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Comments on "On the Street.....White on White, Paris"
Oh, dear. I'm not liking the transparent white shirt and the trousers hiked up so high. Put him in the cream-and-tweed ensemble of the man on the beach in the elegant photo below, and you might have something.
First, I love the white ensemble. Unusual shirt. But I have to overlook the area between the shoulders and ankles because of the odd figure. His pose, with his arms kind of akimbo, emphasizes his pear shape. If this was a woman she would be an example of what not to wear. It overshadows his handsome face.
Wow! Pierrot the baker, my favourite character from Michel Tournier. The look is great and brave and very aesthetic. Bravo to this poetic monsieur!
I love that he has taken his look so far but those trousers are DEEPLY unflattering. Still - he has his own aesthetic and is pushing it to the extreme and I respect him for that.
J'aime pas. He looks like a circus tent. A transparent, circus tent.
white on white in black shoes
His pants are giving him the most unflattering shape.
Interesting look and idea, but unfortunate silhouette. He looks a bit like Humpty Dumpty.
His silhouette looks unbalanced and ugly... clear that EXTREME (as a previous poster says) does not always match with ELEGANT
Strange. Very strange . . .
Got to love the narrow shoulders and childbearing hips this gives him.
A see-through shirt on a man is always a bold statement. I admire this man's unique style, but seeing the pants through the shirt makes him look awfully wide in the middle, which I don't think he is. other than that I like his look, and it probably looks good in motion.
I like his shoes.
Oh, if you're a man please don't wear a see-through shirt...with highwaisted cropped pants...and black shoes. Maybe each of these pieces would work well with something else, but not all together.
I love how the shirt and trousers create a subtle egg silhouette. It's fresh.
It's an interesting look, but it doesn't fit his shape.
Genius Sart! Everything about this wonderfully real and human photo is a total antidote to all those Burberry and D&G ads...
Definitely one for your next Danziger show or may be you'll be asked to shoot those companies next campaigns??
Uh... I respect his courage, but this is a very unflattering outfit.
This is awesome. It's so modern - almost futuristic. I would love to know this guy he's so fuckin cool. Love the aesthetic he's going for
Beautiful for a fairytale, so delicate and special. But, in real life, I think that this kind of outfit (the shape of the pants or the translucid shirt) would look better on a lady.
PS. I should have also mentioned how simply perfect is that background you chose for this outfit!
oh my, sheer shirt + yoko ono style cowboy hat. that is brave. i think tacking on the ankle length pants and the black loafers with no socks is just too much. the shirt styled minimally could be a knockout on the right guy though.
Don't like the sheer shirt or the cut of the trousers. White-on-white has been done so much better than this.
It's a Jumping Jack, poised for his routine.
This combination isn't as daring or unique as one might believe - I frequently see the same hiked-up-to-your-waist trousers and transparent shirt outfit among the gentlemen at my grandfather's retirement condominium complex in West Palm Beach.
The pose and surroundings make him look like an action figure in a sandbox. Great picture. If I was this fellow I would have chosen a different shirt or different pants (or at least have worn them lower).
Please don't censor this comment-- this guy looks absolutely terrible. This is an example of fashion gone astray and the emperor has no clothes.
I'm sorry, but all I can think of when I see him is "Oompa Loompa". This is not a good look for a man. Or a woman, come to think of it.
Hermes had a lovely sheer white, maybe linen, shirt in the window in Berlin. I guess the trick is knowing WHETHER and WHEN one SHOULD wear it. I couldn't. Looking at this pic it becomes evident why.
Um...*wow*...maybe,if he did a-way with the high trousers...he'd look a-lot better. All-though the concept is very innovative...but no. this look doesn't do him justice. -_-
perhaps it's the pose. perhaps it's the hat. i'm waiting for him to pull out a water gun filled with whipped cream or something. this is the boldest move i've seen on this site yet. i love it - i hate it, all in the same breath. genius.
This is clean as hell I love it.
ooh la la-- I do not like the cut of the trousers. This look is clean, but not boring, but they are being worn way too high. If the pants are going to be so slim at the ankle (which i like), they need to be more tightly fitted. It's like, they start off as gaucho pants and then towards the end morph into cigarette pants.....AHHH. The result is terribly unflattering. I do like the shirt though. And the shoes are very nice, but I'm not sure they go with the pants. I wonder if he would turn to the side? The silhouette might be a little cleaner...
Forrest LeGump wearing Thom Browne.
Is that shirt made out of chiffon?
Uh, not a good look, hombre.
