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Comments on "At Prada, Milano"
love it!
I want to marry this men and live in a house with garden.
He has everything i look for in dream husband. gray shirt,black cardigan and striped trouser!
This photo is amazing! The lighting makes him look rather angelic. The colors of the outfit are very Prada indeed. I don't know how you continue to capture such great pictures and moments!
Here is an ensemble that is tied together with a theme of softness that is demonstrated in the gentle folds of fabric at the chest and at the thigh. The pinstripes of the trousers pull it together for me. I would love to see this look on men who are in need of an alternative to the sport coat.
My question to everyone is, what is your opinion of the utility of this look? Is it one that could work in a variety of settings - work, school, social functions?
the lighting is superb!
i love this. another great photo of great style.
yes i remember him...
he looked very COOL...
Stunning. This photo looks like a painting.
nice pic!
i like the simple outfit ;)
I really like his outfit!. I love the pants, and the simplicity in it.
a truly beautiful composition
amazing photography s.
i love the simplistic,dreamy beauty of this image.
He is far more interesting than his attire. Fantastic photo..
wow, great composition.
I wish men's clothing can be more soft and flowy just like this. Why does traditional formal/business wear have to be so stiff?
Lovely shot!
clean and simple look... feel comfortable and easy to wear... I love it
Brilliant lighting, he is beautiful. There is something ethereal about this photograph. One of your (many) masterpieces , Sart.
coooooool photo
He looks so dramatic-ly PRADA!
Love the way he's stand !
Not sure why you like the look so much - little bit plain and dull to me - the guy would do with white tee much better. I like the cardigan though - it looks like some nice mixed material
The light, the mood, the outfit - everything is wonderful in this picture!
WOW. That lighting is absolutely incredible - it looks like a renaissance painting. But with more style.
One of my favourites. Nicely done!
I am going to sound plebeian here, but I bought a similar black silk/cashmere cardi from BR a couple of months ago, and it is truly a versatile piece. I like that everything here is basic, and in muted colors. Sometimes, you dont need a "pop" item. Great look! I wish you would let us in on the lighting secrets for this shot. Jorge from W Palm Beach
This is something I would easily wear day to day. Nice sweater, I like the simplicity of the tee and the "new classic" black/grey/navy palette. A subdued look, sort of "flying undercover", but sometimes that's just what you want, no need to jazz it up. It looks great on him.
this is breathtaking
that is something else, sart. he's just beautiful.
I love the background. It's very much like a painting.
Gorgeous, even thoughhis outfit is quite usual, this shot is just brilliant: the light the different grey tones, his expression. One of the best shots (photowise) you ever made.
I like the colours. Also loving the slouch and that hand in the pocket.
What a portrait!
remind me of the architect Rem Koolhaas
That is a really striking image.
Very nice picture. And nice look. Thanks Sart
Lordy. I think I'm in love. Wow.
love the shadows, so mysterious, blue grey and black all mesh...
A b s o l u t e l y
s t u n n i n g .
here's the great thing about fashion today...i woke up this morning, had coffee, got dressed, logged on to sart, and realized i was wearing this excact ensemble, except...h&m tuxedo slim cut trousers ($40), american apparel soft grey tee ($18), gap cardigan,
($30)...if you're clever about fit it's not hard to pull off the most chic and expensive looks on a budget...thanks sart for being so inspirational!
This photo reminds me of a Vermeer painting.
Excellent photo, boring looks
Fabulous photo and intriguingly chic man! I wonder what he's thinking...
what's that in his hand?
very gorgeous photo.
Interesting shot, Mr. S. It reminds me of Bill Viola's slo-mo video work in the way the face is partially eclipsed in shadow and a line of tension runs from the neck to the right hand, a signal that if we wait the subject will actual turn to us. The clothes are perfect for this moment.
Wow! John Singer Sargentorialist!
Nice combination. Now that just gave me an idea on how to wear my black cardigan.
as a picture, i can only say cool!
I'm a girl, but this photo is exactly what I think a perfect fall look should be, no matter what sex you are. It's nice to have a second-glance theme rather than a purposely outrageous, stuck in 2008 trend-driven "wacky" look. I love a wack, but a genuine one is so difficult to come by! This man: attention to trend, most likely, but not an object of it. I wonder what he is wearing on his feet, though, because I have a hard time pairing pinstripe pants with interesting shoes. Cheers and magnificent shot!
What a lovely, lovely portrait!
That lighting is stunning. Is he in a black hallway?
I love the simplicity of this outfit.
va-va-va-voom! WOW so handsome.. There are no guys with good fashion senses in Phoenix!
Johannes Vemeer... in 2008 ...
beautiful, beautiful shoot!
Hot. This is one of my favorite looks ever on this blog. Understated and casual but undeniably stylish.
C'est la classe. Really like it.
I like black and grey, light and shadows
foto, light, prada...everything is stunning
i love this! every man should dress like this... they can't go wrong.
I want him . . . .
