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Comments on "At Hyeres.....Louise, South of France"
what a vision in color. just love the dress and the belt is a nice addition. bare feet relaxed, gorgeous!
she is so beautiful~!
A modern Cicely Mary Barker flower fairy...
she's lovely, the dress is not.
Very dynamic, in motion.
Great how her low slung belt duplicates the casualness of her loose hair.
this is the girl of my dreams.....
Wow! You can hardly tell it´s her!
The way her dress is billowing in the wind, the bare feet with a touch of polish, the warmth of a secret garden (if only in my mind - It's like she's staring into my soul.
Favourite photo yet.
Pure brilliance.
What a magnificant composition!
The beautiful light makes me wish I was there. She looks like an exotic fish. And she looks so free! :)
Very evocative picture, although her expression belies the bohemian-romanticism of her dress!
Have you ever thought about making a movie? Not a big one, just a short fantasy in sartorialist-style.
E.g The Makeover of a Phoenix
She knows how to best combine the dress and the belt.
Garance Dore' has more pictures of Louise, who is adorable.
it's amazing how much magic a little bit of wind can bring to a photograph.
great one.
This pic just makes me feel the soft wind, lets me smell the fresh flowers and the new green leafs on the trees.
She looks pure and ethereal. Great dress, only the waistbelt avoids that she just flies away...
She reminds me of an oleander bloom,
or hibiscus...
everyone who has been to the south of france in early spring knows what I mean.
beautiful dress. makes me want to go on vacation. or maybe if i had a dress like that, it could feel like i'm on one...
A pastel pink path, little lights against that aquarella sky, the breeze of the sea, a beautiful misterious garden... Please Sart tell us more stories about Hyeres.
wow I love the bohemian look. it's really big in Japan right now too. - Jenelle
Glad to see how nice the weather was at the Hyeres Photo Festival while we were freezing in New York! If anyone wants to read about last year's winner of the photography competition, go to: http:theyearinpictures.net
It's so funny that you and Garance Dore both have photos of Louise in the same outfit, twice! Garance Dore also had her in the gray socks and green (?) shoes and black dress outfit. I like this girl a lot--she's just lovely.
Another great shot! Great light, wonderful framing. The transluscent skirt is fab.
This is the girl in the mustard scarf who garnered lots of comments. I think it was in the Tuileries.
Scott - how and why do you keep running into her?
enchanting........a garden goddess. LOL
What a beautiful dress. The whole pic just makes me dream of france : )
These pictures from South of France are beautiful, artistic shots. The outfits however are plain and uninteresting to me.
the clothes and the people are fabulous from all of the latest photos but more than that- I wish I was there!!! The setting is gorgeous!
Ça fait rêver... de printemps, de chaleur douce, de campagne et de souvenirs! Is there still a thing called south of France?... Bucolic and ethereal. Hopefully forever. Éternel.
My mum has a dress so like this one that she bought for her honeymoon in 1972. I adore it i'm a much larger build than her and got too big to wear it age 9!
This is so springy!
What a contrast! So gentle! I like the almost transparency of her dress which melt with her jade like legs! Bravo!
Thank you for setting the blog, you enliven my busy life!
Milly from HONG KONG
Amazing idea to shoot with the sunlight behind her, it completely accentuates the etherial lightness of her dress, also the halo of the light in her hair, beautifully shot.
i love the light on your picture! Garance Doré took her picture as well here
but i can totally understand why you both took her! she's lovely
Great photo!!!
Wonderfull dress.
Hey Sart,where did you take this picture?? Looks likethe garden of Eden. Breath-taking!
I love that she's barefoot..
It's an updated Slim Aarons: a beautiful woman who belongs in this beautiful place. Heavenly. (I'm gonna have to see this Hyeres place for myself!)
Oh,my. Is there a renaissance fair in Hyeres this time of year?
Perfect outfit, perfect face lineament, perfect hair. I just love this girl. She looks adorable
A Pre-Raphaelite painting come to life!
The flowers, the bare feet, the sun coming through her dress, her expression...this whole composition is just beautiful.
French women are so beautiful - and they don't even have to try!
part of me can't believe that the indian/hippie dress is back, mostly, because i come from a hippie community and grew up wearing such things.
part of me is, also, very happy.
i also saw this girl on garance doré's blog. i'm glad to see her without those heavy black frames smothering her gorgeous face. i mean, i thought they were cute, but not fitting for what other things were going on, style wise. who am i to say, though, be free!
the print is a breath of fresh air, after such a long winter...
Oh, Sart! These pictures from the South of France are magical. Hypnotic. They make me want to forget who I am and go to be whoever I would be if I were there. Louise is a vision from sheer imagination, and I don't even want to say what imaginations spring up at the sight of Mr. Ackermann, there! Sheesh!
These are people whose clothes seem to be as much a part of them as their own skins are, and it's as if they've made pieces and refractions of that amazing light into something to wear! Thank you so much for posting these.
