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A Look Back To the 80's, Brooklyn


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Friday, April 18, 2008

A Look Back To the 80's, Brooklyn

Comments on "A Look Back To the 80's, Brooklyn"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:48 AM) : 

It's Madonna! :)


Blogger gloRia said ... (8:51 AM) : 

Madonna is alive!!


Blogger Ann (MobayDP) said ... (8:52 AM) : 

I grew up in the 80's so this sight is so familiar to me. I remember that I couldn't wait to grow up just so i could dress like this.

Of course, now that I'm an adult I look back now and laugh, wondering why I ever thought this style was so cool! :-D

I love how fiercely independent and confident she looks.


Blogger Unknown said ... (9:00 AM) : 

i LOVE her t-shhirt and hope it's a Katharine Hamnett original


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:02 AM) : 

she would definitely stand out, but the style is so tired. when is this throwback trend gonna end?


Blogger Micah Schmidt said ... (9:02 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:03 AM) : 

the look is adorable. i remember when my mom and dad thought it was hilarious when i started resurrecting the 70's look back in the 90's. now it's the 80's look in the 00's.

it's the circle of life!

funny...i don't even think this girl was even alive in the 80's...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:08 AM) : 

I could be okay with it if it were the giant bow OR the random fabric sash or the zebra stripes, but all three together just make me think, "do other New Yorkers seriously walk by people dressed like this, or is it just Sart?"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:16 AM) : 

Yuck. This is what all the students here in England dress like. I can't stand it. I think its fair to say the 80s was the most criminal decade when it came to fashion. See also: music.


Blogger Emma said ... (9:25 AM) : 

Oh, but I'm tired of this look, particularly when sported by people old enough to have worn it the first time around. (I don't mean the subject of the photo, as I can't tell how old she is.) Funny how it seems somehow misguided, uninformed, unformed, somehow; perhaps I'm just projecting the age(s) I was when these 1980s looks were first popular, but there is something so underdeveloped about this look to me.


Blogger Sam said ... (9:27 AM) : 

Debbie Gibson???


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:30 AM) : 

WOW. Is this a recent a pic? I'm confused. Was this taken in the 80's. Her shoes are throwing me off. It's so dead on 80's. Love it.


Blogger Mrs Stevens said ... (9:31 AM) : 

Interesting posts - the 40s and the 80s - but we don't like this one so much. It looks more like costume than personal style to us. Love the composition though.


Blogger Jessica Ferri said ... (9:35 AM) : 



Blogger laia. said ... (9:36 AM) : 

Ugh. Not everyone in Brooklyn dresses like this. I know it's hard to believe, but really.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:36 AM) : 

What is the piece hanging around her neck and all the way down to her thighs? I don't know about this outfit. I like the bow, but not the fabric.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:37 AM) : 

What an odd way to wear the scarf - she seriously must be going to 80's fancy dress party cause those earphones can not be for real in the age of ipods??? its OTT of the OTT's which makes it so 80's. Is the bow joined to the ear phones?? - please elaborate. I can not stop looking and noticing new things. Its shameful to admit but i am capitvated. Good work sart


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:38 AM) : 

Love the look! Has a modern twist to it with the handbag and the coat. I heart Brooklyn style!



Blogger said ... (9:42 AM) : 


I've never liked the 80s typical fashion, I can't stand T-shirts with written things on them and those zebra leggings... ufff. And this look would dramatically improve without that black useless thing hanging there.

However, her anorak, bag, glasses and shoes are nice. I also like the thing she put on her head. And her hair and makeup are pretty.

A very complete look indeed!


Blogger The Spicers said ... (9:43 AM) : 

I admire her individuality, but these veers over into costume a bit too much. She looks on her way to an 80's-theme party (and maybe she is!)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:45 AM) : 

Hmmm... well we are all the stars in our own show and this young lady seems to be enjoying a sitcom... having fun on a spring day.

