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Comments on "On the Street.....Jean Shorts, Paris"
awesome look! Great idea of pairing with stunning boots.
Excuse me while I do my Tex Avery-thing and pick up my jaw from the floor. :D
Hm, I'm quite tempted to say that this is a very American look, though not in a good way... No offense. I DO like the boots though!
absolutely love this. you caught the confidence of this girl well.
Wow. those boots are HOT. and i love the interplay of blues. and the shorts length is perfect!
Wow, this is a bold, bold look, especially for Paris! I think the majority of us have seen all the tabloid pictures of Britney Spears (with the front pockets protruding from the bottom of her cutoffs) to even think about attempting this. I like what she's done, though. A lot. Inevitably she pulls it off because she has long, lean legs. There is something pseudo thrown-together in her outfit. Let's see, an 80's-style cropped jacket, cutoffs, and bootie heels: perfect example of fashion synergy where the total is greater than the simple sum. I love her shades, they remind me of a Bottega Veneta style I have seen. The gold hardware on her purse disagrees with the outfit, and makes her look like a UES princess trying to pass as a downtown gal. It sounds as if I am complaining but I really like this look. Not for the faint of heart, that's for sure! Jorge from W Palm Beach
That entire look is Trashy and Tacky - If you'd been in W. Virginia it would have never made it on to the page. Vive la France!!
This works because the over-the-top leg exposure is offset by her coverage on top. The pale boots let the length of her legs finish uninterrupted. I love the beautiful blues with black. You go girl! Do it while you can!!
I am of the belief that short shorts and boots should be left to exotic dancers. Not a street look I'd like to emulate.
If it were an American look, she'd be wearing a t-shirt with some corporate logo or funny saying on it instead of a plain black shirt and that fabulous jacket. Not sure about the boots, though. Here's one place the overused gladiator sandals would be right at home.
The clothing combines with the building that has just behind her, Perfect.
Old Housecoat nailed it. The boots make it look really cheap. AND uncomfortable
Jorts aren't my favorite. However, she looks great!
Hey, isn't that a still of Jodie foster from the movie "Taxi Driver"?
Something kind of hooker-ish about that ensemble.
She looks fantastic. call me old-fashioned but i would normally sawn off jeans are not appropriate for the city but as anon 9:39am said her top - that fabulous jacket - balances the look along with the boots. She also proves the point that expensive accessories (her bag) let you get away with if not everything, then a lot.
somthing about the cut of these cut-offs is just not right. the line is just not straight enough across- giving us that look that some have called stripper. Also, her shirt isn't long enough.
in theory this outfit should work... it's just the pieces are all a bit OFF.
I love it from the waist up. I'm not such a fan of jean shorts and white boots (separate or together) but even so, I think she pulls it off with aplomb.
I second the gladiator sandals - I love everything about this look, and then I see the shoes and go "ughh".
she's a big model and looks fierce
I don't think this look would work on many people, only on willowy women with a model appearance.
I love how she seems to know what she can pull off and goes for it.
The boots make her look like a streetwalker from Kentucky. I like the look otherwise.
Wow. Very sexy and tasteful at the same time, although I am not quite content with the choice for shoes.
Going to Paris this autumn, can't wait.
I've always found it more amusing than sexy when women wear boots with shorts - the higher the boot, the funnier it looks. But she has some HOT legs, and the shorts work for her. Now she just needs to lose the big goofy sunglasses and put a smile on that pretty face of hers.
oh, she owns it.
HATE the shorts- cut offs are hot but she didn't get it right- and the boots aren't helping. I do love her jacket though.
She just oozes style.
Wow! That's a beautiful girl and what a gorgeous jacket! I like the combo with those shorts too, but why not going all the way towards pure originality? She could do better: I'm getting a bit tired of that hudge sunglasses + trendy booties formula. Too many girls do that, and it doesn't look genuine anymore. Wouldn't it be a good time to look for something new? Any ideas someone?
i love love love this look!!!
her boots, shorts, jacket, bag, glasses are so stylish! good casual rock-glam!
