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Comments on "On the Steps...Pale Pink Sneakers, Paris"
This is a new favourite.
I love the Jacket and the pink sneakers are genius.
He looks really great...a little like Kenzo Takada!?
Uniqlo khakis fit nicely, and they're definitely the cheapest you'll find.
Spring and winter together in one outfit! It’s still cold, but seeing here this jacket, scarf and gloves makes me feel tired… Although they aren’t ugly, I’m much more interested in the shoes, pants and bag which are also very inspiring for women.
Actually, I'm noticing the new trend in men's bag -- no more messenger bags or straps over the shoulder.
love his pinnnnnnk shoes!:D
i bought a similar pair of slim khakis @ uniqlo for 30$!
In Japan! You can pick up khakis and other trousers with that cut very easily in Tokyo, where that style is the norm.
oh my. the pockets on that jacket - wonderful. and pale pink with khaki is soooo right.
I've ponder that too! I went to a vintage store the other day and saw a few pairs that looked like they would have had a slim fit on me but I was rushed for time :|
The pink shoes are interesting. I don't think I'd wear them, but its a refreshing and eye-catching departure from what you'd normally expect to be worn with these colors. Nice shot!
Michael Bastian has chinos like that. I love the mix of the masculine blue scarf with the feminine pink shoes then balanced out with a neutral white bag.
These aren't even slim. You want to try:
Uniqlo Vintage.
J Crew Classic cut.
And the best:Barba Napoli.
I saw a pair of Slim cut khakis from Modern Amusement.
I saw a pair of slim khakis from modern amusement.
Regarding the slim khakis: There are a lot of Swedish brands with slimmer khakis; Acne, J. Lindeberg, H&M etc.
Good hunt!
Acne makes a great slim khaki.
Polo has some slim-cut khakis in very nice fabrics, but the model name eludes me (Bleeker, perhaps?).
Incotex is another option, as they're cut quite slim.
Both of these suggestions may be less casual than what you're looking for, given the photo you've posted.
Jacob Cohën
This look is a little too sloppy for me. The pale pink sneakers look like something he found in the alley.
You can get slim khakis like that at Uniqlo in NYC. Vintage Chinos is what they are called, I believe. They're like $40.
Check out www.acnejeans.com or visit one of their Acne Studios and look at their chino collection. I think the slim model i called expand and they are available i several colours i think. Very niiiiice
uniqlo has slim khakis like those!
i like his accessories choices as much as the jacket. those shoes, that bag, and that scarf are an unexpected and great combination
Sart they have slim khaki's like that at the Polo Rugby Store.
I love the composition of the colors. The deep blue scarf is especially fab combined with the pink shoes and the white bag.
Agree on the cut of the jacket and the way the check matches at most seams. Even though I am not a slim guy, I know Brioni makes slim khakis like that, and also Trillion in Palm Beach cuts their pants slim like that. I loved the briefcase, even though it looks like canvas, the rigidity of it makes it look like leather- anyone knows who makes it? I use a Bonnie Cashin for Coach vintage briefcase for work, but when it wears out I will have to get something else. Jorge from W Palm Beach
i got slim khakis like that from ZARA.
Helmut Lang used to make a fine slim cut khaki.
You want Crate Chinos. Enjoy.
Where can I get slim khakis like that? Where?!
I wish my husband had this style (ok, except the pink sneaker).
i actually have some similar khakis. they're helmut lang vintage about 5-6 years. i think marting margiela currently makes something like that.
that shoes and that scarf. uau
Well, to me the jacket looks like it fits too snugly, and while the individual pieces of this outfit have merit, not much seems to work together. But I do like that the background colors compliment the colors of the scarf, jacket and khakis.
~ Miss Mary
looks like he slept in his ill fitting clothes to me. even on a small man like him the buttons on his jacket are straining. I love this site but some days... I mean doesn't fit matter? If not then what is it just big scarfs?
Cheap alternative for the slim khakis but H&M's Label of Graded Goods line of khakis are as slim as these.
