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Comments on "A Different Day, A Different Mood for Silver Eyes, New Delhi"
Looks like comfort and style - great combination. Fun and practical. That's good, too!
Imagine this in NY.
Another beautiful photo, and a fantastic combination of clothes that go so well with the wearer.
I don't know whether it is the light, the people, the backdrops, or all three, but India seems to suit your style incredibly well. I have loved every photo you have taken there.
The lightning is perfect.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Now that's a more realistic look for India! The previous one in tights were so out of place with the weather here.
I have been following your blog the last few months and always felt that the people you shoot were just too well dressed to be floating around on the streets. I think the India pictures are definitely far more realistic and closer to everyday life than the rest. Loving them!
Diggin' the slim fit of the shirt+the baggier bottoms. And also the colors in the top+her skin tone and hair...perfect.
The way her hair blows is fierce. I also love the early evening photograph below, so painterly and dream like.
but the same shoes...
I wouldn't recognize her, though.
she is really beautiful.
Not so keen on the bottom half but my what a stunning girl and a lovely top. Great shot.
This is fabulous. Your India trip is only fueling my own desire to go!
Have you ever thought of doing a book?
Simply amazing photo and style. Sart, you've made me notice women's fashion like I never have before. I was always style conscious for myself and menswear, but the combo of your site and a great season of Project Runway has taken my appreciation for women's wear to a new level. Thank you.
I like this look much better. What a change!
i do have to agree that these shots from India are my favorite of yours....just beautiful :)
I like her hair. Its almost like she turned around, and you snapped her picture. Great colors.
Great picture - I love her waistcoat and the proportions of her top and bottom - she rocks the trousers and that hair.
I love your pictures from India - as an Indian living in London, I love how contemporary these pics are. And beautiful.
gorgeous! love how she can transform herself. she is fabulous
Can't help but notice you picked 2 fashionistas in a city of millions and posted two images each of them. No doubt they are great shots but can't help but ponder what fashion statements are made each day on the streets of Delhi by real people.
the possibilities are endless with this girl.
i admire her.
She looks a million times better here. The hair is gorgeous, and the ease of this shirt/trouser combo is lovely. I wouldn't even realize this was the same woman as the previous photo.
Wow. I really like this. She looks pretty, yet natural and she looks like a woman and not a girl as in the previous post. Look I'm saying something nice for a change.
What a gorgeous woman! I love the way she's cropped her pants and the beautiful embroidery on the top.
Your pictures are amazing!! And the girl is so cute:) Such a beauty!
very interesting picture,considering the green-yelow car behind,just great...
this is what India is now.People always expect it to be extremly disconnected with the rest of the world somehow.
Perfect colours in the photo.
I love how you can see her confidence in the pictures. She can carry off anything.
I love the way she can pull off the baggy-sweat-pants type look of those pants while at the same time wearing heels. She looks good yet so comfortable and casual
i thought she was 14 in the previous photo!
Interesting how this is hippie/boho chic, but when you think about it, the original inspiration for Western hippie chic comes, at least in part, from India.
I'd love to know where she found these clothes, and/or who designed them? In any case, I love every aspect of this outfit, and I'd wear it entirely.
OK, now if that doesn't rock from here to eternity, what does? Gorgeous!
Love the relaxed mood of this photo.
What a difference! Fantastic contrast in style and mood.
Ah, what a difference. These baggy trousers are fabulous. And the details of the vest are stunning. This is one of my favorite looks from India because I could easily see myself emulating this style and feeling comfortable and attractive.
wow. i can't believe that's the same woman. i admire versatility in fashion.
Well, it does help that she is absolutely gorgeous. I like the combination, but I'm wondering how it might look on an older woman with a few extra pounds....
Where can I get those shoes? They look terrific.
In colors that otherwise would have blended into the background, the citrus green and yellow enhance the details of her shirt and patttern of her capris, equating to a beautifully scenic picture. The tree works in the same manner as well!
This woman is fantastic. What an eclectic balance to her previous fresh, conservative, pink-shirted look. If it weren't for the shoes, I wouldn't have believed you that this was the same woman...
Fabulous colors on the background!
She is gorgeous.
With all these India photos I love the contrast between the typically urban dress and the rural surroundings.
Gees Sart, how many more of these are you hiding from us? So fresh. Show them now!
V. (very fed up with Milan)
Awesome. I love the loose, casual pants paired with the detailed top and heeled shoes. Great contrast!