Wow, wow - I was in awe the moment I saw the photo, quite a breath of fresh air (in this stale office!). Everything is beautiful/perfect - the colors, the dress, the girl, and the lighting (the sourroundings and her dress) is exquisite. Anonymous at 4:00 am put it well "a vision in color". My favorite photo of yours so far. Thank you!
I love her. And I love the feel of the photo. Your backgrounds always compliment your subjects so well.
So carefree and beautiful!
did you ask her to take off her glasses? i've already seen her picture all over the blogs.
for one.
great photo, great place!
That light is phenomenal
It has a French country feel. Her neck is stiff. Lovely model though. Great colors.
this is so lovely! the light and colours. her dress makes a beautiful fan shape caught in the wind. this makes me think of summer and sun. thank you, it's gorgeous.
i love the simplicity of this photograph + the rest of your 'south of france' shots. merci beaucoup!
Oui, oui, oui!
This woman is just the epitome of glamor and elegance without looking like she tried. Absolutely beautiful. Frankly, all the photos you've posted from the South of France have been out of this world. What a good batch!
Makes me excited for summer! But I'm sad to say I don't like the dress so much. The picture is beautiful, though.
It's interesting to compare the photo of this girl here with the photo of her on garancedore. She looks so different! Here she looks so poetic and beautiful, on garancedore she looks so cute and quirky.
I hope the boho look comes back - it's so feminine.
love love love the dress- where can i find something similar?
Shes gorgeous! The dress isnt so much, but her natural beauty and her calmness and confidence makes up for it.
this is stunning she looks amazing. so simple and delicate.
Louise is lovely.
Punky-b has more photos of Louise (and other people at Hyeres) on her blog.
She is right out of a fairytale. Illuminating.
The hit for the summer 2008
i'm typically not fond of the bohemian style, but she is simply stunning. beautiful shot, sart.
Now here is one fine example where a cigarette would ruin the photograph. I'm sad to admit that, as most of the time, the addition of a cigarette is just another detail in the photo and the wardrobe. I believe it would take away from the purity and beauty of this shot, as its not necessarily a 'fashion photo'. Excellent work.
Ah, thank you.
I feel like I can breathe again.
By the way, if you ever get a chance to shoot Maxine Hong Kingston --take it. She's stunning.
This would make for a perfect dyptich with your New Delhi at night photo....lovely.
lovely. i love how the sun peeks through the chiffon? dress. :)
i want to be louise's friend...
C'est superbe!!
This photo has convinced me that I want to travel to the South of France and live there for as long as I can... Just Beautiful...
This is a stunning photograph. The lighting and movement create an other-worldly sense about image. It's beautiful.
oh my god, the first few times I saw this photograph I didn't realize it was Louise! She has garnered quite the following, and now I completely understand.
ethereal and yet lively.
I think barefoot and relaxed is by far her best look.
Maybe it's because I'm fond of frequently running about without shoes myself. :)
I do not love this dress. It's appealing in a 70s Loulou de la Falaise - Yves Saint Laurent - Jacqui Getty - Marrakech - cloudy smoke mystic glamorous way, but it's not very flattering for her, and she is quite beautiful. The bottom falls nicely on her, but the top is just wrong, I think.
Touch of the Lady Di about this one
wow ! so 70s !
such a Flower Power face !
She looks like a fairy. Truely a nice ,comfortable dress to wear on a warm summer day/eve.
Can I marry this girl and live with her in sout france - like forever?
south of france, portugal or anywhere else.
That is a beautiful dress on a beautiful woman. She looks so comfortable, carefree, and relaxed.
bohemien beauty! beautiful light...
I have always been a big fan of summer dress with beautiful prints such as Indonesian batik prints, African tribal prints, Animal prints, etc.
The girl looks so angelic and the dress just perfect!
I want her dress!!! Great picture, as always!
Is Louise a friend who joined you there? Anyway, she is lovely, unique and want to know what work she does.
You really captured Provence.Did you take a photo at the castle ruins?
lovely pic!
Beautiful background. I love the lighting and the way the sun radiates through the sheer fabric of her dress... but, is her left arm a tad shorter than the other? what is going on there?
Completely reminiscent of St Laurent's peasant looks.
wow, she's really beautiful, and the picture too!
This is bohemian chic done right. Brilliant, and not over-accessorized.
What a beautiful woman! What a beautiful picture! You are leaving behind a legacy of beautiful images. In the past year or so, you have captured such lovely moments... and made so many people happy!
stunning...just stunning
I am in love with this dress. Very gypsy and free-spirited! This look has a very Stevie Nicks-y vibe to it with a hint of Woodstock.
Wow, so floaty and natural.
the light is great, she looks like some kind of a fairy.
i absolutely love that dress, she's so damn french.
she looks like a model walking the runway
So fresh looking!!! lovely color and the fabric looks like is very comfy!!!
che meraviglia!
wow, so pre-raph - this girl could be ophelia or the lady of shalot!