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Comments on "On the Street..... High Impact Accessories"
Great, I like the combination of the brown/pink shoes with the purple/brown/blue striped socks! Good idea to roll up the shirt with the pullover.
So much love for those shoes paired with the socks! Love how the rest of the outfit is subdued colours to further draw attention to the feet. Brilliant!
so moody picture! rose boots and socks - very positive!
I think the socks are brilliant with those trousers
Uahu, i'm in love with this outfit. Elegant yet risky. If you start looking at it from top to bottom it's simply a great surprise to see how it ends. Great
Anyone any idea of where to get this shoes?
Damn those shoes rock!
The guy on his right is the guy whom you pictured in your structured jacket and shorts post righto?
I love, LOVE the second photo. Something about it just makes me really cheery.
The first shot is really nice- you give, as you often do, the indication that there's also something else of interest just outside the frame, which is tantalizing and adds a nice tension to the photo.I like the hat and the just-in-view scarf. Those shoes are high-impact, all right. They look perfect on him. The socks, wide cuffs, rolled sleeves, sweater, tie, bracelet- all very nice. He looks happy to be sporting them!
Cool! Well, love all his look in fact! Nice cardigan, those pale colors look fabulous on him and fit great with the shoes and socks giving them their deserved first place in the podium of shocking accesories...Love'm.
Do we know anything about the designer? Colours are quite alike to Givenchys bet for this season but haven't seen them before...
Wunderbar!!! Those shoes are not for everyone, but they are indeed for him. It's also a fairly sweet look from the ankles up also.
Nice to see the Ombre Prada brogues on the left as well.
The pink shoes made me laugh! so unexpected
He is so darned cute! But honestly, you aren't going to see many men outside of fashion capitals wearing shoes or socks like that. It's clown-foot couture. But I guess he holds up a standard of what you can dare if you want to.
great shots Sart! however, the third picture is a little too "Garanimals" for my taste(s)...'shocking Pink' Captoes? i have to agree with Anon 10:54 "you aren't going to see many men outside fashion caps rockin those shoes or that perfectly matched outfit.
What is the "High Impact" in photo 1?
I like the look, although seeing as how the shoes are already unconventional, and rather extraordinary in a fabulous way, I would pair them with plain socks, or even no socks at all! A debated option in this blog, I know. I agree with the earlier post about the feeling that something interesting is happening off frame, and that makes for an interesting photo. Jorge from W Palm Beach
The second fellow is cuteness personified.
i love this post - but such different pictures! i love the pink toe capped shoes and his socks and the way he keeps it all around his feet and ankles, doesn't try to bring the pink in anywhere else making it all the more surprising and humorous. As for the top photo, the linen Mao suit and kooky hat, it has mystery. For me the picture is all about his eyes,his earrings and the buttons on the suit.
Oh my gosh! First thing I notice were his shoes! I love, love his shoes! There so psychedelic. They remind me of these pairs of converse my brother has, which are like screaming blue and pink!
those brown and hot pink oxfords are unbelievable!! why can't they make those for women!!!
I like the post, but for me the shoes are a bit to clown (I have a slight fear of clowns), if they were pointed at the ends it would work a lot better.
fabulously fun!!
who makes the shoes?!
Just love those shoes, absolutley fab! And the combo with brown and pink can almost never go wrong, a personal favourite combo.
That's a happy guy! Oh you never sease to inspire.
It seems high impact is the same as 'doesn't really correspond with the rest of the outfit' ...? t.x
Everything is great down to the caps of the shoes in the 2nd pic... just a bit overdone I think... sorta a clownish aspect that throws the rest of the outfit off too much.
I have to echo the excitement over the shoes...the effect is very Neapolitan ice cream-ish.
So much fun!
he looks jolly in those funky shoes! he sends out happy vibes. agree with 'basco5', i think the shoes would work magic if they were pointy at the front. the outfit works great on him as well.
"Impact" they have in spades, but that's not always a good thing. I don't like to be "impacted." I prefer to be charmed. Those bright pink toes make me think "clown shoes."
haha, those shoes are adorable!
the 2nd guy's shoes are to die for!!! i wonder where he got those.
#2, seriously, are you kidding me?
where are these shoes from?
great flashy color!!!!!!!
The gentleman in the 2nd photo, exudes a whimsical confidence, that is difficult to ignore. He appears to be geninuenly happy. His choice in clothing speaks to his state of mind. who cares what anyone else thinks...Well done for him and you (sartorialist).
