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Comments on "On the Street.....6th Ave, NYC"
Wow- the look is decidedly vintage, I wonder if there is a piece that is brand new. The most significant item is perhaps the suede jacket, I am sure most of us would see it on a rack and have a hard time figuring out how to match it with other things. Even though we can't see the belt, the proportions feel right- the cuffed hems give him a poor-boy feel that is quickly counteracted by the Gucci briefcase, perhaps the one new piece? Good combination, overall. Jorge from W Palm Beach
Not many men could pull off those jeans but he does brilliantly.His jacket is the perfect length, it's such a lovely colour and the gold watch brings the whole look up to date. Nice.
the bag is probably brand new ...
amazing look!! I love the shorter sleeves on the jacket which allow for his shirt sleeves to show.
He works well with his silouhette
the flare is exaggerated yet flattering both on the jacket and the jeans
and the juxtaposition is very very clear like Jorge said
I think this is the only way to pull off a Gucci bag with such ostentatious print
it takes real skill to make the 70s look cool, and he does it wonderfully.
Agreed, he has a definite style. Love the proportion of the wide-leg jeans. He looks good.
The clothes don't do a lot for me but the picture really feels as though it's telling a story. Good work!
Rocking the 70's thrift shop style.
I think that he pulls it off.
Is that a watch on his right wrist? It doesn't look like the shirt cuff.
Reminds me of myself in 1978 -stylistically and weightwise. I have a similar picture of myself
standing in front of my uncle's 1977 Cadillac Seville.
Vintage leisure suit look... hmm... ummm... well... at least it's not polyester.
this is one of your best photos, the light is great, and the look...adorable
"Starsky, where's Hutch?". Too young to have lived through this the first time around, he nevertheless should recognize a bad look when he sees one. Worst details are the painfully ugly shoes and the pants, whose silhouette he does pull off but which look bad close-up. Signature bags I do not understand. Best detail is the cuff which, along with the mobile, at least aren't period.
I would have thought it would be so wrong, yet its so right. Even though his style and mine are so different, I would trust him to give me style advice in a heartbeat. He seems to "know."
Ah, Supafly!! OMG, how much do I go for that look!! I love it!
This is one of my favorite looks / compositions! Love it!
It's a good look, but I am just amazed how he can wear that jacket in this humidity and heat.
I love the look overall, especially the cut of the jeans and the color and texture of the jacket.
I wish the wrist piece were a little different - a heavy, masculine watch would have won points with me.
not at all sure about this look - the jacket's too big, trousers too wide for such skinny guy; not my cup of tea
The look may be vintage but the clothes could definitely be brand new.
The jeans look like ´Marja`by Whyred - esigned and sold right now.same goes for the " laptop briefcase"
The silhouette with the strong a-shape of the jacket and pants is very effective. A sign of what's to come.
rien de speciale
That is someone I would stop and look at twice. Very sharp.
It's like the bad ass 70's look meets modern New York.
An inspiringly successful use of vintage. I would never have thought of putting a shirt like that with the jacket, but it totally works. Suits him to a t.
i like his bag, what is it, gucci?
I love the jacket. Amazing piece. 2 things dont work for me though. First, the bag seems alien to the whole dress and also the color is fighting a bit with the color of the jacket. Second, and this is just my prefference, the waist could be a bit lower. But overall, when the bag is dropped, it is an amazing match.
This looks is all about the great proportion of his clothes to one another and his body. This look could easily fail on a less exacting man.
NIce, clean, retro soul look. He does it right and has the good taste to spare us the platform shoes. Not a lot of men could pull this off as well as he.
I think the jacket is a woman's and that's why the sleeves are so short. It's definitely unisex. I have all of these pieces (well, not that gucci bag) and have worn them together similarly.
I'm starting out biased as 70's style really isn't my thing overall but this outfit is just a little too huggy bear for me. Maybe each piece with something else would work better for my eye.
Love the color of the jacket though.