I have a pair of similar slim khalhis from Diesel from about two years ago. I really like these. The pink sneakers are so quirky yet appear completely natural. But I wish he had unbuttoned the bottom button of the jacket, then he'd look more at ease at the top and less stuffed.
I, too, am wondering about the khakis...I need a new pair for spring.
Ah, purest inspiration.
Great Kakhis! About where to get ones.....you can try Marithie François Girbau.... I know cause I have ones and are like those :-D
About the jacket yesterday I went to a meeting and I saw one like this but was black with white dots....it was great!
Love the khakis. I could go without the shoes tho.
Nice man-bag! I like the pants, too.
try Dr. Denim.
or Zara.
uniqlo vintage khaki is almost exactly like those.
how is it that mixing such classic
elements, he manages to
look so quirky?
i love it.
A lot of swedish brands, like Acne, Our Legacy and Whyred have slim khakis like that.
Rock on in your pale orchid sneakers, brave, tiny man!
J. Crew makes a great men's slim cut khaki.
Thats a nice outfit. Really like the scarf and the shoes :P Btw Dockers have some nice slim khakis http://www.dockersstore.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=3015280&cp=2271557&ab=slimfit_menspantsheader_2_19_08
Why did he close the lower button? would look better otherwise
I have seen similarly slim khakis from Gap (last year's collection) that looked like that on the person that wore them (but they didn't on me!!!).
i got mine from Dockers...
my favorite slim khakis are INC international concepts
Paul Smith has some nice ones, Uniqlo also does some really nice slim chinos.
These pink sneakers are absolutely fabulous in this outfit. They go so well together with navy scarf and camel khakis. Great colour mix. I love it from head to toes.
Really cool guy with a great outfit...besides the shoes. If you wonna get some slim khakis you have to come to come to Stockholm. Look at Acne;)
pink shoes caught me off guard, but they add character and fun! I could see it with oxfords too, but the sneaks just are just enough offbeat-ness...?
I got some pants like that a Lacoste last year about this time.
You can get them at the Polo Rugby store. I have a few pair and they're great.
Uniqlo Vintage Chinos are relatively slim and fairly priced. A lot of higher end brands have nice fitting chinos as well. I've seen some solid offerings from margiela, our legacy, paul smith, cdg, helmut, among others.
yeah gap sold them as "the boyfriend pant." they fit perfectly but they aren't %100 cotton and feel too synthetic.
Filippa K!
The Steve or Mcqueen Chino.
I second uniqlo. Cheap too (40 bones)
try a pair of washed cotton incotex trousers and you will fall in love!!
try Kiton or Isaia.
but where's the yellow tape? she took it with her, didn't she?
Believe it or not, Brooks Brothers has a slim gentleman's khaki available--and the material is lovely!
The look is great. I can't really find any flaw in it. Contrary to what was said about the blazer, I think it is the weakest piece. The silhoutte is great. The cut is good and the length is perfect. It could be just the flap pockets, the size of the plaid, or the 3 buttons. They just make the look a little too busy where as everything else is stark, neutral and simple.
Acne Spring/summer has a set of 'pop' chinos in 3 different fits- slim, reg, and wide. Chinos seem like an epidemic now.
they also have a lavender version of the Stroll shoes coming out- very sensitive shoe
Honestly Folks,
how atractive Uniqlo, ZARA or even H&M sound compared to Helmut Lang, Brioni or Kiton!
We are talking chinos / khakis and this is an item that lives by how it fits (and i mean the fit, here) the individual not how hip or exclusive the brand may be!
As Mr. Yves St. Laurent said "We must never confuse elegance with snobbery"
Think about it!
About the sportscoat, seams are done well!
Still it looks a bit tight if u ask me, but this could also come from a sweater worn underneath or from the fact that ist is buttoned where it shouldnt be ;) Maybe it was just cold!
The bag-is there a more masculine alternative? And im not talking messenger or flight attendent bags.
