World Class Style From New Delhi, India

The last thing I want to do on this trip to India is water-down my eye and take a lot of touristy "exotic" pictures.
I'm sure I will take some pictures of "great color" blah, blah but I am really happy that so far I have found looks that I would shoot whether I was in NYC or Milan or anywhere.
This young lady , for example, is as cool as any young lady I have ever met in Manhattan.
The real genius behind this look is that she is very petite, (maybe) 5' 2" and yet her long dress actually real lengthens her entire frame. The sleevelessness is a huge factor in pulling this off.
What I also love is that she is very "put together" and yet extremely sporty. Even though the dress was very long and very slim she was running around like she had a track suit on.
I rarely use the word effortless because I think it is a messy and mostly unattainable concept but she is about as close to effortless as I have seen in a while.
(regarding the bag, because I know it will be commented about, it was more ,for her, about function than form. It was stuffed with paperwork)
Comments on "World Class Style From New Delhi, India"
I absolutely love how her lips and fingernails match the wall behind and her shoes match the leaves on the street. Perfect!
Once again, you've shown us the transcendence of great fashion; it has the ability to cross all cultural/racial lines. Bravo!
after a look at the ruching in her dress, i understand and appreciate how restrained the rest of her look is- relying on small pops of color than other standout pieces.
Lovely. This look completely works on her, even though that long dress with shoulder-to-hem ruching shouldn't!
I had to comment on her. She is beautiful! It's so refreshing to see a face like hers, away from some of the stereotyped beauties that we see around the blogosphere! Scott, thank you for finding her!
What a beautiful face!!! Love the very strategic use of color, and how natural still looks. Gorgeous woman!
she's so lovely
luv everything abt her...
can i marry her....hehe...
gud work sart...
adil sg
I don't understand what you mean about the bag. Why will it be commented upon?
go India hahaha, we can get it too!
she's gorgeous!
Great look! She looks very stylish. Wish I could look like that by just "throwing stuff together". Awesome shot!
So stunning and refreshing! I love her lipstick color with the outfit! Can't wait to see more pics from India!
beautiful head to toe. I've dreamt of outfits like this, and pulling something like that off would be a dream come true. Its actually really poetic, it puts a spin on the idea of every day glamor, and yes in a way it is effortless, somehow looks like it perfectly landed on her body, the dress, the bag, the shoes, the cuff. Even though we would think this outfit would not make sense perhaps thats what makes it so fantastic. As for her really crisp and clean appearence contrasting with a rustled background, the photograph expresses a serenity of a busy lifestyle, which seems to describe the idea of India quite well, a type of modernt serenity, a contradiction perhaps, but a goal for us all? Love your work.
I've been staring at the picture for about five minutes now and i just can't place what's so perfect about the shot. gorgeous eyes, lips, and those seemingly unfitting shoes which somehow click oh-so-perfectly... as a writer, i know what you mean by the use of "effortless," but then again, it's the perfect word.
Nice work man. I know you'll keep showing great stuff from there
i actually really like the bag :S
I'm actually surprised that for once a Westerner would not see a place through the eyes of a tourist. It's very nice that you're not acting like the Sari is all India is about. The world is truly becoming a global place and we should embrace that!
I agree with everything you said, and on top of that, she's gorgeous!
I hope you have a good time in India; in my experience, beautiful Indian women are never simply pretty - they're downright stunning.
gorgeous. stunning. those are about the only words i can muster looking at her.
I was in New Delhi for two weeks and i believe it's not a matter of watering your shots down. It's just unrealistic to expect to see western style "chic" in new delhi every day, every time. Being chic doesn't necessarily have anything to do with looking "western". there is nothing wrong with posting pictures of women who carry themselves well in their saris. That is their version of "chic" in delhi. I for one, rarely saw any young women dressed like this when strolling around the chaotic streets of new delhi.
AAHHHHHHH!!! This woman is so beautiful, I want to scream!
Welcome to L'Inde. :)
Just wanted to point out its Delhi, not Dehli. I'm pretty confident you'll find lots of unexpected gorgeousness on the streets here. Waiting to see more!
I have only recently discovered this site and I just love it. What impresses me so much is the way you take a portrait of people as themselves wearing their clothes well, not just of a "look" or of them trying to be someone/something else via a costume. It is a subtle and very special talent to be able to bring this out in people, particularly strangers.
This woman is the epitome of grace and beauty. I probably would've baulked at the shoes, but they, balanced by the lip colour, are what make the ensemble energetic and casual enough for day. Plus those shoes look comfortable for navigating a busy life.
she is so stunning!
I agree that this is a beautiful shot. However, I am disappointed in your comments Sart. I understand that you want a more modern take on Indian style, but why not draw attention to the way people are mixing traditional Indian dress and accessories with western style? Why not comment on her armlet or the way the folds in her dress drape in a similar way to parts of a sari? Why do you feel the need to comment on how comparable some dress you have seen in New Delhi is to what you see in Manhattan? What about what New Delhi has to offer Manhattan?
her skin is so....perfect. lucky! and yay for petite girls.
The lengthening function of the dress is really aided by her long legs and high waist. It's hard to imagine this working as well for a woman with a longer torso.
