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Comments on "On the Street....Folkloric Knits, Paris"
Is that a patch or mending on the fellow's shoulder down below? The mismatch isn't a style asset.
1st guy looks silly. I can not see myself seriously going for a coffee with him. But then again, he's not asking.
Love man #1's coat, but the stitching in #2's elbow and shoulder puts me off a little.
The top photo looks like he is trying too hard. Too many things going on at once. The boots, the sweater, the scarf, the shirt, the reflective sunglasses. It overwhelms me.
I like the sweater in the bottom photo. The details are fun to see. I'm a traditionalist when it comes to blue jeans, so I'd rather see a pair of Levis 505s, but the sweater carries the day.
A toughened up Nordic sweater. Very interesting. I wish I could see what was done with the front.
This is so insanely sexy.
Really cool sweater...love all the details.
Great hair.
Yikes...I should of made it clear I was referring to the second shot...arms folded.
The first gentleman also looks great!
Love the sweater in the bottom shot, with the elbow patch, zips and leather.
The outfit in the top photo is way too "artsy" for me ( I would look ridiculous!) but it's a fun, young look an he carries it off well.
~ Miss Mary
first guy= hot mess!
Casually sophisticated.... LOVE IT
casually sophisticated. I LOVE the way he is holding his arms.
My Math teacher had one of those and we were always making fun of it. Can’t really remember why… This here seems quite respectable to me.
Ups! I forgot to préciser that I had the second picture in mind when I wrote my previous comment.
It seems to me that these types of knits go in and out of favor with fashion. I particularly like updated takes on traditional knits; the picture on the bottom has rugby-type shoulder and elbow reinforcements, and that is something fresh that lets you know it is not your father's sweater. I also complimented someone on a Carolina Herrera for Men sweater with a very limited amount of argyle down the front. I think these pictures show a fresh approach, although not one to buy if one expects the clothes to remain current past this season. Love the pictures, btw. Jorge from West Palm Beach
I like the way the shoulder and elbow break up the traditional pattern of the second sweater. It makes you take a second glance when you might normally have just looked past him.
Can I take this opportunity to say that I'd love to see more shots of stylish young men here. Oh, and some of the photos you posted over on style.com were fabulous. I really enjoyed looking through them.
i think i'm in love w. man #2. i love his sweater, his jeans, his ass, his profile, his hair. and is he french? i love frenchmen. oh la la!
Regarding man #1, the phrase "fashion victim" comes to mind.
Man #2 looks fine, though I worry that his jeans (mostly unseen) might be baggy - turning the whole look into some kind of stoner/frat-boy nonsense.
the first fellow looks really silly from the crazy stand up hair do to the skull scarf and those horrible boots. this is a terrible look. not crazy about guy #2 either. what's up with the patch on sweater?
reminds me of the sweater Jeff Bridges wears in *The Big Lebowski*.
man #2 is gorgeous. his sweater too!
i am not a big fan of the first sweater, not going to lie. however, his hair is pretty much awesome, as are his gold sunglasses. also the way he looks at the camera.
the second one reminds me of ashton kutcher. whether the patch is there as a mending or not, i still like it. if it was purposefully put there, props to him.
I like the Norski sweater a lot, too. Now that I know what it is, I can hunt one down ... the patchup works here.
wow.. that junya watanabe sweater in the sec pic is amazing.
reminds me of the knit sweater Beckham wore, which I think was by YSL, can't remember...these would go well with loafers
like the first man's clash of sporty and ethnic...
Strangely, i prefer the Eskimo shot to the Sears vintage sweater. Another case of cute rather than fashion pic. He's hella cute, not the slightest fashionable, but I aint mad at ya!
Are those Back to the Future boots?
the first guy kinda reminds me of a pirate, with all the stuff he has on, seems really like an eclectic mix he picked up all around the world, and I like gold sunglasses, again reminds me of a pirate, sweet hair too