` Miss Mary


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:53 AM) : 

Bloody brilliant.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:55 AM) : 

I'm so glad we grew up. Madonna has a lot to atone for.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:00 AM) : 

Cyndi? Cyndi Lauper?? How come you never aged?


Blogger Anny Carolina said ... (10:10 AM) : 

It is too 80's for me. what is that on her head??? all that print, doesn't work for me. but ... don't question fashion. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:11 AM) : 

i could try to pull those american apparel leggings off, but i can't imagine where i would wear them too, especially in the northwest...

what i like about this, is that everything is consistent.

what i admire about this is how she has way more than one "statement" piece. that takes things to a whole different level.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:17 AM) : 

Wow she's like Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:24 AM) : 

I like her shirt and her bag.
Her lipstick color's really nice too.
I think she looks great!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:35 AM) : 

In theory, I like the playful proportions but as a real live outfit - no thanks. Aside from the head wrap and the low hanging black vest.. thingie, there is nothing here that is actually lovely or special. It strikes me as just mostly based on irony, which is not truly lasting style.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:41 AM) : 

I love her "Choose Life" shirt.

She is rocking out her style pairing them with her beliefs. Good for her!

Overall, she has some funky, fun style.

Love the bow.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:43 AM) : 

I LOVE this.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:48 AM) : 

that scarf and headband are what make this outfit, forget those zebra leggings. definitely a great updated 80's look.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:49 AM) : 

I cannot tell ... is this an old photo or a retro look?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:55 AM) : 

Fantastic photo, but so keen on the leggings but I love the composition and most of the individual pieces - the bow rocks!

Not sure about the pothole at the front though, it ruins the photo a little


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:58 AM) : 

I do not like this at all. There is a difference in standing out and working way too hard to stand out. She has way too many drastic fashion elements going on here. I think that each of these items could be used in different outfits MUCH better.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:05 AM) : 

I don't really like this look... it's sort of minnie mouse goes to a costume party.

The photo must be recent... look at the cars in the background.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:07 AM) : 

It's hard to remember that there was once a clear distinction between 'street style' and 'fashion.' Madonna, Katharine Hamnett, Steven Sprouse, Vivienne Westwood and others wiped out that distinction in the 80's, and this young lady has chosen to remind us precisely how it was done. I find the general squeamishness about 80's fashion amusing considering the fashion establishment will allow any amount of 60's and 70's reminiscence from the likes of Marc and Tom.

This young lady's look is not true nostalgia, it's more akin to the 40's/Art Deco revival of the 70's - those who were there the first time found that horrifying as well.


Blogger CL said ... (11:12 AM) : 

Any piece of this outfit would have looked great worn with some more up to date pieces, but all together like this and it becomes too much like fancy dress. I like the coat though.


Blogger Chike-Ikechi said ... (11:17 AM) : 

I see you taken heed and began creeping into Brooklyn!! I'm sure the pictures on the site are going to get a lot more interesting than this!! Love this...i love when people revisit eras and make it their own!


Blogger Oskar said ... (11:17 AM) : 

The "Choose Life" t-shirt makes the whole outfit. If that hadn't been there, it wouldn't work at all. Now it kinda does.

Maybe loose the strange huge sash-thing, it just looks odd.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:25 AM) : 

Is an unusual inspiration...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:28 AM) : 

yeah it's too 80's. I think she should mix it with some modern style.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:30 AM) : 

Obviously it wasn't TAKEN in the 80's, it's hilarious how oblivious people are to detail -- the bag, not to mention the cars?? No, it's just a really ugly, played out look.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:32 AM) : 

She's adorable! Wonder if she's listening to Madonna?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:50 AM) : 

I'm not sure what the story behind those "choose life" shirts which I see at urban outfitters, ugh.
They seem to reference the whole "womens right to choose" issue.

I hope this girl see the irony of imitating icons like madonna and then taking an anti-abortion stance.