I also find it interesting that her outfit has put together four different shades of black. On my monitor, I count the black bag, the purple-black dress, the blue-black strip up the front of the dress, and her brown-black hair. This multitude of blacks makes her eye color gravitate towards her lip color and appear a warm brown. Fantastic!
Love your site - and you're right, this young woman is the epitome of effortless grace, stunning style, and fresh beauty!
gorgeus gorgeus gorgeus! The ballet flats are my favorite part of this outfit.
What a beautiful woman!
The shoes were unexpectedly playful and they make her look much younger. Otherwise, the long black slinky dress would come off so formal and adult.
She's beautiful.
I wonder if you should comment more on pictures like this, or leave it up to us to figure out. I appreciate your insight, and it would probably cut down on any potential bickering, ala man of undeteminable origin.
Most Indian women are petite but not all :)
And this fine young lady here is more an exception than a rule.
But truly sublime and surprising.
I didn' expect a shot like this.
P.S. I live in New Delhi so... :)
i totally agree with 12:35am. why is chic, as it were, defined by nyc or milan?
to me, your explanation of the photo reads like a typical american tourist. forget about centuries of local tradition, culture, food, and fashion and just look for what is familiar because that is what is best, right?
i ask, why even go to india if you can find these looks in nyc?
isn't she priya kishore??...she always manages to look impishly stylish, without going over the top crazy..i see a striking resemblance to natalie imbruglia in the 90's
I love how she has accentuated her curves through the dress, as well as the pop of colour from her shoes. Kudos that they are practical too. The heels on this site worn by fashionistas often look good, but to my mind are not very practical. Yes, I cannot walk stylishly in heels!
I like the contrast of bracelet on one arm and bag on the other - and even though one is small and the other large - there is a symmetry about it that is further aided by her pose which inclines ever so slightly...
Beautiful picture, and a very "effortless" look indeed. What is so surprising is how comfortable she looks in her clothes, her skin, and her environment, while looking distinct, compelling and stylish. Hardy Amies said looking comfortable was the first rule of clothing oneself, but it is much harder to pull off than people realise, and not that many achieve it, even if they are "fashionable".
She is very lovely..
That cuff, and the placement just above the elbow, is fabulous. She looks as if some giant sea creature has her in its pincers...
I really love your pictures, however, I was a bit disappointed that this was your first shot from such an incredible place such as India. While I understand that you are wary of doing the 'touristy' thing, I hope that you can see beyond the limitations of 'western' fashion and see what is considered 'chic' by Indian standards which includes the various saris worn the the majority of the population. Just like people in the west pay top dollar for Gucci etc, Indian women also pay top dollar for top designed saris and other looks, so I hope that other pictures reflect this reality.
ooh she's got the same bag as me!
I was really surprised by your tone in this post. You seem very dismissive of previous comments left by many of your readers--people who have both an affection and appreciation for your work as well as the beauty and fashion unique to India. If you are indeed a true sartorialist, I would expect you to be much more appreciative of the various fashions presented throughout the globe, and not just those that you have traditionally found yourself compelled to shoot whether "in NYC or Milan." Shame on you for belittling the encouragement and enthusiasm of your readers, shame on you for degrading the unique and traditional fashion of a nation and people new to you, and shame on you for your ignorant preference of western culture. I find it hard to believe that you will be able to see or capture through photography any part of India that would truly represent the people and culture. You consistently photograph color and textile in Italy and other parts of the Western World, don't you think it short-sighted and self-spiting to dismiss such photos of India's textiles--ones used across the globe (especially in Italian fashion)--as "touristy" and "exotic"? You shouldn't worry about watering-down your eye, you should worry about narrowing your mind--before it's too late.
That's incredible! If you hadn't told us that she was only 5'2" I probably would have guessed she was just another 5'10" model that you shot. Great eye!
Aaah nice shot. I knew you would find something like this in Delhi. Am so glad you're not only shooting women in saris and tie and dye salwar kameez because thats not what all Indian women wear.
Seriously, if you like this lady's style, you have to visit Mumbai.
her eyes! HER EYES, omg! she's just so damn beautiful, so elegant! her face is perfect! she's probably one of the most perfect persons we'll ever see here! great shoot, great colors and GREAT GIRL!
Im so glad your in India, I miss Delhi so much and yes our woman are beautiful and their is more to them style wise then just a sari although they always look best in them!!
the eyes, the lips, the skin...
the dress, the shoes...
the attitude...
simply stunning.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I have been recently in Delhi and I can tell you that the amount of stylish people you see is not less than any western cosmopolitan big city. Sometime the level of sophistication is well above Western standard because of a light and soft oriental influence. But without that "ethnic flavour" which is out dated
thank you Scott, once again, for showing us that the true style can be found anywhere. I cannot get enough of being surprised by you. This woman is amazing.
Absolutely gorgeous - I love how she has pulled off such a "tall" silhouette despite being petite. Absolutely gorgeous - and thank you for showing a diffferent face of India.
Absolutely speechless. Wonderful.
She is really beautiful - the lipstick is the perfect shade, the shoes, the bracelet mid arm and the bag is perfect! Not to mention the dress which really fits her like a glove - she looks amazing - Very impressed!
I think my favorite thing is the way her red lips contrast her yellow shoes, separated by the long dark line of the dress. The detail on the dress is fantastic, but when you take the picture in all at once, the red and the yellow are what jump out at you.
