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Comments on "On the Street....Eve, Paris"
This woman look great, but she also looks very expensive. I think if I had a lot of money to spend on clothes, I'd look great too. The ones who interest me the most are the ones with simple budgets, who have to dig for clothes in thrift shops and tag sales. They are the really truly creative ones.
I love this look!
she looks so happy perfect
That face..that expression...those feathers!
How many hearts does she break in a day?
I disagree with amy c....this woman is creative...and lovely.
That's a really strange dress!
That's a really strange dress!
I like the feathers at the bottom of the dress. It gives the outfit a nice pop. I think a little black leather bomber jacket might have looked better but overall she looks good.
I love the way her hair do mimics her feathers in a way.
I love this look.
An intemporal classic but creative look.
I totally disagree with Amy C too. I think this woman does not LOOK expensive at all. She is quite natural to me, hardly has any make-up on, has messy hair, simple ballet flats (I've got nearly the same for £4) and not high heels or expensive labelled it-bag.
She is quite understated I reckon, with classic shapes and colours.
As for the dress she might have made it herself, I know many people who would do that. The jacket is a classic she might have had for years, or found in a thrift shop.
I might be totally wrong, and everything could actually be expensive, but i think she does not LOOK expensive. And not posh either. She looks lovely.
her outfit is so delightful, from her sweet little bangs with the stray hair, love the minidress with the feather... and the jacket.. looks so chic with that thrown together feel that makes you go.. aha!
fabulous hair
i saw this on style.com, and i am so glad it is here so i can open it up and view the details. i didn't realize before the feathers are on the coat -- i love it! no doubt this can be pulled off without much money. really adorable, thanks sart!
My favorite part of this picture is her cheeks. Rosy cheeks are something I wouldn't usually notice, but I can imagine the cold, crisp Winter air in Paris brushing against her face, giving her that glow. Her whole outfit symbolizes Winter to me, but not in a gloomy way.
super cute!
great smile.
i disagree with amy c. yes, this outfit looks potentially expensive. However, the really beautiful thing about it is not the pieces themselves (though they are lovely), it's the sheer adorableness of the woman. She's charming and quirky and could as easily catch the eye wearing something from H & M.
Nice legs, nice smile. Her smile brightens the overcast weather.
The feathers make this outfit so playful. What does she have in her arm?
i don't love the dress but she is so cute it makes up for it!
Her cute smile is the perfect accesory for her feathered outfit. charming.
~ Miss Mary
i like the feathers on her dress!it look like she made it herself!
oh my god!! i'm wearing the same shoes as her right now!! £35 from Dune. bargain. so clearly you don't need to be loaded to look expensive...if you spend a bit more on one amazing piece (ie the dress) it lifts your whole outfit.
i love her.
she looks beautiful. i believe that dress is 3.1, no? overall the outfit is gorgeous but its the rosy cheeks and smile that make the photo.
I love feathers.
she is beautiful
i love her hair! the colors and her bangs!
She really has the most lovely face. That smile is beautiful.
I also like the outfit too (!), especially the gradual move from charcoal to black with the soft tulle inbetween!
Money does not bestow on the owner magical creative properties. Even if the photographed ladies items are expensive that is no detraction from the harmonious, fun elegance of her look.
Variety is the spice of life. Let's not let our envy get in the way of appreciating the good stuff.
The feathers with that coat, hair, and smile really made it for me. So glad you've posted new things Sart! I missed you. :)
i think you're really finding something now.
who might this be
She looks very privileged.
I disagree with amy c as well. regardless of their provenance, these clothes look creative and creatively chosen, not merely swanky. also perhaps let's move away from the reverse prejudice that only the thrift-shop shoppers, the non-rich, and the non-models can be considered creative.
How cute and charming she is! I love the little feather puffs, very Easter inspired.
i love this look =)
love the rosy cheeks as well- she seems to capture the innocent essence of the character Amelie, balancing the boldness of her clothes. I'm inspired most by her mix of textures and the illusion of texture. Her combination of soft wool, airy feathers and even a sleek flat make this quite an innovative look.
