On the Street.....She Gets It, NYC

Apparently this young lady works at the Marc Jacobs Kids store in the West Village.
I think her outfit is adorable but I was even more impressed when she told me that all the pieces she was wearing were from the kids store size 12.
The top is actually a dress that was ,of course, too short. She fell in love with the stitching detail on the waist of the skirt but again the skirt was too short so she bought two skirts and sewed on the extra ruffle by herself. The sewing she did was not perfect, not couture, the seams are not overlocked or taped but it works.
To me this is a big part of what The Sartorialist is about.
She was able to see past what something was and was able to get excited about what something could be.
The skirt wasn't wrong it just wasn't right for her....yet.
Comments on "On the Street.....She Gets It, NYC"
You have outdone yourself in the composition of this photograph. Love the stained matress and the way it contrasts with her red shoes, which I also love. Your use of the mattress even surpasses the W spread with Madonna in it!!! Great idea, keep them coming! Jorge from West Palm Beach
So creative! The outfit isn't top ten for me, but I love the idea and I'm amazed with what she did with children's clothes.
Sometimes I see things I like in child's stores and perhaps some of those pieces would fit me quite well, but never dare to buy them just because they're suppsed to be for children, but maybe next time I will, why not? Thanks for the tip!
It is playful.
The look is not my cup of tea, but I give her points for her creativity and her DIY ethic.
Seeing past what something was and getting excited about what that thing could be... I don't think it ends here... the most important part is: SHOWING "the world" your excitement.
Honestly, most of the time, I care too much about what people say about my (lack of) taste that I refrain from wearing my "excitement". I blame it on the place I work/ my so-called profession.
Many of the people I see on your blog are first and foremost BRAVE. They give the finger with style. For me, that is the biggest part of what The S. is about.
Hi Sart, Congrats on receiving the #20 spot on the guardian's list, well deserved! Although this outfit is not my personal style, I love it! Her creativity is totally inspiring. Children's shops will certainly be seeing more of me.
are we kidding here? This is just awful. I dont see anything soo "amazing" and "creative" about this - I expect more from a Marc Jacobs worker, and if your going to alter something, get to a tailor - the matress is great, just ad a trailer and some pink flamingos :)
I think she looks great, i love the skirt with the double ruffle, and that she made it work. I can't help but imagine a run-in with a toddler wearing the same thing though, too funny.
Another good idea I've been looking into is Crew Cuts in place of J. Crew...sometimes the little boys shirts and sweaters mimic the real thing in women's if you do it right. I hadn't considered Marc Jacobs before, I think I'll have to try...
Let's hear it for the crafty folks who don't have the money to buy couture but have loads of imagination and creativity. I'm more excited by them than by the fashionistas who can pay thousands of dollars for the latest it bag.
I couldn't get past the urine soaked mattress...
Quite fun the story of this girl's out-fit. I like the idea of some times getting kids cloth since it tends to be so cute! I'll try next time!
You should come to Barcelona to pick some photos! peolpe can also be very chic and stylish in here!
Big kisses, you're great.
for Anon 9:35
Why would you need to take it to a tailor?
If i didn't tell you that she did it herself you never would have known.
She didn't need to do anymore than she did.
how clever to try wearing something from the children's line!!! she makes me excited for spring weather, bare legs, and most of all color! what a darling.
Fabulous color, composition, story.
I love buying kids' clothes and remaking them for my grown-up size. The thing that really surprises me is that so many other people *don't* think to do this.
Wow! I bet she is a favorite with her customers.
I am puzzled with the background choice with this shot though... the mattress hits the "ick" factor....
~ Miss Mary
Couture? I sew most of my clothes and sometimes I use couture technique - but lots of times I don't. She can just say she was going for the "deconstrcuted" look and she'll be just fine!
Very cool... I love it when people have a natural eye for "bespoking" a garment.
Bravo! So adorable and love the story behind it. I'm inspired because I've been seeing some unbelievable things in the Crew Cuts section of J. Crew, too.
The shot is great, Sart!
I think the skirt looks really great, and goes very well with the rest of the outfit.
I like this girl. I like her style. I like her creativity. I like this bricoleuse. I also, BTW, like her little red shoes. The mattress I can live without.
That's a really interesting information; I should take a look to the Marc Jacobs Kids collection!
