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Comments on "On the Street.....Early Evening, New Delhi"
beautiful picture
Wow! This photo is magical. Like a photo shoot of a fairy tale. Amazing light.
This photo is amazing. This is the same girl from your first Delhi photo though isn't it?
Clothes, fashion, whatever aside (which still look great), this is an amazing picture. It reminds me of fairytale animations, '50s musicals and a tender aria from a grand opera, all rolled into one. Truly beautiful.
get outta town!
go on, scotty-boy
the light is ethereal..and Priya would look like Cinderella even in a sack...she's got so much style.
Lovely shot - 1001 Nights.
Again, I am just amazed by another beautiful set-up. It seems effortless for you! Always interesting light, background, and subject. This is really beautiful.
Wow. This is beautiful.
her poise, face, the light, the colours, location. all so beautiful!!
The 1001 nights! She looks like I always imagined princess Sherezade would look. This picture pours romance!
She’s the beautiful girl in black in the March 13th post, isn’t she? What a coincidence that you came across her during the night in a big city like Delhi or were you taking her out for dinner? :-)
Beautiful picture! Isn´t she the same girl of March 13rd post? Great colours, great light! Well done, Sart!
So beautiful!
Scott, you just keep getting better and better. This picture makes me ache!
The colours, the outfit, the lighting. It's pictures like these that show you're not just sartorialist, you're a deeply talented photographer.
This looks really artificial. The background colour, the light shades, her clothes and her posture...awesome!!
very stunning...looks very theatrical with the stage lighting
Very theatrical lighting that you captured. Beautiful... I love her yellow hem.
The colors are outstanding! I feel as though I am looking at a still from a theatrical play. Wonderful.
The most beautiful shot you've given us.This is a truly great photo.
Beautiful shot. Other-worldly. She is as beautiful as her surroundings and that light!
Miraculous photo. Isn't it amazing when the world, the scene, the moment, the subject and dress all conspire to create a stunning, harmonious whole?
it's the first picture I have seen in this blog taken in the dark...magical
Beautiful color and background. It almost looks like a painting!
this looks like an editorial shot that a magazine would spend thousands of dollars to get right (lighting, set etc.)
it is truly magical, excellent work
This picture is amazing. Do you think it will become one of your all time favorites, Sart?
Waouh !
Is it a real world ?!!
These colors are just unbelievable !
Really great shot.
beautiful picture. she's gorgeous and all, but i cannot get over the color of the night sky. so rich!
Oh my god!
What a beautiful picture! It's completely magical, the lighting is just magnificent, it's perfect, almost like in a play.
The subject is great as well! The way her face is tilted, and the hands, oh, I just can't stop swooning over this picture. She's a beautiful lady, I love both pictures you've posted of her.
This is operatic. I'm utterly convinced she's waiting for her cue for the beginning of the aria.
The dark cobalt sky, the sepia light that matches her wrap, and the vivid purple of the foregrounded flowers, which should by all rights be reading brown in light this dim--quite amazing.
get outta here! this picture is staged is it?! it looks just like a show set. why are you always so lucky (and talented) to capture these amazing outfits in teh perfect scenes? look at those flowers, that sky, that building and of course the lighting illuminating that girl's lovely face!! WHYY!!
As someone said earlier, "Oh My God"! The lighting, her face, the colors, the textures. It's a painting. I'm speechless (minus 21 words).
Simply OUT...of focus!!
she looks really very good.
exquisite photo. It reminds me of a victorian hand colored print.
Its been raining for days here. Looking at this makes me feel warm.
This photo really left me breathless. Such an amazing work of art! Thank you for sharing this beautiful and mysterious image.
This one belongs in art galleries and museums. It´s truly stunning!
I thought this was an actual ad. Totally inspiring. The mix of patterns and colors and textures.
Out of the blackblue sky here's a bit of that India that peopled our childhood dreams, the India of Sherazade...
WHEN YOU are an artist, photography gives you everything.
See you!
This photo is absolutely beautiful..the light makes it look like a dreamscape.
how enchanting. it's got a very cinematic/theatrical feel to it. this lady's got a lot of style.
Are you sure this isn't on a set? hah
I love it.
it looks like a movie still.
how gorgeous.
Such a contrast from her other outfit!!!
Wow! The light in this shot is so amazing. I love the color of the sky.
lovely photo!
haunting. amazing photograph sart.
This beautiful phot begs a story ...
This resembles a Maxfield Parrish illustration called "Enchantment."
Google it...right down to the colors.
Simply breathless! We should call you the painter of light! haha j/k. But seriously, the lighting is amazing.
oh wow. bless your eye.