People in India are seriously stylish. And these are some of the absolute best pictures I've ever seen on this blog (well, I like all of them, but these are some of my favorites).
@ books:
Um, the surroundings are urban too. The shots are all from New Delhi. India's urban areas just happen to be a bit greener than their counterparts in most Western countries.
Good lord this woman is stunning! She was in the first shot as well, but in a completely different way. I love that she is wearing the same sandals and similar menswear-type bottoms but in a totally different look. She's amazing. Gorgeous hair and fabulous embelleshed vest.
I really like that there is some "Indian-ness" to her oufit. You couln't just cut and paste her into NY.
Soda the warrior princess. I love the pants.
Love her hair down and the very different look from her other picture. What a fashion chameleon! More pictures from India please!!!
Hey, I think I'm falling in love with this woman.
Unlike the other Indian woman in earlier posts who has that irritiating Amelie ingenue thing going on, I love how intense and fierce this woman looks; how unabashedly sexy and menacing.
i don't like the shoes with the rest of the outfit, but everything else looks very fresh.
ohhhhhh my. she is gorgeous, and so is her top. ayeye!
cool to the power of a million...
What a face!
Love the light as well.
Perfect blend of ancient India + British Raj + Indian beauty (those Eyes n hair!)
The light is great! I think there is a great difference in the light of your photos from India comparing to the photos from Europe ot NY.
she's great. i love your India picks!! makes me want to go 10 times more now !
Is that a shalwar she's wearing?
so wonderful
Is this really the same woman? She's gone from proper in pink to relaxed and sexy; I didn't recognise her until I read the entry title. Love this whole outfit, especially the fit of the pants.
loving the harem pants...i want them
Please photograph Lauren Davis. I saw her at Conde Nast today and I think she is the chicest woman alive.
That top is fantastic-- so earthy yet sophisticated and vibrant. I love how her hair just falls loosely around her, letting the wind just take it however it wants.
Wow, you know sometimes I don't always agree that the hodgepodge of clothes works in some of the photos. Not here. This works. In such an effortless and beautiful way. I love the drops of colors and her long flowing hair. This is an amazing photo.
Isn't this the same woman from the earlier post with the tights? If it is she is quite the style chameleon.
She is stunning, I saved this outfit to my lookbook :-)
these pictures from new delhi are so gorgeous, thank you for sharing them with us: i feel as though their use of colour and the different shapes the fabric makes of the clothes makes the fahsion so much more organic than in north america...
their clothes (from what i know) don't scream a certain designer... but they rival any new yorker...
At the risk of sounding cliche... FIERCE!
The textile design of the top is a variation of the design which was called "Miriam Makeba" in N.E. Congo during the sixties of the 20th century. In many parts of Africa each extile design had its own name. Very likely this still is the case.
Love the hair and how it frames her face. Fierce!
The top ensemble is interesting and fun but the bottoms are a let down with the shoes.
Love the India shots! When are you going somewhere in Africa?
This is probably the best outfit I've seen on here for a while, which is crazy considering how many amazing outfits there are.
Her eyes are piercing in their intensity, without appearing angry or malevolent. She has the eyes of an icon (as in Orthodox iconography). You may have taken photos of her for the world to look at, but it is she who is looking at us. Visceral and a bit surreal.
Chic Bohemian. Love her attitude.
What an incredible change. One day a girl, the other day a woman :-)
Colors are wonderful !
Great photograph...the camera really loves her.
she looked so innocent and whats the word... direct in the first picture you took of her, but in this one.. she's all va va vooom and femme :D
Lovely but I would really like to see what non-fashion-professionals are wearing in Delhi. 2 posts each of 2 fashion professionals makes me suspect that you have not found enough other inspiration?
I really do admire your pics, Sart. But I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed that you've featured two of the same people from New Delhi twice. Where's the mix?
India is just my favorite. Where else can you see women in bright orange saris moving baskets of bricks? Or walk alone at night and maneuver around cows?
She's beautiful. She's very fashion forward --those knickers and the form fitting blouse would be seen very "daring" in some places in rural India (like out in Rajasthan).
I hope you're having fun. I've got lots of travel stories about India. Are you going to see Falguni & Shane?
She looks like she didn't try too hard. Loving the way she mixed it up, very individual.
the shape of the trouthers ist gorgeous
I sense sentiments of one enamoured...
Hope you had a great trip : )
that's absolutely amazing - fantastic.
