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Comments on "On the Street.....All Over Print, NYC"
Love this. I could never wear this but I think this style of print looks cool, especially with the hat, beard and sunglasses.
he's got great style. print all over to much for me. love the hat and glasses and would put some faded army cargos w/ it.
ah, spike lee as a butterfly collector?
It's not for everyone, but certainly a look that works for him.
I am dying to hear what people are going to say about this one...
Ignoring the print for a minute (a tall order!), I'd like to talk glasses. Who sells the best glasses in NYC? I've been in love with all the Paris girls you shot last year in their big tortoiseshell frames and this guy's great shades are reminding me a little of that. It's clear you don't need specs yet, Mr Schuman, or I know you'd be obsessing over them as much as the other great accessories you find!
I'll be curious to see how the same attire would look like on a white man.
love the color on him . although usually the all over print would be a no-no for me, i thikn he manages. what is this? batik print? i wonder if it is an updated batik or traditional..nice glasses and straw fedora and beard. geez. it all just works!
yes, the return of the 1970s leisure suit!!! (no irony intended, i think it's really cool)
I met him once in SoHo over the summer. Poor guy must get Spike Lee comparisons every day. Told me he got his hat at Makins.
This look is very interesting and bold!
Homeboy is killin this . Love the way it fits. A of people hate on all over print outfits(really the hoodies). But this outfit has an old school cool vibe.
Hell yea!
this print reminds me of a skirt given to me by a friend in mali, west africa. the patterns and colors are just so much more vibrant there.
you'd be surprised how well they mix with more understated details!
African style!
Yeah, he's got a Spike Lee kind of face. This guy's better looking IMO, actually quite handsome.
I like his hat, love his glasses and don't mind his ratty beard. I think his accessories as a whole go well with the, uhr, outfit (please tell me it's not a leisure suit).
I'm not a fan of head-to-toe print on anyone. At least this is cut well. Usually these shirts are ginormous.
If this were Africa, India or the Caribbean I'd like it a lot better but because the brotha looks Ethiopian the outfit seems to go with him.
he looks magnificent!
i don't like it.
but he works it.
FYI, he's the style editor of a great music magazine, the fader.
The print is called Batik.
Sick - the fact he made such a heavy print look so delicate, definateley deserves
Love the print, love the colors. Happy outfit.
Mobolaji is always fly. He designs those suits.
This look makes me dizzy.
wow. one of your most interesting subjects in a while.
the fit on that retro get-up is incredible.
the way the pants and shirt are the same material is a bit too much. maybe if he went with like a solid navy pair of pants it would be much better. but thats just my opinion.
WOOOOOOOOORK!!!!!...a great western urban way to wear an eastern/african print...where can I place my order?
Super Fly 1972!
Bravo! I admire his intrepid spirit...
Is he the same guy who made the conversion from nice guy to bad-ass a while back?
This isn't batik, it's african wax prints (ironically usually made in Holland)
I think they look fabulous, look !!!
Looks like it could be a Lilly print.
This brother needs his own theme music!!! Handle your business my man!!!
Mobolaji Dawodu. I love how he uses African Print. Alot of Africans fail with it and I would know cos I am one.
but he is a G with it.
Love the bracelets. Interesting that the hat is really a bit too big.
What I love is that this is so well-fitted. That's what makes it look so sharp-- completely tailored look, only the print is "wild" and therefore it becomes beautifully abstract instead of a gimmick. Handsome man (sorry Spike, you're nothing like this fellow).
It take a certain something to pull that off and he has it!
Someone said the fabric was batik, but it doesn't look like batik to me. If the pattern were a little clearer, I'd almost say it was an Asian print. Most batiks end up a bit more muted from the resist process involved.
He rocks it!
love it. dude is bold.
mobolaji... may just be the best dressed brotha i know... here is style that's effortlessly chill and not contrived.
Mobalaji!!! You Stay Fly.
- Parlour Loves You Babe!
This guy looks awesome. The hat makes the entire outfit sing. Excellent look, Mr. Print Man.
I just enlarged the file. Wow. What's he thinking about, I wonder. What a lovely expression in his eyes. And his accessories—the bracelets—are very, very nice.
