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Comments on "On the Steps.....The Cut, Milan & Paris"
sart, the bangs on these ladies are to die for! i just gave myself a little trim last night.. but couldn't pull off the awesome fringe on these gals.
love the tinted color too..
I am not ready for this look- I've experimented by looking at this picture 5 different times and each time, I want to shake my head in hopes of seeing eyes....
In my opinion a person who repeated dresses this way either has no self esteem or is hiding something. It really makes me itch....
She looks great in both shots, but I LOVE the blue hair! It's so pretty and chic and interesting, and could work anywhere (except my office, unfortunately).
I love the blue dyed hair of the first lady, and the fact her fringe/bangs obviously needs a cut -the second lady too. It actually looks elegant and chic on them, not punk or neglected.
Lets count the Ramones references
who doesn't love a little mystery?
Magnificent haircut, especially shown in the first photo.
Love the bangs covering the eyes -- so mysterious and vampy.
This hair cuts are interesting, a dramatic effect created by hiding a very important element in a face. At first I asked myself ‘how can they see?’, but enlarging I noticed that their eyes aren’t that hidden… I like how the woman in the top has gone all the way with that hair colour, lipstick, nail polish and retro futurist total black. Very, very interesting!
However, for everyday life, I’m not sure about this style… I’m always disturbed when I have a conversation with someone whose eyes you can’t totally see, either because of hair or sunglasses. Some people would even believe it’s rude to never reveal such an expressive part of a human’s face.
PS. Sart, you were being filmed in the first pic, weren’t you? I’d like to see that footage...
PSS. I love love love the cracked blue wood in the second picture!
Long live Joey Ramone.
I would love to see the whole outfit in the second image. She has def. a very personal style.
the hair makes it for me.
how i wish i could get away with a cut like this.
a shame my face is so round.
Great hair color! The bob with bangs is a great signature look. I love how the blue-green color is almost black which matches her nails. It's a classic with a twist of the modern. This is very well done!
I love this look! Very Ramones, Very cool:)
When I was young punky thing the late 70's I wanted to dye my hair like this, but never got the nerve up. She looks great!
Very Johnny Ramone with the bangs.
Ramones revisited!
I dig the teal hair. Works with that cut.
both are great, but the girl really got drama in the first pictures.
(yes, not very insightful...I'll leave that to the others while I fulfill the role of being the first to gosh about it.)
i LOVE this!!
she looks like an uber chic superhero :D
the first hair colour....
OMG ....
she's like an anime character..
but soo much better!
Top: She looks like a mannequin. I prefer real people. Not just branded images.
Bottom: Far more mysterious and intriguing. I like the collar of her jacket/bang frame around her face and lips.
Both girls look too mysterious. Can´t see the lower one´ s face-which is disturbing.Am getting a bit sick of the too peculiar outfits.
Wow wow wow. I'm completely envious.
I truly love the bangs over the eyes, she is a marvel in all black.
Woman in bottom photo could be Johnny Ramone's sister.
hey ho, let's go!
Tough and cool.
I am feeling chrissie hynde here - and i like it.
Cool look, but, do they actually see anything?
I've seen a lot of this lately with the bangs covering the eyes. It's a good look on the runway, but how practical is it? How would you feel trying to have a conversation with someone whose hair is in their face and covering their eyes?
the first lady is a work of art. The colors in her hair, the fiercly severe cut of the coat at her shoulders, the black nails and dark dark lips...Smashing. As for the hair on both ladies...it's cool but so blatently impractical. Like a woman who wears 6 inch stiletto platforms that are a size too small and winds up hobbling everywhere she goes, just to "look good". It's great for photography and art...even the runway..but for every day? Color me skeptical.
number one, Japanese anime hair.
number two, the Ramones live!
love it! I wanted a bob for so long, but my hair is curly.
I dont enjoy the fading blue hair colour at all.
I really don't like the haircuts. Too depressing maybe?
Or maybe a little too 'Joni Mitchell' for me!
Heather in still snowy MN!
Sleek and chic.
Still. The India pictures were full of color and light and the Euro pictures are full of grays and blacks.
What do you suppose that means? The West is in a funk and the East is getting primed for the Asian century?
