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Comments on "On the Street...Casual Formality, Milan"
I like the jacket and the French cuffs. Very nice jeans, a little on the tight side. I'm not crazy about the way the tie is knotted, although it the most casually done detail here. The coordinating helmet is a great accessory! As always, I'd like to see the shoes.
It's true, he looks quite formal. I love the jacket and the white hankie paired with the white shirt, and the tie is also pretty. What I don't like is when the pants are soo tight that you can even see the pocket's lining...
And this looks more like an outfit for the early fall, not middsummer, but if he's fesh enough and works for him, or if goes to places with air conditioning (sometimes they get freezing!) there's no problem.
To me, the colors of the pieces make this outfit. The blue of the jacket and contrasts of the stark white of the shirt and the off white of the pants are more visually pleasing than, say, a regular navy jacket and a khaki pant.
Oh, but what a cotton jacket: the pickstitching on the lapels, the working cuff buttons, and the shoulder construction are all a far cry from my Cremieux version from Dillards!!! I dont normally like contrast stitching on light jeans, but the fit of his overrides all. Bella figura is what they say? Jorge from W Palm Beach
Great detail, I love the stitching on the jacket and the overall interpretation of the classic white shirt, khakis and blue blazer.
Miscalculation in the size of the pants, they look really awkward & distracting.
...in another era those glasses in his hand could have been a riding crop, or something - but it doesn't look too costumy.
hummina hummina hummina!
The shirt is white, the jeans are not.
I like most of the components, but I don't think that they work together.
Swap the tight jeans for some lightweight wool slacks in the same color and the outfit would be a success.
Or, exchange the shirt, tie and pocket square for a graphic t shirt and you get a great, casual look.
I'm keeping the jacket in both options, because I think that jacket is great. Love the stitching on the lapels and the pockets, the patch-style pockets and the working buttons on the sleeves.
Great look. But the jeans are WAY too tight. :)
I love the jacket, and the tight jeans - perhaps too tight,half a size more would be perfect -. The shirt is ok, but i'd add some colour with a light pink one perhaps? Otherwise I'd use a taxi-driver tie rather than a common one..
What about his shoes...where they nice?
i agree with olivia- i looked straight down before I even looked at the amazing jacket. He is dapper though- very cute. :-)
YES! Oh my goodness, you found the perfect words to describe that je-ne-sais-quoi (or should rather that cosa misteriosa) that Milanese (and maybe other Italians too) have: FORMALITY! I always saw it as a natural elegance and classyness no matter how dressed down they try to be! That is what I love about them!
great jacket,with nicely tapered sleeves.The lenght of the coat is also super,very aggressive and milanese.
Love the tight jeans,i wonder though how does it feel at the end of the day..
Great look,even the skinny tie of which i am not a fan,works.
Gai @ Astor and Black
great inspiration here I'd say
but they are the tightest jeans I have ever seen on a guy wearing a wedding ring
I really love that shades of blue other than straight, dark Navy are making their way into the latest(and upcoming) seasons' fashions. Even a mild color variation on a casual Navy sport coat such as this lighter shade are much more pleasing to the eye.
I love the photo.
In order to understand fashion, you must to understand people, cities, cultures, everyday life. That´s why I love this blogger. This is a great example of how different could be Milan, from Rome, or NYC... its just the way of living. Love the formality of a cotton jacket, with sexy tight jeans, the helmet and the confident smile... just a little question... Who´s this handsome guy?
European men (and may I also say South American men) tend to wear their pants much more fitted to the body ( rather slimm) and thank God they do!!
I absolutely despise the slouchy North American cut of the chino pants or heavne forbid the pleated pant!!
So, I see absolutely NO problem with his pant. Very stylish!
this guy is sooo chic. His clothes fit him perfectly. A quarter inch smaller he would have the worst camel hump, a quarter inch looser it'd be droopy. Fabulous. Euro tailoring and fit at its best. Kudos
corrr, loving those tight pants. i wouldn't look twice at this guy in a jeans and t-shirt, but i'd trail after him in this. sexy
the pants are a bit tight for me, but the jacket is cut well and the whole look is casual but formal in a way where he would fit into a nice ristorante that might require a jacket and tie. Do the Italians even bother with that kind of formality in their eating establishments? I can well understand with the situation here in the States (people go to church in Tshirts). I think dressing and grooming well projects what a person is truly about.
Where does this man get off by being so dashing?
I love this look, except... once I scanned down to the pants... man, this guy needs to get it in a size a little bit bigger.
