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Comments on "On the Street.....The Stockholm Look via Los Angeles"
Love it. I tend to throw in a pair of bright socks as well, whenever I wear socks.
Nice, bright, white shirt.
Broadly speaking the look is fine. The rolled cuffs on the pants are borderline-I think they'd work better if the pants were more casual. The rolled dress pants in combination with the laceless shoes looks affected to me. Like the shirt and the hat, which suits him well.
cool, we have an own style now XD
Oh, I love this. Clean lines, super casual, smart. Monotones. It's sleek and approachable at the same time. In a word: Cool.
is the 'stockholm look' a monochromatic dress shirt buttoned all the way to the top?!?
I like the shirt and the hat. The rolled up trouser makes him look like a homeless person. Not that flattering.
i like the rolled up pants
love the simplicity and the proportions. so l.a., too. great find.
Is this the Los Feliz/Silverlake area, Scott? Sure looks like it. This style would find right in in those hipster areas. Nice shoes.
Wow! I'm shocked to see this look here in LA,LA,LAND! I've live here and the look here, 9/10 times, is $300 Jeans with an Affliction shirt or some kind of t-shirt with a skull on it. This is very refreshing to see this kind of look.
love the simplicity of a rolled cuff
I feel he's walking the fine line between cool and caricture. It's the pants i'm concerned about, i agree with dan 9:32am on them, although it's the laceless shoes that look cool to me. Interesting post. SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!!
Are we expecting high water?
not crazy about his style, but the portrait itself is awesome, love the white shirt/white sky, congrats one more time.
"...there was a boy, a very strange anchanted boy..."
i wish i knew how to work with a blown-out sky so well. there is so much white here, but it totally works.
the white stripe on the street.
the round, shrubby trees rimmed with sunlight don't hurt either. backlight works its magic.
I always seem to find myself adopting a city's certain style on visits, but still able add my own Left Coast touch. I imagine this is what I would look like if I were to travel to Central Europe. . .
NIIIICE.. He knows whats up.
I love everything, but especially the rolled-up pants!
I know L.A. like I know the freckles on my nose and I can't recognize this street. The manicured trees say Bev. Hills but his style says Echo Park. I would say Robertson between 3rd and Wilshire but the street looks too wide and empty. La Brea near 3rd?... Beverly Dr. near Olympic?... she said grasping desperately.
Mind boggled. Circuits overloading.
Oh, yeah. I like the guy's clothes too. I especially dig his chapeau -- I've got half a dozen just like it in straw, felt, denim and yes, hemp.... after the hemp hat has reached near death I'm gonna give it a proper cremation.... in my pipe....hee hee hee
I find it difficult to walk in dress shoes without laces. Nice pic none the less.
Raph! You look great, nice portrait
Actually, I'd say the "Stockholm Look" is more like "$300 Jeans with an Affliction shirt". I like the guy tho. Very simplistic.
Is that the man from Opening Ceremony? In any case, while it does seem a little contrived, it's great to see an L.A. look that's not all Ed Hardy and hoodies.
Great picture too, Sart. Reminds me of Watteau's Pierrot.
love the shoes, love the shirt, leave the pants.
interesting proportions. i am slowly becoming dependent on my daily sart fix and i too am glad you are back!
I like this one. It's close to my own style. I can imagine him wearing a pair of white trainers still looking smart;
Great picture! Such a great twist to the entire outfit! Love the pegged pants!
love the outfit, but i wonder how the shoes stay on, i can't seem to see if there are laces or not.
I so get what you mean with The Stockholm Look. Rolled up pants and shirts buttoned all the way up are flooding the streets of södermalm. Where you should go to take pictures btw. People tend to use their imagination more when getting dressed on the south side of Stockholm.
i hardly see looks like that here in LA. and when i do, i can't help but feel happy. such a rare find. almost revives my faith in LA fashion... almost.
fresh and youthful style
Again, simplicity for maximum result. Sweden (and in fact Scandinavia as a whole) is well known for their clean look and no-nonsense attitude towards design on different levels - interior, architecture, clothing and lots more -.
for this to be the stockholm look, he should maybe loose the hat and get himself a pair of rayban wayfarer-style glasses. also, change those shoes to something smaller, like the urban outfitters plimsolls. more, put a vintage leather bag in his hand. that should do the trick.
fashion sometimes gets so overcomplicated. Bringing it back to a clean, simple look brings it back to a level of perfection. Lovely!
Interesting that none of the above comments mentioned the pressed slacks vs. the non-pressed shirt. If I am not going to iron something, then IMO something needs to go straight from the hot dryer to a hanger. I do like the shoes, have to wear mine before summer is over! Jorge from W Palm Beach
Yes, every kid in stockholm looks like this. But it is a great look.
Love me some Filippa K alright...
And this looks more like the west side than Silver Lake/EP/etc.
Neat! Read the interview u gave to Urban, a pull-put of the Straits Times. i really like yr business model: travel n shoot, load up pix to site with minimum words and viola, let the visitors do the rest...
i love stockholm style, swidish people and swedish music.
it's all very good.
Great perspective. I like how his hat is dark and the pants are dark with the contrast of the white shoes and white shirt, plus the way the sky is whited out, it looks like layers of white and black. Great shot, as always.
Great article in H&M's autumn edition - it's just out in London!
Oh man, was this taken on Melrose?
How come I never see people dressed this impecibly in Los Angeles? All I ever see are men in Christian Audigier and generic hipsters.
I wish more people out here dressed like this, it would be a welcome relief.