I’m 19 and I have lots of children pieces in my wardrobe, I think it’s so cute=)
But I’m thinner so I don’t need to buy too skirts, just the size 16, lol
Yuck. This isn't DIY; if she found those pieces thrifting, and recut them, sure. But praising someone for taking current ready-mades and badly cobbling them together is ridiculous.
Let's recall, fellow commenters -- these are overpriced items from a designer's children's line. Most of us can't even afford that nonsense and still manage to be fashionable.
Yes yes yes. Stay true to this, Scott.
When I was 13, back in 1975 I read an article about girls from the Sorbonne in 17 Magazine. They bought used clothes, wore funky scarves and one girl added sparkle to Noxema which she used on her face to great effect. That really stayed with me. And I realized that people don't have to dress like they came from the mall.
This sort of outfit, although I don't care for it per se, is what I like to see here.
for Anon 11:17
how do you know it is badly done??
and I didn't realize DIY had a strict code of ethics
I think I made a clear point that the MJ part of this is unimportant. You could do it just as easily at Old Navy but you would have to actually just do it
Sorry about saying it was an story, I believed what you said, I should have saig History...XD some times I don't pay attention when writting in English since it's not my mother tongue, sorry! XD any way I just wanted to say That I liked the fact that you just talked to her and she told you that it was all from the kids shop. wasn't saying you're a tailo.
Big big kisses!
I like the way the piss-stained mattress brings out the orange shoes.
Thanks for including your insights and reflections about these recent posts. :) It's really neat to hear the stories behind the faces/bodies/personal styles.
Congrats being named top 25 and top 50!
Dearest Sartorialist,
I don't usually get defensive on rhetorical points, but the implied meaning of DIY implies a certain frugality and thriftiness and making-do.
This girl, who works in a designer shop, took pieces she got with her employee discount (that the average person who engages in the DIY ethos could never afford) and put together an outfit and did a little sewing. And yes, I could do that with something from Old Navy, but I absolutely wouldn't consider that DIY if I bought it new and refashioned it. Did I style myself well? Sure. Was it DIY? Not so much.
That being said, if I took a favorite piece from a few seasons back that I loved that needed refreshing, for instance, and spliced it with a dress that belonged to my mother in the 70's, THAT would be DIY.
We could quibble the rhetorical point further, but I'm sure it's best just to agree to disagree.
anon. 11:17
The big kid with her stained mattress from last night. BRILLIANT!
As a fellow kids-department shopper, i love what she's done with this look! kids clothes are cuter and less expensive than adult clothes, and if you choose them with discretion, it is a fabulous alternative to the more expensive adult versions. I love love love this!
I always make it a point to check out the kids section, whether it be that of Harrods or Target. I always end up with amazing finds, cheaper too! Really, we should never put up walls on mens and kids sections when we go shopping, there are no boundaries in expressing personal style.
what's with all the haters? the girl did a cute thing with clothes that she likes. you don't have to run out and buy "expensive" children's clothes and do the same thing. you can use the IDEA and put together your own pieces at prices you can afford. jeez.
Like Zara kids!!
Thanks for your comment about Old Navy - it reminded me that I often like their kids stuff better than their adult stuff. Now, off to "actually just do it already" and figure out how not to look the same as my 6 year old (Not that she would ever mind)
It reminds me of my favorite quote from Michel de Certeau: "the art of living is the art of making do." But... why did you have to photograph her in front of soiled mattress?!
very playful and innovative!
I'm not of the school that says women can't wear kids clothes because kids don't have curves. If you're small enough (as I and this girl are), go for it. If it needs curves, they're easy enough to add.
The skirt and "shirt" are superb, but I'm not sold on the cardigan and the shoes. They make it look both old AND juvenile to me...the way some high school students try to dress like grandmas. Taking children's clothing and making it juvenile is easy. Making them adult is harder and more of a statement to me. All in all I like where it's going but I don't think it's there yet.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who shops for themselves at kids' stores. I finally got over myself and have even tried items on (I used to be too embarassed).
to anon 11.17 and 11.55--so sour!
while her ensemble is not my cup of tea either, I think it's refreshing as hell that she looked at pieces and put them to use in ways never intended and pulled it off in the eyes of many and most importantly, to her own cheeky satisfaction. the fact that the pieces are mj and cost x is truly irrelevant.