Let's count (this can be done on 1hand) women at 5'2" that wear flats. Add confident & practical to stylish.
Those are the shoes I've been looking to buy for Spring!
I was living in India for a year and I have to agree the comment of anonymous at 12:35.
The concept of "chic" is all relative to personn and place.In case of India it has a lot to do also with what is acceptable for a woman to wear (sleevless clothes are not for the majority of the population)Colors also have a true meaning.
Althought globalisation has some good aspect it's also nice to travel and find something totally different. Isn't it dicovering different things that makes us richer and more inspirated? I'll stop traveling when I'll be sure to find away, the same thing I have at home.
As for myself, hope to see some nice shots of Indian woman ( is this one really Indian? I doubt it), wearing their Sari or not...whatever will be stylish and inspirating.
Bossy must have the shoes.
:O Lovely. That face...amazing
Shes just like Hillary Duff with dark hair XD
don't know if you've seen this already - check no 20!
Incroyable! This young lady is quite stunning. The dress, armlet, bag, shoes, the whole ensemble works rather well here, IMVHO. A great start to the weekend. Looking forward to seeing more. Nice pic, Sart.
She is an Angel!!!! can she possibly be more beautiful?
her eyes are incredible and he skin a dream. I wonder about her life in India...
I've seen plenty of saris and the like worn in New York, and I don't think they look out of place at all. I find the intro of this post unneccessary and more than a little offensive.
I never saw women in any part of India dressed like this! I can hardly believe you found her there! I love this photograph, and hope that everyone else there will be more willing to incorporate such 'effortless' western style into their everyday clothing choices! (And effortless, it is.)
Fabulous, Mr. Sart.
As curly girl glass said... what a perfect matching... beautiful! It almost doesn`t matter what people wear... :)
The real beauty is in her natural body - SHE HAS CURVES.
That's why she stands out. She's wearing the dress, shoes, and bag - they're not wearing her.
What a pleasure to see, for a change, a petite, curvy woman looking so stunning! Love the outfit, especially the bracelet (armlet?)and her use of colour.
I actually look a lot like this girl in terms in height, build, and facial features. I've been considering buying brighly-colored flats, and this photo has given me the final motivational push to do it. And I would kill for that dress!
I love this! The black dress, the yellow shoes, the black bag, the bracelet, and the red lipstick. It's all so great.
Absolutely love it! I like that you pointed out the fact that she's "very "put together" and yet extremely sporty". That totally sums up her whole outfit :)
Gward this image is PERFECTION. India, I'm in love. -Ant
yes, she is beautiful, and the shot is beautiful, but her outfit isn't inspiring me at all. the flats look worn out and mismatched in an amy winehouse way, and i think they are the wrong kind of shoe with a dress of that proportion and length. her nails and lips, however, are great.
Anon 7:23
There are more than 1 billion people in India and countless languages and distinct cultures. And in urban areas, there is now a rapidly growing middle class. So I wouldn't be so confident, as some posters are, to suggest that there is a single cultural norm to which all women are subject! I had to laugh at your use of the word 'acceptable,' as if there is an homogenous Indian standard of acceptabiity!
Somehow, the bag works for me. It looks like she's off to a destination with a purpose. Gorgeous.
It is true that the dress is exceptional. But what I like the most are the shoes. Beauty is in contrast!
Also a lot is in the great composition of the picture. Was it intentional? She perfectly fits on that background!
A great example of ethnocentrism... going to India to photograph ladies that dress like westerners... isn't it sad?
She is Beautiful
Great find! The arm cuff and the yellow shoes really make it for me. She's doing comfort and style perfectly.
Thanks Sart for intimating in your comments that good style should look like it came from Milan or Manhattan. Too bad about wasting your money on the air fare.
Blah, blah.
@Ema: Of course she's Indian. It's a diverse country. You shouldn't impose your exoticist expectations on people like that.
Love this shot, especially the colour of her shoes.
what a beautiful lady
note to the sartorialist: shoot in early am and late day, now that the hot windy season is descending upon the gangetic plains..lots of people head to the mountains right about now. I hope you have a least one cow in the street shot.
I like the small (emphasis on the small) accents of colour (lipstick, nails, shoes).
I love the pop of color in her shoes...and I am so amazed at how tall she looks! I never would have guess 5'2!
BTW does anyone know what bag she is wearing?
oh wow thats miu miu bag that she was holding (i guess). Very classy .. but wud love to see her in sari as well. her skin is different from other indian women, she must be mixed((another wild guess)))heheh
My favorite so far and by far. I like the comment about her being very petite and all because I really couldn't have guessed althought the brick wall behind her might be an indicator but then again. Anyway very NICE!!!
Marvelous! She's so exotic. This is exactly the kind of petite young lady I wouldn't mind bouncing up and down on my lap. She's absolutely lovely. Great photo!
I agree with dexter obvious (6:50pm). Her lips and shoes are striking, but once those colors draw me's her eyes that capture me.
Gorgeous girl and photo but am I the only one that hopes we will see something a little different? Remove the wall behind her and it could be manhattan.
Thank you so much for your site. I think about it every day now when I get dressed. I always love your comments, they're so enlightening, I wish you would comment on every photograph you post.
to Anon 1:40 am
I think I did show what New Delhi has to offer Manhattan
Anon 4:21am
first, wait till you see the photographs tomorrow, i think they capture a real essence of Delhi
her dress is by an Indian designer, so doesn't that reflect a modern part of India?