If I'm wrong about the shirts someone please correct me


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:00 PM) : 

Is that Frances Bean?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:10 PM) : 

Love it.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:24 PM) : 

The 80´s fashion has been by far the worst in fashion history and it is such a big faux pas dressing like that nowadays. In the case of the girl in the pic the outfit make her looks fat, clumsy almost like some one who dress herself completely blinded.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:28 PM) : 

i love the way her shirt, leggings and headband look together. thanks for another great picture sartorialist!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:29 PM) : 

I'm not too crazy about this look.
I usually like references to pop culture in the past and your photos in general, but this one... not radical enough or something.
Her hair is wrong and that's the main problem I think. The entire look is not fun enough and looks slightly forced.If you're going to go Madonna-desperately seeking susan route, do it all the way.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:34 PM) : 

She is paying tribute to the Madonna-wannabe look of 1985--but, if you can take away the bow, replace the "Choose Life" shirt with just a vest/tank, and trade in the zebra pattern of the leggings with a solid one, she's got a daft sense of style and a great sense of proportion with the modern sensibilities of the Japanese and Belgium designers like Rei Kawakubo and Ann Demeulemeester. And the color palette is extremely restraint-- just black and white with shades of beige. The only bright color is in her red lips.

The woman looks awesome.



Blogger quan said ... (12:39 PM) : 

I usually like everything on the site but this one not so much. I've been sick of this hipster/80s stuff a lot lately. I just feel like its cool to reference it but a full on 80's outfit that is so not flattering is not cute. She looks like she spent a lot of money to look like that (purse & shoes are cute).

On another note. When is the Sartorialist coming to San Francisco?! Haha love this site.


Blogger Navi said ... (12:56 PM) : 

this seems like it would be very difficult to pull off and the fact that she was able to only impresses me more


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

Re: the meaning of 'choose life':

The Katherine Hamnett t-shirts had nothing to do with any anti-abortion campaign.

When you look at the other slogans printed in the same range, this is obvious:
Worldwide nuclear ban now
Preserve the rainforests
Save the world
Save the whales
Education not missiles.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:01 PM) : 

just because someone is inspired by a person's style (such as Madonna) doesn't automatically give them the same views on issues. it' funny how naive some people are.

she looks great.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:22 PM) : 

This makes me feel nostalgic, and just a wee bit OLD.


Blogger JO said ... (1:26 PM) : 

"I'm gonna dress you up in my love!!"



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:29 PM) : 

the shirt doesn't reference her poliical beliefs, she's just chanelling George Michael. I believe it's from Wham's "Go-go." I live in Williamsburg...if "Frankie says RELAX" t-shirts start appearing, I'm outta there.


Blogger Closet Cupcake said ... (1:36 PM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:40 PM) : 

I hate it, but she's well studied. The zebra leopard combination is brilliant!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:42 PM) : 

It was a Katharine Hamnett t-shirt worn in a Wham! video back in the 80s. In the context of the day, it was directed at drug abuse and suicide. Hamnett herself has stated that the slogan was never intended to be an anti-abortion message.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:46 PM) : 

Anonymous 11:50 AM--For Katherine Hamnett, who designed the shirt, the message was not anti-abortion. The anti-abortionists simply appropriated what for Hamnett had been an essentially antidrug, antiviolence message. She herself is prochoice.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:01 PM) : 

I think this is a bit literal/fancy dress, apart from the shoes... but then, while I really like the shoes, I don't think they belong to the look.


Blogger L.B. said ... (2:15 PM) : 

You're wrong about the shirts. It's a throwback to Katherine Hamnett and her view was actually based on Buddhism: choose life over war.


Blogger Carlos said ... (2:17 PM) : 

welcome to willamsburg. nothing special here. she just rips off madonna in every way. this isn't original, inspirational style.


