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Comments on "At Hyeres 2008......Hyeres Femme, South of France"
I love and hate everything about her. She would be in front of me a the icecream stall. She would be walking ahead in the dusk on the pier with her sister in law. She would be putting the beach bags in the back of the car at the end of the day and take so long to leave the car park. She would have the best night at a seafood restaurant with all of the family. She sould not get up until 10 am and I would see her putting the milk bottles out when I came back with pain au chocolats and nectarines.
She is perfect to me -- perfect amount of makeup, color, accessories, freckles, eyebrows, pale fingernails. This is a look from which everyone could learn and take a piece!
"refreshing" look too
Lovely! Poster-vintage-nautica-very cheerful.
i love the head scarf. it looks great on her blonde hair!
the bangles give the outfit a very very good touch. shame we couldn't see the red of her and the background.
i would personally pass the stripey black and white top.
haven't been here in a while. things are lookin' fine mr satorialist! :D
see you in another 2-3 days/week.
loving the ocean in the background of these shots.
Oh my gosh, she is amazing! What classic beauty and a pure wonderful smile. Great photo, completely refreshing.
Great picture! Like the outfit, especially the way the trousers button up, and her use of multicolor bracelets and the scarf to finish up what would otherwise be a predictable color selection. Love the pose also- very pin-up and fun. Hope you are having a wonderful visit, even though you are working. Jorge from West Palm Beach
Very female. Love red lips
So fresh, sassy and at ease.
Beautiful woman, great expression,
but I ´ve come to the conclusion that
this year I am not into stripes.
refreshing look.
Comme elle est belle!
very cute and vibrant!
Beautiful and timeless. Like Eartha Kit.
So French!!!
what a beauty.
A glowing beauty, dressed for summer! Every detail is charming. Subtle nails and makeup, dazzling smile, arty jewelry, pulled back hair--this a great way way to liven up the classic top.
I would love to see the length of these pants. Cropped with sandals? Long and wide with heels?
love it, love it. esp the stripey top with the print of the scarf on her head; she makes it interesting but still keeps it clean. i wish i could see more of the bottoms -- pants? shorts?
i love how the sun is caressing her cheek, her beautiful smile and
timeless style.
She looks so fresh and all ready for the summer. I wish you had a full length photo. I would love to see the pants that she's wearing
this is maybe the best pic ever on the blog. the reason- her unabashed beautiful pose. "I"m lovely!" she says. "And I love it!" No pretending to be shy or cutesy little girl stances. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy for this woman. I wish we all felt like her!
She looks really natural! It's not about her clothes, it's about her, she's fresh and natural with a big smile!! I like it!
So cool, this woman could have been a model for Matisse- the Femmes Antillaises series--
And very South of France: the stripes, the Fitzgerald era high waisted pants and the Provencal/African head wrap, the perfect skin! Very inspiring Scott, merci!
So fresh, so vibrant, so stunning! Love the head scarf and jewelry!
Nice top and pendant. But shouldn't she use a rather large pendant?
The picture of the woman just makes me think of holiday. Very cute outfit on a very cute woman : )
Postcard perfect!
She's beautiful! I love the printed scarf with the striped top, as well as the chunky ring and bracelets with the delicate necklace. Great lipstick color, too.
The lipstick...gahh love the lipstick.
So chic!
Her skin is so lovely and I heart her bracelets.
i haven't any sartorial comment regarding this ensemble. but,killer smile! happiness and the beach -what more is needed.
Its the first summer look
Gretchen looks beautiful. So Coco Chanel at Deauville!
I love everything about this shot - the composition, her stance, her smile, her red lipstick, her accessories but I *covet* that ring!
Beautiful smile!
She is stunningly beautiful! Love the scarf in the hair, the natural makeup, her jewelry! I wish I were there!
Im liking that the black stripes are thicker than the white ones, im very into striped shirts atm, and trying to find as much different kinds as possible, there are more kinds of black white stripes than I initially imagined
Joie de vivre radiating off the screen! :-)
Adorable! This is so timeless & classic it could be a snapshot of my Grandma at the shore or yesterday. Love it!!!
