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Comments on "From May GQ - Mr. Lapo Elkann"
He always looks fab. Maybe minus the stain on his jacket though..??
Lapo has an unique style!
Mickey Rourke, eat your heart out!
Has he been sleeping in his clothes? Neither he, nor his clothes, have been cleaned in some time.
It's a high price to pay for fashion!
so hot.
the very complicated Mr. Elkann is easily one of the sexiest, most stylish men in the world. he reeks of hotness : )
I like the cream and white together. The hat and especially the cigarette make him look foolish.
Hmm, there is something a bit too chef/ice cream seller about his trousers.
I get the idea of looking as if you put your outfit together from stuff you found on the floor, but the emphasis should be on "as if"...
His grandfather he is not - not by a longshot.
Give me a break. He's a good looking guy. But since when does a cream, looks like wool, blazer go with lightweight blue and white stripe pants? He looks like he just grabbed clothes at random.
nicely cut jacket. very 30s-40s.
The buttons on the blazer are wonderful: never use shiny buttons. Offwhite with clear blue and clear white gives the impression that the off-white blazer is not quite clean. Maybe he should try and find a blazer without shiny buttons in the grey-blue color of his eyes.
Honestly, I don't think I would ever put that jacket with those pants. Something about the cream vs. white that throws me off. The hat is pretty nifty though. No, I don't like this at all.
I like the strategic unbuttoned-ness.
If only he didnt have that cigarette.
nice contradiction between the white jacket and black toque.
The jacket is perfectly worn-in, with just enough discoloration on the fabric (which has thinned out a bit and conformed to the interfacing and pick stiching more).
I think more men in America should be brave damnit and do the three unbuttoned buttons look (or even four).
Only thing I don't like is the hair, though it suits him quite well.
and the guy knows how to pose for the camera too. love his easiness and the hand in the pocket with the direct look.
very understated.
the pants are great too.
I am in love this outfit...honestly.
It seems to me Mr. Elkann is a master at self-promotion. We see a picture of him, we recognize he is basically Italian royalty. We know he has money. We know he inherited his father's suits. Without all this knowledge, this picture would look to most of us like a homeless guy- and there are some VERY stylish homeless guys. Point is, if we did not know who this was, probably most of us would not think he is stylish or hot. Agree that the jacket needs to be cleaned. I'll take rumpled anyday, but dirty is, to me, unacceptable. Jorge from West Palm Beach
I could be that fashionable if I inherited my wardrobe too.
This is just too scruffy for me...
~ Miss Mary
i'm not typically a fan of combining cream with white, especially the way he's done it here. however, he pulls it off as only mr elkann can.
He looks good. where are his shirt sleeves?
It's just an amazing sense of style. I'm going to go back and look at former posts of him. The beanie is so cool!
I love this shot. This guy knows how to wear clothes. Magnificent!
I am such a fan of Lapo!
Aside from that, I think Sart is enjoying these heated debats we've been having on his site. You know: The makeover, the flip-flops... I'm saying that because he's posting 2 pictures of people with cigarettes today.
But no, Mr. Sart, today everyone will behave and keep their nasty comments on smokers to themselves. OK people?
he inherited the jacket from his grandfather - it is probably over 20 years old (at least)
I agree it is an unusual combo but I can't stop looking at the cut of the jacket - it is just about perfect.
Shabby chic - despite the stain i like his easiness with the outfit. I dont give a damn kinda attitude - love it!
No, this does not work. He looks like a boy-man dressed in his grandfather's clothes. The jacket is too fabulous but is disrespected here. I didn't know who he was, if I saw him on the street I would think slightly spoiled boy.
So hot, sexy and relaxed....
The jacket is probably another one of his great uncle's fabulous pieces!
He really looks a mess and we all know that if any average joe sported this look we will turn our heads.
I know what he's going for but I am not a big fan of cremes and whites together. A Sand color and whites...yes. Or all white. There are varying shades of white that work together.
I love the fabric and the cut. If he inherited the jacket he got the same tailor to recut it.
That said, I agree that if that hat, face and hair in a different outfit approached me on the street I would avoid eye contact and wonder from which homeless shelter he emerged.
speaking of the cigarettes, Sart, I picked up the April French Vogue. I noticed there's a spread in the magazine in which a model has a cigarette. No judgment here, just wanted to note that in another culture it doesn't seem to be such a big deal.