Okay, reading too much into beautiful pictures....
I love the first cut in that bluey-green hue, but I'm not crazy about the second one. I think to pull off these bangs you have to have them thinner so you can at least see your eyes!
I never thought a YSL fashion show look would transfer to the streets. However, depend on women from Paris and Milan to bring it on street. I am not sure how i feel about the hair, but women as usual are very chic.
She was rocking the blue!
It´s nothing about her haircut it´s about the color, Sarto
Quite the accessory that hair - Especially in blue! Her silhouette (all in black above above) is dramatic and very strong, but still carries the womans' femininity.
I love the beautiful modernity and mystery of that haircut and the daring color in the first picture, but most of all I admire their ability to tolerate those bangs hanging down below their eyes.
I know that the long bangs make it special, but this hairdo is as useful as a corset.
Why is it good, when the eyes are hidden?
Goodness, is that Johnny Ramone on the bottom? Similar cuts, but quite different effects, both work for me.
beautiful beautiful bag
i love the top photo. sometimes i wish i was bold enough to cut my hair and dye it blue. she pulls it off really well and it adds a nice touch of color to her all black outfit.
It looks like they're both about to go blind.
Love this updated Punk look. THIS is the style of the 80's that deserves a retread.
Besides that, I'm waiting for all the Ramones comments...
Lady at the top: too cool, just exudes hotness. Even the fact that her hair is greenish blue seems so fitting. It's a great haircut. Bottom lady, can't see her face, too dark, too grunge.
Fantastic. Also the blue adds on. Brilliant.
Hello, oh am I the first?
Ok. person above: great hair color! Wonder how she managed to get it that blue... with "directions"? The color + hair cut matches great with the shape of her face and her handback. pretty artificial but straight concept. she ´s a bit tensed, her hand looks so cramped. anyway.
- person below:
compared to the look above she looks much more ordinary, there are hundreds of women beeing styled like her in the streets. but I like it, though. and, big Plus:
she is not skinny. I really miss pictures of normal weight women here. Its so easy to look good when you are thin. I like her tight jeans.
In the bottom photo I can't see her eyes at all. And with the black leather and dark background the effect for me is ominous.
I really like the top photo. The shiny (teal?) hair and black jacket, the shiny black bag reflecting blues, even the photographer and car in the background - all shiny blue/black. And in spite of her clenched fist and serious expression the effect for me is the expectation of instant energy, as if she is about to fly off!
~ Miss Mary
no. this does not work for me at all! ... there has to be something said for some function in fashion!
If I see this two pic´s together the cut´s is about a long and heavy fringe and thats cool.
the top - I love the cut and the color.
Having bangs in my eyes would drive me nuts. Obviously tricky to pull off too. In the first pic, you can still sort see her eyes and it could be interpreted as mysterious and sophisticated...second pic just looks sort of foolish, as in "Who turned out the lights?!"
That hair is the most perfect accessory. I doubt many people could pull it off though.
It was silly the 80's, it's silly now. just no.
My 49 year old mother just got this cut, looks great on anyone of any age!
That blue/green looks gorgeous! Very eclectic and non-conformist, but the cut makes it look sophisticated.
Love the blue tint on her hair!Could that be a wig?
Anna Wintour with an edge? These girls look pretty intense.
this is so weird. i had a dream the other night that my hair looked like this. i love the look but oy, in my dream i was so annoyed that my hair was in my eyes.
the green color is very pretty. it's kind of an updated version of the 90's look - anyone remember the dotcom dye jobs?
I've seen this haircut all over the place. While it is appealingly severe, it's (in my opinion) too trendy. And it can look like a motorcycle helmet that is slowly falling forward over the wearer's face ...
I prefer to see a person's eyes, personally.
I like it... Kind of has a young Patti Smith vibe.
One could also argue it is a copy of Katie Holmes/Suri, although I would like not to :-)
They look they have no eyeballs. Kinda creepy, dontcha think?
It's not enough to look like the models anymore, now we want to be the fashion sketches!
And yet somehow? It works.
love the top pic - maybe the hair color and dark lipstick makes the difference.
I'm not sure I get behind the whole heavy fringe/bangs thing. I know some girls can rock it, but it would drive me crazy.