I really love this, but I do think the proportinons of the jacket are a bit too long considering the cut of the pants. The sleeves seem a bit too short, maybe some length should be taken away from the hem. But overall, Yes. That Gucci folio doesn't irritate me in the slightest. It's understated, not flashy. I miss Gucci in the 70s.
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too long... jacket too long, trousers too long. i don't like so much.
this look = two thumbs down!
This could be laughable on some, but it looks good on him. That's what style is about. People who master their own style and are comfortable with it look good.
Some people follow trends blindly, others follow rules and dress codes blindly and lecture others about how bad their unconventional taste is, and both of these are victims who fail to understand the concept of true style.
I sell and style vintage, and one of the big dramas I have with this era of jacket is convincing guys (and girls) that the shorter 70s sleeve length is a positive.
I love that the shorter sleeve shows off the shirt cuff beneath, and am guessing that this era of jacket was designed that way to complement wild printed 70s shirts with their statement deep cuffs and long collars.... or are we just gradually turning into chimps?
Will always looks amazing!!! I might have to steal that suede coat next time I see him.
long, lean, refreshing and modern.
well thought out. not sure i like an outfit that looks well thought out, but you can tell it was. it's put together. i like a little more bohemian edge.
To me, this feels like a very urban 1970's look -- an era I love, partly because it was when African-American men weren't afraid to wear color. He looks amazing, and I really covet that jacket.
OK I love how he wears the pants high and still looks good in a long jacket.
But I gotta ask this first for I live in NYC:
It's still humid and hot I sweat walking around the city even in a short sleeves.
So I bet this guy would feel hot no matter if he sweats or not, and do you recommend enduring the heat (or chilliness in winter) to look good?
That is to say, doesn't a real good fashion include being in a harmony with time, place and occasion?
This question also goes to the lady below who wears white dress (which reminds of a toga)in that she's wearing it in rain.
not sure about the jeans, but that jacket rocks!! he looks cool in it. I'm a girl, and I'd love wearing it with a flirty dress.
I can't wait until fashion week is over.
i love the overexposure in this pic -- it's elegant without distracting from the subject.
Looks like my Dad in 1972.
I have the same jacket and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it
Sidibé on the street, beautiful.
YES! I love men in flared jeans.
hot daaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnn
WOW! That jacket is absolute heaven. /and such a great pairing with the wide-leg pants. Retro chic.
don't like that orange outfit on men
Well, hello 1970...
it's not really my taste, but everything fits so perfectly that I like it! Plus I enjoy a man's higher-waisted trouser.
Excuse me Sart: is there anything special to talk about?
i know him!!! haha such a cool guy.
Everything about the bag tips the entirety into skipping across the traffic...like a big yawn.
@Ali-Breeze: I believe the shorter 70's sleeve length accentuates the flare shape of the jacket and makes the jacket 'lighter' by compensating for the longer torso of the jacket.
< POOF ! > "Where am I ?
What's this little Thing in my right hand - and Why does it say 9/7/2008??"
Seriously cool retro right down to the Gucci bag and gold watch. Good looking guy too
Unless the photogragh is reversed (or it could just be me), the jacket's snaps seem to be on the wrong side. Is it a woman's coat or made for a Euro-market (or some parallel universe)? His jeans are a nice shade but too long, and he could stand some more substantial shoes. I think the bag is too femme for this guy. He does make a great clothes-hanger though. Makes you wonder what the rest of his closet is like.--HB
I love the outfit, but I wish that this gentleman wore a clean-shaven look. He would be much handsomer if he did!
Where can one get flared pants for men? I've been wanting a pair for years.
Love that jacket!
Do you have a time machine? Like seriously. hah
He gets a thumbs up!
for some reason he reminds me of the invisible man by ralph ellison. really fascinating
not digging it.
this is a lovely photo with gorgeous light
I love his refined, casual street style. He nailed the proportions!
He looks great! Love that retro look. Top marks.
he is perfect.
He really looks good and should be given a long term multi million dollar modeling contract. I am his proud mother.
we seriously need to bring back wide-legged pants into men's closet.
I don't think it looks bad, but the proportions look off to me. He looks a lot shorter than he probably is.