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Comments on "At Hyeres 2008......Beach Beauty, South of France"
She looks great!I like the hairstyle , sunglasses, everything. But their clothing was too dark to the beach.
Sorry for my English
Great silhoutte!
Gorgeous overall/catsuit!
So relaxed, wish I could wear that.
Somehow I don´t like the colour of the cardigan in contrast to the (too short) belt.
Anyway,amazing light and backdrop.
This reminds me of J.H. Lartigue's pictures of Renée Perle from the 1930s.
i love her hair and cardigan
I Love Hyeres!!!
I have been going on vacation there for years....
Beautiful sea - light - beaches -
Ciao from
i recently read "Tender is the night" and this is how i imagined their style when they spend their days on the beach.
very old hollywood.
love the skinny belt.
She's a beauty...she looks like Diana Mitford!
A classic.
Absolutely spot on! - love everything about it - will be endeavouring to copy the exact outfit this summer
I guess I'm going to be the person who comments on the photography more than the clothes. Love the background action as well as the foreground figure!
The belt looks almost like a LV strap. Always like the soft look of well-worn leather, and I think it goes well with the navy dress. Also like the wayfarers- so glad I kept mine from the 80's! You know you are getting old when the fashions you once wore come back! Jorge from West Palm Beach
Too literal and anachronistic
Not only are the clothes spectacular, but the shot is amazing because it is completely timeless. Take out that kid in the board shorts and this is a snapshot of someone's grandmother in the 1940's.
"it just comes natural."
V cruel timing with these beach pictures, Sartorialist. It's been raining for three consecutive days in London (and more forecast for the rest of the week). This is really rubbing it in.
This is stunning.
So natural.....VERY cool
I love her curvy shape. The gentle curve of the neckline paired with the stripes are a great combination.
Wow. Interesting interpretation of the original sailor stripe and a hint of leg. Very 1940s glam!
There seems to be an interesting 50's vibe happening in these south of france beach shots. Here, and I'm also thinking of the lovely "pinup" woman in the striped shirt. I wonder if it's something timeless for this place, or if it's a current trend.
Love it! She could be Coco Chanel herself in 1933.
Great Outfit, inspiring and so flattering! she just came out from those beautiful striped tents.
Good to see you at Hyères!
But where is the girl with the red umbrella? I'm sure this is a very nice shoot!!
I love her jumper - does anybody know who makes it?
I love how she looks so sharp against the hazy background.
I think that love at 1st sight would feel like this looks...
I like the outfit, but do people really wear long black pants to the beach? With a sweater? I may be too literal, but that outfit, AND the sneakers in the sand -- it seems totally out of place to me. Fashion has to meet reality at some point. And her reality is going to be a sticky, sweaty self and sandy shoes.
skinny belt + deep v halter= perfect
There's something different about your shots in France. Maybe it's the light. The people look so natural, so easily put together and ...oh...chic, but in a non-affected way.
Great job!
Perfection -- it's official, I have to move to the South of France tout suite...
Super elegant. Sporty, relaxed and severe all at once.
These portraits from Hyeres are a force of inspiration... There's a naturally cool and timeless style that transcends fashion from all these individuals-- from the gentleman that appears as a vision from The Sheltering Sky, to the radiant young lady in her pin-up girl pose, to the stylish older couple, and to this elegant individual. All these portraits would be as stylish 50 years ago and 50 years later, as they are now. Timeless.
This photo makes me smile for two reasons, the clothes and lighting are both beautiful. Me likey.
Just love it.
I love the navy blue with the navy blue horizontal stripes. Something to me doesn't work. The pink button up needs to be more of a red tint, a little more vibrant. The glasses are chic.
Looks like a photo that I've seen of Giorgio Armani's mother.
an overall great look. i am drawn to the thin belt.
this really is a timeless image. the framing of the beach goers in the background tops everything off; was that by chance or did you wait for the perfect timing?
exquisite. i'm loving the bodysuit-overall silhouettes.
the colors may be dark, but the navy and the white have a great beach-y/yacht-y feel to it.
however, i'm so sick of seeing the wayfarers everywhere! it seems like once a trend hits, it REALLy hits.
do love the outfit, but sneakers on sand ... misery. get on the boardwalk!
Love it! very 30's but perfectly modern as well. the combo of the suit, striped shirt and belt is perfect!
So far, I've seen the 30's, 40' and 50's mentioned...now I'm going to suggest the 20's. haha. There are photos of F. Scott and his friends (a few of whom were the basis of "Tender...") frolicking in the south of France, circa 1920's. This girl looks like she just walked out from one of those photos. Lovely.
nothing i don't LOVE about this outfit! plus the game of beach football in the background gives the whole picture an extremely relaxed look. great photo, wonderful outfit!
I love your shots from the strand, Sart.
Timeless. So fresh.
The fabric is a linen & jersey blend?
When my ship comes in: I'll stay in my desert house for the winter and live in Hyeres in the summer... meanwhile, where can find a lighter-colored version of this look for the Mojave?
-- desertwind
Magnifique! Superb! That is style in so many ways. Thank You.
The only things I don't love are the shoes, the watch and the haircut.
I am totally loving the fact that she's not in the "itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini"--love this look for the beach or for anywhere!
she looks very out of place on the beach with kids in bathing suits
Very retro-cool.
In a good way!
timeless perfection. i love the people sporting in the background contrasting her very cool demure. love it.
I'm personally loving the rolled up sleeves on the sweater... nice adaptation
Like Mis-Tal, as soon as I saw this I thought of Tender is the Night, where Nicole is on the beach.
I think that's a really great look for the beach, although I'm not sure it would be so easy for other people to pull off, she's very natural and confident.
Love it! Very nautical without having obnoxious anchors and other marine-related images actually on the clothes.
It's Chanel in the 20's & since it's not yet summer what's wrong with long black pants on the beach?
My eyes are automatically drawn to the thin belt, wayfarers, then halter-pants suit...love it!
What the HECK!...jusdt kidding ...she is a bit out there.....I suppose we all associate beach attire with our epidermis.....not here ....she has it all covered ...looks like a character of a old black n white movie...cant put my finger on what circa
I don't like the outfit, I guess I am not in the norm.
The picture is nice, and the beach is beautiful.
mmm...I like the sailor stripes..and is the pink a sweater or a blouse???
Very 20's... I love it.
For those commenting on how come is she wearing pants on the beach; not everyone goes to the beach to sunbathe and swim, you know.
Sartorialist: I've been coming to your blog for about two months, now and I'm very happy I have found it!.
Thank you for the inspiration.
Very Coco Chanel. I love it.
Nice! Really beautiful 'see look'. All she needs is to 'au revoir' that slim belt that cuts her figure in two (she doen't need it, the horizontal lines in her t-shirt are enough!), a little wooden house painted with white and blue stripes in the backgound and, perhaps, also a pink parasol.
She looks like a beautiful woman in the 20´s. Love her!
she looks great. i think this is the perfect beach look, we don't all need to wear string bikinis all the time. she is fabulous, and she wont have to spend all night sitting inside putting lotion on a sunburn.
Super chic, super relaxed. I am in love with this look and the girl who pulls it off effortlessly.
Phyllis at 10:10 AM said what I immediately thought. This looks exactly like the beginning of Coco's revolution!
nice lines.
She is very chic, like Chanel in the 30ths...
this looks like taylor warren. either that or it's her older sister!