Can I just say WERK! Her attitude makes the outfit for me.
she's got legs for days.
umm I dont know what to say except that I am making this my background woww
Holy Smokes! She looks like a young Jodie Foster.
would love to have her on top!
guess I am odd-person out I love it all except the boots I think they are awful.... that's why we love the sartorialist!
No, no, no, no.
Not pretty.
I too love it from the waist up, but the denim shorts and boots look a little contrived, especially for a Parisian woman. Love her easy hair and sunglasses.
although thorough dissection of this look may reveal that its a bit tacky, i feel like this is the most effortless look thats been on the sartorialist for a while - as if she just woke up and picked some things off her bedroom floor without thinking about it at all - and that i can appreciate
Shorts and heels, especially boots, is tacky. Not only that, the shorts don't look right. Nice jacket, though.
While she is obviously physically lovely, the style here does nothing for me. Overlong exposure to this very look on teenage girls at the local mall food court may have ruined it for me.
she's freaking gorgeous!!!
love the boots with the shorts, love her hair, her mouth, her stance, her legs,etc.
this is one of the few times where i straight out do not like something. but she has good legs, so whatever.
I'd marry her!!
I like the look, mostly because of the proportions. The wash of the shorts makes them look kind of cheap though.
this is an unrealistic style for real life. that girl is a model who is likely five foot ten. most girls aren't going to have legs like her. (need proof she's a model; the girl to her right is sasha pivovarova)
mhm, if the shorts were not made up of cheap looking denim, the look would be much better. the jacket is already pretty casual-looking, together with the shorts' casualness it's just too much. Probably she chose she shorts for matching the jacket's color
The word 'tacky' has been quite a few times here. Tacky + Irony = Cool. Personally I feel the ironic elements this girl pulls off here are her beautiful face and hair, incredible legs, enigmatic sunglasses and no small amount of attitude.
Is this Maryna Linchuk?
she's hott, and i love the rest of the look, but i'm not crazy about the shorts. they look a little cheesy/slutty.
also, ever since Scott said the thing about boots that length i can't help but notice how they fall at an unflattering part of the calf.
her legs are obviously skinny, so maybe it doesn't matter for her, but once i notice it I can't help thinking that the proportions are weird.
Great look!
Cracks aside, you have to admit she looks like Michelle Pfieffer in a way. I am not a fan of the boots, she's got great legs though. Was she riding a scooter dressed this way? I hope not.--HB
This is horrible, and when is the trend of oversized sunglasses going to run its course already. I am much more interested in the sleek look of the lady in the side of the photo. To me, the main girl is boring and the shorts and boot look is way overdone.
Too retro, but she looks like she can pretty much get away with anything.
Personally, I think the clothes make her look very tacky.
to me the shorts are a bit off. echoing an earlier comment, there just is something off about them. i believe it has to do with the fringe and slant cut which make them the only "messy" piece worn here. i'm looking more for something polished to compliment the rest of the pieces. a hemmed and slightly longer short. can't decide what color though. she looks great anyway. she owns the look and there is just a confidence in her stance that can pretty much override any criticism.
Great girl, great look, EXCEPT the ugly boots.
Her model legs make the shorts work, though it would probs not work on most people.
The top part is perfect.
The boots just ruin it all.
OH, i love it! cut-offs are too sexy & i love her glasses. very sassy.
The length of the shorts seem off...they should have been shorter to get the trashy look to go with the booties. More fraying, perhaps the pocket lining showing.
I like this look from the waist up, don't mind the shorts but I think she could do better with the boots.
The colour of her sunglasses is perfect against the blue of her jacket.
I can't stand the fact that so many people come here just to talk badly about those featured on your website.
Yeah that is Maryna Linchuk, one of the biggest models in the world right now. Killer walk! But yeah, she pulls off a would be really tacky outfit off really well.
i too am a never nude.. i know all about wearing cut-offs
She looks cute,has perfect legs for the shorts but I don´t like the boots,maybe if they were another color...
wow, great legs.