I think you have over reacted
thirdly why can't i also have my own opinion in the comments on my own blog.
That dress is so sleek. She is serene. Her face is striking.
What a fabulous woman and a truly magnificent photograph. Could the setting have been any more perfect? The colors are just stunning. I love her style and those cute little satin flats. Wonderful!
Just made my day!
sart - this picture is absolutely the most amazing picture on your site! perfection in every way - both in terms of her fashion, and her interesting and intelligent beauty.
for the people that want pictures of 'authentic' india - go to an ethnographic site. this is a western fashion blog and the images are part of a conversation to inform western fashion - which centers around NY, Paris and Milan, with feedback from a dozen other satellites. Not that a lady in a sari can't inform western fashion (as she has) - but this is a great image of how current and vibrant world fashion can be, and how one can be perfection in a western fashion sense anywhere. now, sart, is this young lady single? probably not, alas.
thanks for brightening up my friday!
Who knew a little black dress could be so controversial??
Love the dress, especially on her, the rest of the look is just okay for me (sorry, that sounded like Randy Jackson, didn't it?).
But the shot itself is gorgeous and that comes down to the composition (her beautiful face, her pose, her yellow shoes against the red background, her red lips, etc.). This is why I love your blog, not because we all have to agree on what is 'modern style.'
Looking forward to more shots from India...very exciting.
I think it's a little ethnocentric to assume that because she's dressing in this way, she's dressing in a specifically "Western" style. It seems to me that often Westerners put more emphasis on the purity of Asian culture than Asians themselves do - as long as that purity means Asians are dressing in styles and following customs that date back to generations before. Given that Americans are no longer wearing most of the styles of the past (except as 'vintage'), why should we be surprised that this woman is wearing a more modern dress and not a sari or salwar? Indian culture changes with time, just like any other. There are certainly plenty of women who wear saris, but I'd guess that in metropolitan New Delhi especially it'd be hard not to come across people in so-called 'Western' clothing.
What a beautiful photograph. I can't wait to see more pics from India.
Sart, I love your pictures and the new ways you inspire us to look at clothing.
However, you wrote, "This young lady, for example, is as cool as any young lady I have ever met in Manhattan."
Are you surprised to meet someone "as cool" as this outside Manhattan?
I am slightly alarmed at the Orientalist (and even slightly racist) nature of some of the above comments. There are hundreds of distinct cultures as well as DOZENS of languages in India. This woman's beauty is absolutely NOT an "exception, rather than the norm" as someone put it. And dear Sart, why would you state that "she looks as good as anyone in Manhattan"? Why must NYC be the centre of the world of beauty? Why not Peru, or India, or Malaysia or Nigeria? If anything, I find her beauty to be non-conformist whereas in NY, I find most women striving to catch up with the latest trend. In fact, almost all of your coverage of fashion editors is bland in this way; in so far as they all dress trendy.trendy.trendy as if their lives depended on it. Beauty is in confidence (which this Indian woman has in strides), rather than intimidation (which uniform luxury items imply).
Buck up folks, and do a little reading outside of your box.
I really like that dress. You mention it is by an Indian designer, do you know the name? I want!
i'm sure you can find a way to capture a more quintessentially indian style without taking touristy pictures.
i noticed it before when you went to china - your blog is very western-centric in terms of fashion, which is too bad, because the rest of the world has very interesting things to offer.
somehow i doubt that you'd have taken a picture of this girl in paris or new york.
I love everything about this outfit. The bright shoe is a genius touch. Her lips are amazing. Not many people can pull off the red lip but she does it quite effortlessly. je l'adore!!
I love the dress and the way she makes it somewhat casual :) LOVE LOVE the cuff braclet on her arm.
absolutely love it! Show us more!!!
I am the same height and figure, and she is an absolute inspiration to wear flats and a long dress!
I'm Indian, for what that's worth in this comment thread. And I think the shot and the girl are stunning. What's more, I think accusing Sart of ignoring "Indian sensibilities," whatever that amorphous term means, is profoundly silly -- when I first glanced at the photo, my first thought was "Wow. The dress fits her like a classic sari, especially with that elegant ruching. And look at all that uniquely Delhi red in the photo. His eye is amazing!"
You hair-trigger tempers should think outside the box.
Well said Anon 1:29.
You trolls need to relax. This is a fashion blog, on world fashion, through a western framework. If you want a world fashion blog with an Eastern point of view, knock yourself out. Just make sure you're based in Tokyo or someplace other than Manhattan.
This is one man's humble view of what he finds when he's out and about. That's all. And it's more than enough.
Great photo!!!
I always used to say that New York and Berlin is all very fine, but the Sartorialist will never be able to do a Sartorialist in India. Thank you, oh, thank you so much for that slap across my face!
The lipstick is a little too intense for my taste.
Beautiful lady.Great eye to find her Scott!Good Job!
She is so exotic looking compared to most of the other subjects of this blog. I love the dress and the shoes. You're right about the lengthening effect; I thought she was quite tall. I didn't know people dressed like this in Dubai. Thanks for enlightening me.
So chic.Outrageously chic.
