i would have gone for espadrilles.
Agree with Catrina. The discreet scarf is fantastic. Just the right degree of accessory. And the bag in his right hand is fantastic. Any idea where I can find one like it!
sky blue pants!
i love the composition but i think there is a bit of 'too-many-trends-in-one-outfit' here. the rolled pants, the shoes, the cardigan and the tucked scarf. i know that style is personal but this outfit is not for me. he looks good but it's too much for me.
I'm surprised by the amount of positive feedback this look has received. Was this a test that most everyone just failed?
love him love his style. was hoping that was a heavy metal necklace, but it's a scarf. nonetheless, he's got it. great proportions. great colors. nice casual "what, this?" look. so tired of people trying too hard. posh, for example.
very, very lovely. the trousers alone are beautifully worn, and what a lovely face.
i need those pants. - in fine corduroy.
Mi piace. The look , the mix and the attitude. The pants probably come from vintage or uncle wardrobe but look almost.. perfect. vote 9/10
The colors are good, the pieces are good, but with everything untucked and hanging out, that slack-shouldered pose and bulky bags hanging down like shopping bags, it all looks like (sorry guy model) frumpy housewife. If he tucked in his shirt and stood up straight, you might have something.
what's with the nasty old shoes?
Remember as a kid when you got that candy bar and it had all that beautiful wrapper with all those colors and you started to open it so very slowly, licking your fingers cause you got some sweet on them and anticipating how delicious it's going to be once in your mouth! I kind of feel that way right now.
Love this look on a man or a woman. The pants color is just right with the dark cardigan.
I would kill for those pants. Thanks for this!
Love the backpack. G
reat color combo on the outfit. It seems it's backwards or something, like the pants would usually be the color of the shirt and the sweater would be the color of the pants.
Do you know what I'm saying?
I think it looks dope.
This look gives me a sense of an all-American look...STREET STYLE. I like the cardigan its appropriate for his age, and doesn't appear to be "grandfatherly," as "Jorge W from Palm Beach" puts it. Clearly there's potential in this trio piece and this guy was certainly able to pull it off. Although, I do wish the bright blue corduroy pants were actually bright yellow and at knee length and that he should loose the bookbag and if possible but not necessary carry a luggage bag instead of the tote he's carrying, and he should wear better moccasins or he could wear crocs, whatever works for him. am i "knit-picking," too much? sorry. but all together it's a clever look. ^^
i love the way he's carried off the blues!!!
and the trousers are my favorite!!he carries them so flawlessly .
not for a second did i think there was something odd about them ....
the whole looks is boyishly masculine ~~ WITH turquoise trousers~~
very cool indeed~~
Young guy, so everything works for him, but... why those pants doesn´t fit him. I love the cardigan and the shirt, the scarf, great touch, but his shoes are not clean, and all those bags? will be better and more confortable just to have one big bag. Anyway, that´s NYC growing and growing and trying and trying... that´s the difference and what it make so cool to watch people around the world, By the way... LOVE THIS BLOG Sart!!!
I love it; - does someone know where is the herringbone rucksack from? Also like the bold colour of the trousers
I have been to a few fashion labels head office to see the spring summer ranges for 2009 and colored jeans are one of the many trends being followed.
Unkempt, messy, carrying way too much stuff. Thin is nice. I'm surprised this studied look doesn't also have the sweater misbuttoned. He's cute and young, and maybe this is a look for only the cute and young, but he's not a fashion plate.
like the material on his backpack.
The color of the pants is a bit saturated for me but otherwise I love the look.
Everything looks stolen from the waist down on this kid...like it was not intended for him originally--HB.
yes, the model is adorable.
yes, lots about his look works well.
but- where does one wear this? To the library? A lecture?
Standing proof that the bigger your handbag, the more stuff you find yourself lugging around! Time for a downsize methinks! t.x
I love this! I just love it when somebody can take what is typically structured and break it down into a relaxed, almost dishevelled chic. I also like his colour balance as well.