Great slice of life photo! I always find the best clothes for a given individual or situation don't draw attention to themselves. They facilitate - they don't dominate.
the overshirt strikes me as unnessecary and detrimental.
but gosh it warms her skin tone..
on a different note, the hair over her left shoulder contrasting the truck is fantastic. and how it starts so evenly in the autumn leaves and falls down.. nice.
India suits your camera.
Those shorts are epic!!!
fantastic everything--inspiring--thanks!
it's amazing how clothes and hair can change a persona. in the pink blouse and neat updo, she looked demure. here is looks sexy sophisticated with her hair down and no stockings.
OMG! I love it! I love her, the outfit, the photo! I love it all.
i love the relaxed-comfort pants look with heels. awesome. also the colors in the photo are beautiful as well, so is the lighting!!!
trés chique!
But i would have worn flats instead of those shoes..
Thank you for capturing fashion and style in rising countries. I've been to Southeast Asia this past winter and the women from Bangkok to Ho Chi Minh City proved that original style transcends money and designer names.
love it.
Fantastic. And conclusively disproves the argument that you only shoot women pigeon-toed or with legs crossed at the ankles!
This is pretty much what I want to look like everyday during the summer. Great!
this would look really stupid anywhere else. but i guess location must be a consideration when dressing, i.e. resort wear.
She looks beautiful and mysterious, and yes exotic, in the dictionary intriguing unusual beauty.
I was called exotic when younger.
Dear Sartorialist,
I very much appreciate your blog and your work. It is a true inspiration to me.
I am amazed with your latest shots taken in India and I think it is a very positive contribution to the diversity on your blog. However I am curious about your motivation to use the same model again. Why did you do this and are you planning to do this more often? I wonder about how much these photo's are prepared and how much control you take in them. Although they are very nice shots it loses spontaneity and becomes fashion photography as known from magazines etc.
All the best for the future.
congratulations for the blog.
that is one beautiful girl and her style is great, could have walked the catwalks I think
Amazing girl! I really love that combo.
juliet xxx
in some poor countries they use metallic silver markers to line their eyes
An inspired combination of colors and casual and more dressy touches. And of course, she's stunning!
I am from India and I want to thank you for exposing the culture and fashion from the country. It's a great change from the European countries and America.
This works better for her. I dig it!
I love the composition of this photograph. Rich colours in the background. Beautiful movement of the hair, gorgeous face and top. Not really feeling the shoes, but overall, I couldn't stop looking at this photo for a while.
We miss you! Where are you?
Life is beautiful and your photos are so full of life. When I see them I can´t help but think that we have to fight for our individuality. At last that's what defines us, what creates our style. Your work reminds me that I have to stay true to myself, to my taste, to my heart. Thank you, Scott! Living in a third world country sometimes kills my fashion thoughts, but then you appear and make me want to dream a little bit higher!
Kisses from Mexico!
Her free relaxed style comes through, and her hair in the wind adds to this care-free feel.. I like how she paired everything together mixing in traditional items, and I love how her pants are gathered like that..
Why imagine this in NY? Why can't you simply imagine it as it is - in India?
It looks like she's wearing some classic Candies, which I love. A fifties Barbie shoe. :)
no photo from you for the 4th day now.....where are you? please come back quick. i need my daily fix. by the way beautiful beautiful photos. thanks sart, you're the best.
I think the fact that you've used the same person twice shows your keen eye for individuality and your sense of taste. The way people antagonize you for your choices irks me and I question why they follow your blog. Just show them what's up Sart and keep doing your own thing. I like to call these people "haters" and right now I'm "hatin'" on them.
Absolutely stunning!!
I love her whole look, the background colors, how her hair looks like its being blown~
Great photo! and very personal and interesting style
The hair, the shoes and the outfit - very v nice :)
she is stunning. the colors of India r make for stunning backdrops.
The pants look kind of funny, but not on her. She's really beautiful.
she looks amazing!
This is such a beautiful shot. She herself, is gorgeous, and the look she has put together is elegant and unstudied at the same time. That is really the point isn't it.
Sorry had to steel this pic from you:) that is fabulous!!!
I love your India pictures too - so winsome. I love how you imbue every photo with some dignity.
Wow! She...is....GORGEOUS!!! Her outfit matches the backgrounds and her stunning beauty!!! Wow!!!
OMG! that is so beautiful!
ahhhh omg...makes me want curry now!
lovely wild beauty....
She's breathtaking. And her look isn't bad either.
Perfect picture! Love everything about it!
cool cloths. Its Asia!