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Comments on "On the Street.... Dramatic Dress, Paris"
i want to see more like her on the streets.
esp socks with high heels are so great
please girls, just do it!
Great combination. How does she expect to put her Mac on over her dress??
What a fresh looking young lady. I can manage the dress on HER; otherwise no,no. The pink socks and the shoes don´t appeal to me. Wondering how it all looks like when she puts the trench on. I wouldn´t like to see more like her on the streets.
i agree about the mac... or trench - which ever it is! i was immediately curious about how it would look over the dress. collar detail provides some lovely texture.
Hou la! Tres beau! J'aime la robe et les couleurs sont fantastique!..neons are really in this season
I think she ruins it with the socks and shoes. You could make them work with something else, but they just look wrong here. It's a great dress, though.
oh oh oh tres joli!!
My favorite are the polka dots peeking out underneath the dress and I think the shoes and socks distract from that subtlety
She's adorable! I'm not quite feeling the socks though. Maybe if she utilized the socks in a diff. outfit, then they would look good, but not so much here.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the socks and shoes.
all three posts today are scarfed.
Love it! Wish I could pull something like this off. Alas... I can't handle the sight of things hanging off of me or flounce in general, even though, on a personal note, I'd love to go through life in a painter's smock (or is that a lunatic asylum dressing gown??!)
I especially love the socks and shoes and her irreverent layering.
Great overcast shot and colour values too. Your photoging just gets better and better.
Nice to catch up, as you can see I'm back from the deadzone...
The frills on the neck and the colours are divine and fresh on her. but I admit I don't care for the socks.
What?!!! Bright pink socks in Paris? I am so glad about this! I hope to see those around next time I go back there.
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Really well done! Bravo!
ohhh that coat....swwwooonnn
she has such a beautiful face.
the style of the dress is very comme des garcons! what can i say, dramatic clothes are great and CDG makes great dramatic clothes. hahaha. i love that she dares to really express herself.
The collar is gorgeous! I'm torn about the socks, but I think the idea of breaking up the blue of the dress and shoes is great.
I have to agree with Katherine, Han and Stella. The pink socks are not working. Though the deep blue of the ruffled smock (coat? cape?) looks terrific on her, complimenting her very fresh complexion. Lovely.
~ Miss Mary
Love the day-glo pink socks & shoe combo! FAB!!!!!!
Pumpkin Man
I think she can just - just - pull off the socks because of the smile.
The neck on the dress (or coat?) is fantastic. Anyone guess at its provenance?
She has just gorgeous skin, so jealous. Great dress, too.
Those socks/shoes transform her dress from its obvious potential - quiet elegance - into another - pop-reference whimsy.
In this sense, although those socks/shoes are loud individual pieces, the way she wears them is as subtle as can be!
I absolutely LOVE the socks! This is a great example of style instantly making you smile, even if you're having a really bad day!
Turn off the light and watch these little feet dance around.
LOVE everything from the knees up.
She is absolutely beautiful.
It makes me happy. :)
She is gorgeous!
I don't like the combination but the dress itself is great.
Beautiful lady. The ruffled collar is gorgeous. Not sure about the socks and shoes though
Wow! The red sign, the dark green doors, and that fantastic dark blue dress! The outfit is so well done, one of my favorite female outfits ever. I wish it would be possible to wear something with a similar feel as a man, it would probably be very hard to do though.
Oh, I wish I could dress like that. I mean I don't have guts :( Perhaps I wouldn't wear these pink socks, but it's a detail, such a detail in this amazing, funny, joyous, making-you-smile outfit.
those shoes and socks = so trendy. CDG sure is getting around...
What a beautiful woman!! I agree about the socks and shoes, though. Maybe w/a different outfit...
Oh my god, that ruffle collar is so brilliant and she is incredibly beautiful.
'lil liu!!!!! OMG. lil liu, please sing your song!!!
I wanted to say something nasty, because that's the mood I'm in. But I can't bring myself to do it. She's adorable.
Oooh, this is a "Sex & the City" look, which I love! Kudos to this girl for working in that hot pink trend via socks--I wish I was gutsy enough to do the same!
Interesting how the first thing i noticed was the green pencil against the yellow pad.
I love the pink striped collar on the trench...wonder if it's a part of the coat or yet another layer.
Not sure how i feel about the pink socks, leaning towards a no. Her cheeks are adorable though!