Your photos stand up perfectly on their own, but I always enjoy it when you add a little commentary - it's very interesting to read about what you look for (people seem to forget that this blog is, after all, shaped by your aesthetics and sensibilities!). This is a lovely picture and the pop of her bright red lips is wonderful!
i'm glad you're focusing your attention on non-anglo girls too. i think she has proved to be more beautiful than all of them! or most of them at least. she has a down to earth quality that high fashionites in new york sadly miss and it's what lends to her beauty. of course -- that dress!
If this is your opinion why then did the Sart even need to leave the US?
Yes, isn't this Priya Kishore, owner of Bombay Electric, one of India's most fashion-forward shops? Nothing wrong with that if so, and she's gorgeous regardless, but if she's a global fashion insider, it's hardly suprising she's super-chic.
love the bag...
I think the dress works because she's so petite and curvy- all the 6' model-types were beginning to get old and give me a complex... It's refreshing to see someone beautiful style and curves!!!
First: my jaw just dropped to the ground. she's gorgeous.
Second: I think it's Priya Kishore--she owns a store in Bombay called Bombay Electric.....i did an internship in India and I went there in search of stuff to bring home--amazing stuff
The composition of this picture is splendid. I love deep hues and 'fresh look'of that youg lady. Well done indeed Mr Satorialist!
She's an inspiration; smartly dressed, world wise and wonderful to look at. As one person commented, she's very 'down to earth' in her look - yet exceedingly stylish and confident. Men step aside when she walks down the street.
for Anon 1:58pm
how can i define beauty, for me, from anywhere else but New York? that is where i live and what has shaped my concepts - to state anything else would be false. Should I feel bad that that is my background?
When i say that she looks as cool as any young lady in Manhattan it is because i have never heard that New Delhi is a "international fashion center" ,have you? I also have never heard that of Chicago?
I think I have the right to be surprised, it is honest,
sorry if I was not expecting very much but I have been pleasantly surprised. It is just my opinion - at least I have come here with an open mind and willingness to see something new.
besides don't you think most of the people are overreacting after just one photo?
anonymous 5:18 you hit the nail on the head - her down to earth beauty is her appeal. for any ladies here daring enough to try the red lip look - very fun - try mac's "cherry" lipliner.
omg people calm down! hes taken a great shot of a woman with style and nothing more
so many people throw around accusations based on nothing
if you find something wrong or racist about this then i truly feel sorry for your small sense of mind..
the wrap of the dress is gorgeous - like someone said a modern version of the sari!
THANK YOU sart for a great shot
im sorry people leave ignorant comments in place of a congratulation for your work...
you don't need to justify anything scott/sartorialist -- i was skeptical at first but if this photo is anything to go by i am in eager anticipation for the rest of your work in india.
Oh man, what a brouhaha! This is only one picture, who knows what else Sart has in store for us? I'm sure there will be a few Delhi dandies to keep those happy who want to see some traditional-but-trendy examples of Indian style. Anyway, this looks like Priya from Bombay Electric, her store is the best fashion store in Bombay - mostly Indian designers with a smattering of Comme thrown in. Sart if you go to Bombay do check it out...
I was wondering when would would put up some shots from India.
Maybe you had to catch up with jetlag?
Anyways, i love this look. You are right it is definetly about proportions on her.
Also, i don't see what the problem is with the bag. It is big, leather(?) and as an accessory contrasts with the yellow shoes.
Love it.
It's not one photo people are "overreacting" to, it's your comments about it. They seem to come from a need not to think of yourself as a tourist, just as you may need not to think of yourself as midwestern (hence the Chicago comment). Aren't you, in fact, both?
The photo without those comments would have been just as amazing. This woman is incredible looking from head to toe.
Just for the record, I agree with a poster from a few days ago who looked back through your archives and noted how your photography skills have grown. I've been looking at and loving your blog for quite a while, so I wasn't sure I'd see that. I looked back to some shots from two years ago, and sure enough...
Keep up the great work.
I think your comment deserves a standing ovation.
It is free from the plebeian cliches of "hybridity" and free from Orientalist tropes (which Edward Said had warned us about 30 years ago).
Women (and men) today in India, China, Japan, Vietnam, etc. do not want to be "exoticized". We're not living in the 19c./ 20c. anymore. We've bid British colonialism farewell a long time ago. We're not "exotic".
THANKS Sart! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yes i too think this lady looks extremely elegant.
@luiza 11:39
I didnt meant to impose my vision of exotiscm or s just that after spending time there, she didnt look like any Indian woman I met. But it s true that I didn't met all of them!
As for the use of the word acceptable, India is sure a big country with a large diversity of languages, religions etc...but if you've visited the country (not only big cities), you'll clearly see there is some "rules" in the woman dress code for a majority .(I stop wearing sleevless shirt in India. I couldn't handle the staring that went with it ) Well at least that's what I felt but I might as well have gotten it totally wrong.
This woman, Indian or not, is surely beautifull and inspirating in many ways. The comment that goes with it was quite confusing for me, it's much more clear after your highlights and comments.
Seriously, some people should quit typing their parochial views ... The comment about her skin!! - It's a country with over a billion people - of course there are going to be different skin shades for crying out loud!
As for the Manhattan comments, well, Manhattan is important on the business side of things & for designers to show etc.. but when it comes to street style it is overly safe, overly clone like & overly commercial & has no real individuality that you find in Northern Europe, Japan etc ... I live in Manhattan & I'm constantly underwhelmed, especially with male fashion - it sometimes seems that most N.Y men don't own mirrors.