I'm particularly struck by how she layered up the skirts to get the length she needed. clever! as we trudge through oh-so-dreary life it's so lovely to see something whimsical, fresh, or surprising. sart--thanks for bringing us these little vignettes. it's too bad the cup-half-empty crowd is bringing down the blog experience a little.
i like this photo. its sort of psuedo shabby chic with the mattress and i like the dress' playfulness, especially the ruffles on the skirt. the red shoes with the outfit seem to make it a little more individual, even though i dont really care for them myself.
Wow, I love this outfit. It's cute and fun. But, most of all she was excited about it, and got involved to make it perfect for her! That is great. In reading those two comments from the anon. commenter, I felt they just didn't come from the right frame of mind. I think changing something to fit you is DIY, it's definitely not ready made. Anyways, what's is really important here is that she was able to see something that excited her, and make it wearable! Fun!
Also, if she works for MJKids isn't it a good thing that she gets excited enough about the line to make it work for her? I think not only does she have style, she would be a great sales woman, too!
That's certainly a creative idea, though I doubt I could fit into any kids clothing myself!
+ for creative mind
- for not flatering look
guess where i got my orange bikini? From the kids' section in a funny old seaside shop.
I really like how hard she worked on a few simple pieces. I try to do that with all of my clothing, and the extra effort shows. It lends a certain personality and integrity to the composition. And it's all her own!
for Anon 11:17/11:55
we can agree to disagree
but trying to make your version of DIY right by making hers wrong and calling it "ridiculous" really doesn't help your case
again, you dont have to agree with anything you see on this blog but try to disagree with a little class.
I love that she reinvented the skirt. I love the red shoes. I love the pattern on the shirt, and I think retailers need to note that we don't all want to wear boring corporate looking clothes. Nonetheless, this is a notable unbecoming ensemble in toto. I think the tucked in shirt, sans bra, is sort of a visual conflict. Be slouchy, or be trim, but ruffly on top and bottom is kind of hard to pull off. But extra points for doing some of her own sewing. I've only known a few people who even try and always wish I had the skills.
"The skirt wasn't right for her...yet." I love the way you put that! ^^ Very encouraging to DIY-ers who are still trying to look unique and well-put-together at the same time.
I identify with this girl's style goals a lot. I often *love* kid's clothing (so many great colors and cute themes!), so I'll modify something old or sew something up in that style. Actually, that's probably a big reason for my interest in the "Gothic Lolita" doll-like fashion that originated in Japan.
I know the cute little pumpkin in this picture and can vouch,
for those who question,
that she has an amassing collection of vintage thrift reconstructions and pieces lovingly worn by her mother, right next to her designer pieces. She creates everything in her life to reflect who she is and what she loves not to please others or be stylish in a predictable way.
Consider her choice to alter MJ in light of the fact that she must wear the brand to work, why not have fun with it?
She has a brilliant eye for the unusual and is always true to herself. I’m so glad to see her here, thanks for recognizing her uniqueness.
This is all just semantics. I guess anonymous shouldn't have used the word "Ridiculous"
I detest the term "haters" that keeps appearing in the comments. What's wrong with lively discussion? To tar every dissenter with the same brush is parochial and smacks of fascism.
It's always nice to see someone make something work that might have seemed impossible to others. She's certainly got a combination of creativity, resourcefulness, and deft hands that I seem to lack. I cannot even count the number of times I've seen a child's piece in a shop and said to myself something like, "This bit would be perfect on me but that part is too long," etc. She's clearly not bothered by those sort of barriers!
Didn't think anything was special or particularly stylish about this young lady until I read the accompanying comments--then I fell in love with her because she had a hand in making her outfit, which makes her so much more charming than if she just wore some designer outfit... As you've said sir--the skirt may not be right for her, but--I'll add, she still made it her own. Beautiful.
It saddens me to see grown women dress like children. I'm not referring to the fact that her clothes were altered from the so cheap MJK store. I immediately saw this picture and thought, why is this woman dressing like a child?
Why does our culture equate childishness with sexuality? Why is everyone terrified of getting old? Sorry for the rant.
The skirt looks better from afar, rather than close up, if that means anything. The brick wall and mattress really work well with the dusky shadows of the skirt.
I am all about working the children's clothes. In fact I often do. They are fun and playful.
Dearest Sartorialist,
I am sorry if you took affront to my use of the word 'ridiculous' -- it was not meant as a personal attack, and perhaps it was a bit extreme. I apologize for my lack of class.
That being said, it is the misuse and misappropriation of the term 'DIY' in this thread is what's bothering me most here. Though it's not rare for trends to rise up from thrifty fashion-forward individuals with amazing personal style, it is odd that you and other commenters throw around the term DIY without regard to the fact a pillar of the DIY ethos is anti consumerism.