Neat shirt, and great use of one unifying color. But is it me, or do pants that are loose through the hip and thigh and so vastly tapered from the knee down lead your legs to looks like funnels?
i'd like to see him do a dance, i'm not sure why, just would.
Oh my, the silhouette is like a bowling pin...
I love a high-waist but isn't the major benefit that it lengthens the legs and shortens the torso? His torso is shortened because you can see the high waist, but his legs are shortened by the un-tucked shirt and the short legs. So he's effectively chopped into many unflattering bits.
The un-tucked shirt widens his waist, and the constricted ankles exaggerate it more.
And then, anything light, airy and comfortable is destroyed by black oxfords.
Do it again, with the brave hat and shirt, but with wider legged pants (short is fine), and sandals or light summer shoes.
Or, do it again, but with a snug white t-shirt tucked in to the high waisted "jodhpurs"....
He looks...awkward.
needs to unbutton that top button, and maybe lower on the waist for his pants? or maybe it was just the pose? i like the hat and shoes, though.
he doesn't look comfortable
This is mind-boggling. I would love to hear more about this guy who a)owns all of these pieces and b)decided to wear them together.
David Lynch meets space cowboy meets milkman.
Even the way he's standing...perhaps he's unused to the gravity on this planet.
Makes me so darn curious!!
at the same time crisp and rustic - truly spectacular!!
many of the of the old 할아버지s dress almost exactly like this in s. korea during the summer...
cool...love the juxtapositioning of the lone cigarette butt on the left...
He looks a bit "not with us" dressed this way. I wonder if he dresses like this all the time (high-waist and tapered legs). Wearing a shirt like this alone only seems appropriate on a beach--on the street, a white v-neck or a wifebeater would do nicely. It would also cure the problem if he must wear the high-waist pants.
BTW, great clean shot, Mr. Schuman. I hope you had a great vacation--HB
I don't think it's pretty, but it is more fun than I have seen in a long time. Some colorful shoes would have made it for me. Black seems a bit harsh.
I am enjoying how much this outfit disturbs me.
I love the diaphanous look, just dreamy.
He's definitely a risk-taker, which I admire, but I have to agree that the silhouette doesn't flatter him. And he looks distinctly uncomfortable.
I just love this!
The clothes aren´t synonymous with the man. They live their own life... Isn´t it more fun when fashion´s not always about beeing right, but more about making you feel something. Fashion should startle your senses!
Is that a Richard Nicoll top he is wearing?
Love it. Brave and interesting.
It was the trend not long ago to wear one's pants on your real waist, which is closest to your belly button. Trends change, some people like to bring old affections back for the sake of nostalgia. He looks as if he is preparing for a gunfight, hands loose and at his sides ready to draw.
Ahhhhh! Sory but not my style. Brave thought, I have to admit.
umm...he has an old mans body with this silly outfit. wake up people.
is it just me or is he in the cowboy stance?
He looks very uncomfortable in those pants. How do they stay up? This kind of look is def more for a woman's body.
Yow. Truly *love* seeing people who follow the beat of their own drum and it's so nice that you notice them and photograph them so strikingly.
Ick...I'm not liking the see-through shirt at all; it totally ruins the look for me.
This outfit might work on a woman,but on a man it just is too feminine.
Oh dear LORD! I love this photo!
This is a very peculiar look. He reminds me of my boyfriend when he pulls his undies all the way up, sticks out his stomach, and pretends to be an elderly man with no teeth. I like the length of the pants, but definitely think there's something odd going on with his waist. Does he have one?
It looks very uncomfortable and unflattering. A good idea gone oh so bad. Also, those trousers look like they ride up *way* too high into his... nether regions.
He looks like Humpty Dumpty.
some people who wear designer items don't really care about humdrum concepts such as 'flattering' or 'wearable'.
they are are another plane altogether.
cowboy! wow. love love love this photo. but this wasn't taken on the street...where was it taken? was it posed?
looks like he has female hips! not a good look on a man. neither are sheer shirts that reveal men's nipples.
Gabriela said...
PS. I should have also mentioned how simply perfect is that background you chose for this outfit!" Unfortunately he can't stand in front of a white wall all day...
He looks like a mushroom
I'm not sure how I feel about this... It just looks a bit too incomplete for my liking (in a bad way) with the sheerness and the short trouser length. It's all a bit of a weird combination.
Very interesting shot though, it somehow tells more of a story and makes you more curious about the person than a perfect outfit with a cosmopolitan background. His stance and expression as well... strange.
It's got me thinking!
He really needs an undershirt - incredibly distracting, in a bad way.