Blogger Babe Scanlon said ... (2:24 PM) : 

I'm all for reinventing past fashions but only as long as it involves some reinvention. This is straight rehash which might be fine for some but is like a bad flashback to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:26 PM) : 

I loved everything about the 1980s except the clothing. My opinion hasn't changed in the slightest


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:41 PM) : 

The whole 'choose life' slogan originally was used by Katherine Hamnett to target the historical context of the 80s, of drug abuse problems as well as suicide. However, the slogan has in recent years been adopted by the pro-life movement. Hamnett herself has stated that the slogan was never intended to be an anti-abortion message and that she believes in women having a choice.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:42 PM) : 

this look is way too calculated, and the pieces are way too trendy. it looks like she really spent a lot of effort making sure everything looks perfectly 80s. i see a costume here, not personal style.


Blogger jamesylala said ... (2:47 PM) : 

it's a very NICE reinterpretation of the cinematic/magazine version of the 80's, but no where near the reality...hahahahaha
None of us could've ever afford the cost of this lil look she has adorned.
Cute to see the kids reaching backwards to revive the recent fashi-history!

PS she is every other University kid walking around England, especially Leicester where I am based!!


Blogger bpinks said ... (2:58 PM) : 

How old do I feel explaining the "Choose Life" t-shirt? The shirt become an iconic fashion statement in the 80's. It was designed by Katherine Hamnett and made popular when it was worn by George Michael and Wham! in their video, "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go".
80's fashion (and music) was, for the most part, about being outlandish and ridiculous- that was what made it fun. Most of us who participated in a trend the first time around can't stand it when it reappears. Let the young ones have their fun- and photos of their own that they will look at in 20 years and question their judgment.


Blogger bpinks said ... (3:01 PM) : 

Originally, the Choose Life t-shirts were a statement against drug abuse and suicide and had nothing to do with the pro-life movement.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:02 PM) : 

The "choose life" shirts are from a Wham! video. (Wake Up Before You Go Go) They were popular in the UK at the time and were meant to be anti-drug. They had nothing to do with abortion.


Blogger underneath said ... (3:10 PM) : 

Interesting - maybe? Unpractical and not elegant.. and certainly not what sartorial is about!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:16 PM) : 

This is possibly the best-done 80s throw-back outfit I've seen in a while. I love the purse, leggings and shoes. I love how she's just really gone for it, and the result to me is like: wow. She knows what she's doing and it comes off as pretty polished. About as good as it gets when it comes to this look; bravo.


Blogger k said ... (3:45 PM) : 

The zebra pants (or tights?) are fabulousssss. Not digging the random sash, but this is a fun look :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:00 PM) : 

someone please tell me--how did she do that bow. i am obsessed with it


Blogger Scott W said ... (4:13 PM) : 

Frankie say RELAX!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:14 PM) : 

ha! that hairband, that bag, those leggings. priceless, if not particularly attractive.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:39 PM) : 

I'm sorry...but I honestly can't see the appeal of this at all. yes, she stands out. but sometimes standing out isn't necessarily the best/only thing to work towards. And her shirt...not at all my favorite.


Blogger Karina Cifuentes said ... (4:41 PM) : 

Bleh! Let's move forward, not backwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:55 PM) : 

I feel like I have seen this look done a million times, but in better and more interesting ways. And a bit more subtle?

Also I am a bit bored with how much everything matches (in color as well as audacity).


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:56 PM) : 

Why, I do believe that's Ms. Frances Bean Cobain!
Am I right?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:02 PM) : 

The only thing that I like is her bag. Where can I get one?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:02 PM) : 

@anonymous at 11:50- The CHOOSE LIFE shirts are a Katherine Hamnett design from the early 80's. The best place to see an original one is in Wham's video for "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go". (oooh! yeah, yeah, yeah)

According to Wikipedia, the slogan was originally directed at drug abuse and suicide, but has since been adopted by the pro-life abortion movement.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:22 PM) : 

I assume the people who are confused about whether this picture was taken in the 80s or not are the same ones who claimed that the boots in the Times Square photo were 'exactly the same' as Phoenix's.