The only reason this woman can get away with the socks is because of the face.
The pink socks really make the outfit! and beautiful photo as always.
Yes that is a very beautiful and dramatic dress, I also like her hair. The other things are quite a mess and those PINK socks, ufff...
wonderful pic.
I just want to cut her off at the calves, but obviously that's not possible so I'm going to ignore that bit because the dress/overcoat colour and texture are absolutely gorgeous.
wow that pink socks!!! mmmm vibrant!! love it.
you've got to be totally adorable to pull this look off. If I dressed like that, I'd be shot with a rhino dart and put under psychiatric surveillance.
Love the ruffled collar, love the dress.
But the socks? Noooo. Can't we please leave the neon fishnet socks back in the 80s?!
Wow. She is so beautiful.
What a beautiful girl. Honestly, I didn't notice the outfit as much as I noticed her face!
hehe, love the splash of pink from the socks!
The pink socks don't bother me as much as the polka dots. though it is nice to see something peeking out of the dress. I just don't care for polka dots.
I am not sure about the trench. It might be interesting, but the shape would completely change.
Why didn't you take two pics of her so we could see ;)
This is fun. and I love the rest of the textures around her.
I love that colour combo of socks/heels. It's stunning and one of my fave make up combos.
I think if it wasn't for her bright socks and shoes Sart prob wouldn't have stopped her for a photo!
She's so cute! I love her whole outfit :)
she looks so warm.
it was freezing out today in sydney.
i really like the dress shes wearing, the colour looks great!
and the pink socks! what a way to draw attention to oneself and stand out from the crowd ! :D
good on you!
very satisfying. i think this might be one of my favorites yet!
The color and neckline on that jacket are AMAZING!
Weird. I think I'm wearing that polka-dotted dress she has on right now. But I don't think I would have ever thought to pair it with those shoes and socks. But oh well, if she likes it, who cares. And yes, she is beautiful!
The only reason this outfit works is because this girl is so insanely adorable.
She is adorable. I love that the pink on her cheeks match her socks.
i simply adore the contrast between the neon pink socks and the blue shoes.
She's adorable!
Are those prada socks?
She has a lovely face, which helps the entire look. Beautiful face, beautiful complexion, and nice choice of lipstick shade.
Love her. Love her ensemble....
I don't love that she's holding the envelope and trench. Otherwise she is unique perfection.
What a beautiful face too.
The length is terrible! If she didn't have the polka dot skirt/dress belo with the socks up so high, it might have been slightly better. I think that combo does far worse for her near non-existent legs than the ginger art student/makeover girl's boots.
I think the bright blue shoes and the socks play upto the Japanese pop-culture stereotype and as she is asian, she can get away with it whilst most of us couldn't. However, when looking at the outfit on the whole, she cannot.
I love the neck and her face, which the demure navy highlights well.
another winner for Cute Asian Girl Style!
i love the elegance of the look paired with the crazy brightness of the socks...for me, it works.
and anon. 8:45pm...i don't think she's able to get away with it only because she's asian, since it also is reminiscent of a more punk look as well (punk being more of a style that's associated with 'caucasians' - which i assume is who you meant by 'most of us')
OMG!!!! this is my "baby" cousin, Alexis!! She works in NYC for Commes Des Garcons. But she travels yearly to Paris for the seasonal fashion shows. I'm jealous... And, of course, great outfit. I don't care what anyone says about the Mac but, of course, I'm biased! So random I found this as I was just randomly browsing here. Small World(wide Web).
The socks and shoes MAKE this look exciting but the dress is also quite spectacular.
she's so gorgeous she could make a garbage bag elegant. wait ...
but, seriously on the sock issue, i think they way they bring the mac together with the rest of the outfit is brilliant.
my favourite part?
her cheeks.
i love everything--her hair, face, dress, skirt, even her coat and bag--but the socks and shoes have to go!
This is great, i love the striking pink, though I thought they were socks and on enlargement discovered they were fishnets :( great disappointment. but does the sudden colour not diminish the illusion of length?
The layered ruffles at the neck in a just-so-slightly darker shade of blue is really intriguing.
still, fab photo.. love the background xx
Wow, look at those cheek bones!
The best accesories for her outfit.
She's genuinely beautiful.....
she's so pretty.
Just on the top she looks so professional and elegant. Then you look down and Woah! hot pink socks and electric blue shoes! Those just make the outfit!