Wow, it looks like the Ramones are back with a vengeance.
Cuts like these are interesting because, while at the heart of it a modern interpretation of a past cut, the low-lying bang is something almost revolutionary. We've all seen the bob, straight-edged bangs, etc. But when cuts are unique, they complete outfits like a good hat. And good hats are rare.
That hair! It's amazing. I love the blue. But I wonder what her eyes look like...
Love the first green hair! And, I wish I had this enormous bag!
funny coincidence... i have just landed back from italy. i was reading *glamour italia* on the plane and saw the same girl with the same outfit and blue hair immortalised on their pages.
The Ramones live!
i read your "hot for" list on refinery 29. i've always thought the bath towel look was pretty chic as well!
That's so funny, I'm rocking the same hairstyle...but not in blue :(
super cool style...personaly it's not my style, but i like the way she created, it works very well on her !!!
super cool style...personaly it's not my style, but i like the way she created, it works very well on her !!!
very cute and très chic
It's interesting, but at the same time it sort of makes her look like Cousin It.
The long fringe just makes the cut. I may just have to get my haircut now...
It's so severe and mysterious on her already v. defined features, but it looks great on her. And I love the blue, it adds color to her seemingly colorless wardrobe (although the pieces she works with are simply incredible)
I believe in duality of functionality and style. So I wonder. How do they resist the urge to clear their bang away? Can they even see clearly?
Normally people sort of hide behind the long fringe or wild color, but the top girl so owns it in a fashionista kick butt way. She's gorgeous. The bottom woman is more conventional- a cross between Chrissy Hynde and Joey Ramone- not that there's anything wrong with it. Just a slightly more predictable alternative.
I really like that look, its chic without being trendy, and very classic.
I've had bangs for about 8 years - still do. They've been very short to eye length and everywhere in between. I love that length but its hard to keep it from poking you in the eye. Love the blue too, how great is that!?
What amazing blue hair! It almost looks natural. No, really, it's beautiful.
I wonder is the 2nd lady knows who Johnny Ramone was...
adams family
as two photos together i love first of all the color and pattern, also the repitition of two similar but different styles taken up by these chicks. however i dont get the 'style' factor and dont get how ppl can go 'ooh fab'.
The blue color is inconsistent on too fine hair, and the bottom cut just reaks of impracticality. how many ppl would one bang into with the curtains down? johnny ramone always had eyes poking below the fringe. but we are in 2008 hey? anything goes...
this is prolly too negative for posting, however i can see why they have been published as they are'interesting'. i love the photographer being photographed.
Doesn't anyone else think her hair is actually ridiculous and would be sure to drive even a sane person crazy? Can you imagine how many hundreds of times a day you'd be brushing them from out in front of your eyes? And also, since I'm obiviously missing the chic statement here, I'll take my criticism one, ugly step farther . . . doesn't she look JUST like a deranged Katie Holmes in that first shot? Someone needs to have her thetans audited . . .
i love the black and blue combination. chanel blue satin would be the perfect nail polish.
Lovely hair, but what happened to India? Left already?
shoulder pads are the new it thing.
bomber jackets and bangs oh my.
love the black everywhere. love. love.
Beautiful peacock gradient hair...looks very natural in a way as another comment mentioned. The boxy jacket silhouette w/ the shoulder pads complete the volumous look. Plus the fact everything is in black, slims her down and creates an even stronger boxy silhouette.
PLEASE, PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP ME: I need to know where to go in the Seattle area for a great haircut. So far, I got hideous "layers" or the Kathy Holmes/Victoria Bekham long in the front-short in the back bob. So out! Please help me!
WOW. so much drama--love it.
to momo at 11:02: I have very curly hair and after years of simple layered haircuts to simply avoid the "pyramid" look, I found a stylist that encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. now I have a short, angled bob that I get compliments on daily! If you find someone who understands curly hair, there is so much more to do with it than we all originally think when coming to terms with our hair.
The blue hair has a great vibrant range to it. That's one of the reasons it looks so great.
The bangs and the leather jacket (oh the photo at the bottom) reminds me of Francois Hardy.
I had the second haircut for years and you end up with a crick neck from constantly tilting your head back in order to look at the person you are speaking to.
