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Comments on "At Hyeres 2008......Long Black, South of France"
Nothing is out of place nor reaching. Everything about this sartorial ensemble says 'I am COMFORTABLE, relaxed and stylish'. Gorgeous and curvaceous woman just embracing life.
Sorry, the cigarette just doesn't do it for me. But then again it *is* France, not California. :-/
Perhaps she's not French, but when I saw this one I thought: 'soooooo French!'
this combination is fantastic... i love her shoes!!!
i love this look..tough & feminine at the same time, and for someone who's very self-conscious of her legs, it's the only way i would wear a skirt.
sexy hot mix..love her face
I like all of the elements of this individually, but when put together the effect is droopy... maybe if her hair were softly pulled or brushed back it would work for me....
~ Miss Mary
Love the "New hippie" style. Her attitude, it´s easy but misterious...
Vaguely Byronic: she looks like she might be "mad, bad, and dangerous to know."
Those handsome shoes.
I love this. This woman and the grey-blue woman from yesterday look so uncontrived yet so perfectly put together.
God I love this! this is my ideal! Unfussy & easy but so chic...
This is me! Black, comfy, cool.
All the women portrayed in this series are exquisite and radiant not just in their natural beauty and razor-sharp styles, but there's such a strength of individuality in each and every one of these women that transcends a mere impression of fashion into such as an impression of the individual.
To me personally, her dressing weighs her down. She has thin long and slender legs, wearing those makes her look short. Its just sloppy i think.
Surprised to see so much black for Spring (and is it still cold enough for leggings there?), but I love the proportions of her outfit.
i love it.
I love this, too. As someone else put it, a perfect mix of femininity and toughness. And usually I despise leggings! So many women could wear this outfit.
I'd like to know who makes those shoes! i want them.
Mortitia lives!
I am in love. I am such a sucker for monochrome done right.
I love her shoes! and her face!
This is a lovely picture and a lovely woman, but, on a side note, I do wish shorter hair would come back; the long locks on everyone these days are threatening to become a bit 'uniformy'. You know?
Masses of great hair-wish she would wear it in another way. An interesting mix of a skirt? and leggings,the shoes kinda fit the wholesome.
In california people drink green tea through collagen-filled lips and botoxed faces. There is a difference between being healthy and appearing healthy. So, no it's not california, it's france. Freedom does exist in france and not just on paper.
I want to be in the south of france. Instead, I am in Memphis Tennessee.
I wish I could see more of the top.
Unfortunately, the jacket sort of "kills" it.
That skirt is great, provides some texture into this simple look.
I love her hair and the outfit is great, but i really, really don't like the leggings.
Her shoes are from Zara...Fall collection, but still in stores. I have the same btw.
i'd like to comment on that california comment-- you mean "L.A." ... not california. i'm in san diego, originally from northern california, and definitely do not see people like that in "this" california. :p
I'm so happy to see a woman who isn't stick thin on here. She's lovely.
"Dreamers" style. I love the girl in that movie. This lady/girl has an essence of her to me. The slight inward turn of her left foot is kind of sexy. A little vulnerability amongst all that black. Maybe she's just Audrey from Encino hangin out in France, grabbing a smoke. You never know. Thank You.
The shoes are Derek Lam (Spring 2007?) I have them...they are fantastic.
i love the new proportions
in her outfit.
very chic. not everyone can pull this off.
...and by "L.A.," to the San Diego native above, you mean "Beverly Hills." I live in L.A., but believe me, on my side of town there is no Botox. It's the media's fault for implying to the rest of the world that Beverly Hills and West Hollywood represent all of Los Angeles, so I don't blame anyone who believes it. But it's sad that the un-surgeried, un-wealthy artists, immigrants and families who populate much of the city (including my lovely neighborhood) are assumed not to exist! Oh, and on my side of town, all the hip artsy types smoke. Here's to health :)
gorgeous shoes. like the jacket and the texture of the skirt (as someone else said) but it could've been shorter. she looks great - very comfortable. is that a hint of repressed laughter hovering around her lips and jawline?
Too much black, and in a too unstructured form...
I can't say I like this too much.
This is the perfect French woman to me. The cool, the eyes, the hair, and yes the cigarette.
I love the entire outfit.
I like her a lot.
LOVE this look! Very understated, but very, very chic. She looks like the sophisticated version of the high school goth chic! That jet dress is stunning! The shoes are great as well!
P.S. I couldn't tell how gorgeous her face was until I blew up the picture! She is VERY Italian looking, very beautiful. She kind of reminds me of Monica Bellucci! I actually like the leggings, and I usually ABHOR legging that cut off below the ankle. She pulls them off, however. They look perfect with the flowing skirt with frayed edges and modern day pilgrim shoes.
So christianne, obviously you know nothing about California or the people who live here, but you are right that "there is a difference between being healthy and appearing healthy". In California, about 8% of women smoke; in France about 27% of them do.
This girl is lovely and seems confident and comfortable with herself, and her outfit is individual, interesting, and flattering.
Personally, I like seeing fabric move on a body and welcome some of the softer clothing we are seeing lately. I bet she is just as pretty in motion as she is standing there posing for Sart.
love, love LOVE everything about this. EVERYTHING!
I didn't think smoking was still in vogue. I thought it caused cancer where ever it was done. Nice outfit and pretty girl however.
Dig the shoes, lose the tights!
I've seen those shoes in Zara stores
They are Derek Lam shoes.