Sir, I have been a faithful reader for many years, and actually stopped reading this blog regularly about a year ago after you were quite ungracious and belittling to a friend who actually does engage in true DIY fashion and does thrilling and innovative work. I started reading again recently because I'm scouting 'real world' models for a new project, and find your eye for menswear generally a pretty good barometer of a certain sector of the market. That being said, this whole exchange has left a truly bad taste in my mouth and I shan't patronize your site or trouble you again.
Anon. 11:17/11:55 or,
I'm not sure I like the outfit (I'm not sure sure about the smock-style top) but I admire her creativity... and the shoes are great. Kids clothes give your outfit more interesting proportions, especially if you wear extra-shrunken jackets, etc. Anyway, I think the idea of DIY fashion is fantastic. It really undermines the preciousness that the same old designer designer designer thing can engender.
Love it! And she's not the only one, because I think kids clothing are so rich and bold in design, color and details.
To be quite frank Sart, never mind all the hoolabaloo about it being from a kid's store and so on, I don't care. I just don't think the outfit looks particularly nice, nor the photograph for that matter. You can buy your clothes wherever you want, thrift stores, Salvation Army, kid's stores, whatever, as long as you look good. I just don't think this lady does.
this woman has style! look at her hair, her face, the way, everything goes togehter so well!
may be the common ideal of beauty is different, but she is just herself and that counts in my opinion. she´s cool enough!
what I like most of this pic is how the strong red of her shoes contrast with the soft washed out colour of the matress.
+ its good to loose respect for expensive labels.
if you can make it fit better to your outfit, then why not customize?
This is a nicely composed outfit with a bit of derringdo. I love the big bluesy country ruffles at the skirt hems — don't see that too often in urban settings.
all this ideological analysis- the legitimacy of designer pieces, the true meaning of the DIY ethic, hell, even the shock value 'piss-stained mattress' (is it really that outrageous?)- seems off the mark to me. it's a piquant photo of a girl in an interesting outfit. there is a lot of visual information to deconstruct here without getting all uppity about her (and sart's) alleged fashion ethos.
@ Anon 11.17. DIY is really nothing to do with anti-consumerism; as 'amanda' said it's about making do with what is available.
The young lady featured has access to the MJ kids clothing at a discount - so that becomes part of her attempt at making do. It's a personal thing - if you can use your mother's '70s wardrobe, then that could be part of your DIY approach. Even if we dislike her ensemble, the sentiment or concept must be applauded.
I hope that I'm right in saying that the reason that Sart takes these pictures is to capture an idea in fashion - the same applies to runways - and that it is not so such about the specifics of their chosen ensemble.
Furthermore, there is no reason to get huffy when someone disagrees with you!
hey, anon you-know-who-you-are and the epitome yourself of ungracious and belittling,
good riddance. you were bringing many of us down.
sart, thanks for your great blog and hosting our comments. I don't always agree w/every look, obviously!, but I always love having my eye challenged and stimulated here.
amazingly clever girl and a total inspiration, she embraces all that I aspire to be...at 56 I am trying to change my mindset about being fashionable in a creative and economical way.
what's so great about a women wearing kids clothes? even if the outfit is great, the message is wrong.
sorry, but i just don't get it.
Props to this girl--what a fab idea to shop in the kids' section, and being able to find outfits that work for her! This even inspires me to look in places I normally wouldn't look for a fashion fix.
Thank you anonymous 10:40.
i'd like to hang out with her.
what a doll! she looks amazing as usual and is sporting the very same top that i fell in love with the last time i shopped little marc (only if i had a figure like sweet amy here!!). it has made my day to find the face & fashions of this talented old soul on the sartorialist tonight.
p.s. i love the mattress which is most likely water stained (not pee stained)!! the goldenrod/rust color goes so well.
she doesn't look stick thin-so i'm wondering how she fits into children's clothes?
im not a big fan of the look, but i admire her artistic creativeness.
