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Comments on "On the Street.....Poolside at The Roosevelt, LA"
What's the name of that Indian henna tattoo on her hand?
Love her hair with the red hue, matching glasses.
She looks great in black, ... how can you go wrong with such a gorgeous model
I want that hair cut; it looks so good in summer.
Black is classic.
I want to look like THAT this summer!! :-) Tarynn
This is a nice slihouette but the matching button-strap detail (what is that called?) gathering both the sleeves AND the shorts is too cute-not in a good way. It almost gives a childish look to the outfit- like she's wearing a playsuit or something (which I guess she is, in a way). I'd say one or the other would be preferable to the "matching set". While I've seen this detail on sleeves many times I don't think I've ever seen it on shorts. I like it on these- not as bulky as the sleeve treatment.
this is so simple....III love it!!! the henna tattoo adda a really childish element to a beautiful adult look. very cool.
Love the hair, glasss, and outfit. However the body is frightening. She needs curves.
What's her number...
Love it! Love it! Love it! She looks so sexy, yet sophisticated!
Niceee! Love her sunglasses.
When I first saw her hand, I thought that it was veiny and disgusting, but then I took a closer look and it was actually a nice henna! haha.
She looks so gorgeous in her simplicity.
The henna tattoos are called "mehendi"-- pronounced
'me' (as in "many"), 'hen' (like the bird), dee (with a soft 'd.')
I love the look, esp. in LA, but I hope she's just really young and not too, too thin from dieting. Maybe it's just the way she's standing. Ach, LA freaks me out. Anyway, she's gorgeous and has a lot of style.
I love how her henna tatoos really enhance an otherwise super-simple outfit. Just really completes it. :3
nice hair...!
really nice hair cut and colour...
Quelle belle fille. Beautiful hair.
Her healthy haor really makes this great. Not fan of fringes but I love hers.
Being an avid reader of your blog, and being a young 20-something in LA, I'm stoked that you finally posted a few pictures from LA recently.
Love her look, love her attitude. she looks like New York in LA.
Is that the same girl that posed with Superman on Hollywood Blvd a while back??
I heart her.
So very sexy. She looks effortless. I love her jewelry and henna tattoos. They go so perfectly with the outfit.
anything would look good on her, she has attitude. love skinny girls like that, very pretty.
**would have loved to see the hair pulled back off her face.
hate that she bites her nails (or used to)-love the way the shirt opens in the front **
Love her.
Summer, please don't go away!!!
She looks gorgeous, and I agree that her hair is just outstanding. Regarding the sort of playsuit look to her outfit that someone commented on...she's at the pool! I think it especially goes well there. Perhaps if she were out to eat or something it might look a bit off (but maybe not).
Although LA as a city isn't my favorite, this shot is refreshing over the usual city shots in that there are sunny skies and and you can tell she's outside! Just lovely.
Now are those tattoos just for fun or did she just attend an Indian Wedding?
she looks like a girl from New York visiting LA, who has great clothes but not in the way of LA style. it looks great
i loooove this look. it's so fresh and slightly edgy. :)
her henna tatoo and fringy haircut makes the look. i really like the sleeves, but i think black is too severe for the sunny poolside. if that were an all white outfit, it'd be perfect. black makes her look uncomfortably hot.
Wonderful, like a picture of Slim Aarons. Goodbye
superb photo and outfit. This girl exemplifies the LA vibe...fashionable, laid back and confident. It's so funny to hear New Yorkers putting LA down. Ahhh, jealous of the sunny skies and laid back attitude. It's ok. We still love you. p.s. here's a tip..next time you visit LA, explore more than just Beverly Hills and Hollywood Blvd. and you will get the real LA experience.. cheers.
She looks great. Her outfit is so simple chic and it fits her small frame so well. The glasses fit her face really well and the hair is to die for!!!
People need to expand their thinking about LA fashion! What most people see are people from Hollywood and the Westside tanorexics ... the eastside of LA - Silverlake, Loz Feliz,Eagle Rock, Echo Park - is where you'll see a more eclectic style
my wife is going to love this site. she is studying fashion right now.
Cyber Monday
I'd say she looks super-LA. The only part that might make her look more NY style (but not myself) would be that she's wearing all black maybe. But I think the black looks especially good with her shade of hair.
her bangs are super heavy, she's really cute
does anyone know the maker of that romper??
i really think it's one of the best i've seen this year..
Wow! does anyone know who makes those glasses?
this really reminded me of chanel somehow, but otherwise very pretty look and i love the hair!
she is a local l.a singer /scenester
i think she is a real beauty. it's really hard to distinguish l.a or ny look anymore. everyone looks similar which is good for L.A
very filmesque photo ....kind like Quentin T. movie character.
love it
p.s. have a good vacation
CC Sheffield is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen, she could make any outfit look desirable.
Very sexy, great look. I so wish summer would stay longer this year... I know skiing is great and all... but you only see girls like this in summer. At least in our hemisphere...
Great, like a pictures of Slim Aarons.Goodbye
The picture looks like a HedKandi CD cover! Simple but perfect and sophisticated!
She looks like a taller and brunette Scarlett Johanson!
Wow, she looks stunning. Simplicity is key (especially in the summer).
So gorgeous.
great hear and tatoos!
i quite like this look.
her tatted hands are a nice touch, too.
Isn't that C.C. Sheffield?
Hey Sartorialists!
Is this the same girl posted sitting with spiderman not so long ago? The two girls looks super similar and kinda have the same henna tattoo thing happening.. any way both are amazing!
Woo I'm hesh!