I love all the photos...But the 3rd photo is striking...I love the color combination and his shoes are fierce!
those shoes are brilliant!
This little guy needs to steer clear of rough neighborhoods with this shoe/sock combination.
I want this whole outfit, head to toe, and I'm a girl! I think what keeps the shoes from looking "clowny" are his own proportions. Being on the delicate side, himself, it's not like he's got giant feet or anything.
both excellent images to keep in mind, as a man, while {constantly} cultivating my own styles
I am just loving those shoes...
I must have those shoes! Where!?
Oh where do you find these cute guys.
So cheery and happy looking.
And those shoes are so gay, I can't stand it; I just want tomarry that guy.
Thanks, Sart, you've made my day.
perfectly matched.
I love how the shoes match the socks, and then the rest of the outfit has subdued colors
+ love the cardigan and how he's rolled the shirt sleeves.
He's gotta be confident.
Love the socks......Has anyone seen the new brand Stanley Lewis...selling on line Ties with perfectly matching socks..the look is awesome!!!! Very Chic, and elegant.
BOYZ just wanna have fun! Onya!
i really love what the guy on his right is wearing. the shorts and the jacket are lovely.
daring... yes
brave... yes
but does it really work? imo NO
Those shoes and socks would just finish the all white outfit from a few days back!
I am fascinated with the pink-toed shoes and striped pink socks - what a statement. Wish I had the courage ...
Can't believe no one has commented on whimsicality of #1. His coffee mug(?) is leaning with him! Love it.
ah hello, are you all kidding? this extra from the wizard of oz looks...ah...silly? come on!
Go Asian Guys!!!!!!!
His shoes and outfit are sooo fetch.
I'm a guy who is all for wearing pink, particularly hot pink (it grabs ladies' attention). Even though it strongly contrasts with the rest of the outfit, I say that the pink on the shoes is absolutely sick.
Good call.
He looks excellent from the tip of his cap toes lace-ups to the collar of his shirt! I love those rose and white stripped socks with the trousers.
I love those striped, candy-coloured socks! Adorable! And the creamy neutral on the socks, pants and tie pulls the whole outfit cleverly together.
Love the pink shoessss! work it!
The second man's wear was excellent, the tie, the cardigan, the matching of colour and the way he rolled his sleeves... Of course, his socks and pink-tipped shoes highlight his look!
Man's styling can also be fun and interesting. I would say this man's wear is one of the most inspiring styling that I've seen in this year.
The guy in the second picture looks so adorable with his pink shoes and happy smile.
Absolutely gorgeous! The second guy and his pink shoes!
love everything about this one. He just manages to pull off what no one else could.
The last picture is quite inspiring. I just bought shoes in that shade of pink and it's nice seeing it pulled off so well on some one else even if they are of the opposite sex
He looks happy! Love the shoes and socks!
I love the second man with brown and pink shoes.This is classic with a little and fantastic touch of fantasy.I think it's a Paul Smith's man.
what is the guy in the first picture holding?
is that the high impact accessory?
I want this shoes. so awesome.
These photos that are supposed to be from 2nd of september...are they really?i mean the date represents the exact date when the pictures were taken or just the date the sartorialist puts the photos on the website?because i can see adetail..it s guy,near the one with pink shoes that was photographed many weks ago due to his structured jacket..and now the identical guy,without his face on view is near the guy with fucsia,pink shoes.
The second guy is just ADORABLE. Love love love his outfit. Top to toe. Superb. Could we have more pictures of his sartorial genius please? I'm in love.
Ha, his shoes! Omg. lol
Wooow :) I'm сукефштдн taking these shoes! they're adorable!!
It looks like the man in the second picture just painted the toes of a regular set of shoes. I think I like them but can't imagine wearing them except maybe in an alternate universe.
Ronald McDonald was my first thought. I love the creativity of it though, it looks like he painted them himself. I think the overall effect would be better without the socks. The colors definitely tie in to the rest of the ensemble but I think the magenta cap toe oxfords are enough.
Somewhere a clown is missing a pair of custom-made Italian cap-toes...
On a woman maybe. His look makes me nauseous.
is that a shorts wearing man seated next to him? i sure do hope so. i completely disagree with the "social primer" who said that menswear has gone to shame with this new look that he claims was jump-started by casual friday. i think casual friday along with metro-sexuals and gay rights movements, was needed in order to allow men to free themselves of the full suit of armor.
