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Comments on "On the Street...Crosby St., Manhattan"
Great photo, I love this soft, ethereal, timeless and mysterious look. She's like a butterfly!
It seems to be she aced the much-debated gladiator sandals: not only does she have long legs, she paired the sandals with a skirt that sits on her natural waist, therefore elongating her lower body. Great idea! I think the top is a bit too frilly for the rest of the outfit, I will be interested what the women will comment. Love the bag and its stitching, and I would lose the collar. Jorge from W Palm Beach
This outfit is a breath of fresh air. After a while some of these women begin to look a bit like clones. But there is nothing trendy about this outfit; except perhaps for the semi-gladiator sandals. I'm still not completely sold on the necklace but all and all it is fresh and adorable!
What a beautiful mix of colours. The high waisted skirt is beautiful on her. Lovely.
Original necklace and original face. I also like the t-shirt. I think my aunt can sew something like that, I should consider the idea
I love the light, fresh colors in this outfit. This look is casual and clean, and she appears very comfortable. Perfect ensemble for a day about the town. It's just that... I'm conflicted about the necklace! I want that bag.
Whoa. I'm not usually surprised on this site anymore. Not that every picture isn't brilliant, but you know, familiarity can hardly be surprising. But this...THIS...this is spectacular on so many levels. The length of the skirt, the shape of the top, the way everything hangs...the incredible perfection of the bag...and that whimsical collar...This is SPECTACULAR.
i love the blog and all content, however, why don't you venture beyond soho and the meatpacking district in nyc? neighborhoods like williamsburg have unbelievably chic residents. just a thought.
I love the individuality of this. I don't think she picked this look up in one stop.
Beutiful photo!
I really like the neck accessory. Different, in a good way!
Creo que absolutamente TODO este look se ve fantástico. Desde el bolso XL suela (ultimamente tengo un fetiche por este color) hasta el modo en que contrasta con esos pequeños detalles que rompen la gama general de tonalidades (el color de los labios, o el de su esmalte) dan la sensación de una imagen muy completa. Las gladiadoras interactuan perfectamente con las demás prendas,pareciendo su uso algo natural e indiscutible. Cada una de las piezas, independientemente, son estructuralmente ideales. Solo que muchas veces se malogra su combinación opacandolas. Claro, que este no es el caso, ya que no solo se pueden apreciar individualmente las tablas de la pollera y su caída, como tambiñen los detalles en la blusa sino un composé extraordinario: la nueva imagen que da esta mujer.
El collar merece un espacio aparte, en resumen, es el detalle que te hace dudar solo para finalmente entender que justamente eso es lo que termina de dar el estilo al look. La forma en que contrasta su material..
Un look que merece estar en The Sartorialist.
I love everything but the necklace. She totally rocks that giant bag which is hard to do.
Great comfortable look. Don't know about the neckpiece. Don't you think it looks like a Tonga or Maori tattoo?
So beautiful. There's a sensitivity and fragility thats make me think of a sort of mediterranean twenties exoticism. I think there must be a pet snake in that bag...
beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful. sooo lovely. everything!
this is the embodiment of easy, comfortable, individual style.
and re: the gladiator sandal 'trend' that everyone's been buzzing on and on about - how can it be a trend really if it's recycled, without fail, every summer? i say we get over the repetition and just call it another style of summer shoe that's 1) inevitably bound to be popular every year and 2) looks good on some people and not on others.
also - love her haircut :D
I love this! Such a pretty pairing and I love that she is showing off her natural waist!
She is a classic beauty. Confident and strong.
All done with a lovely lightness of touch - very delicate.
The necklace makes me feel like I'm choking. I like everything else and the easy yet feminine feel of it overall. She looks like a Modigliani model.
I love the pleats! Everything about this just works and well!
I especially love her skirt! What a refreshing look; a cool summer breeze. Simply elegant!
Everything is very nice, but the neck peice. It weighs down the overall light effect of her and her outfit. Otherwise, fresh and fun!!!
Very unpretensious and completey effortless.
This is really fabulous. She could have worn this twenty years ago or twenty years hence and it would still be breathtaking. That's style.
I think that skirt is simply great... adjusting it to her waist: chic and classic but she gets an efortless look that amazes me.