Blogger Kanani said ... (5:50 PM) : 

Yup, I remember wearing the scarf on my head tied in a bow, and also those oversized pieces that slipped off the shoulder.


Blogger RubyRai said ... (5:56 PM) : 

Personally, "Choose Life" reminded me of Trainspotting.


Blogger Anne Corrons said ... (6:25 PM) : 

an amazing look form the 80's!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:07 PM) : 

they're the same shirts (katharine hamnett's) as in wham's "wake me up before you go go" video - they have to do with drug abuse/suicide, not the pro-life movement.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:33 PM) : 

I saw this girl yesterday (she works at Buffalo Exchange on Driggs) and I thought that she was really pulling this off, even though I generally dislike eighties-inspired outfits.


Blogger gmg said ... (8:00 PM) : 

The t was created in the early '80s by the hugely influential British designer Katharine Hamnett. She claims the slogan had nothing whatsoever to do with abortion, and was intended to endorse healthy behavior among women (for example, to "choose life" over the tyranny of drug addiction). Nonetheless, anti-abortionists co-opted the slogan, and have used it in every way imaginable. In Florida, for example, you can order specialty license plates with the slogan. Hamnett says she is re-staking her claim to it, and has re-issued the t-shirt.

By the way, this is as good a time as any to comment that, like all of you, I'm hooked on this blog, and for all the reasons cited here routinely. But I also find the Sartorialist an absolute oasis of good will in a virtual world that's becoming more vitriolic every day. It's a downright pleasure to watch intelligent people disagree with wit and restraint, and offer up opinion in such a sensitive fashion. This has become a very cool community.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:17 PM) : 

I'm rather surprised by the number of comments wondering whether she's going to an 80's themed party. Pardon me, but who needs a party to have fun with fashion? What's wrong with waking up and saying, "today I want it to be 1984" or "today I wish I were Katharine Hepburn" or "I'm feeling a bit like Joan of Arc this morning". Can we all try to reclaim getting dressed in the morning as playing dress up? And is it really so wrong to want to enjoy fashion, even from the 80's?

And as far as the shirt goes: I may be mistaken, but the first thing I think of when I see the shirt is that great quote from Trainspotting which is too long to reproduce here in its entirety.
However, the more likely suggestion is that it has not to do with abortion or Irvine Welsh, but rather, with suicide prevention.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:23 PM) : 

the tshirt has nothing to do with abortion... read up.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:37 PM) : 

Absolutely love, love, love what this woman is wearing. And the ways she mixes all those elements together to create a unique and A-M-A-Z-I-N-G outfit. Brava!!!!!!!!! And how about those shoes ladies? I want them. Someone tell me where i can get them quickly. Goodness gracious, i haven't been so excited since we invaded Iraq.


Blogger Unknown said ... (8:46 PM) : 

although this is not typically something i would like, i give props the the young lady wearing this and taking chances. her personal style is very bold and strong. and i do adore her headphones


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:15 PM) : 

Well, if it were REAL 80's, she'd be rocking out to her prominently-displayed Walkman. She's not, so this is clearly current. I was a teenager in the real 80s and can attest to this.


Blogger STYLIST said ... (9:59 PM) : 


I'm wearing:

A Katherine Hamnett tank, Simply Vera jacket, American Apparel pants, Jeanasis sweater (not a scarf or sash), Nine West pumps, Marc by Marc bag, Apple 30 gig ipod, Audio Technica headphones. All were purchased from Buffalo Exchange where I work: I did not pay a fortune.

I'm wearing this outfit because that's what I want to wear and thats enough for me. I'd be "trying too hard" if I had to dress in a way that was accepted by everyone.

Have fun with fashion.


Blogger chauss said ... (10:52 PM) : 

very george michael...