Gorgeous. It's just as beautiful as her other picture, but in an entirely different way. This shot is genius!
Go, Scott! Glorious work.
she looks good, but the best of this pic are; light and location, very nice sir!
The photo looks almost like something out of a movie set. The building in the background matches her shawl while the flowers in front parallel the violet in her dress. The pattern on patter with the geometric diamonds give it all a very unifying theme. Her neck looks very regal. Well done!
How did you find that same lady again? (If it is... from your March 13th post).
Your most successful photo to date. Wow!
I wish I had a set of greeting cards with this image on them.
This photograph carries the graceful colours and sculptural qualities that you would have found during Renaissance! This photograph is absolutely outstanding.
my god, that background looks like a set backdrop, that's an amazing photo, bravo!
Looks almost like an oil painting. Incredible shot Sart.
I'm inclined to believe that this is the same young lady as with the yellow shoes from a few days ago...
...an enchanting shot. This looks like watercolor. How could it be real!?
this shot took my breath away! thanks
It reminds me of a Renoir
You've captured my favorite moment, that dark blue of the evening sky. The contrast between the sharp focus on her and the soft focus of her surroundings does look like set lighting, but it also reminds me of some portrait paintings I've just seen, in which the effect is to lead the eye to the face. It also makes me think some 18th century Japanese paintings I just saw, where the details of the fabrics and the graceful curve of the pose are as important as the whole.
Such an arresting, magical image!
stunning, out of this world !
This looks like a painting, what a wonderful piece of art!
One of your finest.
P e r f e c t .
i'm struggling to believe that this is even a real picture. It is truly magical. We done! Oh, and her clothes/hair/face are beautiful.
Sart, would you please indulge us with a little explanation how you got this shot, especially lighting-wise? I mean you have some str8 chiaroscuro going on there, dogg!
This is so beautiful it doesn't look real!
Also, I'm enjoying your India photos more than any of your others.
Your shots from India are the most interesting I've seen on your site!
it looks scene of film.
very beautiful.
possibly the most beautiful photo yet...i wish i had a print of this.
Great picture. Looks like a scenario from any theatre.
Also she is a beutiful lady.
movielike, yes: there's narrative whispering out of this image in all directions.
swooning here.
*How* did you do that? Otherworldly-beautiful.
Wow, absolutely stunning!!!
wow, sart. this picture!!!
first, she looks amazing (the same girl from before, right?)...her shoes are incredible and I love the mixing of patterns.
the best part about this picture though is the lighting. it almost looks like a painting because it's so perfect. the dark background against her bright dress....and the splash of color with the flowers...just unbelievable. what an incedible shot! how did you do it???
WOW! This pic is like a painting! Incredible lighting! Truely a work of art! Beautifully timeless!
So so so beautyful or sagolikt as we say in sweden;)
Not to be redundant, but this is possibly the most beautiful picture I've ever seen.
It's like a painting.
Amazing pic,it looks like a bollywood movie
My first reaction:
HOLY SMOKES, that looks just like a painting!
And then I realized....it really *did* remind me of one of my favorite paintings, by Maxfield Parrish. Check it out:
(Cinderella's come in all times and places)
The colors look great! Your background is beautiful and so is your subject. This is the same girl that was wearing the black dress and red lipstick right? This reminds me of old novels i used to read... beautiful just beautiful!
Oh, this is absolutely stunning. Like something you'd see in a fairy tale. Or in "A Little Princess"
Sorry, Sart. Something has gone amiss with this site. The comments are tend more and more to be about the merits of your photography, and while you deserve praise, it's getting tiresome.
My goodness! She looks like she's on the set of an opera. Her clothes match the background perfectly!
If I didn't know better, I'd swear you photoshopped some of these...
exactly - starbahks - i want to put her in a movie - this woman is driving me to distraction.
and you too, sart - you have a way of capturing her wit and intelligence and pretty, original, slightly madcap clothes. bravo!
just keep 'em coming and conquer the world...
As everyone else has said, the man can take a photo.
Is this the same girl a few posts down? The picture is almost as beautiful as she is!
I'm confused about these alternating pictures from Paris and New Delhi, are these older pics from paris?
Beautiful photo,
beautiful woman.
I like the way the mismatch patterns in earth colors work together.
that must be the most fantastic picture I've seen in both days, years...
one word only: beautiful!
priya is so gorgeous
Is there an enchanted forest in New Delhi? THis is beautiful.