Plus the necklace... someone said above that its like a tribal. Have no words but I think it totally makes her look different
congrants sart!
I love everything about this outfit-the individual pieces (especially the scarf? the necklace?), the colors and especially how she carries it off. It is timeless and looks oh so comfortable!
A striking picture. So languid and lovely.
I like her necklace and XXL bag, it´s a very elegant outfit.
The high waisted skirt is very beautiful and the bag too. Very feminine. Personally I would have worn the skirt with black top. Here in Finland I've seen so many pairs of gladiators this summer that I hope summer 2009 brigs something new. I think the collar is bit too much..
Wow, love this look, ethereal yet not too wispy. I think the necklace, neckerchief whatever, as someone already mentioned, is the item that you may doubt at first but actually works to bring the whole thing together. Her red lips, the natural waist skirt and all those soft pleats put me in mind of the 1920's and the Mediterranean, and englishwoman in Italy perhaps?
My first intuition would be to choose a more geometric top rather than the flowered one. On the other hand this top does break the clean lines of the other items and adds freshness to the look. Very nice. (And looks just perfect with this backdrop; well-chosen!)
Great high-waisted skirt and neutral color combination. Also, love the neck thing.
Beautiful... just beautiful... Hermoso!
Such a feminine and strong look. Bohemian chic. Lovely and inviting.
The structured skirt (and it's a perfect fit: waist, length, volume) matched with a camisole top! Brilliant.
The vibe is that it's hot and she just took off her outer-top and why not? There's something simple & practical & beautiful about this look.
Wonderful accessories, too!
-- desertwind
This is one of my favorite photographs I've seen on here. Her hair is absolutely divine, that skirt is fantastic, and the lipstick! Love everything about her!
I love all of it! And, I agree with anonymous en espanol, the bag color is great. I wonder if the skirt is vintage Hermes. I had a pair of Hermes pants in the late 80's same color and drape/waist. I even like the neck thing.
What a wonderful look. Hair, makeup, collar and the high-waisted skirt. Simply delightful.
Oh, lovely! I like her haircut, and the way the creamy colours of her outfitt sort of blends.
She looks beautiful, nice capture
beautiful photo
beauty, beauty, beauty...
attitude - just as love - conquers all.
(wasn't it w. allen who said that nyc is the only place in the world where neurosis blossom in a positive way. - it is true. - it is the best place in the world... - and this picture is vital proof.)
Very, very beautiful. The collar is setting of the gladiators perfectly and together with the bag these three items are like an embroidered frame for the timeless summer outfit. Plus her hairstyle and makeup - everything matches wonderfully and still it looks natural and not artifical. Wonderful shot and what a beauty.
I'm not sure I like the collar in it's own right, but I love it in the context of her outfit, and this photo. I love how it echoes the strong dark lines of her brows, lips, and eyes... Without it, her face could have easily blended right into her neck, with it, it creates a theme of smooth, dark swoops against the soft white of her blouse. I totally love her skirt also, but disagree slightly, in that I would have taken it in just a little (seems to bag away from her waist on the left side a bit).
I like her personal style. Lovely.
Dare I use a tired comparsion: the outfit is very Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday. Brava!
I was on Crosby today; alas, where were you?
I absolutely second the Roman Holiday remark--the sandals, the full skirt, the blouse updated as cami with a funky neckpiece.
Timeless..her brunette locks, creamy skin and red lips all combine to accent the old world quality of her outfit and the buildings behind her......she is transparent
haha she looks like my english teacher. LOVE her necklace, it's the best piece of her outfit.
Now I really want that dress... looks both elegant and very light and comfortable!
"Before you leave the house, always remove one thing..." Actually I do love the neckpiece but I would wrap it around the wrist, or the bag, as it detracts from her beautiful face and neck.
classic. www.thedailyalygator.blogspot.com
Angel-like!! I love those pleats!!!
the neckerchief actually is essential to smooth down the white/brown contrast between her hair and the top. funny bag. love the way she is balancing the bag's weight on one leg, just leaning on the other.
really would like to know to what degree Mr Schumann tells his street models how to pose
I love this outfit! She is petite but wears this proportions well. I love the fullness of the skirt, especially on a breezy summer day. She looks like an artist or musician:
SOOO Pretty and classic.