All the hubbaloo over the definition of DIY (which actually means you do something yourself rather than just buying and wearing, and can be done regardless of price point), and all the nitpickiness over whether a woman should wear a girl's clothing seems quite unfortunate, for it has completely clouded over the outfit itself. Look, I might not go out and sew up some MJ Kids for myself, but I for one love a woman who is willing to dress a little whimsy. The inspiration lies in the sentiment- that of a whimsical, fun DIY-er woman who is apparently a little young at heart (and not afraid to play with her work wardrobe!). Anyone can take inspiration from that, they simply must choose to what level (or extreme) they wish to take it.
the background is perfect.
scott, your pictures are getting better and better.
i love this doll. she is a renaissance woman who will replace your kitchen floor for you; knit you a pair of fantastic striped socks; cut out paper dolls of your first play date; and wax poetics on lady chatterly's lover.
her apartment would make you swoon and her eye for beautiful treasures carries from what she wears, to the way she fills the spaces she encounters.
and i am grateful she is in my life and everyone should be so lucky to have this girl in their menagerie.
pretty and at a lower price if you were to buy it too!
(kid's clothing is usually cheaper than the adult sizes! :D)
i love the idea of an elastic high waisted skirt.
my zipper one busted not too long ago...better cut back on the sugar.
(my examination didn't go too well..questions were flying from everywhere. i can't do complex numbers even in my life depended on it :( )
P.S: i feel a bit delayed.
theres a couple of posts i missed out on during the course of studying.
I think the playfulness and frills of children's clothes works a bit better with a daintier figure.
love her korky-ness
(i dont think i'm spelling it right..)
great image.
so much character!!!!
I don't understand why some people are getting worked up because they think it's wrong for a woman to wear kid's clothes. Would you say the same if she was wearing a man's outfit. Does it really matter? And as for DIY, it stands for do it yourself, doesn't matter how you did it, it just means you did it yourself!
anyway, i think she looks lovely and i found this outfit really inspiring, because to me it means there are no limits when it comes to self expression through style and fashion. And whether or not she is in fashion or not, she looks nice. If she was wearing kids clothes that were too small for her and she had her tits out for example then there would be a problem!
this girl is adorable. who the fuck cares if they're kids clothes.
and i love the dirty mattress thing, too.
Well, It´s funny because I´m 30 and i go sometimes and get kids clothes...why? because in some cases they are colorful, fun, fit perfect and don´t look borrowed...i also bought a t-shirt @Marc jacobs kids (Marc Who? tee).
Yeah, I think shopping in kids' clothing departments is the new thing.
she is very clever!!!! and i bet the kids line has a lower price point too...she looks very stylish and very marc by marc. so cute.
It's a very LILY ALLEN look...and that says a lot, since Lily Allen is all about the attitude. I think the textures and color palette helps bring that forward.
Great find!
i think the anonymous miss looks good in all her outfits, even the ones she wears for work.
The outfit is great but the girl is even greater! Aunt Tricia
yay for people who make their own clothes. i am just a random 14-year-old middleclass child and i can´t really afford any piece of clothing above 100 euros so i sew loads of things myself cause i can´t even afford a plain tshirt by anything couture.whats the problem? sewing things yourself makes you have your very own couture, which is better than anything, i think. if you get complimented for something by, say, dolce or lv, its more of a compliment for frida or marc jacobs, not you. but if you design and sew yourself, the product is gonna be totally you.
and style isn´t about throwing labels on your body, its about being able to look just as stylish in an old dress from your grandmas attic. just what i think about this, cause even if thes. is street-style it´s still sometimes not so real, if you know what i mean.
thank you, marcjacobs woman.
This lady is adorable sheesh. Ideal for the Marc Jacobs Kids store obviously. Cutest style sense.
amazing pictures!!!
kept me speechless for a while and u`ve no idea what an achievment that is :))!
woow really like all of it!
I think it's unfortunate that it is being said here that DIY has a set of rules to be subscribed to. The only rule I think it should follow is Do It Yourself. Which she did! So kudos to her. I'm not a fan of the look but I am a fan of her visionary capabilities.
I think this woman brings a grown-up edge to children's clothing but the real question is why are you equating her choice in clothing with sexuality? It doesn't seem like some warped attempt to push children's clothing into an adult world on actual children (i.e. The Limited Too) so I'm not seeing the problem. In this case, I don't get the bit about not wanting to age because even the younger part of you is still there you just have to bring it along with you. I have issues with people who completely turn their back on things simply because they were apart of their youth. Not everything has to be left behind.
I always thought DIY meant you changed things up a bit not you made it from scratch or vintage finds PERIOD THE END. That seems silly. I bet $50 that most vintage items were once massed produced as well but the other folks who owned the other 2000 pieces trashed them instead of holding onto them or giving them to Goodwill. Big whoop.