Short, wears flats AND stylish? Who would have thought... ;)
I love the way she dressed down the dress to make it more of a day outfit than one for the night! The yellow flats, the simple yet striking make-up, and the cuff really add a lot..
all the comments just come off very "gringo"
the fact that your reality is new york and that you are surprised about what you've found in an emerging powerhouse country, India, makes you come off rather ignorant... beside all the political-ethno talk the photo is very nice. By no means are you ignorant, but just reading your last post and the caption just seems rather silly
I have alot of online frinds from India and in the photos sent, none of the women wore saris.
This woman is striking.
Wow what a coincidence!
That in a city of almost 14 million the Sart managed to find a famous fashionista
i am indian and my skin is exactly this color, if not lighter. just fyi.
To everyone who's blasting the Sart for not putting up pictures of women in saris etc: why on earth do the people he shoots have to conform to any standard of expectation when it comes to what they're wearing? I'm Indian, I lived in Delhi for a year, and I know that despite the fact that the city practically has a culture of sexually harassing women on the streets, there are pockets where people can wear what they want with some assurance that they won't get too much flak for it.
And as a young woman who goes to work in so-called 'western' clothes, I don't see what all the fuss is about. This blog has, in the past, featured pictures of people in traditional outfits, even Indian ones- what's wrong with showing the world that India isn't only a country of sari/salwar-wearing exotics? I wear neither, and I find the suggestion (implied in so many of the comments on this post) that not doing so makes one less 'Indian', rather repugnant.
This is reiterating a certain loveliness which I have really noticed in the last few posts (all your posts are exceedingly lovely, Sart, but there's been a trend lately): lately it's not been about proportions, or color combinations, or lines, or labels, but about personal carriage and confidence. With the latest Yasmin Sewell entry, or the man getting a shave, or the Dries van Noten pants, or the punk-rock Harry Potter, it's all been about a personal confidence. Who cares where this woman is from, or who she is wearing, and what it means in terms of ethnography? The important thing here is that we someone who is incredibly self assured and can wear whatever the hell she wants to wear, and THAT is what makes a person truly stylish. We can all learn a few things instead of arguing about what Sart chooses to put on HIS blog!
martn-i don't think sart is being ethnocentric at all. if he were to come to the midwest, i doubt he'd take pictures of people in wrangler jeans and tshirts (which is normal for most places here). he has an eye for fashion and bases his views on what he has seen/loved in NY, Paris, Milan, etc. sart chooses to capture what he personally thinks is "fashionable." if your views differ, i kindly suggest starting your own blog.
4:46 AM It is the eyes for me too.
Indescribable, beyond saying there is a powerful force there. Forgive me for being so hippie-dippy, please. I just don't know how else to say it. Something is about to burst free.
A stunning hourglass shape--but she is quite short! This very curvy and very small shape is thrilling at a visceral level for some of us. It is classic! Remember that the lovely Marilyn Monroe was petite.
Late getting in on commenting. Not much left to say.
Sheer elegance, poise and magic. The hands are so graceful.
i have been a regular reader of this blog and always wondered when will india come on the sart's radar
...finally it has made it.... n sure more to come...
Sart, I think you're going to do a great job and this photo proves it, looking forward to the rest.
I don't see why overly sensitive people are making a fuss about what you're photographing, if anything is offensive, it's the use of the word 'exotic' and phrases like 'she must be mixed' because she's so fair, from some of the readers. Stop dragging everyone down with your ignorance.
bella bella bellaaaa
why does all this matter?
why do Indian or any other ethnic women have to fit some stereotype to be Western/Eastern/exotic/domestic/ etc.?
why can't this women wear a beautiful dress by an Indian designer today and a sari tomorrow? She's the same person, the same Indian, the same femme.
I applaud this women for surpassing the labels that individuals put on her, and she has done it effortless by simply catering to her own taste in fashion. She is whatever she wants from day to day, because in reality, the clothes come off and her beautiful skin stays on!
stunning. the arm cuff thing makes the look.
It's not the fashion. It's her.
anon: 9:30 pm:
Some of the comments come off as very "gringo"? That is a racist comment. The assumption that you have some kind of superior world view, whereas people who are, I suppose, white in your view do not is comical.
I think I have a "girlcrush"!
Lovely work Mr. Sart, another gallery-worthy shot in my opinion.
Ann 5:29, your comment makes no sense.If your insinuating that Sart should only shoot NYC fashion or US fashion, you are missing the point completely. It's worldwide fashion that he finds when he's out and about. If his travels take him around the world, we are richer for it.
Go take a nap.
the most beautiful women are really from india.
Another Indian here telling everyone to lay off the sartorialist...
It's pretty clear from this blog that he's interested in how people all over the world translate fashion to work for them, and now he's taking a look at India.
Thank you!
She is truly chic, this out fit could go anywhere, anytime. She sure knows her body, silhouettes and color. This cannot be taught.
Sart...your photo of this
New Delhi beauty left me.....