Blogger Austin.Garnett said ... (12:57 AM) : 



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:20 AM) : 

I love it. She's having fun. And to all those that said 'Oh Please, enough' IN the 80's it was 'cool' to bag the 70's as the 'decade that style forgot'. Now we bag the 80's. They were both distinctive happy-to-wear-the-fashion decades for me. And the noughts although nearly over don't seem to have produced any trends that really set this decade apart...


Blogger Welcome said ... (6:43 AM) : 

This sort of thing constantly confuses me. Because 5 years ago, this was still laughable.
Then slowly, this all became acceptable again.

I'm dreading the revival of circa 2000 techy baggy shorts and goatees.

On the plus side, I can't wait for tucked in t-shirts and cats eye sunglasses to come back.
Kim Gordon circa 1990 will become the new Madonna circa 1985.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:56 AM) : 

And Katherine Hamnett probably says thank you for the free promotion.

Great posts the last couple of days!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:27 PM) : 

I think she's doing the 80's informed by Marni style.


Blogger Hebden said ... (3:09 PM) : 

According to Hamnett's website...


Katharine Hamnett's original CHOOSE LIFE t-shirt brought her worldwide fame. It was her biggest seller in the eighties and now it's back and available in 100% organic cotton.

CHOOSE LIFE first appeared in a Buddhist exhibition that Lynne Franks, of Ab Fab fame, hosted. The CHOOSE LIFE t-shirt embodies an all-encompassing statement about ideal behaviour.

It's not about the anti-abortion lobby. The US anti-abortion lobby attempted to appropriate CHOOSE LIFE. We are taking it back and promoting its real meaning. Ours is authentic and I believe in a woman's right to choose.

I'm a big fan of Buddhism. To portray the message more clearly, I suggested writing it in huge letters on a t-shirt that could be plainly seen on a 35mm contact sheet.

CHOOSE LIFE was relevant then. CHOOSE LIFE is even more relevant now.

CHOOSE LIFE is a message forever.




CHOOSE LIFE over everything you do"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:05 PM) : 

i think that the look would feel bottomless and empty without the giant 'sash' people have agreed to call it. imagine it without. not so good anymore?
The whole effect however seems somewhat imbalanced with the large bag.
perhaps she should wear a disclaimer on her back as to the nature of the shirt... we wouldn't want someone as fabulous as this to be misread as using the shirt pro-life...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:34 PM) : 

well I love it!


Blogger ES said ... (8:57 PM) : 

I am an enormous Madonna fan and there is too much imitation and not enough imagination.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:45 AM) : 

This look reads waaaay more british Banarama rather than mid-eighties Madonna. Nor was Madonna the progenitor of this look - she simply borrowed the style of New York girls already dressing like this when she arrived from Detroit. All the funny and cool 80's girl really wanted was to look like Lisa Bonet or Molly Ringwald.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:22 AM) : 

the black thing hanging from her neck doesn't do it for me.

otherwise she looks fabulous!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:27 AM) : 

Well, from someone who wears Kiton suits from Barneys for work, and homemade outfits from 1930s, 40s, 50s and 60s vintage dress patterns in my own time and space, I wouldn't be expected to think this girl's ensemble is incredibly well put together -- but I do! Her style displays a level of sophistication other commenters aren't finding (sadly). She looks terrific! Her jacket is the one item, that for me, stops the otherwise 80s-themed look from being overwhelming and cliched, with a wonderful color, and style; and the sleeves ruched up the arms -- a perfect choice! As was the taffeta-like bow tied around her head.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:44 PM) : 

Stuck in the 80's much?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:42 PM) : 

she looks like she spends far too much time in London. Dunno if she's ever been there, but hey..


Blogger Mama T said ... (10:06 PM) : 

I had that EXACT same tshirt that I wore to bed when I was 15 or 16. Weird flashbacks.