She's much more than a breath of fresh air. She's a moist tropical storm of deliciousness. Will you look at those freckles, please? I'm in love.
lovely shot!
i like that everything about her is simple - hair color, make up, and her light & neutral nail polish.
i don't think this look would be the same without the lipstick, her tan, her jewelry, and that smile.
Beautiful photo! Love the vibrant lips, headscarf and bangles...
Wonderful! She's got a fresh, modern take on a 50's movie star thing going on. I wish I could see how she's knotted the scarf around her head - I've tried this many times times but can't quite get the knot right.
she could be a peasant from the 16th century in such a contemporary way. beautiful, all of her, the stance, the lighting, her accessories, her smile, so earthy.
aww, she's beautiful. i love it. she looks like something out of a picturesque seaside postcard.
ooooh! She looks gorgeous! the waist band of her pants (were they pants??) and her head scarf look 1940-ish
che bel sorriso! What a smile!
this photo makes me smile. she looks comfortable in her skin. love the bright colours in her scarf, ring and lipstick.
she's so naturally beautiful
This photograph fulfills a little hole in me where beauty and happiness and the feeling of being fully alive reside. I can't tell where the beauty of the photograph ends and the beauty of the subject begins.
Iconic image - looking at her in her trim striped shirt, print scarf like a blossom over her ear, the jewelry, sailor fly - and the sheer adorableness of her pose - I feel happy just to look at her. Her look is simple, personal and witty. Wow!
what a beautiful girl!
she looks so lovely posed up in stripes by the sea.
oh my goodness, just perfect! from the scarf, high waist pants, little charm necklace ... all so individual and just lovely. viva la france!
wow. amazing
I featured your blog on mine (it´s in spanish)
Keep on the good work!
gorgeous photo, gorgeous girl. sart you make my day.
thank you
Well, she's just beautiful. And her accessories bring a great, bohemian kind of feel to her "sail away" top and pants. Brilliant! And she's beautiful.
This shot is GENIUS! You have truly mastered your craft. Well done, my friend--may you continue to inspire us all.
The shirt, pants and red lips evoke a timeless and classy look while her scarf, ring, and bracelets add a bit of hippie fun. It is the confident smile and carefree pose that bring the two styles together beautifully.
i´m speachless. shes just gorgeous!
For those of you who sew (or who have someone to sew for you), HotPatterns has a pants pattern with exactly this front waist detailing. No affiliation, just a happy customer who hopes to make these pants next month!
Perfect shot! Perfect ring. Perfect combination of bracelets. Her lipstick. Her beach-ready look. She's absolutely glowing like no one else I have ever seen on this site. Well done!
I'd love to see a full length of this... those look like great pants. I've been thinking a lot about the black and white striped shirt lately. Gorgeous. Wish I was there!
So lovely. I had exactly the same shirt about 20 years ago.
Oh so beautiful and sexy! Love the sea as a backdrop too. Reminds me of Marilyn Monroe and Gwen Stefani from her "Cool" video.
Scott evokes Scott...Fitzgerald, that is. Gretchen would fit right in to the Riviera of the 1920s. A great shot of a classy lady. Cheers.
wow! it reminds me of Gauguin - don't really know why :)
Body Language. Her pose says such positive things about her attitude.
wow..she's gorgeous
beautiful, she looks like a heroine from a book. or a film. I really like the way she wears etnic accesories, not too much, just enough to point out her etnic origin. lovely.
I love this look on women. Reminds me of the golden age of Hollywood when it was less about thin and skin and more about style.
Absolutely lovely: the high-waisted nautical trousers, the scoop-neck stripes, the lipstick, the scarf, the gorgeous beachy light.
Just goes to show you what good, red lipstick can do for a girl. Awesome!
Quelle joie de vivre!