HAHAHA! The ultimate metaphor for women's disempowerment through fashion. sacrificing vision???
it definitely looks great in the photo... but jeez, can you imagine getting strands of hair stuck in your eyeball? yuck.
bang bang boogie! Louvin'it like.
When I was 14 I tried to dye my black hair electric blue with Crazy Colour. It took me ages to pluck up the courage but I didn't realise you had to bleach your hair first - duh! I ended up with very soft, shiny still-black hair.
Wow! I want to look like the first lady with the blue hair. All it takes is a great hair-do and a slick of panache. Love it!
When Q magazine had Chrissie Hynde answer questions from readers, one asked how she could ever see anything with her fringe over her eyes. She said (endearingly) that she can't see a thing, and when she's home, she just clips it right back all the time.
I love the fringe in these pictures. The blue hair is perfect with her icy skin. Her coat and purse are also put together well.
I love the blue, esp. paird with a look that manages to combine proto-punk (Johnny Ramone) and sophistication.
"blue is the color of my true love's hair"
I think it makes them look older than they probably are.
I do like the blue tint though.
I have this cut and i love it...very "French" and lovely and i always get a ton of compliments on it.
The haircut is definitely very cool.
But how can you see?! I know...sometimes fashion is not meant to be practical. Who cares if it looks great, right? At least when you get hit by that bus when you cross the road from not being able to see, you look gorgeous!
Seriously, they do look great!
The cuts are totaly fierce! I love it and I totally adore the lady with the Miu Miu Patent Gathered Bag which are so hard to find these days even second hand designer stores are sold out in Hong Kong.
Too bad if you look like that on the Gold Coast (Australia), people would judge you straight away! I guess it's the Gold Coast where everyone are to scared to be different. I totally don't belong here (Gold Coast that is).
LOVE the blue-haired gal. Her hair isn't even just plain blue; it's a mixture of seagreen, turqoise, and a little bit of violet on the crown, I think. It looks fantastic, especially with such a precise cut - every hair is in its place - and her pale skin. She's totally rocking the look with that enigmatic, Mona Lisa ghost of a smile.
If she were to walk down the main city street Queen Street in Auckland, New Zealand everyone would goggle at her and wonder at her daring. Auckland is like the Gold Coast; as kee kee said, it is hard to be different and unique here, especially because NZers have a condition called Tall Poppy Syndrome (basically a fear of standing out from the crowd).
LOL @ Tina's comment about being knocked over by a bus ('cause you can't see where you're going with that kind of haircut). At least your hair will look fabulous in your open casket ...
really strong looks...i dont know how this can work in everyday life though....its shouts 'fashion victim' to me...
I must have that handbag!
Bangs are the new botox. Count me in.
Verrrry YSL.
the top girl is katie shillingford, fashion editor at dazed and confused
i wish i could pull of that hair. it's stunning.
to answer questions about bangs = impaired sight...
i have very long bangs and i can see just fine. usually they lay just right so that people can even see my eyes. people often look more dramatic in pictures than in everyday life. keep in mind that the shadows from the bangs in these photographs make the optical area seem darker than it would face to face.
I also have brow bangs, they're the perfect accessory for any outfit.
the blue is amazing.
I love weirdly colored hair when it works. And it works on blue hair chick. It really requires a great cut and so many times you see these girls running around sporting pink or blue hair with grown-out styles. You gotta be chic about it or you look lazy. This lady rocks it. She even rocks something I dislike - 80's shoulderpads. Yes...they work ON HER. Don't try this at home youngsters.
The bottom girl calls to mind Chrissy Hines' sexy, overgorwn bangs. A great screen to hide behind.
I love both these girls.
The Chrissie Hynde look is baaaack!!
just add her sex-appeal... and there you have it: a great recipe for a goooooorgeous woman!!!
yeah australians tend to dress alike --beach culture...
the 'lady with the blue hair' is katie shillingford from dazed & confused magazine. she used to live with gareth pugh and is one of his muses. she's totally lovely and her hair is constantly changing colours.. and her style is always spot on
goth done right. :)
the bangs are fantastic!
The womans of dark visual... It seems one of my! :)
If I could have any bag in the world I would choose that Miu Miu bag.