I didn't know who he is- royalty or whatever; in my mind he was some funky offbeat character- like a younger Christian (the hairdresser), or an Annie Liebovitz assistant. And the Mickey Rourke comment totally rang true.
Oh Lapo! I just LOVE him! Ok, the stain on the jacket is a bit of a distraction but despite that it is the ease he has with his look which really epitomizes a sense of style.
And so what if he inherited his grandfather's wardrobe?! We should all be so lucky to have someone with fashion sense in our families kicking us down some choice duds. Vintage is great to wear and even better if it is from family.
Crazy or not, he's got style!
Great picture and what a beautiful blazer! It is nice to see someone not dressed like another dark suit in such a gloomy day
pretty cool.
One of the coolest sailor derivations ever! I dig it from head to toe.
Lapo (and his clothes) look really tired.
I have justo discover your blog, it's to interesting ^^ I have lready open my own blog. Sorry for the english, I'm spanish.
One kiss
This is not one of the best pics of Lapo. The jacket looks dirty, those golden buttons are tacky plus the hat is very much homeless type, however he has -un no se que- that allows him to dress this way and still looks hot. It is incredible that he is only 30!!! I am also 30 and can be mistaken by his younger brother.
If i bump into him in NYC i'll jump on him! Always so dapper...thanks for this pic sart...totally made my day!
I like this. He looks like he is part of a ship crew, a rather stylish ship crew.
A really interesting color study...
and not much more. I bet he smells musty.
great cut on the jacket, but seriously the guy looks so out of it. I can't believe he's only 30.
I can't stop thinking that he just finished playing for the Yankees and forgot to change his pants before going out for the evening after the game.
Bravo veronique @ 11:44 AM. :)
I agree with Sart, the jacket is a master piece, it had to be his grandfather's, i don't believe anyone today could make a jacket like that. The best thing i can think of to say about Mr Elkann's habit of mixing his grandfather's clothes with his own often quirky finds is he is uncompromising in the sartorial presentation of his own nature or current mood. i just feel sometimes those wonderful Agnelli treasures suffer...
the life aquatic. nuff said! :)
love love love his outfit.
a man whith his own style,
nothing to do, nothing to say,
cause he is not a simple guy.
But...thinking about...
The discordant element are HIS PANTS.
these last 2 pictures make me think that if i smoke, i can do patterns well,too. haha i like this guys way of dressing.
Not a fan of this guy's style. The man from which he takes his clothes was a different story however.
Now and then my hair won't behave, so I don a hat. It's not unusual for me to spill coffee on myself. And sure, now and again I find myself a bit unkempt in contrast the squeaky clean people around me. It is reassuring to know that these small disasters can beset an Italian merchant prince too. And it is reassuring to know that damn near any wreck I make of myself can salvaged by a well made jacket!
He is only 30 years old!
I think his grandfather was less tall than he is. Are the sleeves just a little bit too short? On other pics in the press, I reccon he´s also wearing suits of his grandfather, because they have slightly short sleeves, too.
The cream + white combo seems a bit loveless to me.
But if he invited me to a panino with parma and ruccola, I´d agree for sure!
I think it's all attitude. On someone else this could look horrific. But then again that's the Sartorialist mission, isn't it? To show someone exhibiting their PERSONAL style.
Although I have to agree with some of the above... the stain bugs me too.
The jacket is superb!
Forget everything else: it is a distraction to this masterpiece.
You just cannot get that kind of tailoring today, anywhere. You just cannot.
I wonder how his grand papa would have worn that cream coat.
He certainly does not know how to wear it; this is what has been lost with the years: style.
Superb coat and dashing choice of color and cloth!
To be honest this really looks to me as pyjamas.... Not hot, not stylish, maybe it can be called original. Not my cup of tea for sure...
Lapo's style is one of a kind. How many guys can work it out with their grandfather's old suits? He makes it all look cool. I'd love to know what kind of shoes he wore with this ensemble, and what the rest of his pants looked like as I'm convinced they are jammies.
Yes to the cream, the white, and the blue pants. But a big "no" to the bulky dark knit hat. For oh so many reasons.
I don't know who he is and my first impression was fabulous. I like that he didn't follow any rules and yet it works so well. I'm wondering what kind of shoes he's wearing?!?
are You sure that he has inherited the jacket from his grandfather Gianni? I do not believe that, unless You have received this information directly from Lapo. I have seen him with a very similar tweed DB jacket (6x3) made by the talented young italian tailor Valentino Ricci. Whatever the case the jacket looks superb and is worn with the right tone that French people define as "decontractè".
