Style Profile...Julie Ragolia

Julie Ragolia
Fashion Director, CITY Magazine. Co-curator, Playground
Best Sartorial advice from your parents?
Always double check that your buttons are lined up correctly before leaving the house
Style Icons?
Bob Dylan, Alain Delon, Karl Lagerfeld
Describe your personal style?
Proper school marm meets early Rolling Stones
I build my daily look around...
The song usually stuck in my head when I wake up.
Personal Style quirks?
As much as I shop, I don’t like when my clothes feel too new
Most cherished item?
A Chanel black high-collared cropped jacket with extra-wide sleeves.
It’s perfectly elegant, but made of nylon so can just as easily crumple into a purse. Genius.
I feel best wearing?
My vintage boy’s tuxedo jacket. It’s as if it was perfectly tailored for my body.
The first thing I look at in another
Sartorialist’s outfit ...
Proportion and color scheme
Never caught wearing?
The season’s identifiable “it” item. I prefer understated designer luxury
Dress to impress who?
Myself. Admirers can only come after that.
Shine your own shoes?
Favorite stores?
Zero Maria Cornejo, IF, Martin Margiela
Your next "must have" purchase?
Martin Margiela padded shoulder blazer
I skimp when buying ...
Jeans – Cheap Mondays are my favorites
I splurge on.....
Favorite item of clothing?
The perfect white t-shirt
Guilty pleasure?
Felt hats
Cologne, skincare?
La Labo, La Mer
When I was high school I wore?
A mix of everything: I was preppy, Goth, grunge and hip-hop at once
Labels: Style Profiles
Comments on "Style Profile...Julie Ragolia"
She's got fantastic style!
I like the idea of the style profile so we can learn more about the "inner workings" of the style of the people we see here. Thanks!
I love this little interview Sart. You should do more. She is so clear about who she is and what she likes. I personally love her style but I love that you did a little feature on her as well.
Alain Delon? A girl after my own heart!
The interview was great!
(I love these!)
Dear Sartorialist,
I must begin this note by lauding your accomplishments in the fashion world! I am a student at Lake Forest College, Illinois (although I am a Connecticut native) and hope to declare a double major in English and Photography next year. As my favorite focus has always been in portraiture, your site has continued to hold my attention! I work with a Nikon D70 and a film Minolta SLR; I was curious as to what sort of camera, lens and flash you prefer!
How tall is she? Just wondering as the proportions are wonderful but the volumes and shapes vary from image to image.
If she's not tall and is on the petite side, that's truly amazing!
Sweet! I hope I don't read too many comments about "oh well, she's in the business of course she looks great why do you always shoot people in the business" because damn, most fashion people look like crap. They're followers. This woman has a strong, distinctive style-voice that belongs to her.
i know.
she's great.
The last outfit has great proportions, very Balenciaga. :)
I love it - please do more style profiles!
The first looks Coco, the last looks Audrey, the second looks calm, cool, and collector. Good luck in life.
do more of these!
She's so fabulous, and short too! I'm so glad that you mentioned in one of your postings that she wasn't much more than 5'3" (i think) as it is encouraging to see lovely attire on someone not so tall that everything looks great on them anyway!
A stone fox for sure. First look is my favorite.
The second picture looks a lot like Madonna. Some of the answers to the questions are weird, am not impressed.
I love the green colour she's wearing in two of the pictures. And she looks very "modern Audrey Hepburn" in that last picture. Very nice!
WOW! I want to learn more of these stuff!
Great idea to have more insight on the interesting persons shown here!
Fantastic.. love the style profiles!!
She's fantastic and I loved reading the interview!
Please keep these interviews up! It's so fun getting to know a bit about who these people are and what they do. It's great to hear her own thoughts on clothes.
i seriously love the way she uses color....and seems to always wear a hat? i wish i could always wear a hat! i also wish i could find that lovely black jacket with the ruffles. brilliant.
the lady has it. indeed.
yes! more style profiles please!
i love her style. very often i do find myself becoming curious about the "inner workings" of the people who get posted on this blog. this interview is a nice feature.
Don't really like the "it"items hum really (pants, skirt, hat, big bag...)Aren't they "it" items?? Great style but not impressed especially if you go in Paris, Milan or London. This seems so common and fashion addict!
loving the style profile- what a great way to learn about the stylish ones featured on your site- definitely do more of them!
simply the top shot.
just great. also I really love the way she describe her personal style. on the 1st picture, the length, the width and everything about clothes seem perfect!
She has a beautiful style! I love that first photo, there her look is amazing!
What? No shoe trees??
Sart, I love this section called "Style Profiles". I hope that will be a permanent fixture in this blog.
Thanks, great stuff,
Excellent addition to your site, and she is lovely, lovely, lovely. If I were a woman this is how I imagine I'd dress.
Ah, to live in a world where $65 jeans means to "skimp."
I love that you asked questions about personal style. LOVE. IT.
what the hell is a shoe tree????
Yes yes yes! That was fun! More please!
love this post! reading about her logic and some of her opinions is great!
thanks for doing the profile! Great fun!
I like her taste! She dresses so great.
-Love that you're expanding and doing semi-features/interviews. City is one of our favorite magazines (if you haven't check Glenn O'Brien's piece on little kid couture from last year).
- much love from The new collegiate persepctive on style/fashion/art/media/culture
check us outtt
What a great idea! So interesting to read about someone's style profile. She's wise and smart too.
I love this! This makes your work seem so much more human-scale and reminds a reader that the shot we're seeing is a part of a bigger picture.
That last outfit is perfection.
Love the style profile. Cheers!
I agree - i like these style profiles especially when it is about someone who isn't a 'celebrity' and clearly has a unique and elegant way of dressing and obviously doesn't use a stylist... Thanks Sart!
oohhhh lala. I need that last hat! any ideas of who designed that? or what the style of hat would be called?
The top shot was one of my favorites when you first put it up. Thanks for giving us a chance to hear more from the person wearing the clothes! I do love the jacket in the bottom photo as well.
Great addition to your already marvelous site!
In a previous post you said that she was on a normal person's budget. If that's the case, I don't see how she '"skimps" by buying Cheap Mondays. For a normal person, $75 jeans are kinda pricey.
She has awesome style and is gorgeous but someone tell her please yoga's not a sport!
Yes! I love that you are doing these style profiles again.
whoa! the look with the hat is to die for.
more more more! i love interviews. a little peek at the person's life and what drives them.
oh yeah and their secrets to style! :)
Love her sense of style. She seem to look like she just stepped out of a fashion shoot every time.
Beautiful. Wish I looked like that. dang.
Sart, I think you've found a muse!
i like the first picture. it has a french chic retro vibe :)
the top pic with wide-leg slacks/green coat, is FAB.