I am a US expat living in New Delhi and I have to say that I love the unintended elegance (redundant?) that is abundant here. Many men still dress in a twisted 70's get up (body-hugging flared trousers, with their polyester shirts tucked in neatly... while sporting sandals) all year around. I think the silhouette is smashing: slimming, masculine. Yet, it's not intentionally retro or ironic. Just nonchalant. That's elegance, chic, whatever you want to call it. To wear clothes that make you feel great without fear of judgment--from Westerners or whomever. (Hope you'll get some pictures of the men?)
I wish you were here in winter though. It's a beguiling sight to see guys and gals drape wool blankets over their bodies with the same casual verve as Bianca Jagger with one of her capes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I am using Western concepts of chic to define what I think is cool here. (Duh.) But to deny my ethnocentric worldview would be disingenuous, right? So whatever... It's all about blending anyway. The more I live abroad, the less I am sure where Western begins and ends. It's all a blur. And that photo is a fine example of the blurring effect... So thanks Sart. Your blog makes my days brighter in Delhi.
everything about photo perfect can only look and appreciate
Habitual, I think it's me your talking to. I thought my comments were very succint.
Did you read Sart's initial comments? Why is he EVEN interested in finding looks similar to those he shoots in NYC or Milan? He is halfway around the world where people live differently. It's a fact.
I really don't think anyone has mentioned once that he takes photos of sari-clad women. Maybe he just needs to open his mind a little and not take pictures of obvious fashionistas.
Regarding "exoticism"
I'm not expecting to see pictures of women in saris either, but the point is....
The whole world does not have to look like America.
In all honesty, I think that this woman has the most beautiful, serene face that I have ever seen. The outfit is a lovely complement to this serenity, but I don't think that this picture is really about fashion, per se. It's about being comfortable as oneself and reflecting that in one's clothes. It doesn't matter if she's Indian or the owner of a high-fashion boutique. She's in charge of her own beauty, which is what all of us women, all around the world, aspire to in our presentation to the world.
Some ppl really need to relax...
It's his blog, anyway! The fact that he's even gone to New Delhi shows that he is trying to expand his horizons & world view...
You guys are totally missing the point. Bottom line, she looks gorgeous!! Stop killing it with all the negative comments.
Why do ppl have to make the most simple things complicated?
Did you have any idea this post would cause such a fuss??? Interesting....Nevermind what you said, can we discuss the rouging on this dress?? Not only is she wearing flats and a long dress but it's completely gathered in the front, all the way down(I had to lighten my screen to really see the detail). I'm 5'3 so I really admire her pulling this off....and I can't help but think of how sweet she must have been.....
stunning! What part of Delhi was this in?
anything good is a little controversial no?
captions,saris,gringos or not , I agree -designmillie-
I love the fact that she is" vertically challenged" to be PC and all ..& she is wearing this awesome long dress, love love love and looks so graceful! sexy look from new delhi
damn, I just enlarged this photo, this is a beautiful shot of her face, awesome mr.sartorialist... capturing beauty & grace and pissing some people off, gotta love it!
-a fellow 5'2-er.
She's graceful and serene. Really stunning photo.
what is wrong with you people???? it's HIS blog and he can post whatever he wants AND comment about it. Whether or not you appreciate the photo is one thing, but leaving negative comments is not very nice, especially since you might have misunderstood sart's opinion. leave him alone. i adore this look. keep up the good work, sart!
Fear not people! This is Sart's first photo from his trip, and he never disappoints us with his wide range of styles that he offers. I'm sure his trip to India will be no different.
This woman is just gorgeous. I agree that her look could fit in anywhere, be it NYC, Milan or right where she is., half way down, i think it is priyanka kishort
I've never seen a face that perfect. She's perfect. The most beautiful woman you've ever photographed.
She's perfect. Sart I agree completely with your comments about using the word effortless, she definitely is effortless though.
For the record, I love it when you comment on your shots and give us an insight into your thinking. I hope you don't let the bickering and negative comments from people that misinterpret you stop you from commenting. I live in Melbourne and I would expect you would make similar comments if you shot here, it's got nothing to do with ethnicity.
Thats a miumiu bag is it not? I recognize the strap and its gold link thingy. This is such a beautiful picture, scott. I am amazed by her beauty and style.
She's brilliant! That shade on her lips is what does it for me.
She's beautiful, the outfit is impeccable and I wish you'd also posted a close up of her face- I love her make up!
Having said all that- I'm really disappointed with your comments in this post. 'exotic'? That's what is an INTEGRAL part of Indian fashion.
I really hope that was just your jetlag talking and not what it really sounds like.
Scott: Please ignore all the nonsense about ethnocentrism and worldviews etc. I am so happy you are visiting India and finding beauty there, just as you find beauty everywhere else. Keep it up and don't be discouraged - and don't let it put you off coming back to this part of the world again. You have no idea how many South Asian sartorialists you have thrilled by coming here!!!
I must agree with some of the posts here about the disspointing nature of your comments. I think your photographyis inimitable and that you have an amazing eye to pick the scenes from everyday life that are poetically shot by you. BUT -- I was so disspointed to read your bemused tone about who women in New Delhi can be "just as chic" as in NYC or Milan . . . In fact, Indian women are super chic and beautiful. They have a sense about them that is sensual and embracing of their beauty regardless of height or size. They DON'T have to dress western or "all black" to look beautiful. India is a land of color and advocating that Indian ladies should shy from the color that makes their land a happy place to be (and enviable in my opinion) is not cool, Sart. I expected a better sense of global fashion from you and now every photo I view at your site is somewhat tinged by my realization that you have baises.