Angelo , Genoa Italy
i'd be stuck in the gally kitchen of a north-atlantic fishing boat with him, anyday.
tastefully done love it!
damn delicious hotness.
He must be one charismatic fellow because I can see him carrying this look out in real life, but in this shot he looks somehow wrong and irritating.
The issue: the plunging neckline, the lack of sleeves the un-confident face and blank eyes.
All the elements are interesting - fab jacket, and pants for those who can carry them off - but it is a study in how you can have great clothes and be too preoccupied with your ego to carry them off in your face.
I think I am learning on a new level (from this site) that the whole thing about pulling together a look is having a twinkle in your eye - if he was sprightly and fresh faced while saying 'screw you, I don't need to care' - he would be charming. Here he's just somehow flat.
I'm a dissenting voice here too. Mr. Elkmann reminds me of the emperor's new clothes--all hype, no substance.
Well, I had no idea who he was before reading the comments and I loved the outfit and tolerated the pants. The jacket is beautiful. Even the stain suits him.
The model in the french Vogue was Miss Moss.It's possible there was more than one.
I enjoy reading the comments as much as looking at the photos.
The Jacket is beautifully tailored, and I love that it is a vintage hand me down.
I also love thrown together style, even though it is unusual and unexpected material combo. It works, and I would bet that he does not care whether it "works", and could probably even care less about "fashion rules". He has confidence, which goes a long way.
I hate smoking though, and the cigarette in both pictures is unappealing to me, and does nothing for the image.
this is one of the most interesting younger men you have shot. i love this look in men.
I don't think he was voted Most Stylish because of the particular jacket/pant combinations he comes up with. I think it goes deeper than that. He's got an obvious essence about him and that should be attributed to personal style as much, if not more, than the clothes he's wearing.
Obviously some people, in an outfit like this, would look idiotic. And even though most people are going to disagree, this outfit works fine because it's being worn with confidence. So, you know, whatever.
+15 points for somehow always managing to be carrying two phones at the time of having a photo taken.
i don't care who he is, i really hate heavy looking knit caps with spring/summer wear. there are plenty of other seasonally appropriate choices he could have made. and the weight of the jacket is wrong for the pants too. bleah
Those tufts of hair are kinda bugging me. They're reminiscent of fluffed-out sideburns.
And I agree that he looks unfortunately older than his thirty years.
out of topic * Sart thanks a lot for all the inspiration keep up the great work loving it.
ps.new 2 the blog but ive finished everythin from the start lol really nice stuff in some of the old ones
For me, his expression says it all:
"I'm the ice cream man who accidentally fed the ice cream to my jacket. Oops."
Creamy, stain-splattered jacket. Black hat. Striped pants.
Personally, at least there's some character here. He isn't dehumanized by illusory perfection and therefore isn't trying to be something he is not. Isn't that style enough for you people?? I'll start complaining once the green mold starts speckling those perfect, lemon-drop-yellow buttons.
hot hot hot hot,
i love these pants. love, beck
i'm so tired of lapo's outfits!
nice looking dude
The theme seems to be 'fuzzy': Fuzzy hat, fuzzy hair, fuzzy face, fuzzy jacket, even his eyes seem a bit dazed & fuzzy...
Lapo's jacket looks like he's been letting his lap dog sleep on it. Is this look sartorial? Slightly misguided? Perhaps a bit of both...
He got style, his life is not perfect but he got style!!
Lapo Elkann is on his way to become a style icon of our time, yet one shouldn't forget that style icon does not necessarily mean being the epitome of elegance. He is young and restless but not elegant. He tries too hard, even though some people may think that his look is uncontrived. The pijama pants, and the slight abandon of his jacket are carefully studied which for me does nothing. Long way to go to get to the tails of his late grandfather.
The jacket cut is inmaculate, and love the fact that he wears a double breasted without a tie. Don't agree with who says that cream and white don't go together. I very much like it, is shows courage and colour wisdom
Does anyone else feel like they're missing something huge? This man is constantly all over the best-dressed lists and I just fail to see why. I don't think he has any flair at all and just because he wears a weird jacket now and again doesn't make him chic. In fact I think most of the time he looks like a clown.
I'm not saying wearing funny tailoring is automatically tasteless - look at Hamish Bowles - or that playing with codes of Italian style can't be inspiring - the grandfather looms large here - but Mr. Elkann does it in a really clumsy way and I honestly think he just looks like a MESS.