Pale pink sneakers add the lill extra touch! Nice!
And Scott, please confess that you took the pic just for the scarf ;)
Winter on top, summer on the bottom. Not every man could pull of the pink shoes, but he does.
Uniqlo Khakis is the best
Come to Stockholm. Everyone's doing the slim chino/khaki-thing this spring (even H&M...). Slightly tapered in the lower leg, and if you're in the mood - roll them up an inch or two
I barely noticed the sneakers (I cheated and read the title first).. but they are just the right amount of colour to make this outfit really pop!
all the people like the pink sneakers,i loooooveee the bag,so simple,but with the whole outfit,makes a very sofisticated effect...
svensson jeans has a new straight fit chinos in their shop in sweden, not sure it's out anywhere else though. nice quality but without the high end price.
double RL has a nice pair
Alot of the swedish brands have slimmer chinos
Marc Jacobs had slim khakis a few seasons back...there was that exact shade of pink Converse at Urban Outfitters.
If you're in Paris go to Arthur and Fox (upstairs) on Blvd St. Germain (across from Cafe Flore and 2-3 doors down from Lipp) for slim khakis (either cigarette or slash pockets).
get them at apc. i picked them up in january but i feel like they must still have them.
Pink shoes and beige khakis, nice combo! You can get fitted khakis in many, many places in Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. Lightweight casuals to take you from day into night in abundance over here thanks to the hotter climes.
I like his outfit but the khakis should be hemmed up so they won't drag and get too dirty.
I believe Weekday in Stockholm has Cheap Monday khakis and perhaps other brands too...!? But you have probably gotten enough tips on where to get some. Just in case I guess.
I'm not sure I like the pink look on guys, it's so soft looking with the white bag. But I like the rest of the outfit, the cut of the jacket is definitely nice.
nice khakis - but where can you get those fabulous pink shoes???
you can find slim khakis on carlings in sweden, costs 595 kr.
Dr Denim has khakis exactly like those...my husband bought them in Grey.
I think there is a new Dockers model that is that slim, but i also think its made exclusively for the swedish market since our taste in slimness is well known..
Yes, please, does anyone know who made those shoes?
The jacket looks very equestrian. The small lapels, the pockets and the fitted waist. Very similar cut to a ladies riding jacket.
Coast * Ahaus * Weber, or whatever they are called, make nice slim khakis.
Sart, you should try Bills Khaki's M3 model...short rise, fitted through the seat, trimmer leg. Have your tailor taper the legs even more to get a nice trim silhouette. Incotex does cut their khakis very slim, but they aren't worth the $300 bucks you'll pay at some retailers. They are the same quality as a pair of Corbin or Ballin pant you could find at Saks (both manufacture pants for Saks private label). The selection of different fabrics Bills Khakis offers is very nice as well! Everything from their heavy 10 oz twill to their supper light poplin and chamois cloth...!
LOVE the white - looks like leather - bag.. + the pink Sneakers!!!!
Where can I get them!!!!
This guys is cool....!!!
LOVE this website to death...
I have never before seen a man pull of pale pink sneakers.
i want those pink sneaks too. i just did my best and cannot find. would love to find and will now try to recreate, or just stop, and let him rock this look on his own.
try old navy
or maybe the juniors high-skool uniform department @ macy's
love his shoes, sart!!!
I have those sneakers. I didn't buy them at some fancy-shmancy sneaker boutique. No, I scored them for $7 bucks TJ Maxx in Medford, Oregon. And they were in the women's section. I call them my "Converse All-Pinks."
I'm more interested in the jacket, where can I get a jacket like that? It doesn't have to be exact, but that jacket looks so nice!
I actually don't like the combination here at all, but I adore every piece in it, and they all fit him very well.
Dockers now makes a slim fit =)
Let me know and I can get you a pair
Where can I get that Jacket?
For slim fit khakis, you just buy a good old Docker, go to an alteration shop and they'll do the trick...
Our Legacy chinos are the best slim fit I have found.