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Comments on "On the Street...Dresses That (go to) Work, part 1"
Yeah, she got the balance...She looks wonderful. Good job!
This could be a lifestyle ad for New York! Like how simple this look is: black and silver - but the mirrored aviators make it really now. Very aspirational.
She is the definition of beauty. Black again! At least the dress has a waistline.
without te sunglasses... it could be very classic. nice dress
The shoes, the dress , everything just right. She looks GREAT!
I love the composition of the photo, and the yellow color spots (taxi, street lights) on grayish background ;o)
It makes me want to move to NY and buy Rayban aviators! Great composition and light in the photo.
Smokin hot!
This is going to be one of your classic portraits, its an amazing picture.
I don't see a lot of young women wearing dresses to work nowadays. She looks wonderful. I love the cuff. And her shoes aren't black, are they? Love it too.
Good lord, man! You have outdone yourself. She is la bombe! By that I mean she is perfectly put together in terms of style and very healthy, not anemic. I don't want to be a sexist bore.
(But I love her!)
Dresses for work are the best! I am looking forward to seeing others! I have many for the winter, but am having a hard time finding some for the summer.
wow, a perfect picture! she looks great - wonderful smile and the hair blowing across her face adds to the spontaneity of it all. and fabulous NY background. i want to be there right now!
laser like focus on a modern, cosmopolitan woman..bravo!
Is it me (or my monitor), or are the shoes actually burgundy?
Great photo!
Nice! Can't wait to see part 2 and 3.
Thank heavens, the dress is back and you were able to position that cab in just the right spot. Now I'm looking forward to summer.
Love the aviators and waistline of the dress and the cuff. But the dark eggplant shoes don't work with the black dress.
She looks great, although bare legs and stilettos don't seem very "office appropriate." At least not in my office anyway...
your work is a phenomenon! you were the first one with this kind of art, and the people you choose have their very own style!
great great work!!!
fresh beauti
I would so love to work in a job wear you could actually wear something like that......Actually, no, I wouldn't.
I love working in a hospital......
The dress is nice, but that's it..
She looks Italian, which is a good thing. The taxi guy must prefer blonds. To bad he missed out. That guy in the back ground is like me, whenever I see a stylish sexy woman, my ears perk up. Ahhh N.Y., wish I were there, just to hang out.
For Anon 9:23
Without the sunglasses it would be just ordinary. The glasses are a tasteful expression of personality that makes the lifts this above the ordinary.
I love the sort of look where 90% of the outfit is conservative and classic but one thing (necktie, suspenders, jacket lining, socks, etc.) is a little crazy.
fabulous ! love those aviators against her tanned complexion :D
purple pumps. love love love
classic dress, but a bit boring...
I hate to see any black in warm weather, nice dress, wish it wasn't blk!
Don't like that poofy little pouch in the front of the dress and the shoes are way over the top, especially for work. Hate to be the voice of negativity, but I am going to be the odd one out and say I don't like this look.
wish i could see the front of the dress... it looks pretty, but from this angle with her hair in the way, it's really hard to tell.
Bergdorfs working girl...great shot!
This is what I aspire to.
I love the combination of the classic dress with the edgy aviators. She looks put together but not too contrived.
Well done.
This is one of many times when I wish you would give us the info on the clothes!! Who makes the dress because I must have it! If it is in my price range! Exclamation point!
She looks great! Very nice photo!
She looks divine! I adore how her hair has been blown unintentionally.
FABULOUS dress! Love the pointed waistline and the coloured shoes and the silver cuff.
Now THAT'S a great look. She is professional, sexy, stylish, and pretty all at once. Let's have more dress pics.
Hot lady. Period.
she looks amazing!
sart we <3 you!!!
QUq! Her stilletto heels lift her above the ordinary and into the realm of the fantastic and born to riches.
beautiful! you look SO good - im going to copy that !
I love the Sartorialist blog. Candid photography has always been my favorite kind of imagery…capturing the fleeting moments in life in a way that preserves the spirit of the moment is really quite amazing. Well, the Sartorialist is all about capturing these moments as people ‘live their fashion’.
This photo caught my eye this morning. A seemingly unassuming moment with a story to tell.
fashionfatwa said...
the dark eggplant shoes don't work with the black dress.
12:44 PM
Really?? Why??? I am so glad I don't live in your world.
This is a great look -- the shoes not being black is just part of what rocks this look.
She looks very well pulled together. I do think it's too severe, though.
And holy sunburn!
I absolutely love this woman and her dress!! I love her smile, the way her hair came accross her face and she laughed! She's lovely.
it's a nice dress, but what really makes the outfit is her attitude. the silver of the cuff and aviators add some interest but otherwise it's nothing spectacular (to me). to me she looks indian, especially since she's wearing the red string bracelet. i could be wrong though.
losangelesnontrad@11:38 AM: there's nothing necessarily sexist about having your own particular taste in women. if you like them to look healthy you like them to look healthy. if others like them skinny they like them skinny.
Looks great! I went out immediately and bought a similar dress.
I love that the shoes are purple/aubergine - I bet they look amazing in real life......
everything about this is cool! i love it...
I love how this woman slightly alterned her look by adding the aviators glasses and shiny silver bangle. I also love how the wind is blowing her gorgeously shiny hair across her smiling face. So feminine and chic.
Anyone know who the shoes are by?
shopping bags to work?
and the crossed leg details.
and is that a red bracelet?
I love the dress, the cuff and the bracelet. The aviators --a bit out of scale. Hair --great, smile wonderful, earrings great. The shoes bother me. I think it's both the toe and also the height that somehow seem not so thought out.
Let's put it this way: she'd better have a job where she sits a lot or in five years, she'll be getting a bunionectomy.
love it/you just couldn't inspired any better...love ya love ya Schuman
The best looking woman I've seen on here--ever. Maybe one of the best looking women I've ever seen. It's amazing how simple everything is and yet, how complicated, and much less attractive, most women's fashion is these days. It's almost like, "how unique and odd can I look?" Not, "how good can I look?" And this woman has got it down.
she looks perfect! I wear dresses to work all summer (it turning into winter here in Australia and I'm sad no more dresses!) I can only hope that I look half as good as she does!
Best things are simple!
She just looks lovely!
I especially love how she's standing so cool and relaxed on a crossing. I've only been to New York once but I felt like I was taking my life in my hands at every crossing!
She looks great in that dress! I must say that dresses are my salvation when I have to go to work. More than one will turn to look at you. Feel the experience of wearing a dress on the street. It will make your day...
Timeless. Why can't she work in my office.
A quick note on the shoes. One thing that I notice where I live is that the young women around here always forget about the shoes. The thin, clean line of the stiletto is perfect choice. A lesser shoe would have killed the whole lot.
Nice aviators. She's got it going on, with some smokin' footwear too. She knows that accessories make or break your look.
...simply love it!
It captured my attention immediately. She looks confident, fresh and feminine..
oh wow. this really feels like ny.
This pictures screams NYC summer to me. It is definitely going into my Sartorialist Favorites file.
I simply love this photo! There is such life to it...beautiful capture! Your enviable eye for composition surpasses the fashion so much of the time. I love seeing the fashion, of course, but equally love seeing how you set up a shot. :-)