Actually "Satorialist" was invited by the Fashion Council of India, so he did not waste HIS money on the air fare
And I soooo agree with Greg Anonyme 3.22 and anonyme 4.21..
Why did you even bothered to go to India..
Hopefully India will never be like old europe Milan or bankrupt New York.
India has a future!
The picture is beautiful while she is in fact stunning ! a beautiful young woman. and as ever your pictures are very fashionable and very stylish, love them !
But please people please READ Sarts comments which go with the picture :
The last thing I want to do on this trip to India is water-down my eye and take a lot of touristy "exotic" pictures.
I'm sure I will take some pictures of "great color" blah, blah but I am really happy that so far I have found looks that I would shoot whether I was in NYC or Milan or anywhere.
This young lady , for example, is as cool as any young lady I have ever met in Manhattan.
Yes it is your own blog and yes you have the freedom of speech but please if you give us this kind of comments you need to expect fiercefull reactions and do not back off but stand your man instead , your reactions are pityfull.
You better just take pictures : )
I don't agree that the comments about ethnocentrism should be ignored. I'm sure that Scott can take a bit of criticism every once in a while, amidst all the starry-eyed adoration.
The sentence, "This young lady is as cool as any young lady I've met in Manhattan" IS ethnocentric. The suggestion is that cool is native to Manhattan, and that he didn't expect to find it in other parts of the world. Ethnocentrism is to be expected from individuals who do not travel outside their milieu, however. By traveling with an open mind, he is learning to include often marginalized individuals in his definition of style. I applaud his honesty about how his travels are changing his views.
Priya Kishore of Bombay Electric
I just returned from Delhi.
This photo is very, very beautiful.
yeah, that's a miu miu bow bag. it's really a gorgeous bag, it's too bad you can't really see it from the angle of the picture, but this is really a great picture.
Hear, hear, indiaboy! As a fellow Indian-American, I couldn't agree with you more.
Scott, I would like to thank you for sharing such breathtaking work, and I hope your visit has been an enjoyable one.
To start with... I think it's great that you comment on your blog. In fact, it's a DONE thing. Please do it as often as you like.
Moving on, the picture is beautiful, and yes, so is the girl. I do however hope that you will find some women, dressed in Indian clothes with aesthetic western influences, that make Indian fashion unique and liberating.
Since you are in India (for the fashion week, is it?), why don't you hop over to Mumbai as well? You will find truly global fashion here, especially on the streets.
I believe some people are really overreacting. I felt the need to say something (for the first time).
First of all, this is not a blog showing cultural backgrounds or ethnical diversities etc. It's a blog reflecting Sart's own taste of fashion. Nobody can judge him for not posting characteristic photos of India or some other country.
In addition, I believe some wordings in some comments like "shame on you..." are very rude and go beyond the criticism. I do not say that you should stop yourself to state what you think; but you should always respects others' thoughts in order to be respected while you state your own.
Finally, I honestly think that we should thank to Sart spending times in streets, trying to put together a blog with personal taste, courage and enthusiasm and sharing it with people who are not always have the same sympathy with him.
Mine Ozarslan
(from Turkey)
PS: photo is wonderful
she's so pale!!!!
Absolutely phenomenal....PERFECTION. She is GORGEOUS!
She is very beautiful. The color sticks out! When I was little in India, no one used to wear only black or red. I'm suprised to see how much has changed.
*heart beats*
*heart skips a beat*
The notions of ethnocentricism are interesting hera as are the notions of aesthetic and design. I just want to make a couple of quick points
Scott shoot whatever you'd like. There are thousands of tourists who shoot all the local colour and saris that the world would ever need. Seriously if anyone has any doubt about this, go to flicker and type in India. These photos have been done to death. And you don't need to be wandering the streets of Delhi shooting the same thing over and over again. Just as I hope you're not wondering the streets of Paris trying to put le tower in the backgroud and looking for people in berets.
I actually liked your intro to this series. One of the best parts about this site is the portability of design and aesthetic that you generally run across. Yes of course there may be lessons to be learned from the saris and the tunic/jeans combination (much more Mumbai than Delhi). I just don't know how portable these lessons would be to non-designers. I find myself in a similar situation whenever I'm buying something in India. Certain things that are remarkable and beautiful and approapriate in India just do not work with the diffused light of Canada.
Grow up people. It's not Scott's job to validate your clothing choices. It's not Scott's job to turn you into a style icon or make you feel better about your life choices. All he does is take pictures of that which inspires him. If other things inspire you, please take pictures of them and post them on your own blog. I'm sure others will be impressed by it.
more pretty girls please
Does anyone else recognize her as a north american VJ for MTV Asia/Zee TV? She is definitely beautiful and put together - but considering her television background, is this really a good example of effortless Indian chic?
this is one of my favourite photos on this blog. she is so beautiful and inspiring.
This woman is a vision.
I'm in awe that she is merely 5'2"...
So beautiful and yet so simple. I love the red lips, and the yellow shoes and the black in between. Love your work too!
i admire this woman so much. there is nothing that says "perfect" about her at all and yet she looks so great and comfortable in her body and surroundings.
the colour of her lips and her yellow flats make the whole outfit pop! a long black dress has never seemed so wearable in the middle of a work day as it does here.