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Comments on "On the Street.....Apple, Milano"
nice, but very usual...
Welcome to MILAN!!!!
I think it's a beautiful photograph. She looks chic and classical and fits very well into her environment.
it' usual becouse it's milan^^
oh oh oh. - beautiful shot. beautiful mood. wonderful girl. - classic and anything but usual.
very nice energy.
this photo makes me want to get to know this person....I want to ask her where she's been....what she does....good photograph. reminds me of me after work....
What can i say euh...Class!
looks very school and intellectual.
i love her shoes cos they just ground down her whole outfit.
I like the shoes.
Interesting details. Navy and grey - it works here. i love the line of cor of her shoe sole and i'm intrigued by her jacket - has she just puled it round her shoulders or is it made like that? whatever, i like it and i love the way she's kind of lost in thought. Nice picture, Sart.
She seems deep in thought...
How wondrously normal..to be eating! an apple! while walking! the quirky punch of the shoes...nothing forced about her clothes, or herself methinks..
Am curious as to the purchase of the day..
the most glamourous way of eating an apple haha :)
that's an Etro shopping bag
Lovely pic. I love photographs that capture moments like this one.
I like the outfit too. Nice sobriety, and I like the colour contrast that the apple and the shoe soles make.
very well, cute and classical... but the shoes... no, no, no...
Very officious but the legging and stilettos combination look very graceful.
The apple transforms this photo--from a portrait of a chic, untouchable woman to a snapshot of a very real, grounded person nibbling on a snack in the middle of a busy day... she looks great and I want to have a chat with her.
the navy blue and shiny patent black with the tights are understated but still an edgy color palette. i'm intrigued by the cut of her jacket. is it a capelet in the back?
I think it's okey. It's different from what girls are wearing in Norway, so that's a plus!!! But I would't wear it...but I want what she's eating!!!!!
Very classic, very Milano. The apple is a nice touch. But the shoes, I don't think so.
Crisp and high style. Lovely photograph. I can feel the touch of Fall in the air.
I feel like she epitomizes Autumn in this picture: I think it's something about the darker colors she's wearing and the apple. Love the simplicity of her outfit.
maybe she on her path to the work, maybe not. photopicture very nice, happens her way through the town. very nice. i have the jealous.
What a lady!!
It's a very understated kind of chic, I love the patent shoes. I'm also trying to work out if that's a bagel she's holding....
she must not be italian. an italian woman would rather die than "eat on the go".
she looks fabulous though.
I know this is going to sound rather indecorous, but can I just say nun chic? She looks fantastic!
This is a really nice silhouette, clean lines and spot on proportions. F-ing hot shoes.
Beautiful, the composition of this photo is STUNNING. And I kind of crave an apple now.
i'm not loving the big bump on her back...is there another bag under there?
Beautiful shot, and a truly classic look. You could show this photo fifteen years from now and she'd still look great.
Love the outfit, it's something I would actually wear. And I eat an apple a day too!
apple of my eye
totally smoking !!
I wouldn't have taken her for an Etro shopper.
fruit is sexy!
After seeing the magnified image, I love the colours here. I wonder at the objections about her shoes? I think they're really pretty and strong without being obnoxious. Cork (I think it is) and patent leather...what an unusual combo!
That shot is so beautiful! She looks so chic!
the shoes are awesome. this chick rocks
Classy gal, and I LIKE the shoes.
absolutely lovely. Makes me wonder that if I start to eat apples while wandering through the city, will look anything like that? hahaha.
Very elegant! Is it a cap?
Nice photo, Sart. Never would I have thought that eating fruit in the streets could look so glamorous. You work wonders with that camera of yours. Well played.
she kind of looks like she has a hunch back, but disregarding that, nice outfit. :)
I love it. It looks very much like classic Prada.
blue is probably the most beautiful colour i think, at least in jackets and outdoor clothes
What she's eating is so cohesive with the outfit that it almost acts like an accessory. When you're out shooting in New York again, you should find a stylish someone with a Sabrett hot dog in their hand. I know, I know.
That's like me asking you to go to on a scavenger hunt which can be kind of fun and will take a little bit of time.
And if that person doesn't show themselves over time, I'd be more than honored for you to snap my picture holding one of those famed hot dogs for your blog. You probably don't get those requests a lot or maybe you do, but you know...just a thought. :)
Nice! She's been shopping at Etro too!
i like the shoes:)
You have a very interesting blog!Concerning this photo, I can only say: bon chic, bon genre !
i LOVE those shoes
Classic. Looove the shoes. Nice shot, Sart.
I love apples and I love her shoes.
We can all agree to disagree on the shoes, and I won't take a position on them.
Funny -- the first reaction to this photo was, "very usual". By contract, my instant reaction was, the clothes would have looked great in 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, and they look great now. There's nothing wrong with classic, especially when it's quality classic.
the perfect stockings make the outfit. stunning. :)
Her outfit looks effortless, not forced like some people I see on the streets. Very beautiful.
This shot alone makes me want to go to Italy.
I adore the shoes, they're like a sexed up, but still fashionable, version of what a teacher in the 1960's would wear.
the apple is such an underrated accessory.
I like that it is Milan, but could be New York, Paris, San Francisco--any city, and it is such a classic "city" look. The white collar makes it less stiff.
A put-together gal. Navy, gray and white - lovely. She's got such a beautiful profile.
Is that a jacket? A shawl? Something in-between?
That's a Lady. Chic, seems inteligent, reminds me Chanel looks ( pensionnaire chic et nette) .
So so far away from fashion addict . bohemian looks etc etc ...Really esay and aristocratic, nice legs, seems calm and effortless.
Nice and so "borghesia di Milano !"
nice outfit..love it
Navy, white and an apple - Bon chic bon genre!
I love everything but the shoes...I want their arch to be more elongated and sole to taper out as it moves toward the toe. The heel and the front platform don't look totally comfortable together..but the rest of the outfit is wonderful..going to get an apple
The best thing in the shot is the restaurant terrace at the back ! Not sure about the shoes, if they are peep toes, then I don't like them, the cork thing is interesting, though.
That bump on her back is disturbing. I guess if you were there you would understand what is making it. Aside from that, she does have a "nun" chic and I love the shoes. I wonder if the cork makes them comfortable, even on the blasted cobbles?
the shoes are amazing.
the photography, as usual, is fantastic, but it's always that way, so no surprise there.
I think she's wearing a wrap and it's probably wind and the movement of her arm that caused the 'bump'.
I think she looks lovely.
I love this blog. I was in Italy in the spring and one of my favorite parts of the trip was the simple pleasure of people-watching - just to see what fabulous outfits Italians wore.
I love the color of her tights though - really unusual.
I loooooove the shoes. Does anyone know who they are by? Please? Pretty please?!?
Nice and simple silhouette, but hate the shoes
the shoes are marc by marc jacobs.