This looks like the woman from your first New Delhi post.....imagine that......a woman that is not loyal to only 1 sense of style!
oh my.. this is something amazing!
alright so we all agree this young lady's pretty perfect
Mr.Sartorialist, your picture's not bad either ;)
I'm at a loss for words...You know your stuff Sart! It's a fairy forest...Beautiful....
this might be your best shot to date.
absolutely stunning.
the light came from a typical street lamp
the rest is all her and her grace
this must be photoshop!
Just beautiful.
WOW! This picture looks like a medieval painting; her individual pieces of clothing have such individual patterns, but it all goes together and doesn't clash. This is my favorite picture you've ever posted!
this is an absolutely gorgeous scene. it looks more like an elaborate opera set in New Deli as opposed to the real thing.
incredible shot.
I do have one problem with this photo, however Mr. Sartorialist and it is that...
...the rest of the world seems so much more mundane now having seen this.
With this picture you have become an artist. Brilliant photo.
Obviously, you have captivated us with this gorgeous and stunning photo. What a special gift- to capture this image and have the opportunity to share it so easily with others who are instantly warmed and inspired by it. Your artistic eye shines here.
my word, one of the most amazing pictures i've seen on this site in a long time.
won't ask how you set up such an amazing shot..
The clothes are beautiful. I love the rich colors. And the lighting is to die for. No one but the Sartorialist could capture the lighting that well :-)
Is this for real? It seems too perfect!
Don't Indians have the most soulful eyes?
Love the shawl.
she looks serene and beautiful.
I would like to congratulate you Sart on your wonderful site and these fantastic photos of New Dehli. India is so vivid in colour and it goes to show that even in poverty, one does not need to be covered in designer clothing to look fantastic.
I'm really enjoying your Delhi pics. The Indian culture is so full of life and color and the people bring such a vibrancy to the photos through their clothes. I'm enjoying them more than the chic-ness of Paris, Milan, and NYC because of the lack of color- Western cultures are so conservative! Kudos, my friend and keep them coming!
I love the outfit and this photo was so well taken, there's a special mood...
Well somebody has to mix this up...
Undoubtedly a lovely picture and a lovely woman. But really, you need to get out more often if you think this is the "be all and end all." Go to a gallery or a foreign film, pick up an art book.
But how DID you run into the same woman twice??
One of my favourite shots of yours, ever! Magical.
WOW this almost looks fake, but in a good sense! the colors are great too. i love the violet color of the sky that kind of blends in with the orangey tint of the scenery. and then the girls bright pink dress just pops out. its great. im not an artist so i don't know how to explain it in technical terms. but i think you get my point.
It's a little bit too matchy-matchy for me...the dress with the purple and pink flowers in the foreground; not just the color, but the geometrics of the shawl with the building in the background...jk ;)
The focus in this picture is amazing
should be the cover of a book ...
I agree with Anon 3:07p. Lately the pics are very good and/or beautiful but really not very inspiring in a fashion sense. Worse, most comments are bordering on sycophancy. It's getting tedious.
Reminds me of something by Caravaggio or Goya. Bloody gorgeous.
DUDE! you have found a perfect model and a perfect context.
SUPERB image.
Beyond the beyond Sart... you have broken your own limit here.
This is a magic picture that has the quality of something holy.
she's so graceful and elegant and beautiful.
she's that girl from a few days ago right!
she looks amazing
what does it take to look like that day and night and all the time?!
While you are in Delhi, you definitely should check out Manish Arora's line and his flagship store Fish Fry. Indian couture!
you are wonderfully talented. this picture captivates.
Beautiful Photo. I love the colors and the lighting is fantastic.
This is surreal!. What a good way to start the day.
I just wanted to let you know that I've found your photos from India to have been the freshest and most inspiring of all.
Most of your US subjects ooze attitude (not a bad thing). The European ones are all so sophisticated and while gorgeous, they have a certain rigidity.
These Indian photos are so alive.
You are doing a wonderful job at interpreting the atmosphere.
This may be the most beautiful you have taken to date.
It is perfect!
I love her gold sandals. in fact i love her choice of shoes in both pics. shes the diva of New Delhi!
i love love love this picture!!!
WOW! this is absolutely stunning.
im surprised that the lighting came from a regular street lamp- the scene looks unreal. she looks lovely... i envy her. i like her color and pattern coordination- it fits well with the environment.
Holy crap! This looks like a production photo from the Met...it looks like she might break into some soaring aria any moment!
the setting looks like its in a dream, the colors compliment so well. amazing! Thank you scott!
this is the work of a very talented photographer....the use of colour and light remind me of Jeff Wall's work. this should be exhibited!
The photograph would be timeless if it weren't for that purse! At least it's a spicy enough color to blend into the adjacent colors and not entirely distract from the beauty of the photo. Besides, if the photograph was meant to capture the beauty of the moment, the girl and her ensemble, and not go on a gallery wall, then the purse is the interesting detail that places the photo in time and gives it a more relaxed 'we were just walking down the street when the elements came together for this perfect shot' feel.