Other than that, the weird proportions do work, even with the black shoes. Seriously, I'd like to see this again with the undershirt.
Say what you will about whether or not this outfit is flattering--sometimes flattering is not what a look is about. I think this falls into that category. I love the way it distorts his figure, almost turning him into a design object.
I think that black shoes work, but the see-through top? It doesn't help that the waist if the pants are so high. It just doesn't work for me.
Somebody help this person. Please.
I rarely see a look on The Sartorialist that I don't think is pretty cool and directional, but this one fails utterly, except as high comedy. Would somebody please buy this young man a pair of blue jeans and a tee-shirt and send him on his way?
The see through shirt is awfull in my opinion.
My eye is drawn to his enormous waist in those trousers. And the see-through shirt is one step above a mesh shirt for men: major no-no.
I like how he confronts the conventions of what a young man is "supposed" to aim for. Everything here - shape, color, weight - is deliberate and challenging, and I admire it.
He's a good-looking man, and I admire his...bravado. But I just cannot see the merits in this look. The pants especially. I enjoy the hat and the shoes, and I can deal with the shirt, but those pants. Yikes.
He is like a very peculiar gun-slinger. Steely gaze and fingers at the ready.
the colour is pretty cool, but the shape is not so.
I think i can appreciate his bravado here but sadly aesthetically this is really not at all appealing
Oh dear dear dear! The very essence of everything that guides me in this whole business about style and elegance is violently confronted here. The fact that it's a fellow countryman who committed this is leaving me flummoxed!
A positive note though, nice hat.
I don't know whether to applaud or cringe for this young man. What I am sure of is he wouldn't care for my opinion either way - how can you not adore that breathtaking attitude!
Fabulous image. I have been quietly admiring this site for some time now – and this was the one that compelled me to comment. Thank you.
i love it! sexy and dreamy in a clean, jil sander-esque way.. not sure about the hat, but i love the tapered pants and the zips(?) on the sides. very subtle jewelry and black shoes finish the outfit nicely - white shoes would have been overkill.
Humpty Dumpty. 'Nuff said.
I like the shoes and I think the photo is rather odd and part of me likes that.
The thing that is most interesting to me is that he seems like a good looking enough guy with a decent body, I'm very curious as to why he chooses to distort it so. Accentuating the hip is deadly for a man. It makes all other good points moot. It's the antithesis of sexy and I do believe that even the most casual ensemble should radiate at least a slight bit of sex. He's about as unsexy as many of those Stockholm folks with their weird shapeless, unisex clothes and grim demeanor.
And to top those unfortunate pants off with a rather feminine blouse and bonnet -- Dude! You are one brave mofo!
it's a jil sander shirt i believe. a very 'short-sleeved patrick bateman of american psycho' labcoat look. i love the top.
well... This look can be very creative, taking the transparence trend story for men shirting that is a key this summer but in this case it looks horrible, i´m sorry but the pant makes this guy seem as a mature women with big big hips. Not so elegant but very funny.
Ok, I planned to say how much those pants and the silhouette are disturbing me- uggh! but then I got to the very serious comments of "wake up, people" and "don't censor this comment...the emperorer has no clothes" as if some people take fashion to seriously. But this example is exactly the opposite of that sentiment; do you really think he Cares about fitting in with fashion or wearing an outfit that is appealing, at least, in a conventional way? I think he just likes to be interesting to himself, for himself and anyone else who will get the joke. Kudos for that!
so editorial!
wow...dude is looking all kinds of wrong on this one..what gives Sart?
I can't belive noone had mentioned this mans face! His face is gorgeous. The expression makes me wonder what he thinks about his own ensemble. And aren't those zippers on his pants? I would love to get those tailored and wear them myself, being a girl I think they would be fantastic on a womans body with the right fit. If the photo didn't say Paris I would put it in Latin America somewhere. Interesting that there are such mixed responses to this.
He's nice looking, but this ill-fitting, strange outfit does nothing for him. Makes his hips and waist look fat.
Could look ok if it were all black but sheer and white? No way! Unless of course you caught him just going to work at the bakery!
Brave....VERY Brave!!
It's not working.
Those pants are so unflattering in such a way that I think is absolutely hilarious!! It's a great contrast to what appears to be such a handsome man. I love it.
I actually kind of like his look. It's not something you'd aim for everyday, but the cowboy-cartoon silhouette is really charming in its own way. (that said, I'm no fashion expert!)
Well, while it is interesting in its lines and length choices, I think he looks a little wee bit like humpty dumpty....or a not-quite-ripe pear...
