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Comments on "On the Street.... 22nd St., NYC"
I love the proportions of the bulkier top w/ a shorter skirt. Ingenious, but it works.
Adorable and I love the mix of prints.
I'll pretend I didn't see the ciggie!
She looks great, very nice outfit!
I love her hair!
Love the shoes!
where are here shoes from? dior?
So adorable and I love the hat and gloves. Quite a mixture of styles and textures and it all works. She is beautiful too.
Looks like Amy Winehouse
She's lovely, and the way she has put her look together has a beautiful ease to it. Boy, she's thin though eh?
Very cool. Love the dress. Makes the outfit, really.
how i love marc by marc dresses...sigh.
Cute! Love her gangly legs and the ciggy. Cigarettes always look so cool, it's a shame they have to kill you...
I agree, anonymous, the first thing I thought was Winehouse (skinny, wild hair, cigarette) I bet she's definetely a fan.
Great picture! Yet another example that a great outfit can be put together without a lot of money. I love how the weave of the dress is seen below the jacket as well as next to the yellow polo she is wearing. I would never think to pair these items together but I think they work wonderfully. Love the shoes, they are the kind you spend good money on and wear them to death!
Fresh and sassy stripes! And I love her shoes... (but I would lose the fingerless knit gloves)
~ Miss Mary
hey sart, whatever happened to phoenix?
q: what do you get if you cross mary kate olsen with amy winehouse?
i sooooooo love the whole outfit. it's so bohemian chic... and im dying for those shoes!!!....
she actually knows how to put things together and make them work. she's inspiring!!!
regards from geneva ;)
I remember those shoes on that girl in Paris with the mustard scarf.... I wonder where they're from?
I think her fedora really makes this fresh. Women wearing men's hats is such a great look.
I think I love the hat most of all, and I'm a sucker for the black tights with practically anything.
But...would you consider smoke free poses instead? I don't think it looks cool, and I bet you have younger/impressionable visitors to this site who seek to emulate what they see here (you yourself said that was your motivation to start photographing). What a shame if, even unintentionally, your inclusion of so many cig-holding subjects led someone to start smoking.
Do all people in NYC have endless legs and perfect figures?! Aren't there normal people walking the streets of New York? Lets see them! Please! We all know that model-types can look good even in a potato-sack.
Great shot though, and very Amy-Winehouse-inspired, somehow...
By the way: I disagree on the comment, that this is a low-budget outfit. It's a great outfit but it's definitely not low-budget. But the art of the game, which is perfected here, is to make it look natural, and low-budget :)
I dont know guys... she makes a really good effort and I think that the pieces on their own are excellent HOWEVER- the whole balance is just off for me- I don't enjoy the fit of the jacket, and I think the brim on the hat is too wide for this look.
With a few adjustments she could look absolutely fabulous.
Love her mix and match approach, with the stripes and plaid. Also, those shoes: beautiful!
I love this, and I need that jacket, and the shoes. Though I don't know how she can walk in them. What do all these women do when they have to go down a hill?!
The shoes are very much like those I admired in the August 2007 Stockholm shoot-- black, heeled lace-up boot/pumps. I'm glad to see a taste for them has made it overseas. Where can I find a good incarnation of them in New York? Thanks, Sart. & 22nd St.
I freakin love this! I also really dig the background in this photo and how it plays along with all the stripes in her skirt, polo, and hat band. Those shoes are awesome too. Fabulous.
She gives of a Patti Smith vibe to me. I love everything but the corny fingerless glove. Great hat; I love the width of the brim.
Beautiful to see the stripes of the backdrop echo in her shirt and then build a little bow on her head.
If you take a look, there are so many vertical and horizontal lines in this shot!
+ a pity I can´t see her bag and her chain.
Love the combination of yellow, blue and black together with the stripes and plaid. really nicely pulled together.
I actually love the grey fingerless gloves, but I rock grey fingerless knit gloves all the time so I'm biased. But I think cigarettes stopped looking attractive a while ago. (I'll look cooler when you're dead.)
I love her hair, its so easy, but few can make it look that good. And I'm completely jealous of those shoes.
love the distinctive shape and cut of her blazer.
i liked that she kept the print sizes small and accessories minimal.
She reminds me of toned down, more realistic version of Amy Winehouse. I don't know if she's a musician or not, but she kinda has that whole vibe about her.
Alas, a rather wince-worthy proof that not everybody can bring off sprezzatura.
The shoes are Dries...I actually once thought that they looked like orthopedic shoes, but they are really growing on me now, I might go so far as to say that I kind of want a pair...funny how that happens! I ADORE the cut of the jacket, very equestrian but the sharp shoulders add a punch. Not a cut that you see around every day...I sight for sore eyes!
What Amy Winehouse would look like if she'd stop doing drugs. Cute. She should quit smoking though.
Wow, I love this look! Totally cool. I'd definitely wear this combo myself! Hot! :)
Consistent with a lot of previous pictures, what is going on with all the inward pointed toes on women?
great background choice as well :)
too cool for school. nice colors, used sparingly.
the gloves make it! but those shoes are divine. Under-the-jacket all marc.
The shoes! The shoes!
