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Comments on "On the Street....Lengths & Layers, Paris"
This is the first time I've seen this look of wearing two blazers together on the street. He does a great job of it. Looks like he spent 5 minutes getting dressed this morning but came out looking fabulous!
yeah, right.
Are pant legs hemmed higher in Europe. I know his are rolled but it seems there is a trend for them to wear their leg hems much higher sometimes not even touching the tongue of the shoe.
The tradionalist in me finds this look awkward, but the whimsical mood makes me smile.
~ Miss Mary
Sorry, that's just too weird. The fellow is dressed like an optical illusion.
Is it too much to expect The Sartorialist to refrain from posting photographs of people wearing dungarees (and particularly dungarees with factory-installed holes in them) worn by anyone except a person in the process of cleaning out a stable? I cannot think of a more vulgar garment than torn dungarees, nor can I understand why a person wearing them should be included here; it's a serious lapse of good judgment.
Something about the sleeves makes me think of two people inside the same outfit. The colors go together well though.
This is one of the first times I've seen an outfit that just looks like he is trying too hard. I think the layering is not all it could be and the color mix is doesn't fit. That being said the blazer shirt combo is great.
This is beyond ingenious! Never would have ever thought of wearing a blazer over a cardigan like this...I guess its just not my personality, but it works here. The bright, plaid shirt accentuates the different tones of the blazer and cardigan. It looks like theres some light hues of blue and green in the shirt. Nice shot again...the activity of backdrop complements the somewhat tousled look he has going here.
I like this. Although it is a very casual look,looking at his feet (where even the socks match) you understand that he actually put some thought to it. It's a bold yet a great job!!
I don't mind the higher pant leg but I'm not a huge fan of 2 blazers or a short boxy suit with a long sweater. I'm more traditional I guess in my fashion likes and dislikes but take off either the sweater or suit and I'd like it fine.
..it's like an optical illusion..
I'm afraid I am not impressed. He kind of looks like a street person.
... but where is his scarf?
The cuffed jeans are doing wonders for him, along with the layered blazer, cardigan, and flannel combo. However I do not exactly agree with his footwear. Great socks!
I like you Mr. Sartorialist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You make me say "woooooooo." TAKE MORE PHOTOS OF CONDE NAST STAFF!
Chang Kang Cong (Shanghai China)
the guy is just cold: he doesn't have a proper coat or parka so he just threw everything on.
My first reaction was "OH NO"!
my second reaction "He can pull this off" :D
there's a couple nice ideas here but overall he looks terrible.
I do have a long cardigan like that that I would like to try wearing with a blazer, something deconstructed or w/o padding?
The plaid shirt does not work for me. I like the cuff/socks/shoes though a decent pair of jeans would be preferred.
Holygoodgod, that young man is handsome! He could wear a (proverbial) trash bag and still look amazing. Wow... (-:
This man is really attractive and I like the photo too. His outfit is very interesting: I like the idea of cardigan + jacket and short jeans, but the realization does't really work for me... I think it is because the cardigan is too long, it seems to work like an apron here.
I think that if this guy wasn't so handsome you would haven't taken his photo. Just looks messy.
Bricology, do you really think torn dungarees are "vulgar"? If you are not joking here, you must shudder every time you walk past places where young people congregate.
This fellow has a charming, youthful look with inspiration from a big swath of the 20th century. A little '90s grunge, a little '50s greaser, a little '80s new wave--and probably a few things I can't identify. Such a great style for a day of moving about the city!
Street Circus Poetry or to-fast-grown-up child's nostalgie mixed with a sharp contemporary feeling. Quite Rock'n'Roll. He is wonderful (face and figure). But the trousers. Me voilà intriguée.
Agreed - his clothes are awful. But what a face! I know that's not the point of this blog but seriously, he's really brightened up my day.
I'd rather be the guy in the photo than the stuffy nitwit criticizing his "dungarees."
I am very open but this is some painful rubbish. There is absolutely nothing "fierce", innovative, cute, well-thought out etc.
We live in a world where wrinkles and age are not tolerated on a face but are cultivated in clothing.
Nothing criminal about torn jeans, though I am in favor of "earned" distressing, over the the manufactured brand. (See Coach VP of mens design in the April GQ: "It's great when clothes age ... but it's also how you age them.")
This good looking guy's jeans look truly well-worn, though the rips look achieved with a blade or scissors. But who knows? The aesthetic we see today is that odd juxtapositions and tattered clothing are chic if combined with a Rolex and a job that allows unlimited espressos or nightclubbing ... and good looks, a stylish haircut, etc.
But this actually harkens to another type of tattered sartorial take: the old-line, "patrician" style - quality J. Press or Brooks Brothers clothing worn until it's consigned to the weekend, then worn until the tops of collars are in threads and all the elbows have been patched. It's a sort of "country-gentleman-chic" that's been around for generations: to have "new" weekend clothes speaks of new money!
wow, SO glad I enlarged. I though the cardigan and blazer were a full length coat until I saw that it was actually two pieces...!
wow...so many lengths
no..that's horrible. He's gorgeous though.