Real Style Real People
This outfit is wonderful. The skirt, the shirt, the bag, the shoes, the scarf blend perfectly together.
I almost thought this was in Europe somewhere.
Beautiful shot. and lovely outfit.
so lady-like! the necklace makes the outfit so unique
She explores volumes in a beautiful way. And the necklace brings the controversy that is needed when someone knows how to dress. the sandals, the bag, and also her face and haircut... everything is beautiful.
anyone know how the bag is by?
looks like an ann demuelemeester that i once saw (except the handles were different). i love that she rocked the neckpiece. i can guess from the bag/shoes/lipstick/neck thingee that frilly and girly is not her norm and she was just experimenting (as is our prerogative as fashionistas to do) , and imbuing her harder edge into a feminine look.
very lovely.
Divine! As has been said, the skirt is perfection. The exotic collar really makes the outfit for me, modernises it a little and adds a point of interest.
An absolute doll.
She's classic
Totally my look. I love it all. This girl rocks it.
the outfit is beautiful, i love the colours! Jessica Palermo - is she related to Olivia?
Classique et fraîche, cpmplètement hors mode, hors temps, hors âge, ce qui la rend forte et ...fascinante.
Bravo !
Everyone seems to really like the skirt...i think its from H&M..(do you have H&M in the states?)...stocked in navy, black, white, light-wash denim and of course in cream...she looks really pretty and light
The skirt is perfect on her, i think it is from h and m, as i tried one really similar on in denim, it did NOT look like that on me!! I couldn't wait to get it off and forget all about it, and here it is again... rubbing salt into the wound! I have found a pretty one that fits me well on the net (shopgoldyn.com) i love it!
does anyone know who the maker of that lovely bag is?
I enjoy the balance of the safe & subtle colors with the chancier mixture of styles & accoutrement.
Soft, Comfortable, Romantic,Effortless
....I would say CHLOE style is very present here.
Ciao Regazzi
i love this casual look!
Wow, what a trip... this is my friend/coworker Jessica. She's even cuter and more pixie like in person!
I hope to shock you all by telling you that she is from California. We have style on this coast too ;)
I love everything about this girl, the hair, the lipcolor, the lovingly used bag, high waisted skirt and is that a bathing suit strap peeking out of her top??
Lovely, everything is just lovely. Soft and confident.
I love the neck cuff. It is her way of saying that she wears HER style. Maybe a soft splash of color on the cuff would have softened it.
This is my favorite of your pics!
I totally agree with Anon 9:38 AM. Also conflicted about the necklace: it is an interesting piece on its own and it enhances her features and hair, but to me it looks kinda out of place with this outfit. But the rest of the clothes - fabulous and sweet. Make me think of early 20th century summer outfits, like those in the films "A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy" or "A Room with a View" (of course back in those days, the top would be suitable only for the bedroom). Classy without being rigid. And someone was dead on comparing her face to Modigliani paintings. Not a classical beauty, but so interesting.
I absolutely LOVE the bag!
She is adorable
i love how she looks so feminine but not in the cutesy way!
Love everything except the scarf. Fights the simplicity of the rest of the outfit.
Perfect except for the strange collar. Fantastic background and foreground.
The scarf is actually my favourite part of her outfit! A silly little touch in contrast to an otherwise classic, almost typical-fashionista outfit.
That said, I wouldn't have paired that scarf with the frilly blouse, too much fuss at the top.
I thought that was a tattoo.
Would have been cool.
She's divine....
soft dress! I love it!
Oh, i love her style! it's very earthy. But what is that thing around her neck? a necklace? it's so funky.
Great photo, great outfit. She looks beautiful and so strikingly like my wife it is scary. Right down to the pose.
La falda no es de Hermes, es de H&M....yo tengo una!
One word: She's got style.Thank you for daring and sharing.
Stunning! Pictures like this make me want to hit the streets and shop 'til I drop, in search of such effortless chic!
I love that big old bag...a girl needs a sack like that to carry her stuff around in.
she is pretty, but the clothes is too bulky....the skirt should be shorter