Love this shot. Do you just wake up being fabulous, Mr. Sartorialist?
She's just hot. That's all I can say. HOT.
The Shoes are amazing but check out that BLAZER. Its near impossible to find a long slim cut blazer that doesn't look like a reject from the 80s...well done much-better-looking-version-of-amy-winehouse
gotta love the bum gloves as well.
it's pamela love. well known in the "downtown" scene. i believe she has a jewelry line.
It's all about the hat and the hair.
And all you anti-smokers, it ain't your business!
Great pic but the inward pointed toes again!! And you can't say that this is not posed! Why do they all pose like that?
I'm not a smoker.
And I think smoking is pretty darn nasty...
but I gotta say,
The sigarette makes this picture so much better than it would be sigarette free.
Although.. It might've looked as good with a can of something.
very cute, but this look was done long ago by mk olsen. and i'm sure she was inspired by someone else.
people need to look at something fresh, not just perfecting the typical stylish, "in" look.
It's Blossom all over again.
i like the whole look minus the cigarette :(
Theo Said : "Love the combination of yellow, blue and black together with the stripes and plaid. really nicely pulled together."
+1 Splendid !
Love the details like the bag and arm warmer. The background horizontal lines give her clothes more power too. She's beautiful
I know this girl, I think.
she looks good!
she is beautiful. i love her gloves. lovely.
Yes yes yes. She is hardcore. The hat, especially.
But what's with all these unoriginal commentators who just wanna compare everyone to someone else?! We had Naomi Campbell cuz one woman was black with long hair. Now it's Amy Winehouse cuz this woman has long hair and is skinny (and white). Think outside the box people!! Have you ever seen Winehouse venture out in anything other than skinny jeans and ballet shoes?!
looks like she got everything from barneys co-op.
Cigarettes are an aesthetic choice made by some. A CHOICE.
It's part of their appearance, their own rationally made decision. It is an actual accessory to their style. Absurd to some? Sure. To them? No.
If you're going to prosecute the decisions made from a full-grown consenting adult, you're truly insane.
Leave the choice up to them. It's not your choice to decide whether they look better "all nice and clean" without a 'ciggy' in hand. They put it there. Sart, I commend you for not asking these beautiful individuals (smoking or not) to change something about their appearance.
If a photographer approached me and asked me to put out my cigarette, or take off my hat for THEIR photo, because THEY didn't like it, they might just receive a backhand.
Again, stop thinking you're better, smarter, healthier, what's more stylish, or know what's best for other people. If you've thought this, or think this, I beg of you to lose your fingers (because they don't look cool).
Dig it.
love the dress, hate the outfit; all put together, i don't think it works. that dress will look lovely in summer by itself though!
Me gusta su estilo!
love this girls style...the hat is perfect...looking good!!
She was also shot by face hunter. Looked amazing in just cropped, ripped jeans with the sane jacket undone.
She has her own style completely nailed.
Arrrhhh! This looks like me!! My friend just sent the link asking what I was doing in NY?? So abviously I love her looks.. ;)
ooOOoo.. this picture looks very NYLON! Love the shoes. I HEART THE SARTORIALIST
i love this! it's just wonderful
that's pam! she looks better than amy winehouse, and i tell her that she reminds me of bob dylan. check out the last issue of purple magazine
I really loved this photo, the outfit, the attitude... very nice.
First, this woman looks 100% nothing like Amy Winehouse in any way. Second, she is sartorially yummy. This is not an easy look to pull off as many young celebrities attest to all the time. Here's to the risk takers, people who dress to tickle their own fancies instead of obsessing over what has or has not been 'played out'! Haven't we all learned by now that the tornado that is fashion spins wildly, picking up everything in its path? Wear what you love and you'll get it just right, just because you are who you are.
I love her shoes and the hat : )
This girl looks far BETTER than Amy Winehouse. I mean, she looks fresh & healthy - like she's loving life, not blood soaked, missing some of her teeth & high to the five winds. As for the people who're objecting to her smoking - it's her choice, live with it. Freedom of choice, it's one of the cornerstones of our civilization.
reminds me of rickie lee jones for some reason
to anonymous 4:32 - Where on face hunter can I find her? What month what?
This must be love. xD
Really, I love this kind of "Elegant punk" look. The bright plaids, and the blacks that tie it all together (especially that flared, almost dress-like coat and those sweet shoes! 8D).... <3
loved that =)
All you people are so obsessed with cigarettes and smoking...why don't you focus on her outfit? You don't have to be a health nut to be stylish!She was simply caught while she was smoking,I don't think she said "sorry sart, I'm going to light a cigarette so I can look like a rock star"...
the shoes are dior. ive wanted those forever
Carly Simon?
It is definitely Pam Love. I used to work as her assistant. She always looks this good.
totally carly simon
So perfect...she took this just far enough.
I am in love with this look. IN. LOVE.
amy winehouse.
I like everything about this outfit! She looks extremely cool.
I can't believe these people who comment on the cigarettes! It's a free country people; get over it.
this mix shouldn't work....but it DOES....:-)
This is the definition of funky chic.
Oh god, look at the polo popping out under her neckline. Fantastic!