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Comments on "On the Street...Young and in Paris"
love the cardigan and the layering, and of course the shoes. www.thedailyalygator.blogspot.com
the coolest angels ever
Converse are universal and complment just about any outfit. Wish I was in Paris right now.
I would wear this out everywhere
I love the cardigan on the right! :)
Oh, the allure of the French woman.
So relaxed yet so put-together.
I've been meaning to comment your posts but I hadn't gotten around to it. I wanted to let you know that I truly enjoy what you are doing and the images you bring us everyday.
It certainly makes sense to wear converse on Paris' cobbled streets and so far (during my five months here) I've been impressed at unlikely pairings pulled off with attitude.
Je trouve que les Converses ne vont pas avec leurs tenues.
Adorable girls!
WOW! This confirms my belief that when you are young and beautiful, you can wear anything! I do pray that these beautiful young things were invited to a fun party, or at least a great dinner at a nice restaurant! Jorge from W Palm Beach
it's casual, cute and quickly becoming the new "uniform"
converse + sundress = eh!
The brunette on the right is sporting an angel on her right knee. Very attractive girls even if they do have pretty unimpressive legs.
I know you all think the Converse is universal but I just pray their boyfriends keep a nice peppermint foot spray by their bed.
I don't see what's so great about these outfits,looks like a snorefest to me.
"Pretty unimpressive legs"?!?
Show me yours.
I need to be impressed.
Cute girls. So fresh that you forget the diktats and trends.
Excellent shot! Are you using a reflector now or was this a bounce flash? Great, great stuff!
This is adorable.
Anyone knows where to buy this cardigan ? I really love it.
Wow, lots of prayers being sent out in the comments for these perfectly-fine girls.
They look fun, relaxed, and show that you don't have to look like a punk-rocker when wearing converse. So unfussy, you don't see American girls look that effortless.
oh! I have the Marc Jacobs cardigan! Happy. :)
I loved that marc by marc cardigan but the outfits are not very interesting overall.
Anon 8:55 AM:
Wow. Unworthy comment. Show us yours.
(Charming girls. Thanks, Sart for taking this informative photo.)
There is nothing original or inspiring here. I've seen this look every single day this summer in Ann Arbor, MI.
I wonder if these girls would be considered "fresh" and "adorable" if photographed in Akron or other post-industrial college town that doesn't carry the romance of Paris.
I see nothing outstanding about the clothes - they are simply beautiful girls in rags, aren't they.
i love summer in paris.
Love the hues in the blue cardigan and the yellow-coloured printed dress on the girl on the left, but other than that, I'm not too sure what I think about the rest of the outfits. Maybe fitting for a casual day of shopping, but not to what I consider a keen fashion sense...
i love the face of the girl on the right. she has such a natural allure.
Can't beat a pair of Converse trainers can you? They just really go with everything. I love the girliness of the dress of the girl on the left juxtaposed with the simple black trainer, it gives the outfit an immediate edge.
Beautifully composed photo too...
I LOVE what these two girls are wearing. It IS what the "every girl" can pull off, and that's almost what makes their outfits look so great. American young women need to take more pride in being girly without trying too hard. I'm not a fan of the right brunettes black bra straps showing, though... and the bruises on their legs are heinous... but overall-great, fresh looks.
I love the brunette in the white sun dress and color-block cerulean cardigan! She is just gorgeous and the nonchalant way she pairs Chucks with such a lady-like look is just so cool!
Sarah, darling, I appreciate your comment. I live in Akron and I can see your point. There is nothing revolutionary about Chucks and layering.. I see girls dressed like this all of the time. I think he point is that these girls (namely the brunette) pull off the look with ease and elegance.
Why do you have to compare their fashion to those in another country?
I doubt any of you have met all American girls to say, "you don't find this with American girls"
Generalizing is very unintelligent.
They look cute but I've seen this outfit combination a lot where I am.
for the girl on the left; i love that colors in the sundress- they perfectly play off of her eyes and hair. On the right, I love the cardigan layered over that flowy sundress. it's a lesson in how to be a stylish teen.
This photo renews my confidence in the Converse shoe. I picked a pair up in the store the other day, thought to myself, "now who wears these any more?" It is refreshing to see that beautiful people are still sporting an old look.
I would agree that there's nothing special about their outfits per se, but it was nice to be reminded that this is what youth should look like. I sometimes get wrapped up in the lovely clothing the adults on thesartorialist have and love my own, and age appropriate, wardrobe just a little less.
oh, i love their outfits.
It's the Converses that make this picture for me.
Funny, I work in a shoe buying office of a major retailer, we are constantly trying to markdown chuck taylors but are constantly being told not to by everyone everywhere. They "are the hottest shoe this season", "everyone one is dressing their mannequins with them" etc. Yet they rarely sell.
Maybe because once you have your broken in pair you don't need another?
These girls are lovely, and even their clothes are lovely, but I am SO SICK of seeing Converse paired with dresses. It's not fresh, interesting, cool, or fashionable.
haha i think i know the girl on the right. she graduated from my high school, and she always knew how to dress well. but she's definitely american and not french.
To the person that asked in the earlier comments - I believe the girls cardigan is Marc by Marc Jacobs from the spring collection.