It looks to me like the photo was taken on Larchmont, which is near Melrose. I like the look, minimal but with a bit of attitude. I bet the shirt is a little looser than portrayed here, as his arms are tucked in. This look probably looks better still than in motion. Nice bokeh on the photo, not too much blur.
I'm 90% sure this was taken on the corner of Orlando at Melrose with the DVF store on the right. It's a good look.
Are you in LA? I want to be photographed by the Sartorialist!!! :)
the untucked shirt with the short trousers makes him look top heavy... long of torso and short of leg. i'm surprised no one has noticed this, but maybe most people don't see it as looking wrong. trousers that are so low at the waist they're practically falling down are a regular sight now, so perhaps our collective sense of proportion has been readjusted ?
I've been reading you blog for quite a while and wondered when you'd come to my town...thanks Sart for showing that there is style to be found in L.A.
This looks great...I especially love the shoes! Cole Haan?
quite sharp.
many pretty ladies prowl melrose ave by the pacific design center. ahem.
love it.
maybe we'll share a cold one.
people outside silverlake/ los feliz area dress like that too. funny how everyone stereotypes l.a.
Nice and relaxed yet sharp. Paradoxically it is the artfully turned up trouser leg and the slouchy cut of the trews that gives this look and edge and sharpness that sets of the almost peasanty looking shirt.
If you dress with style, as this young man does, but there's no one to see you, as in this photo, which describes L.A. quite accurately, do you still look good?
I love the intentional imbalances of it all. The too-long sleeves, the short pants. The wrinkled shirt and the seam of the pant. And the clean white bucks sans laces or socks. All in all, it's a stylishly put together look.
How come I never see people dressed this impecibly in Los Angeles?
Well, there are those who go beyond the trendy in L.A. And they are jewels ...fun and true.
Either his trousers are too short or his capris are too long. I can't decide.
There's so much great stuff on the streets in LA. Please visit more often. Can't wait to take a look at the GQ.
The Specials!
You guys who think L.A. has no style are looking at people in the hi-end places where everyone looks like they've been "styled".
If you wanna see style, you gotta check out the low-end places and stay away from Robertson Blvd., Melrose and the Sunset Plaza - where everyone is "pretty" and wears Tory Burch or Ed Hardy or Marc Jacobs or Joe's Jeans.
At Lucy Florence, for instance, you'll find a crew of folk who have very fresh style . Downtown near the lofts it's not just head-to-toe black for its own sake, some of those people have real style. Echo Park, Leimert, parts of Venice, Eagle Rock.... check it out. Those bits of town get little play and they're where so much is happening stylistically.
In fact today I bought a pair of houndstooth poly/wool very tight (almost legging-like but with a zipper) pants circa 1972ish and they are as fly as anything I've seen Rick Owens (a left coast homeboi - not French - and I've lived in France aussi) throw down... and I love me some Rick Owens - but I can't afford him because I'm not a millionaire.
L.A. ain't all actors and Hollywood types. You just have to put your tentacles out there to find the interesting people who know the difference between fashion and style. If you want to find good style here... like good people.... you have to look in the nooks and crannies. It takes a bit more effort.
that's a great, subtly witty way to do a white shoe against a monochromatic palette. very chic without being bland.
I own the company that makes his shoes and I can assure you that they are made to be worn without laces. There is elastic on top of the tongue to give you a firm comfortable fit. Also, they come with laces as well and can be worn either way.
Love those shoes....I think they are by The Generic Man...who are also from LA.
Simple yet cool... Good stuff!
LOVELY shot! Love the brightness....funny thing is I'm pretty sure I just shot this guy too...great style.
I have to say, the rolled-up pants has been the thing to wear in Stockholm this spring/summer.
And the hat never goes bad.
I LOVE how nobody can recognize their own city, including myself, How can this be SOOOO L.A if we can't even tell where this was taken?
funny about this term, 'the stockholm look'...i dig the style in this shot alot. funky simplicity.
i'm not from europe but live in stockholm now. basically i would say this is more odenplan than, say, megborgaplatsen but maybe that's an unfair comparison. you're likely to see great style wherever you go here. the rolled up trousers and shoes,and slightly longer hanging shirt, rather more than the shirt being buttoned up, is what i would consider 'stockholm'. in the summer that is....
Saw this photo in the newest GQ issue thats out. As well as the article written and the Gap ad. Good stuff my friend.
i love it when guys can pull off white shoes!
funny, i dont really think this look suits him. its a bit contrived. i really dislike the non-pressed shirt/ pressed pants thing. the ABAB color thing (for lack of better explaining) doesnt really work for me either...
More men need to roll up their trousers. Listen up men, it looks hot!
all the pieces are classic and timeless. especially love the shoes.
looove it. very excited to see that your in my city. LA has style and beautiful people. if you pay attention not everyone here wears ed hary hoodies and antik denim we are a very chic and beautiful people in a laid -back way.
Sorry, I'm not digging the rolled up trousers and too-small hat. And why would a person wear rolled up trousers, shoes without socks (or laces), leave his shirt untucked, and yet button the shirt all the way up? Or maybe that was your point in taking the photo--the man's indecision between being comfortable and being correct.
RAPH! great look. amazing....
Monique, you have a good eye. I think you're right, does look like Beverly near Olympic. My doctor is right near there.
If his shirt were pressed or he had shoelaces it just wouldn't be the same. He looks so nattily unkempt. If he didn't throw all this on in 5 seconds to go out first thing in the morning to get coffee for himself and a lover, please don't ever tell me!