The jacket here is amazing. But putting it over some pyjama trousers and an unbuttoned shirt doesn't work for a man who LITERALLY looks like he just got out of bed. The hat is tragic in this outfit. His hair makes him look old. And the expression tops it all off - it's a classic case of a style I detest - the bourgeois rock'n'roller. Everybody hates a tourist.
we think it looks great!
The way the jacket drapes around his left hand is mesmerizing. The jacket has such a perfect fall that it seems it's stiff on the torso, but that drape shows how soft it must be. The craftsmanship of the buttonholes is something beautiful.
In my eyes, the fact that the shirt cuffs are not visible makes this outfit happen. It brings lightness to the weight of the hat. The colors are very modern because they are not matched , but make a whole.
And again, the soul of that jacket is overwhelming.
Very inspiring.
p.s. Please Sart if ever you can confirm that the jacket is a family treasure oris it a creation of Valentino Ricci. Would be greatly appreciated.thnx.
i think Jorge from West Palm Beach makes the most important point. at many times its not single factors that make style unique or sensual-- its the combination of all in perspective. we know lapo's storied history. we also know he (probably) has more money than he cares for. we know he can afford stylists and make-up artists and all the best Mr. Ford has to offer. but he throws on this ensemble. thats the height of charm and confidence if u ask me.
Face it people, cool people smoke ok!
Seriously though, I don't get why this detracts from his outfit. He's not shooting up or anything..Personally I dislike the phone in his hand more.
Love the trousers, and the jacket, and I think I would like the hat too if it wasn't folded up like that. But this is definitely an original look and it really suits him.
What is it with people commenting about cigarettes?
After all, he is OUTSIDE in open space. Come on. We all know cigarettes are bad for you. So is the sun, smog, too little sleep, fast food, sedentary life, lack of imagination, stress, etc.
And calling out people who smoke makes you seem like a peasant. And we don't want to come across as peasants, do we?
Mr Lapo Elkann needs to be forced to look in a mirror every once in a while
Though you didn't like Lapo, Sart? :P Oh well, this personally isn't a favorite of mine, his jacket is stained, his pants looks like pyjamapants and the hat does nothing for his good looks. Yeah he is a good looking man, I'll admit that :)
The clothes fit him perfectly, otherwise I agree he looks homeless.The pants look like pajamas when worn with that jacket.
and the shirt needs at least one button. I have a feeling that if we were to see inside that jacket odds are his fly is undone too.
anon 4:34 AM
"Everybody hates a tourist."
I don't hate a tourist. Why would I hate a tourist, for God's sake?
This guy is so damned cool. He must bug the shit out of guys who aren't cool.
I agree that Jorge from West Palm Beach makes a good point. Unfortunately I'm so turned off by this guy that I can't evaluate his style objectively. Why on earth would he be anyone's idol?
There is a BIG difference between style and fashion.
To be wealthy and to have personal style is kind of oximoron and that's why the stain on the blaser works well: confidence of knowing who he is, not playing a dress up. And that's why Lapo is so attractive in this picture, and if you remember, a man in red turque from last week (?) is not.
Being vs. Being done.
Great picture, good eye for style one more time.
scandal meets fashion. very sexy.
People commenting on the stain - you gotta remember that stain is probably 40 years old - from his grandpa's ristretto one morning
I like it. Wearing cool pieces of a grandparent's or parent's clothes to make a new look is interesting and fun!
Going to an all boys prep school in the late 70s, glazed eyes like that would have gotten one sent to the headmaster's office. I like the jacket, albeit it is a bit rough and stained. Reminds me of the jackets we wore on formal occasions at prep school. Graduation was several hundred boys in white dinner jackets and black tie, with the odd madras trousers and lime green trousers thrown in for fun. Sockless opera pumps pinched from one's father's closet rounded out the look. Ah, happy days, happy days.
Agree that this is very sexy. The stain and wrinkles are probably from a fresh roll in the hay...that's why he's got his cig right now. Yum.
Wonderful... except the sleeves are too short.
Not a great combination. Big fan of the pants though. Some internet based research I conducted (google) reveals Lapo wears them a hell of a lot.
"Everybody hates a tourist, especially when they think it's all such a laugh, and the chipstains and grease will come out in the bath......"
It's about thinking poor is cool.
It's like spending all your trust fund on looking like a bum because you think it's rock.