I still don't see the appeal of Converse. They are the antithesis of style. What you wear if you have no imagination. Grubby and clunky. Summer footwear? No, sorry.
themark, Tokyo
I know the girl on the right. She's from LA
I would like to see their handbags, I suspect are the best of the look!
I guess that the cardigan's color combo firs appealed to you but I see nothing there but plain conformism. Désolé Scott... Even their expression/posture, no ambiguity, just atavistic bourgeois confidence.
such a beautiful picture - there's a part of me that wants to run off to get the exact same pair of converse shoe!
the girl on the left is absolutely gorgeous.
Yes, I live in paris- they look like every other girl I see on the street, fashion-wise. Nothing original here. What makes them stand-out, however, in my opinion, are their fresh, natural, beautiful faces and half-smiles. 13 going on 31!
The pretty dresses teamed with the converse show that these girls can look trendy and comfortable during the summer...their natural hair and make up add to the effortless look of this outfit.
Enough of the Converse already. Why are we celebrating such a worn out phase? Perhaps phase isn't the correct word, as I think they've been worn each and every year for the past 20... Something original, please?
très chic
If you didn't wear converse sneakers when young...then you forgot to be young!
I have the exactly opposite reaction as anon 11:39, in that I see American girls dressed like this all the time, and so it doesn't seem particularly interesting, let alone "elegant" or "stylish" to borrow the words of some other commenters.
I also find it curious that a couple of people instantly recognized the cardigan as Marc Jacobs. It looks like something I could have found in a thrift store for $3. I don't say that to denigrate it, but I find it puzzling that these women are young and in Paris and obviously have money to throw around, and yet they look like they just stepped out of any dorm on any campus in the US.
I guess my point is, if you have those resources at your disposal, why would you choose to look so unimaginative? You could do more interesting and unusual things with significantly less than the cardigan alone probably cost. ARE they actually unimaginative? Or is this a look that seems new and fresh in Europe simply because it's unusual there?
I know I'm soap-boxing here, and I apologize, but it always mystifies me when a look that seems relatively low on the scale of sartorial interest appears on this blog.
i wish i were young and in paris, man
All I see are legs. Great, great legs.
So, finally, the the two beautifull french girls in Paris ended up beeing two beautifull american girls in Paris?
How ironic that these two BEAUTIFUL are Americans in Paris! I think the original point of the picture was supposed to be about two young Parisian girls dressed in a very young, American manner. Regardless, the brunette on the right is stunning and looks sophisticatedly casual.
I was in Paris much of June. Almost every girl I saw was wearing Converse, and they were prominent in the vintage shops' windows. But, what I thought an important point, not black: always taupe or grey.
it may not be entirely groundbreaking, but girls that have this certain grace in combination with converses will always be a winner in my book.
Fun, fun, fun! This just shows that when you are young and beautiful you can wear anything and look good. I like the chucks with the cool layered sundresses.
Very Houellebecq-esque.
I'm almost sure this cardigan is from Marc Jacobs. I saw it in his Bleecker street store (new york) a few moths ago. Amazing fabric, super soft. Shame I didn't buy it. I had just spent to much money on other clothes.
Philippa you look beautiful
agreed. Philippa knows how to pull together a look (in Paris, NY or LA)... and here is just another example! they both look lovely and the picture captures the wonderful soft simplicity of their youth.
i love this.
Cool shoes, but they don't make me love them. Talking about the damn shoes of course.
great great kind of "I don't know how it happened" look...love it
The frivolous and youthfull attitude is refreshing but hardly a fresh look.
bruises "fit" the shot. without them, i wouldnt like it that much.
and also, thank God, they don't wear make up (that much).
i was inspired enough to go out and buy my own pair of converse
maybe ill be a cool college girl in the US now?
a great capturing of the everyday gal....in all the splendor of some isolated wall in paris
i hate that people are so upset that the outfit isnt as "fashionable" and "fresh" as they think it should be. Some people don't get dressed with that in mind- some of us just want to look cute and i think they look wonderful and comfortable. Fashion is about more than designer clothes and high heels and fresh looks. I would wear either of those outfits in a heartbeat.
casual, simple, happy, fun...makes me smile. however, some of the comments make me laugh implying that only the french could do this and then she is identified. ha!
does anybody know where i could find the marc jacobs cardigan now that it's out of season? i love it.
Ooh! I have the dress of the girl on the left. Its by Twinkle by Wenlan :)
Victory of the ponytail again.
Everything's in the red fingernails.
"young and in Paris" loved the title. it really is what the picture shows.
I like the style of the two girl it so relaxed ¡PERFECT!
how true! converse and youth!
sent from: fav.or.it
Cute, nothing groundbreaking, but cute. Nice to see some less "serious" fashion. I think they look like American exchange students.
i too wear converse with everything!!! <3
sweet photo
The girl on the left's dress is lovely and works really well with the Converse. The cardi is Marc Jacobs? I am not sure, does anyone know?
beeing young is so good...every outfit is beautiful...
Online shoe businesses are definitely here to stay. With such high quality and reputed brands such as Converse UK having made a mark in the online sector, the online sector has slowly but steadily gained respect and favor from the customers. There are a few basic principles that most of the successful online shops such as the Converse UK have followed to ensure that their online business is not just a support to the real world outlets but is a sustainable and growing business model in itself.
Nice post , Thank you for taking this opportunity to converse about this , I will return soon !