Blogger Willa said ... (1:46 AM) : 

I wonder if that's an original Hamnett. If it is, than I respect the look more. I'd never wear this all together, but I confess to owning elements of it (the leggings and the Wayfarers).


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:34 AM) : 

whoa! looks like cindy lauper.

she looks hot.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:33 AM) : 

people should do their research. the t-shirt has nothing to do with the pro-life movement if it is a katherine hamnett original. hamnett made the t-shirt in reference to the drugs and alcohol lifestyle she witnessed back then. she's in fact pro-choice. she hated that the t-shirt got misappropriated for something she doesn't agree with.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:51 AM) : 

This is the new video of "like virgin"by Madonna.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:13 AM) : 

everybody, that "black thing around her neck" is not a sash, it's part of a sweater. (note the black sleeves) and it looks fantastic.

and she looks great.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:04 PM) : 

I am not a lover of 80's fashion. However, I like how she updates the classic Madonna 80's look by adding platform heels and the bag which is also rather current. I think there is some innovation in the outfit, as the two items I mentioned blend perfectly with her vintage pieces. Jorge from West Palm Beach


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:16 AM) : 

Wham!. Wake me up before you go go, don't leave me hangin' there like a yo yo.


Blogger steevay said ... (10:39 AM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:57 PM) : 

Get into the Groove....woooo!


Blogger Benedicte said ... (2:49 PM) : 

Love her tights!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:13 AM) : 

Who's that girl...who's that girl...


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:23 AM) : 

I'm wearing this outfit because that's what I want to wear and thats enough for me. I'd be "trying too hard" if I had to dress in a way that was accepted by everyone.

Best thing I've read on this blog, or about fashion ever. Life is short, have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:29 AM) : 

I could not get away with this, but she does! I love all the details, including her lip color.


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:51 PM) : 

hmm. when i saw the "Choose Life" shirt i immediately thought of Trainspotting.. and thought how awesome.


Blogger sasha said ... (2:18 AM) : 

Love the Marni inspired shoes(maybe even real?), and the uniqueness shown with pieces that would otherwise be bland. Zebra adds visual texture and balances her outfit while the draped scarf adds dimension and layering. Spunky taste and well put together outfit.


Blogger hoi polloi said ... (11:45 AM) : 

Yes, but its too costumey


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:46 PM) : 

I just cannot say anything good about this outfit.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:55 AM) : 

ugh I am so tired of this look. that's all I can say about it, really.


Blogger DIIS PARADIIS (© Diis Rognsøy) said ... (5:14 PM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger DIIS PARADIIS (© Diis Rognsøy) said ... (6:41 PM) : 

My best friend is a close co-worker with Katherine Hamnet. Consider this message as shared with her and team! Greetings from le 9eme in Paris... I actually read about you in a Norwegian newspaper. how does it feel to have the world in your hand?!

Keep up the good work, and who knows, your next gun victim might be me in my leisure suit.

xxx diis


Blogger Kit said ... (12:11 PM) : 

I think that's a record player she's listening too in her purse


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:15 PM) : 

She evidently takes every fashion editorial from dazed & confused, ID etc. from the past 2 years a little too literally


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:09 PM) : 

it seems like there's a little too much going on... maybe if she just took off one piece it would look perfect! but her hair = perfect!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:41 AM) : 

To be honest she looks terrible.
The result is not as good as she expected to be because nothing matches the other.She needs to take off the zebra leggins as well as the bow on her hair.Note that her shoes and glasses are good.


Blogger Madonna said ... (6:45 PM) : 

This rocks.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:45 AM) : 

OMG, I love it.


Anonymous Ecko Red said ... (7:44 AM) : 

I agree with Anny Carolina that she is absolutely saying right and if you people are interested to know more information on this topic than visit the link that I am sharing.


Anonymous Ecko Red Trainers said ... (9:20 AM) : 

I agree with Navi because it is really adorable and I think you people should visit the link that help you to know about the interesting things about the shoes and many more.


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