I'm sick of dirty hair and creased clothes, didn't this blog start out as a celebration of dressing well, like an adult, looking elegant and proper?
bbbbello Lapo!!italians do it better...
M-kay. His style is – to quote De La Soul – like kissing cousins, kind of clever.
Apparently Gianni Agnelli had so much style and charisma that some of it stayed in his clothes. As for Lapo,it is quite the accomplishment to basically go downhill all your adult life and still be so high on everybody's list.
Aesthetically: pathetic chic.
I like the jacket, specifically what look like yellow buttons. The hat's a little ridiculous and I would want to know what shoes he's wearing. Something subdued like espadrilles would make the look right, whereas some funky sneakers make him look like the ice cream man.
Everyone loves Lapo, or loves to hate him. Mostly because none of us is Lapo.
This kid was basically born in the spotlight, he has a wardrobe (his, inherited, or both) larger then Nan Kempner's, and more money than God. He can afford to not work one single day of his life if he so chooses, and still have girls throwing herselves at him en masse, and magazines wanting to interview him. For what? Who cares. To top things, he is good-looking.
Let's face it: Which straight guy in his right mind wouldn't want to be Lapo?
I hate when he dresses like a clown or a homeless or does these mishmashes with his clothes. I hate it because he CAN afford to do it and I can't, because he probably doesn't give a damn about the result or what we say, and because it always, always seems that looking like that and living that life is his mission on Planet Earth. Makes me think "Sh*t Lapo, you bastard".
He's the clothes Mozart. We are his Salieris.
Spare change? What would Agnelli do? Cento lire, max.
I don't care about anything else; just look at the cut of that jacket. It may have been picked off the floor but it has still kept its skeleton. My mother has always said that no matter how beautiful something is, if it has not been cut right, the expensive fabric won't hide the tailoring. That jacket is fabulous. And yeah, the pants are light but he wears them as his own. If he as wearing a pair of dark pants or even off white, it would seem too planned. In addition men like him can pretty much wear anything...and make it hot.
Lapo is looking a bit too much like a shipyard worker.
this guy would be the ultimate date in my book.
luv the guy!!!
Here he is in the same pants - doesn't work here either!
Still presenting himself as if he has no intention but to submit to the Agnelli fate. Do you call it defeatist dressing? Perhaps he's afraid if he played it straight and dressed or behaved more conventionally, he would be tempting the fates. In any event, it's like watching a tragedy in slow motion.
the "stain" looks like a paw print. which is totally fine in my book.
To me Lapo is a real bright shining star in the boring world of the international high society.
He brings color and freshness into it, everywhere. With his way of living and also with the way he combines clothes.
I really like his face a lot, it tells a story of life. Of ups and downs.
He is one gorgeous man of mankind.
After having read many comments here, I think his outfit looks pretty cool. Yeah if the stain on his jacket wasn't there it might be more polished, but maybe that's the whole point-his message isn't about being polished for at least that particular day & it makes him all the more human which is a good thing. I wish more people would take chances like this & experiment with clothing a bit. I also think the hat looks cool & maybe it was a chilly day.
@ god knows who said...
i hear you and i second that. as a self-respecting man, with a decent job, and decent income, i have to dress as if i care.
but for lapo (and a lot of celebs state-side) money + privililege = able to to do/wear anything and have people fawn.
but, but... i must say it looks a little better when a euro does it. i guess it is the air of "everything in europe is that much more stylish than in the us."
if there are any bad or negative comments, they are just jealous
Lapo has all the right cards for becomming a true style icon...love him
He looks nice but just that. Nice. And it does look like he's trying too hard for his look, unlike his grandfather who made it seem so effortless - and that is the key.
3 tones of white yet pretty bad-ass!
Lapo: you either love him or hate him as a character, and this goes for his style as well. To me, one word captures it all- eccentric. But then again, that's part of his charm too. No matter how much people try to criticize him, they can't keep your eyes off him. And he knows it, hence all the "random" outfits.
Ah Lapo, meno male che sei juventino!! ;)
Either the jacket with other pants or these pants with another jacket!
ihiihihihi adoro Lapo,he's so cool!
I don't neither Lapo (he isn't a good person, for me...), nor his style...
But this "mise" for me is good...I love that pants!
Juri- Como, Italy
Viste fenomenal,aunque a veces demasiado colorido y le faltaria un toque clasico de vez en cuando... M.G.L. Spain