As I can remember, the guy on the left has already been photographied by you Scott.
an asian guy, with grey jacket and a short, plus a vuitton hand wallet.
he looks ridiculous (in a bad way). The socks are fine, but the shoes scream of effort...
The second man is very neat! Somehow he makes the socks and shoes work..
love love love the shoes! amazing!
Kleinigkeiten versüßen die Sicht, beide sind ein Augenschmaus...
Hideous, these shoes and socks are just hideous
An interesting accessory does not an interesting man make.
I think that hats are the most problematic accessory in fashion today. I am so tired of ball caps. Maybe the pork-pie is making a comeback?
i love him already!
I, myself would never consider wearing those shoes let alone buy them and wear them :).. but looking at this guy, it really does suit him.. it makes him look jolly nad happy giving that facial expression :) and i amdire people like him wearing bombastic clothing in public and couldn't care less about peoples comments in this case, regarding that particular shoe :) i think everyone should wear whatever he/she likes :) its a matter of style and no one is giving the right to judge and comment or make fun of others. if you are comfortable wearing on thing.. another person will feel comfortable wearing another thing :)
the second man's smiling confidence is what makes those shoes work, more than anything. fantastic.
Its wonderful to see the guy in the |Mao suit with earings sans the the Mao hat .Now that the chinese are obsessed with western designers this is a nice take on a their cultural reveulution's contribution to STYLE.Fresh, individual and elegant in Blue.The guy in the second picture is a dime a dozen at any Sfilata.
dear Els, god bless you!
to everyone loves that pair of shoes..I know the designer:her name is Els Proost and she's from Antwerp..and she's my teacher more than a famous shoes and accessories designer form MArgiela, Armani, Dries van noten...http://www.elsa-antwerp.be/?page=selector
this is her link!
F.from Italy
beautiful..thats all I can say.
something about his posture and smile melts my heart..the shoes are a delightful finish
those shoes are too good to be true! great find!
Really love the shoes on that guy.
the first man is full of power.
Too clownish for me.
Perfect for the Tardis.
Two amazing pictures. The earrings and the hat make the man look like a wizzard. And where can I get these pink-nosed shoes?
The guy with the piink shoes reminds me of a strawberry dipped ice cream cone I ate this summer! Yum!
Ohmigoodness, I was scrolling down and saw the gray with the tie and thought "Oh that's nice.." then I reached his shoes and literally laughed (gleefully of course). That's what I like, pizzazz that make me smile :-)
What a charming guy with a great smile and great pair of shoes. I would walk a mile to have coffee with a person like that!
Thanks for the link to the shoes, F, they are delightful.
I LOVE the first photo jacket. There's something wonderfully sinsiter/left of center, about 'mandarin' style jackets. Just love the military look!
Love the pop of color in his shoes that just makes the outfit. Great proportion, too. And the striped socks are adorable!
wow, what a great guy in the 2nd photo! i can't help but smile and i'm betting that happens to everyone he meets. on someone else those shoes would be awful, tryhard edgy, but they seem made for this guy. feeling inspired!
am I the only one thinking that this are a clown's shoes?
A bit too much on the pink-tip shoes? Just looks like he's trying too hard. Perhaps it would have looked better if the shoes resonated with the conservative top a bit more. Different tie maybe? Anyway, the only way to try is to go out and wear it, kudos for that.
definitely trying to hard. he looks like a clown.
i love all pictures on this blog.its the best fashion blog ever
this a a very kool look. It totally suits him and those shoes are to die for
this is the website of he designer of the shoes...she is a my friend and she is great!
Please stay OUTSIDE the box.
Absolutely incredible.
Those shos are really exceptional~
I found him!
love the shoes! absolutely perfect!
i love those shoes and i love that he is as excited about them as he well should be. Those are bold in a fantastic way.
I like most of what he's wearing, but the shoes remind me of clown shoes. The command too much attention and detract from everything else he's wearing a bit too much. Good for him for being daring, but that one detail doesn't work for me.
I love love love love love love love those shoes!!! I want them!!!!
These shoes are from a little store in antwerp, Belgium called "Elsa".
The label is a collaboration between Els Proost, Belgian ex-shoe and accessories designer for Dries Van Noten, Emporio Armani, Maison Martin Margiela - and Angelo Penazzato, Italian ex-shoe producer for several famous labels such as Costume National, Hussein Chalayan, Angelo Figus and many more.
Craftsmanship and comfort are major points but then in combination with a fashionable amusing twist.