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Comments on "On the Street.... Soho, NYC"
Its My Birthday...u should shoot me..heheheh..X.O.X.O
She looks like a dancer. Perfect posture, even when relaxed. We like the colors of her layers.
complicatedly simple.
i wonder where she got her shoes...i love them.
what a stunning gorgeous girl. the skin the hair everything. wow. the outfit is great and all, but sometimes i think sartorialist is more about the beautiful people than the beautiful clothes.
her hair is as much of a style choice as her cardigan
the first time I had seen her, her hair was completely different - kind of rolled and pinned
we might be seeing a lot of this young lady on this blog in the future.
the pants and shoes remind me of comme des garcons from the 90s
the background in this photograph is so incredible.
she's great...she makes me think of jane weidlan in her go-go's days.
what an adorable girl. i like how she's styled her hair, and her shoes are so lovely too.
I adore her hair - I think it brings the attention to her, even if the outfit is ver simple [yet stylish, cool].
i really like the composition of this shot, and this girl is absolutely gorgeous, but the outfit is, again, disappointing.
she's awesome.
This blows my mind. This is body awareness, man. This is comfort and style in one package.
Honestly, I'm not very impressed by this outfit, but I like her easy attitude, I'll love to see other pictures of her.
Interesting pants and shoes though. I also think that she must be a dancer, I hope that ankle gets better soon...
The picture is great especially the color but I might have missed something on the fashion side...
She reminds me of Lauryn Hill
I can't say I understand why we would want to see more of this ho-hum style. No offense to anyone.
I love the rich colour of that cardigan!
She's tried hard but not TOO hard. I love this. It's interesting and unique, but totally relaxed. I'd wear it.
This girl is so naturally pretty. This combination with the shoes is great. I am not sure how I feel about Aladdin pants in general, sometimes they tend to look a bit "trendy" and exaggerated. But these are not overly dramatic, remain classy and still make a statement.
I like the casual look.
Love her look... the slouchy-at-the-waist pants and that preppy cardigan are such a great mix. Plus, I agree, the shoes are cool.
she has a beautiful face. One sock?
I love your locations, the colors, and textures, are so beautiful.
Love the red of her cardi, compared to the red of the wall behing her...
is she wearing a sock? love the entire thing. she's adorable, yet, she's got a hardness about her too. . . love it.
i started by looking for concrete things to dislike in this outfit because i would want to wear it. i would think "nah, only a really tall person could wear this and look good," yet this girl is not tall (at least, not beanpole tall) and she looks great.
now i'm trying to imagine my head instead of hers atop this ensemble...i'm working hard...
you know, i feel like if i wore this i would look like i was going to the gym. i know i would.
why does she look so good in this, yet i would look terrible?
(it's not just her hair-- i have good hair, similar to hers actually, even though i'm just a little white girl, very curly.)
I know prints are big for spring, but I prefer clothes like this--simple blocks of plain colors and interesting shapes, like the harem pants. they really work in an otherwise basic outfit! nice hair, too.
love the idea, but really don't like that pants.
She is fantastic, it's definitely the posture and the cool attitude as much as the styling. Love the shoes and trousers.
It's so casual yet outstanding. The cardigan's colour, the top blue as a sky, black 'mellow' cropped trousers, and (suede?) extraordinary shoes together with the girl's skin tone form a perfect whole...
She is flawless.
Beautiful girl and a lovely outfit until the eye reaches the pants. They look like the sweat pants my father buys at Costco to wear when works on old cars.
Sart - What's up with her left foot, is she wearing a brace underneath the shoe?
She reminds you of lauryn hill? Girl please, she ain't look nothing like lauryn hill
Beautiful young lady. No 'dis intended, but this is not fashion statement; it is sloppy. Agnelli would not approve. Did I say she has an adorable smile.
Her earrings look unique...I wish I could see them up close. But you gotta love her hair and that wine/plum colored cardigan looks great against her skin!
Like others, I love her hair. She is a gorgeous girl. I dislike the proportions of her pants, but everything else is great!
Such poise. And the v-neck and the high-hair highlight her beauty. The shoes are amazing. Does anyone know who makes them?
i love this outfit. it's a great example of real personal style--so her-specific. i really would love to see the crest on the cardi, though because i think it adds another layer of depth to the ensemble. it breaks up the monotony of the solid color blocks less obviously than a printed piece or jewelery could. it makes me happy to know it's there.
She looks like a petite girl. Those pants do not make her look any longer. Cute hair and shoes though. The rest of the outfit didn't leave much of an impression.
This looks like something I would totally wear except for the girl status. And I don't think the shoes or hair would look good on me either. Oh well still love the whole thrown togetherness of it all. . . sock. . .
i like the individual pieces of this look but overall, she looks, to me, a bit squashed down.
i'm not exactly sure what it is but i think it's the length of the cardigan that's the culprit. maybe if it was a few inches above her waist she wouldn't look as shrunk down. her shoes, which are particularly unique, might also have something to do with it. paired with those what i can only assume as velvet-y sweatpants (not an insult), it creates a somewhat unflattering v-shape going all the way down, making her already small feet seem even smaller. then again, it might be the angle that this photo was taken; she might look better if her pose was not so static.
i do, however, like the color choices that she made, especially the gold accessories which contrast nicely with her skin, and the hidden brooch with the color of the cardigan.
sart-- i e-mailed you twice and never got a reply. i'm not saying i'm disappointed...just a bit disenchanted.
Wow i go to school with her!
i need a new cardigan.
pretty shoes! pretty hair! and an open door...
oh wow, she is beautiful. Plus I love her shoes and just the confidents that seems to come from her.
a young lauryn with hot-to-effin-trot shoes!
I'm afraid I'm not with you there... Don't get it at all, sorry.
Remember my name
I'm gonna live forever
I'm gonna learn how to fly
OK, she threw me into a flashback, but she did a great job.
I like the composition of this photograph. The reds of her sweater and the bricks. It's nice. And she's beautiful, which of course helps:)
I'm from London and have never been to New York, so all I know of it is the culturally iconic Sex and the City, Woody Allen's Manhattan, Warhol's The Factory... and 80s Haring and Basquiat. This girl (or rather this constructed image) is a conflation of the above. To me at least.
Hey to the 2:57 AM Anonymous, that goes to school with her. Find out where she got her amazing shoes from!!! Or can anyone please help. Any ideas??
this is gorgeous, i love how it looks so relaxed and comfortable, yet intelligent and stylish. its a look im tring to go for. she looks great.
she's the girl who works at opening ceremony... so sweet. beautiful girl
and helpful :)
O.k. so I'm not crazy about the outfit...especially the pants and the shoes. But.
What a pretty face she has!
I love the hair and the way she looks so causally put togeather.
I really like how her face looks relaxed and simultaenously attentive. Her her is also gorgeous!
shes wearing an american apparel top and sweats. she looks adorable. she someone managed to make simple look interesting. very cute.