I agree ..... she is adorable. Thanks!
Dito my fav being the cheeks. I LOVE THE ROSIE color.
and I am ITA w/ pincus- heart breaker!
is this the same girl with the furry blue coat, pixie hair, and red shoes from milan?
she looks naturally happy.
I would love to know more about this feathery frock. It is fun and fanciful.
perfect silhouette true elegance .
Aw! she looks adorable, I love the feathers and the pattern of her dress
she just looks happy too, which is flattering for anyone.
I love this look! She looks like she is in such high spirits... happy young light hearted.
She looks great. Simple and elegant. She looks polished, not expensive.
I have to say, "thrift shops and tag sales" in NYC are quite expensive. Sadly, mass market chain stores are affordable for broke people like me. Poor NYC and its legion of bankers.
I love it too. The feathers are on the coat?? Even better. I also like her genuine happy cheeks and eyes. Her legs mimic the tree-line... I like it, her head is framed.
All of your Parisian photos annihilate me.
Perfect example.
Beatific smile. Great monotone ensemble.
she doesn't look haughty at all. she actually seems down-to-earth, happy and stylish. the feathers are like a spark from her imagination. she's not a show-off. i'm glad she wore a practical coat over the dress. it also looks like she's wearing flats. i can picture her wearing this fun outfit to work on a grey day
definitely an inspiring look. simple, charming and playful.
she looks a little bird-like with the feathers and the skinny legs, I like it, its kind of silly in an Audrey Hepburn kind of way.
Her clothes are a reflection of who she is --well, isn't it that way for us all? If I were to see her walking toward me, I'd smile. There is something about her --who she is, that is wonderfully happy.
I look at her and I think Audrey Hepburn.
this look is very sofisticated,but because of her smile,or because of her attitude,it seems so simple and her attitude makes it so easy to wear...very interesting look!
That's why people loves going to Paris for it so inspiring with different people showing their characters with their unique styles!
Gorgeous picture - she looks so cute. I reckon the outfit would have been even better if that dress was an inch or two longer.
i'm not crazy about this outfit but she's adorable.
This is the way people should wear clothes--like they LOVE being in them, and LOVE who they are. Then it doesn't matter what you wear.
Even if these clothes are expensive, isn't the idea of this blog about finding inspiration- not about an outfit to copy?
If you knew what each piece cost and where to find each piece from each photograph and you could just go buy them, where's the fun in creating your own outfit?
Also, is that a purse or what?
I don't know if I'd like the dress without the jacket but it's a perfect outfit for her. I also think it could be re-created pretty inexpensively.
Beautiful - I love everything about this - I can't believe she's a normal person- this to me is what Paris is all about. Thank you!
Maybe its just me, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the strange "wideness of shoulder" that the jacket gives her. The proportions of the jacket are overall strange to me.
But I love the whimsy.
This dress is gorgeous!! I love the feathers and those thick bangs look great on her.
I love this woman! I remember the shot of her when her hair was up in two high buns, like cat ears...She seems to bring a great sense of whim into the world, for example: the feather accents. Whether the pieces are expensive or not, simply choosing what to wear is crucial. And this woman chooses how to be with a sense of imagination and dream - which I find extremely inspirational.
Cute and simple-definitely not rolling on money.
To amy c; Personally I´d hate to dig drift shops and sales.A sensible idea would be to just donate clothes and stuff to those who need them,if they are well kept and clean. The idea to wear `vintage clothes´makes me want to vomit.
she looks amazing
beautiful smile
Love it. Her little curls just mirror the feathers on the sweater. She looks great. I'd wear this in a second.
I've not to add that's new, but just want to say what an open and ingratiating smile she has. That's the kind of smile that makes you feel like smiling back, instantly, no matter what. Ole.
my heart just skipped a beat
oooh-la-laaa! this is fantastic. the simplicity of color, but also choosing to wear that jacket over the dress.