I'm in love! And have a new way to wear my scarf when summer comes to the Great Lakes. Timeless, beautiful and NO PLEATS - she's a woman after my own heart.
this is such a great shot! it makes you feel happy straight away. i love her ring.
it's lovely, but what do the pants look like? surely that's an important detail for the sartorialists in all of us!
STUNNER! 40's beach chic+million dollar smile=priceless!
She strikes me as an old-school pinup girl, and that seems like the most modern thing possible!
i want her to be my best friends fun cool mother. Perfectly fun and happy and sexy, and in a non-degrading way for once!!
OH my god. what a ray of sunshine.
Such a joyous image.
The best example I've seen recently on your site of a woman wearing the clothes and not vice versa.
Question: Is it titled Hyeres Femme because you're assuming she's from France, or because the way she dresses is very French, or what we would expect from a French girl? She's a journalist from Harper's Bazaar Kazakhstan. (OK, given, she doesn't need to be from that country because she works there, buuuuuuuuut...) [just asking.] Answer please.
i love her and love you for catching her spirit.
its so refreshing and powerful. this picture puts a smile on my face :)
thank you!
for marega
it is called Hyeres Femme because I couldt think of another titled
same for the gentleman below
What can I add? She is fantastic!!
She's so beautiful and refreshing looking! I love the bandanna.
Every single photograph you have shown us of Hyeres has been a stunner making me want to book my flight right away!
Everyone looks so healthy, fresh, lively, and interesting with glowing skin and perfect hair and strong bodies.
This is how I want my Spring to be!
Love the sailor pants and ring!
She looks almost like a vanity fair cover shot.. if only she was famous. Bright and Breezy comes to mind with this picture. I can't wait for summer to come to London!!
Wow. Her face is flawless and the outfit is just divine in its simplicity. I don't know if many people could wear it as well. Just looking at her smile and the whole photo makes me happy.
Thank you for this, Sart!
Reminds me of Sophie in Maugham's The Razor's Edge, with all of the cleverness and charm, and none of the tragedy.
simply lovely!
I was there ! I saw her at the Villa de Noailles !
melle Naomi - age 17
her, the pic and what we are thinking about her is so refreshing, you forget your problems and remember what's really important.
wow! she is beautiful!
Well I learn something new everyday and I've had my eyes opened that there is a Harper's Bazaar Kazakhstan.
Borat eat your heart out.
beau joli
another example of how a persons smile can make a photo...or a face.
The trousers are from Gap...
I thought very 40s as well. Pre Castro Cuba-ish. She is a stunner.
Dear Sart,
Wow. I am stunned. I mean, gee... what a shot! What sense of style. So great, everything is great about this picture I wish I had made it. And the pose... the pose! What a pose!
SO wonderful,
fabulous shot!
What a beauty! She looks like she walked out of a movie.
What a fresh summer look. The broad smile and the laughing eyes. Great.
Confident, radiant, uninhibited.
I love it so so much.
beautiful! Good Vibe! positive energy!
just lovely.
absolutley adorable!
I also agree with the first poster
That´s the way to look on the beach! She's very beautiful, personally and funny.
The first comment by anonymous was the most unnerving kind of thing for me. I don't understand what you were getting at and it's really scary the more I read it, cause it's stalker-ish and disturbing. ANYWAY, gosh does she ever look cute. I love her skin color it's so healthy and with her features it's very exotic altogether. She kind of looks like she's doing a fashionable gypsy look.
er i think what the first anonymous means is that the woman looks happy and relaxed that they can't help but be envious lol
To me she represents France. She look exactly like I expect French people to look like. The Highwaisted pant is a difficult garment to wear without looking weird. She looks amazing!
Like she should be in a magazine.
I love it. I call this look with her "naughty nautical". I hope to dress like this for the rest of the season.
reminds me of Sade : )
The headscarf brings it all together.
She's beautiful; something about her is reminiscent of Josphine Baker's vivacity and joie de vivre.
I want to marry her.
i kissed her!
A truly refreshing photo, very glamorous...a beautiful girl with a such fabulous smile!!