Perfect, sophisticated, young, cool. She's awesome, and I love how you photographed her all-dark look against the amazing pool jewel blue. Fantastic!
i love the henna with the hipster-y look.
i can't wait to be in la in a few months for a long weekend!
She plays good music...
Le Rev
I would like to see about your beach fashion. Tk you.
Aside from the cute hair...
Am I missing something??
Its funny that people keep saying she looks New York. Why, because she is wearing black?? The skimpy shorts, the perfect trendy hair, huge shades extreme skinnyness, the henna, the super blue pool with the palm trees.... she could not be more LA. The shot looks like a cover of LA magazine. But it looks good on her.
what a great look, not to mention black is one of my favorites for chicness ;)
'designing your life'
pretty much anytime it's the summer, LA runs as fashion king, and in the winter, fall, and spring, the award goes to NYC, but this girl looks 100% LA, which is a FANTASTIC city for fashion, but if you don't know the cityscape, you'll never know where to find it.
LA is a city where people avoid being in public, but crave attention. The hottest people with the greatest clothes are in secret clubs and behind tinted windows, but every once in a while one of the elite slip into the public eye and haute coutour is revealed.
i love how she is knock out gorgeous and has cellulite.
her hair is the whole deal.
Damn, that's real hot! And the pool's nice too!
Beautiful, but I have to disagree about the hair being a great summer look. I've had bangs in the summer. Not fun at all. It looks ridiculous wet and even worse windblown from a convertible. Not to mention the sweaty forehead. But, it looks stunning on her of course.
Wow, I just looked her music up based on another's comment. It's really good, really. Lovely girl and that's hair tdf!
love the hair
she makes me want a fringe! amazing shot.
I think this is the silk romper from Armani Exchange... If not, A|X has something very similar.
A few people have said "go outside of Hollywood"-- forgetting or not realizing in the first place that the crowd at the Roosevelt poolside is filled with Silverlake/Echo Park/Downtowners...many of whom sport as indie an LA style as you will come by. CC lives in Echo Park. Cheers!
tell me why one would wear black by the pool...great way to get hot. and the outfit and glasses look very 80's to me. sorry...
I love this look! Her hair, sunglasses, everything looks great. Her bangs are perfect.
So lovely. She looks just like my girl who's just started college. Really nice.
Blast from the past. I think I had that same outfit as a teenager--circa 1984. Love the henna tattoos!
looks like a good southern baptist
fly her to london
It seems to me that she is not trying to say anything.
And it is that thing exactly, that make her look as lovely as ever.
This is one of the most beautiful pictures i have ever seen.
She's like a silhouette,
the way her outfit contrasts with the background is mesmerizing.
This must have been the one Jim Morrison was singing about.
I can't stop staring at this photo! Everything about it. The body makes the outfit. Her butt makes the outfit! I want to look like this outside everyday!
She embodies summer!
Indian Henna Tattoo: "Mehendi"
Nice picture! Love the contrast of the blue of the pool and the black of the outfit. Nice sunlight.
Love this look -soo cool! She looks like a girl who could say: " baby, your're too sweet for rock n' roll..."
I'm mad because I'm gonna go outside today and NOT look like this.
I'd love going to work, even at a sucky job, if I had her style, look, hair!
hot! great colors too.
Her name is Fahrani, she's a model from Indonesia.
Ooh! I love henna! She must have stood out wearing black by the pool.. Love her fringe and sunglasses
i think the romper is Daryl K from last spring season. she's hot, period.
Very chic and sexy. I really love her hair!
I knew I saw you there. I should have said hello.
Very LA summer chic.
this girl is bangin
This girl does not look new york at all. this is very l.a. you cant say angelenos have no style because every neighborhood has its own personality and many designers are inspired by our natural laid-back casual chic look.The city of beautiful people. PERIOD:)
I'd marry her.
easy and breezy.
love the outfit :)
Arizona, not Indonesia.
She's an actress/party promoter originally from Arizona. Cool as can be, actress and party promoter called CeCee Sheffield, did some hosting work for Nylon mag online and was in an LA band tho not sure if that's still the case. She is/was also a cobrasnake favorite.
Imdb her
She reminds me of Isabelle Adjani, only with lighter hair. I normally don't like the idea of wearing black in summer, but this works.
shhhhhh.... it's the bangs and the frames.
she's definitely Fahrani!
What understated class! I love her look! I want to steal this!
quintessential LA
yes, she is the lovely indonesian fahrani. i have been searching for a romper like this one for ages... it is perfect down to the button details! grr! love, delia xoxo
hi im c.c. sheffield just saw this and read the comments. um im not fahrani, no i met the satorialist from my friend karina she said met her friend from nyc and bring some clothes at the roosevelt pool. he was nice didnt know about his site until i took a look afterward. i was also in he spidey pic and everyone kept talking about my brusied shins. sartorialist you are an amazing photographer, can you send some pics of me and karina? xo cc
LA hiptser but i dig it
i'm confused by c.c.'s comments...i always imagined the sartorialist's photos to be rather "happy accident". I believed he wandered the fashionable streets of the world & happened upon the beautiful people with fabulous style & shot them then & there... why did karina ask cc to "bring" outfits & meet her at the pool? was this a photo shoot of the traditional variety or an impromptu session? i'm such a fan of this bog...please tell me my initial assumptions were correct!
that photo was shot specifically for GQ to give the feel of LA but the rest are "found images"
This is the girl that every man wants. Her confidence is just inspiring.
I'm in love
c.c.'s not only increibly beautiful..but an amazin laid back person at that...with one of the most original music styles and tastes..but also dj's...
i know a million and one guys who would love to marry her
OMG, i know her!! she is Indonesian Model..
Her name is Fahrani.. I luv her!
Wow, she is in this blog! so cool!