Beautiful, I love the way she scrunched up the sleeves of the blazer. Not to mention the fabulous color of the blazer...
this is quite a lecherous shot for you. this picture is about her sexy legs. the clothes are irrelevant.
daisy duke is back!
As a woman, she's beautiful. The outfit is blech. Sorry but the first thing I thought was trashy American, and 80's.
She looks so hot.
Like the pushed-up sleeves!
at first glance, i thought she was Lily Cole... very non-chalant, but chic.... ;-)
What are the black straps hanging over her hips? They aren't attached to the bag....
I suppose when you look like this girl, you could get away with wearing a potato sack...
LOOOOVE the glasses and the boots :D
I'm surprised that only one person so far has commented on her suspenders(!)Personally, its not the shorts that bother me, it's those random straps and the boots. I've never been a big fan of ankle boots, I think they hit the leg in a weird place and look kind of trashy. I like the idea though- with a pair of cute flats or even converse or something. Anything but those boots.
I like it for what it is, no complaints.
I like it. I can see how everyone sees the "teen girl" look from the 80's and 90's...DJ from full house.
But the truth is, she makes it modern and chic. Plus, its a great look for the "it's not summer anymore, but it's still not fall" look. Plus, it looks like it took her 5 min. to get dress. it's great.
She is truly hot. Although I am not sure about the boots - can't decide, do they look cheap or just nonchalant.
Looks like Angela Lindvall, but i don't think she does runway anymore--so it's probably the model someone else mentioned. Fierce.
jorge from w palm beach; I think they're louis vuitton sunglasses.
I love the blazer with pushed up sleeves paired with denim cutoffs. I love the sunglasses. Most of all I love her beauty. But what I don't love on anyone is ankle boots, especially loose ankle boots. Occasionally one of your all black french women pull it off, but these, I always feel are so unflattering. It's a shame really, that they're in fashion.
I just can't get into it - the whole aseasonal thing doesn't do it for me. It's like trying to wear a miniskirt and a big woolen scarf at the same time...
On the plus side, the girl is beautiful, and I covet them shades.
Some other type of short and shoe and maybe this could work, but I agree with everyone above who said boots plus cut-offs equal a very unbecoming trashy look. Brings back bad memories from a childhood spent with biker parents and their highly unfashionable friends. Just can't take it seriously.
OK I have to say it looks good, but usually I hate jean shorts... So Southern trashy... I think the reason this works is that even though they are cut-offs they are cut low enough not to be trashy... Plus she looks like she absolutely owns this look...
After much consideration, I've decided that I love this outfit, but hate the shorts. I could see it working, if it weren't for the subtly lopsided cut and fraying of the shorts -- which takes it from carelessly casual to cheap&tacky. Otherwise, I second whoever said that she's pulled this off with tremendous aplomb. Respect!
YSL jacket, Chie Mihara boots?
I don't care who she is, if it had been a denim mini rather than shorts I think the outfit would have worked 100% better. However - she's making major bank, doubt she'd care much about my critique..!!!
wow maryna linchuk. i didnt know she had such great personal style, personally i adore this outfit. and i think she might actually be wearing overalls i dont know what else those straps could be
maryna and sasha!
sart, you have a dream job.
i love her jacket - very YSL last season.
in a word, "yuck."
too-short shorts with suspenders hanging down? a too-large blazer, white ugly old vintage boots and a prada purse. this whole thing is a disaster. she is trying too hard and doesn't have any identity.
I can see why a man (dare I say, any man) would find this fashionable...
Great pose and great look. I really like the fact that they are frayed rather then turned up and love the shorts-boots combo. Mind you - as usual Kate Moss was there first - here in 2007 ;-)
I think the lady on right has better sunglasses than her.
Her boots are gorgeous, but I don't think it goes with this outfit. Nice touch by rolling up the sleeves though.
Cool look! I love shorts with a structured jacket!
Hot! No need to say more.
A lot of girls are wearing denim hotpants in London. Unless you look like this girl - and let's face it, most people don't - it's a horrible, horrible look.