I loved how at first glance the pants appear to be just a solid color but when you go to the closeup, you're pleasantly surprised that there is a striped pattern. Just that subtle addition makes the photo very beautiful
Really cool combination of clothes and great photo. Thanks, Sart. I´m definetly ripping off his look.
So simple! Elegant Timeless
Great picture!
Loads of retouching of is it as it was?
Elegant, distinguish,timeless..he does look like Koolhaas, he's for sure an architect or a sculptor, whatever he does he's good at it, I can tell.
Great! I really like all the navy and charcoal-tinted images that have been posted on this blog in the past week.
I love this photo.
That amazing light! (and those amazing shadows)...
It's magnetic...I couldn't stop looking at it.
I love his face, but what's he got on his feet?
the lighting in this photo is absolutely spectacular and paired with the simpleness of his outfit (sweater, t-shirt and dark jeans)...it is classic and age-less
What a lovely shot, Sart. Such perfect lighting. The man is elegant and interesting looking.
I think to really appreciate the ensemble one must enlarge it. The pieces are quite simple but fine. Wonderful fabrics, draping beautifully. The pants have a bit of texture that may in fact be a stripe.
I would wear this without a second thought.
I didn't know Carl Barron was modelling for Prada.
Simple and elegant. Well done.
Great composition, love the light on his head, face and hand. Well done.
The cardigan has a nice drape and the manner he has chosen to button it compliments the relaxed mode. Consider how this piece could be used in a more formal ensemble (fastening more buttons for more structure) and you'll see how versatile this piece is.
Wesleyrowell hits the nail on the head: it is not the brands that make the look, but the manner in which you put the pieces together to create inspired style.
i agree the photo is great but the outfit doesn't do anything for me. prada schamda!
There's just a wonderful relaxed 'uniform' look to this......I can't explain it. It's a beautiful photo, and the clothes just 'look at home' in Florence OR in North Korea. A relaxed, yet commanding global look that's 'sweet' but mildly sinister.
great composition. i love the fit of the trousers with the looseness of the grey shirt and then the cardigan. lovely!
This is an unbelievable shot, man. Great work.
Cool photo...Like the stilysm...absolutely! Sporty chic...neat!
"My question to everyone is, what is your opinion of the utility of this look? Is it one that could work in a variety of settings - work, school, social functions?"
You ask that like every workplace or social function is the same... I'd say this'll do for any man at a wine bar, but not to a cocktail party. Similarly some workplaces are more strict than others about dress. I would hope no one would show up wearing a slouchy t-shirt and cardigan combination to a suit-and-tie office. The rules are allowed to be bent into pretzels from within, but really shouldn't be broken, at least when it concerns a career. :(
Wow! I've been reading The Sartorialist for ages (and adore it) and although have been tempted to comment a few times, never have until now. This photo has got such an amazing sense of peace and calm, and yet is such a strong image too. Whatever that light is, it looks like the edge of heaven. Wow.
So comfy and elegant. And it does what good clothes should do; it enhances the personality of the one who wears them.
love the picture
it's incredible how you can capture the different shades of grey and the quality of the fabrics
has zegna contacted you yet?
What a wonderful photo!
My beautiful brother ;-)
Love him
Amazing light. Great shot.
wow! good pic!!
a handsome man with great taste, perfect.
Photo magnifique ! Avec une belle lumière et surtout un beau sujet...
Sacré toi !!!!
Mira adding a white tee to this outfit would take away from the chicness completely. There is absolutely nothing dull about his outfit at all.
This is cool, man, what I live to look like.
I love his attitude and style. Hey Handsome, give me a call, I'm single! x
elegant guardian angel!
this is great. do you shoot much film? i like your style and so many of your shots would look stellar on film.
what a fabulous photo (oh yeah, I like the man & his clothes too).
this is an amazing image!
Great pic, but nobody has yet commented on the first thing that caught my eye -- what I can only assume is a pack of smokes in the pocket of the cardigan. I don't think I've ever seen cardigan pockets used like this. To me this is what really defines the image: he's a man that *uses* his beautiful clothes. This is true style.
what a cool,,
His name is Yannick Angelloz and he's a communications director in the Prada group, MiuMiu I believe. So for all of you losing your minds, he's most likely wearing Prada.
So this is how grey can scream "quality" and grey-blue combined whisper "personality". Thanks you.
Beautiful picture!!
Hable Con Ella
I think the picture in itself is absolutely stunning, the light and frame is so good. but i don't think the outfit deserves that much appraisal. it's totally ordinary, i wear stuff like all the time and I'm not on this blog. but again, if you concentrate purely on the shot, it's great. The outfit: quite generic.
beautify shot!
it has such a subtle warmth
What a beautiful photograph.
Beautiful photo
One of the sartorialist's finest photographs.
Beautifull photo which prove how easy can be the authentic elegance and style: a simplicity almost religious. He reminds me the priest professor who educated me.
I agree that a white tee would make this look completely plebeian. I also agee that this man loks remarkably like Rewn Koolhaas. Great shot of chic man, whoever he may be.
Very charming.