The whole upper body ensemble is great, but those white jeans are too tight. Slim fit is one thing, but these aren't really slim, and they detract from an overall nice outfit.
Is that really decorative stitching on the jacket? To me it just looks like the way the seams of cotton garments get ripply after you launder them.
It's almost right but I really think his pants could use to be just the tiniest bit looser. It would be much more attractive that way, in my humble opinion.
Not a fan of those jeans. Makes me think 1985 skin tight Jordache. The fit is really not flattering and frankly I find it distracting from an otherwise solid look.
Well for once the tight pants don't allow you to tell whether or not the guy is circumsised which we too often can tell in my opinion and is indeed slightly distracting. However some will tell that we can testify that his pockets are indeed lined which is not too good either.
Could those pants be any tighter? Great jacket; was looking for something like it recently and came up with zip. Any ideas where I could buy one next spring?
He's handsome.
I would shorten the jacket and bring it it before I would loosen the jeans. Loose jeans look juevenile. However, these particular jeans bring to mind the John Waters movie, Serial Mom and the pants worn by the band being portrayed by L7... or that song by Fanny Pack.
One of the better outfits on here in a little bit.
The proportions are spot on, at least in my eyes.
The tie and pocket square round off this nice ensemble.
Too bad he's not single. ;)
he makes me think of mad men...in the twenty-first century
and i LOVE that uplifting of the lips
what a smug look
and the helmet just makes it perfect
He is handsome and would probably look good in anything... European men do have such style.
Marco Polli, who works for Mood Magazine in Milan. Always a snapper dresser and nice guy.
Hard to go wrong with dark blue against a crisp white shirt. The cream tint of the trousers is better than stark white would have been. Interesting detailing on the jacket. I wouldn't have guessed it was deep indigo denim until I looked at the details.
love the idea of jeans and a pocket square - so elegantly casual, so italian! and I bet he looks dashing on his scooter
I want to be able to criticize the size of the pants, but really this is just sexy. I love the dressiness of the top half of the outfit. And the colours are sublime. Points for this guy!
a man who dresses to the right.
The tight pants just make it that I can´t help imagining riding boots in his feet - they would also be practical on a scooter, no?
Don't get overexcited guys. The jacket, I am 98% sure, is a off-the-peg number from Boglioli
Thats my understanding of Milano Lifestyle. Amazing!
Only a man in a jacket and tie and a charming smile can get away with jeans that tight.
Don't you love the way that for the Milanese, 'summer informal' means unbuttoning your jacket cuffs a little!
i like the jeans with the coat and french cuff, but these jeans are just too tight. makes him look too dandy and loses the effect.
While I appreciate the look he was going for, he needs to loosen up on the pants...they look incredibly uncomfortable (and unflateringly emasculating).
nice trousers!
Lie the jeans. Goes very well with the color of the jacet although I'm not so hot about the jacet material... Nice shot. also!
Fantastic, makes me reconsider the role of suitably fitting white jeans for my wardrobe (even if it's already August).
for all the complaints that the jeans are too tight: the man is european for heaven's sake! clearly a different esthetic from north american ideals, and frankly, i prefer it over the saggy, baggy, crotch-dropped versions worn by men here. i'm sure no one looked at him in milan and thought, "basta! è troppo stretto!"
agreed on the saggy, baggy look not good. but i still say his are too tight. european or not. just an opinion. he's hot though.
Good above the belt; pants are just too tight; they don't even look comfortable.
i love the fact that there is a complete and total disconnect between the look face and the snug fit if his pants. it is at once irrevrant and arrogant. he's totally pulling it off.
he's very cool. Love the tight trousers.
I like the look but I think he should lose the tie. The jeans are also a little too tight and do not match the comfortable-fit look of the jacket.
Nice thighs and I love the sublety of the package. Delicioso!
Love the look!! He looks AMAZING!! Great jacket and pants are not too tight!!
Che bello ragazzo!!!
does anyone notice that he's wearing english riding apparel?
This would be a nice way of fronting up to a dressage competition if you imagine he's carrying a riding helmet. Can't help wondering if he's wearing long riding boots ...or jodphur ankle-length ones. Enfin, like a lot of things, if he moves as if he means it, I think he gets away with the look.
that's it! sometimes I think it is a real pity that Italians always end up being formal...that it is so difficult for them to be just fresh and casual and free like Americans can be for example.
beautiful guy...thank god for old guys like that.