He looks relaxed and he has a general sense of calm, in what I am sure was quite a hectic moment.
I think that's a J.Crew cardigan, and I wore it yesterday. Cool pants!
I totally thought this was a woman. In a good way!
Nerd chic?
Think the hidden buttons of the shirt are a subtle but beneficial element, (especially in light of the cardigan button discussion)
Everything else ( 'cept maybe the backpack) feels right-on. Kewl without overkill. Bracelets, scarf (?) could be too much, but on this kid they aren't.
Looks good.
everyone seems to be saying how parts of his outfit are not fashionable or hot. i think that what makes the outfit so great.
he's comfortable in it and manages to pull it off and look very stylish, even if the trend-slaves, and i am exaggerating there, don't agree.
it's just his own style.
i'd marry her...only for the dress + red/blue belt
He looks good. Why doesn't my husband when he dons a cardigan? Mysteries abound.
any ideas on who makes the backpack?
great looking young man. comfortable, relaxed style. works. doing his own thing. what it's all about. great bookbag from italy. Great neckwear touch. Is he a designer or model?
I love those pants so much and how he cuffed them (he did it to look cool, and he does-period). As an aside, I cannot believe someone commented on this blog that he should wear crocs! The worse item of footwear invented in the last three decades?! Are you sure you're on the right blog?
Not a bad look. I like the combination of elements, the colors. The pants could fit him better. I'm sure they give him a concave booty . Pants this loose on skinny guys tend to do that. It seems big with teens but really anti-sexy. I'm not crazy about the rolled-up hems either unless he's at the beach.
I bet the scarf (if that's what is peaking out from his collar) would look great and add more to the outfit if it were more visible. I also like his other accessories, bags (though I don't care for them together), bracelets, shoes, wan and irritated expression.
His stance had me laughing at first--to me, it's like he's trying to be patient but he's annoyed with you stopping him to take a photo when he's got somewhere to go.
Then I sobered...is it just me or is that a haunted or jaded look in his eyes? It's like the "I'm too old and seen too much" look. Doesn't belong on someone so young...
There's other contrasts between young and old throughout the entire outfit, like the cardigan paired with youthful turquoise. A very memorable shot.
Love the fit and and color of those pants. Wow. That backpack I need! I also absolutely love the hint of scarf/ascot (?) peeking out around the collar.
I love those blues eigther, beautiful light
i love how it looks so effortless. and the backpack is awesome.
Can someone tell me who the harringbone backpack is by? i want it! Also where can i get it?
Ok that's one of my favorite pics since a while awesome i need the same chino.
you are not supposed to have TWO bags unless you're heading to the airport. Overall is cute though
jorge you're right with the buttons thing (you're comments are allways interesting
the global look is good but even if the shirt/pants colour-contrast is not so well
the pants should be more fitted
keep the line kid you're close to find the way
overall, i love his getup. but it's really the pants for me. love that splash of color. i'm not sure about the shoes, though.
comfy and refreshing look from the young at heart,
from hong kong :)
i LOVE the colors!
Those are some excellent capris. I can't believe that getting a good pair for men in the U.S. is nigh impossible. Excellent idea of wearing the cardigan too.
good lord, this is a train wreck. Pants are waay to big, what's with the ankles, driving mocks, all that baggage, jewelry. He's a cutie that could look fabulous, if less tricked-out.
but, hey, we're talking about him, so he's happy!
I want my boyfriend to dress up like this (i I ever have a boyfriend again, of course)
This is just terrible. It's not that the look isn't trendy (if anything it's trying to hard to be both trendy and not). It's just bad: rotting shoes, misfitting pants, hobo bags. It's rather awful from the waist down.
a perfect dorian gray...
youth is amazing
This is the second time that I have seen a man wear light blue pants and I am more than ever convinced that it's a great colour for spring or summer. Oddly enough, I find cardigans on men, very sexy too!