To quote John McEnroe, "You CANNOT be serious!"
Nothing here is working for me. Transparent shirt, high waist, it all feels so awkward, so uncomfortable.
The man has such an odd facial expression and stance, and with the white background and sand, this outfit makes for an interesting, somewhat surreal picture. In real life, this would just look--weird. Those are jodhpurs, aren't they?
not for me. humpty dumptyesque. shirt too sheer, pants too high. don't mind black shoes w/ an all white look, but not this one. too heavy with the sheer. yikes. female hat. this is all wrong. he's very handsome and this makes him appear to have a coke bottle body.
would love to see your comments on this one sart...
I will have to disagree with all of the negative comments. This ensemble is beautiful in its simplicity, the shape is interesting and new somehow. Also, the photo is wonderfully composed. Definitely reminds of Malevich's 'white on white.' Thank you for sharing this beautiful photo.
I would love to see this look on a woman, with high-waisted, pleated trousers. For him, I think I'd prefer low-rise skinny white pants instead.
Transparent shirt can be fantastic if you have the body for it. White on white can also work out very fresh, sunny, southern and sexy. A hat like that I like a lot. It is those pants that are too much in the picture and frankly I have hard time figuring whether there exists any situation that those pants would look good. I would be also afraid to see how this outfit works out from the back.
I'm sorry but this is not cute.
Is that a barong tagalog?
i like so many elements of this. the shapes,the geometry, the detail, the play of sheer and opaque. its very directional and forward.
but i still can't decide whether i agree with the total look.
Without coming off as mean spirited, the thought that comes to mind is how his stiff, awkward stance magnifies a really unflattering ensemble.
I don't know... in music a good song is undeniable regardless of who wrote it. Seems as though fashion would be the same regarding one's outfit. At any rate, some fans are still to be won solely by an alternative approach to what could be very commonplace.
This outfit would be so amazing if only those pants weren't hiked Urkel-style past this handsome young man's belly button! It just looks painful! I do love the transparent shirt though! Very modern!
Those pants add on about an extra 5 pounds!
I think the silhouette is amazing, super futuristic, and edgy - he is really pushing a look. The translucency of the top is really fresh as well, perfect for the summer. I also like the feel of a pant that tightens around the ankle and lower leg. It's nice to see a play of proportion in menswear.
dont quite like the transparent shirt and then the trousers really highwaisted. and then what makes him look like a 4 year old being photographed and he's shy.. the pose.. its like hes a robot and cannot move a muscle or whatever. bu then, what i like is the length of the trousers and the shoes make a good combination :) taking off his hat and adjusting the trousers, would make a great outfit though :)
this is cute as hell.
I'm guessing most of these 'unflattering' 'makes him look fatter' comments are coming from Americans. It is not an easy outfit to pull off and he could have chosen sexier/more flattering things to wear but that is not the point.. it is original and creative and it has a real subtle elegance to it, albeit an unconventional one. The contrast of sheer fabric over skin and then over white trousers is interesting, it makes the shirt look like one of Raf Simons' half-half block shirts from SS07.
I quite like the shirt and hat. The pants I'm not so sure. The waist line is a bit high and the cut makes him pear shaped.
Bordering on fetish-wear.
Anyone who puts together an outfit like this is obviously aware of what how he looks. To point out that he could wear something more flattering is denying the possibility that he has deliberately chosen not to. This guy knows what he's doing and I respect his vision.
oompa, loompa, doompity-do...
This outfit reminds me of the 1973 Alejandro Jodorowsky film, "Holy Mountain".
I am always simultaneously fascinated and repelled by someone with quite this much self confidence. He (or perhaps a stylist who dressed him) seems to consider himself as more a work of art than a man getting dressed and aiming to look his best. This photo is stunningly artistic, and would be fabulous framed in my living room, but he looks more caricature than human being. Definitely not approachable. But maybe that is the point.
"Does this outfit make me look fat?"
Yes... yes it does...
It looks like he's wearing a 1950s seersucker shirt. So high waist trousers would be typically worn with that ensemble, but not that high. An undershirt(or tank top) and opening the top button wouldn't hurt either.
UMMM: I can't help thinking this is one very, very brave man on two accounts: first for wearing this combo, second for agreeing to be photographed in it. Am veering very close--and have to be honest here-- to concluding that this is one fashion ensemble I'd hate to be seen in. The hat is nice, though.
this outfit is totally awful in all of the best ways and only a rare personality would dare to leave the house it. i think that there are wonderful elements here but they might not come together in the best way for many.