The fabric is a West African wax printed cotton. Women in my neighborhood (west Harlem) wear gorgeous handmade dresses and headwraps made of this type of fabric, which imitates but is not batik. I've actually been on the lookout for a local source so I can make my own... It's good to know that me and Sart are on a similar wavelength! I think its just a matter of time before wax print fabric becomes huge.
In the future, when my only responsibility is smoking fine cigars in the Carribean, I hope to own this exact outfit in every color.
This dude looks great and is secure in his cool. I think he looks more like Marvin Gaye in his later days. Marvelous, Marvin!
Anonymous - the shades are Ray-Ban WO366, originally from (I think) the 70s, but you can still buy them. I have a pair that have hung around since then, and from the number of people seen wearing them on this blog, they must be reversing back into fashion.
Mobolaji gets 10 propellers!
Africa Stylie Lives!!!
Mobolaji has amazing style. He reminds me of an old Freedom Rider from the 60s. And he turns out amazing mens shoots for The Fader, every time!
Beautiful African print, and appropriate accessories to complement it. Wonderful.
love the head to toe print. africa represent!
muir mackean, I have vintage pair of this frame, but an eyeglass expert called them B-51s...and much older than the 70s.
@ Indigo Warrir: Batik is an Asian technique ... ;-)
@Lady Holiday: see [url]http://www.vlisco.com[/url]
You can order these fabrics online.
I LOVE this. This is what I mean when fashion evokes emotions. It reminds me of the 70's, dashikis, Berkeley and San Francisco, of seeing Maya Angelou up on stage reciting a poem, of listening to Ladysmith Black Mambazo, of being on vacation ...of many things, all good and all happy.
Mobolaji makes marvelous women's dresses in some equally great prints so to Lady Holiday's comment--the search is over! You should check out his spring 09 lookbook.
Mobalaji is a "Maverick" who is not only a brilliant stylist (Fader, etc.) , designer (his own line), co-book creator (The African Game), and probably future style veejay for all things fashionable on the continent, but he's hella cool too:)
Thanks muir and anonymous for the rayban tips. Now what about eyeglasses? Maybe I'll have to wait until someone spectacular shows up wearing proper glasses to broach the topic again, but where oh where can a person find the best specs in Manhattan or Brooklyn?
Hi Anonymous - re. the Ray-Bans, Google WO366 and you will find them. Good luck !
To the anonymous poster who wanted a good NYC place for spectacles/glasses - try Moscot (moscot.com). You can't go wrong.
There are seven men in the world who could pull that look off, and he's one of them. The rest of us should choose wisely. :-)
I love him! :D
batik is indonesian, folks.
interesting ... there's a mixture of javasese batik art in it called Parang print with something retro.
fun print =D
I love that hedared to wear something with such a lively print. Is that a gold bangle on his arm? I bet he had on sandles too, he probably has the coolest walk to go with his outfit.This outfit could easily taken a femine tone but someting about this guy just radiates 100% manly man.
This is straight out of the west African 'Ankara' Saffari suit play book....
Nice to see man !!
The Ray Ban club masters take this look to another level.
he pulls this off.. but I doubt many people could.. he looks cool
As others have noted, this is West African style that he's modified. The all over print is call an "up and down", and it is still often done with tie and die, linen and local batiks, but less common for men these days in wax prints. West African cuts are usually looser (to help keep cool) and would normally use a round neck with an up and down. The tighter tailoring and collared shirt, not to mention the way the colors suit his skin tone, make this a great cosmopolitan creation.
on paper, this should not work, but it does admirably. the hat and, probably, the glasses are necessary.
Small world! I met this guy, Moe, Today in Kuala Lumpur...
well, well, well, if it isn't Mobolaji. a bit more colorful than I'm used to seeing him, but its the only person i know that could get away with this...nice job.
hey! Mobolaji!
The hat and shades create a grat effect. As does the shirt. I could do without the matching pants, but hey, that's me.
how would this look with a suit jacket... I keep toying with the idea of matching shirt / pants combo then a jacket contrast.
He's always had great style! He is not afraid of an all over print. He wore a black and white checkered suit to my wedding!
I'm impressed and happy seeing this outfit. How strong and individual and beautiful...I wanna see him walk. Appreciated jpool's explanations of the print and style and how it was modified from its origins. I'm also admiring the pockets...
reminds me of the capulanas i saw everywhere in mozambique!