Here, it's fun and young.
This girl looks amazing, and she def knows how to put an outfit together. She is Magdalena Frackowiak, and she is wearing and YSL blazer (SS08 collections), her handbag is Prada. Yes, the boots looks awkward, but that doesnt mean she has a great style.
She really pulls off this look well--until you get down to the ankle boots. Those spoil the whole thing. Despite her beautiful long legs, they make her look awkward. She'd have done better with a pair of sandals. Just about any other style of shoe would have worked better than ankle boots.
all kinds of bad. don't like it at all. cheap cheap cheap. not to mention scale off. shorts too short w/ the jacket heavy on the top. boots bad w/ the outfit. don't like it. did i mention that?
If she weren't so painfully beautiful and young and in Paris you'd all be asking why there was a photo of a hooker from Denver here.
The cutoffs are what throw the whole thing off kilter for me. They don't make sense.
This is one of those looks where context is everything. Stick her in Dallas it would be just as applause-worthy, but the outfit would read completely differently.
indeed, it "doesn't mean she has great style" ;)
i'm sure she does, but i don't like this look. i'm SO over 80's slouchy boots!
Pretty girl. Very tacky outfit. If youth can't make it work, nothing can.
The results of Sart's experiment are in: yes, if he puts it in his blog, no matter what it is, the majority will oooh and ahh.
I hope he will use his power for the good of mankind. :-)
The reason the jean shorts don't work is the fabric of the denim.
Why does it tent out on her left leg so irritatingly? Why is the fray just plain ol' wrong and not working?
I don't know what brand of jean she chose, but in my experience hot cutoffs only come in the form of well-worn, great fitting Levi's 501s.
Levi's denim wouldn't tent out on her jutted hip.
And when you cut and wash a pair, it doesn't fray like a frizzy little chia pet, but more like hot fringe that's slightly stringy.
To pull off the classic American cutoffs, you need more hot fringe, less chia.
Oh, here's a good example:
thank you.
Oh, and to Anonymous who doesn't like the critical comments, we're trying to save the world from less-than-desirable aesthetics. sheesh.
Wow, this is a great look!... There's enough detail and yet it still captures a certain Parisian restraint. Love it!... Bref, elle est canon!
thanks, Jessica. It was a little mistake.
Ring, ring.
Who is it?
It's the 80s calling, they want their look back.
With a body like that she could wear a multitude of flattering styles.
Are you sure this isn't a shot from a recent issue of Vogue Paris!?! This girl OOZES sex and looks very Anna Selezneva-like and that cerulean blazer is just fantastic! Bravo!
Laura 7:01, I just got up from the floor from laughing hysterically! You offer a very good point! Those boots and shorts scream the corner of Hollywood and Vine! I don't think hookers in Denver would be wearing that ultra-chic blue blazer though!
Where can I get those boots?
The woman on the right is more interesting to me. She has mystique. The model in the center looks like a Russian escort attempting a Tex-Mex look. Are the booties from Payless?
That is so hot.
I think that there is an mistakable European look to denim wearers from that continent. It is almost as though it is a caricature of Americans wearing denim. It seems to capture the Ellulian distinction between fashion and costume, with costume being the authentic style and fashion being the transitory whim of fancy.
Old Housecoat...There are stylish people in West Virginia, one reading this blog.
not a fan
Hrm...I feel the shorts are too short and light in wash.
Stunning boots ! I just cannot understand the numerous negative comments about them. I find them absolutuely gorgeous and so fashionable...
This gives me hope for my own generation... We are still holding it together.
i think i see shoulder pads in the blazer... and i like it!
She makes it work well. I like the blazer a lot. And she makes a good choice of wearing black and covering up on top since there is so much leg showing. I can see how that if this outfit were to be worn be someone who doesn't have such sophisticated style it could have been trashy.
I think shorts and an ankle boot look great. I love this outfit.
I like the girl and that is the most important thing. She kind of has a Jody Foster look to her.
I don't like the jacket and the boots.