(wow...can't believe someone besides me made the connection to the Maxfield Parrish painting!)
This reminds me of the movie Amelie, when she goes to her dad's house at night and kidnaps the garden gnome. :-)
It's beautiful.
This is such an amazing picture. the lighting, the clothes, the background....everything is so perfect within this photography.
congrats, sart! (for taking such a wonderful photo)
S A T U R A T I O N.
And Scooooot, don't forget you have a wife and kid back hooooooome! Don't allow this ravishing muse to steal your heart...
How in the world do you keep taking these amazing pictures? The lighting is amazing! Your pictures are so spontaneous and natural. I am always impressed how you capture people on the fly and yet the photo is technically incredible!
Ok this is too beautiful to be real!
Oh my, same woman again!
Can she possibly be more gorgeous? Can that setting possibly be more gorgeous??
This is amazing.
what i love most about your blog is your quirky, candid comments. you're very real. i love mixing patterns and colors to an almost violent point...i love to see your beuatiful photography and the poetry you potray.
i'm living in Israel trying to channel my own passions...thank you for your words and pictures.
The drapery, the colours, the strappy sandals, the pre-modern backdrop.
reminds you how beautiful our existence can be.
Thank you
for anon 6:45pm
she was at a lot of the same fashion shows and parties that I also attended
she owns a store in Bombay
this is one of the most magical and inspiring picture I've ever seen! thank you.
This is your masterpiece. This is what you will be remembered for.
breath-taking photo
this is the most gorgeous photograph i have seen. you are amazing!!
It feels almost like she's considered the colours of the sky and the earth when planning her outfit.
people in new delhi are stylish .
Film set?
Long time reader, first post.
This shot is mind blowing
To those of you who find the comments tedious, why don't you just do what I do when I find other blog comments tedious and...not read them?
People get over it!
It's a nice photo, but it's not the best photo you've ever seen. As Aitch says above, you need to get out more often.
If you read his Bio, it's always been about fashion, people AND photography.
Was this for all the haters on the first post from New Delhi? Because this photo is kinda watering-down my eyes...HA! I'm completely joking...
This photo really needs more text....So many questions...
I'm about to buy a new camera and I'm just curious if you're able to get these kinds of shots with a basic DSLR or if you indeed use a more expensive camera?????
wonderful amazing picture and woman so simple and so magical
Look like old painting...
I can't believe anyone could see this picture and have something negative to say about it. Tedious??? Really?
Appreciate it for what it is...a beautiful picture of a stunning woman.
Your best work yet, Sart. What an angelic picture you captivated. Please do continue to amaze us even more..
Zeferelli eat our heart out - who painted the sky??
very nice dress...simple, beautiful, colourful and fresh :) just marvellous
I thought it was a painting! It's a beautiful shot. Very nice.
what a beautiful woman
The photo's not tedious. The photo's nice. It's the comments that are tedious and bordering on the sycophantic.
Scott is about to go super-nova. But does he really need 200 comments telling him his taken the best picture ever?
Truly fine art!
she is like a fairy. the shot is excellent. great job!!!
such a beautiful...beautiful picture!!!!
What an amazing photo, a work of art in its own right. Did you ask her to come and pose for you in that spot as the light was fading? Whatever you did, well done.
She's gorgeous, and the lighting is perfect.
this is amazing! is it natural light? that's just incredible.
wow...so beautiful...it's like something out of a dream
Are you kidding me? This shot is breathtaking or breath inducing, I'm not sure. Mesmerizing, definitely!
a beautiful composition... simply amazing... great work Sart.
a portrait of my love...
it's like a love that never was...
Amazing photo!! was this staged? it looks like a painting. WOW!
this is really amazing!! it is soo pretty! :)
the colors and lighting are unreal... it looks like she's on a stage.
absolutely stunning
Is this at Lodhi Gardens?
You captured her dreamer's eyes, the gentle folding of her hands showing that she's not chasing them, they'll come to her.
The divine golden hem where the gods touched her amidst the diamond prints... and the magical ring...
I don't know much about style. But the picture is just poetry.
Thank you.
The most beautiful photo you've taken. You just keep getting better!
Incredible picture. Gorgeous and resonant. Sart, can you please explain a bit how you got this look in your exposure??? This is soooo beautiful!
great !!!
Love the face.. Love the lights, it truly is a great picture.
This looks like a still from a movie or the cover of book that is a must see/read.
Just F*ing Lovely.
My hat's off to you yet again.